From: [s--m] at [Eng.Sun.COM] (Sam Bell) Newsgroups: Subject: CH: Write-Ups: Marvel Misc (Dragon Man, Dreadknight) Date: 25 Apr 1996 01:05:57 GMT I hope people don't mind me interrupting the "Christian" thread. Dragon Man 105 Str 70 27 4 Levels Growth, Always On 17 Dex 21 7 1 Level Density Increase, Always On 63 Con 106 30 30/30 Resistant 25 Bod 22 25 LS: Self Contained Breathing, Pressure, Radiation, Temperature, 3 Int -7 Disease 8 Ego -4 5 Lack of Weakness 30 Pre 20 5 Flash Defense 0 Com -5 26 1/2 End Cost Str [5] 60 Pd 43 80 20d6 Energy Blast, No KB [10, from reserve] "Flame Breath" 60 Ed 46 45 End Reserve: 350 End, 10 Rec 4 Spd 13 27 20" Flight, No non-combat (-1/4), 1/2 DCV 24 Rec - 126 End - 20 4 OCV levels 97 Stn - 3 Climbing 12- --- 5 1" Stretching "Long Tail" 325 6 +3" Running --- +311 = 636 100+ 25 Distinctive Features (Not Concealable, Extreme) 10 2x Stun from Sonics (Uncommon) 15 Phys Lim: Can Be mind controlled by certain sounds 486 Monster Bonus --- 636 Diablo's pal. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to [s--m] at [shonen.Eng.Sun.COM] =============================================================================== Dreadknight 18 Str 8 48 24/24 Armor, OIF 23 Dex 39 6 6pt Flash Def 18 Con 16 3 5pt Lack of Weakness, OIF 13 Bod 6 18 Int 8 45 Multipower: 90 active, OAF "Lance" 17 Ego 14 4 u 18d6 Energy Blast [9, from Reserve] "Alpha Particle Beam" 25 Pre 15 4 u 12d6 AP EB, No KB [9, from Reserve] "Electric Blast" 6 Com -2 3 u 12d6 Explosive EB, 2ch "Rockets" 8 Pd 4 8 Ed 4 30 End Reserve: 540 End, 6 Rec, OAF 5 Spd 17 8 Rec - 30 6d6 NND (def=10pt LS) AOE hex 16ch No Rng, 36 End - OAF "Paralysis Gas Pistol" 31 Stn - 15 +3 OCV w/Lance ---- 20 2 Overall levels 129 3 Inventor 13- 6 Mechanics, Electronics 11- 3 Scientist 4 Sciences: Metallurgy, Physics, Biology, Particle Accellerators 11- 3 Weaponsmith 11- 3 Riding 14- 50 Follower: 249pt Horse ---- + 250 = 379 Hellhorse 38 Str 28 20 3 levels growth, Always On 20 Dex 30 12 1d6 HKA, Reduced Penetration "Bite" 28 Con 32 12 +4d6 Hand Attack "Hooves" 18 Bod 10 9 3pd/3ed Armor 5 Int -5 8 +4" Running 8 Ego -4 3 +1 Perception 28 Pre 18 8 Com -1 4 +2 Hearing 15 Pd 10 4 +2 Smell 15 Ed 9 40 28" Flying, 1/2 End [2] No non-combat (-1/4) 5 Spd 20 Needs 4 hex wide area to fly (-1/4) 11 Rec - Turn mode=23" (-1/4) 56 End - 44 Stn - ---- --- 147+112 = 259 249 base 10 No fine manipulation --- 259 A scientist working for Dr Doom, this poor unfortunate got a mask welded onto his face by his boss. He took off and became a new version of the old Iron Man villain Black Knight II. I thought the costume looked great, I'd like to see more of this guy. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to [s--m] at [shonen.Eng.Sun.COM] ===============================================================================