From: [s--m] at [Eng.Sun.COM] (Sam Bell)
Subject: CH: Write-Ups: Marvel Misc( Darkoth, Darkstar)
Date: 19 Apr 1996 23:59:35 GMT

Darkoth (Desmond Pitt)
55 Str 45   20 20/20 Resistant Pd/Ed
20 Dex 30    4 1" Stretching, strikes only (-1/4)
38 Con 56   24 6d6NND, No Rng, 8ch (def=resistant def) "Nail-venom"
18 Bod 16   18 +6d6 Hand Attack [2] "Tail Strike"
18 Int  8   67 Multipower, 100 active x2 End Cost "Fire-horns"
14 Ego  8    7 u 20d6 Energy Blast vs PD [20] "Force Blast"
25 Pre 15    6 u 20d6 Energy Blast [20] No KB "Fire Blast"
 6 Com -2    7 u 7d6 Ego Blast, +2d6 Ego Drain @ Range [20] 
40 Pd  29
40 Ed  32   23 Desolid, Concentrate: 1/2 DCV, x2 End [8]
 5 Spd 20
19 Rec  -   17 15" Flight, Concentrate: 1/2 DCV, x2 End [6]
76 End  -    6 +3" Running = 9"
65 Stn  -    5 Lack of Weakness
      ---    6 Life Support: Pressure, Temperature
      257    6 Science Skills: Physics, Solar Engineering, Aeronautics 11-
             6 Acting, Bureacratics 14-
            24 3 Combat levels
          +246 = 503

Turned into a cyborg by Dr Doom, further mutated by Diablo, Desmond Pitt
regained his humanity and sacraficed himself to save his friend, Ben

Character write-up by Sam Bell.  Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, 
as long as this note is not removed.  Send comments to [s--m] at [shonen.Eng.Sun.COM]

Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna)
15 Str  5   112 Multipower: Darkforce Control
20 Dex 30    11 u 15d6 Energy Blast vs Pd, 0 End
15 Con 10    11 u 4 1/2d6 Entangle, AOE Hexes, 0 End, Dissipates if KO'ed (-1/4)
11 Bod  2    11 u 7 1/2d6 Entangle, 0 End, Dissipates (-1/4)
13 Int  3    11 u 5" Flight, Usable by Others x 8 mass, 0 End, x256 non-combat
11 Ego  2     6 u 6" T-port, 0 End, x8 mass, x128 non-combat 1 turn delay
20 Pre 10
22 Com  6    77 32" Flight, 0 End, Can't carry any weight (-1/4)
 8 Pd   5
 8 Ed   5    15 +3 w/Multipower
 5 Spd 20
 6 Rec  -     3 English
30 End  -
27 Stn  -
      ---   ---
       96 + 257 = 353

She was really gross when she first showed up in the Champions (the
original Marvel Comic, nothing to do with Hero Games).  She seems to
be a little-powered down in her later appearances.

Character write-up by Sam Bell.  Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, 
as long as this note is not removed.  Send comments to [s--m] at [shonen.Eng.Sun.COM]