*****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Ahhhhh, it feels good to be back to myself a little more. Still physically weak, but at least my head is more or less normal again. A good night of ritual work will do that. Remember Righteous and Dana? Well, they connected with me today, at Luciles. They wanted to hear about my dealings with Maxim. Nothing left out. Dana also wanted to do some stuff with my aura. No, Dad, she didn't do anything TO my aura, but she did want to see what had been done to me magically. They wanted a little privacy, so I took them across the street to Paterson's, got a room(Paterson probably thought we were going for a threesome, the drekhead), and we talked about stuff. After a while, I noticed that Dana was doing some rather unusual stuff in Astral, almost copying my astral traces in some respects. She said that it wouldn't do anything to me, but it was almost as if she was masking some form of focus I'm not familiar with. I tested later to be sure that there was no astral connection to me, and there's nothing I can find. And considering I know what I'm doing when it comes to ritual sorcery, I'd have known unless the astral trace was buried somehow. Question, Dad, about Tutt. I remember him, from before he fragged with my head, as being a relatively decent person, even if he was greedy. What the frag could have happened to him to make him a sadastic SOB?]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <23:03:23/01-31-57> *****PRIVATE: Diana >>>>>[I'd heard that he was sent, of all places, into orbit. A mage, in orbit. Maybe that's what did it.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <23:04:28/01-31-57> >>>>>[Orbit? Mages, or whoever, don't DO orbit. It kills us, or drives us...insane. Oh. So he might have been one of the lucky ones, then, to come back only bent severly rather than broken or just plain dead.]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <23:06:40/01-31-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Niner >>>>>[You haven't responded in over 24 hours. I'm assuming something has gone wrong. Please mail me as soon as you receive this post. I may take some rather drastic actions if I don't hear from you soon...]<<<<< -- Zippy <01:02:15/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Anna >>>>>[Whats the word? Any news on what happened to Niner? Or Rotter? Or anyone?]<<<<< -- Zippy <01:02:15/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Rotter >>>>>[Ping! Any response? I'm starting to get worried about you guys...]<<<<< -- Zippy <01:02:15/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Tobai Dark >>>>>[Tobai, this is really starting to get to me... There's been nothing, not even a message from Niner or Rotter for the past day... Anna's gone quiet too. Please, as soon as you get this, gimme a call. I'm starting to feel kind of alone...]<<<<< -- Zippy <01:02:15/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Moonwalker >>>>>[I know this isn't standard practice, but can you give me some info on a guy called "Kralem"? This is _really_ important. He was on a team that seems to have gone belly-up... If you need some form of payment (I can do anything: you need work? Cash? contacts? info? anything?), that can be arranged. Please, I'm a maiden in distress...]<<<<< -- Zippy <01:02:15/01-02-57> *****NOT TO: Maxim, Interpol, Big 8 >>>>>[Because, Paladin, of the following. One of the by-products of nuclear fission of Uranium is plutonium, which is used in nuclear devices. In addition, Gaiatronics had a truckload of refined tritium for the Olympic fusion reactor hijacked. This points at a thermonuclear device. The other connection is that some runners hit Ares about the same time as some of the other runs were going on, and it appears from the document I saw on AJ's computer that Ares was the primary source for the nuke design. I suspect that Maxim techs revised and improved on it, but the basics would have remained the same. The waste itself tells very little, but all of it together....]<<<<< -- Slash <23:26:48/01-31-57> >>>>>[This hit me personally. A great trajedy. +++++ Include Trideo Download +++++ Good evening, I am Charlie Fingers and this is the evening news. Early this morning, famous nuclear and quantum physicist Janus Spinnaker was found dead in his UCAS Sector, FRFZ apartment. Police have determined that the cause of death was a massive stroke. No traces of foul play, magical or physical, were found. Dr. Spinnaker was 63 and had been in and out of hospitals for the past 4 years for various blood related health problems. Dr. Spinnaker was working for Maxim Arms as a research scientist in the realms of magically assisted cold fusion, quantum computing, and short- duration subatomic particle devices and systems. He leaves behind two daughters and 3 grandchildren. +++++ End Trideo Download +++++ ]<<<<< -- Trideo Pirate <23:34:48/01-31-57> *****PRIVATE: Saeder-Krupp Intelligence Log >>>>>[ +++++Language AutoTranslation engaged: German-->English Sir, we just recieved this. You want to take a look at it. "Well, give it to me, then." +++++ Pause: 1 minute, 13 seconds "The agent can be trusted to be accurate?" She's dead, sir. But yes, without doubt. She was our best agent inside Maxim. "A pity. Maxim killed her, of course." Yes, sir. Sir, if I may comment? "Go ahead." I recommend we sent it up the tower to the Wyrm himself. "Of course we're going to send it to him, you idiot! His board owns some of Maxim, and only they can decide what to do about this! Get away from me and don't come back until you've learned some sense." Yes, sir.]<<<<< -- Saeder-Krupp Intelligence Log <23:41:48/01-31-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Internal Security Log >>>>>["Hello, John." Ma'am. "What have you got for me this time?: Very little, I'm afraid. It appears that things may just be settling down some. No nations are interested in our weapons at this time, and the Big 8 appear to have settled into a slightly different relationship to us. It's too early to see what the ultimate outcome will be, though. "Of course. I see the good Doctor died of natural causes last night after our meeting." Actually, his death was truly natural. I suspect that your conversation with him scared him and stressed him enough to cause the embollism. I had intended to induce the very same thing with drugs or one of our genetically engineered e. coli variants, but it was unnecessary. In fact, one of my assassins was the one who called the police. I'd like permission to promote him. He's done well for Maxim in the past, show's intelligence as well as the ability to think on his feet. He would enhance the unit that we removed Lois from and bring it up to full strength again. "Permission granted, of course. You hardly need to ask my permission, John. After all, he's in your realm of operations." I'll keep that in mind for the future. Anything else, ma'am, before I retire? "Not for now. Sleep well, John." You too, ma'am.]<<<<< -- Maxim Internal Security Log <23:53:48/01-31-57> >>>>>[Sure, I've just got things sealed up here.]<<<<< ---Moonwalker *****PRIVATE TO: Tobai Dark >>>>>[Synthia. High priority. Get me Tobai. I NEED TO TALK WITH HIM! Page him, jack him out, call him, I don't care what, GET ME TOBAI! It's extremely important.]<<<<< -- Zippy <09:44:57/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Rotter, Niner, Anna >>>>>[Please, one of you respond.]<<<<< -- Zippy <09:44:59/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Zippy >>>>>[Tobai is once again beyond my sphere of influence. He is currently employed in a high-security facility. I have been given implicit instructions not to contact him. The best I can do is tell him the next time I see him. Sorry. If I can help in any way, I will.]<<<<< -- Cynthia *****PRIVATE TO: Lynch >>>>>[What exactly do you know about Gutsys? I think a few of my friends may have been done over by him.]<<<<< -- Zippy <09:44:57/01-02-57> >>>>>[Just in case any of you were interested in seeing what the Maxim Matrix attack looked like from the Fuchi end, check out this recording one of my contacts passed me: ***include maximrun.sim*** After a flash of charcoal gray, a non-descript Matrix node opens in front of you. Your reality filter depicts the setting as an almost infinite grassland, with only an occasional hawk passing overhead to represent data pulses transmitted through the node. A brief flip to an external angle establishes your icon as a cheetah with piercing green eyes, though the view returns to first person in an instant. You take off through the steppe, traversing incredible distances with each stride. In short order you reach an oasis, with palm trees and all variety of animals. A lion steps forward to challenge you. Somewhere in the depths of your perception, you feel yourself transmitting the recognition code your intelligence staff gave you earlier. With a flick of its tail, the lion wanders off, no longer blocking your path to the watering hole. Your muscles move you forward at a fraction of their maximum speed, a behavioral addition to your stealth package made possible by your early arrival at the target node. In your subconscious, you can sense your tactical efficiency score incrementing significantly. As you move forward into the Maxim SAN, the landscape changes to that of a military complex. You check your icon and see it translated as an elite ground-assault soldier specializing in tasks requiring speed and stealth, carrying a message pad. Apparently your code identified you as a mid-priority message from one of the Asia plants, though you are eyed several times by roving guards and sniffed by augmented German Shepherds. Someone had the foresight to put the system on passive alert...not a problem unless the knowbots are about, though. A counter suddenly appears in the extreme top right of your display, showing -00:15 and starting to decrease toward 00:00. You feel your anticipation growing as the timer hits 00:00 and flashes red. Around you, all hell breaks loose. You take a few precious milliseconds to evaluate the attacks underway and the defenses arrayed against you. Two of the Shepherds break free from their handlers and start mauling them. Four Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) swoop down to drop cluster munitions on a bunker your scouts identified as the CPU suite for the node. Quickly disguising yourself as a damage assessment and repair daemon, you sprint toward the bunker. You pass the remains of the guards and pick out the central figure in the mayhem below, giving orders to re-route vital functions and for the deckers to get their battle rigs. Your target. Catching the figure unawares, you appear in front of him and offer the databoard, modified to appear as a damage assessment. The enemy sysop takes it and immediately begins losing coherence as the embedded attack programs dig into his icon. You dodge two bullets as you spring back out of the bunker. Maxim's forces are now on full alert, with several figures in heavy battle armor and carrying huge automatic weapons. You don't have a military background so the names are unfamiliar, but the intent is not. To reinforce the point, one of the Maxim deckers opens up on a Shepherd, driving it off of the guard it was attacking. While the Maxim decker maneuvers to hit the now-retreating Fuchi intruder, you slot a one-shot attack program represented as a plasma grenade. With a speed found only in the Matrix, you activate the weapon and hurl it toward the armor-clad figure. The grenade hits and latches on with a powerful magnet. Before the defender can shake it loose, a directed plasma burst ruptures his armor, twisting the icon several times before it lands. Despite the damage, the decker staggers to its feet, attempting to bring its gun to bear on you. Before it can threaten you, though, a bolt of electricity jumps from a nearby ground station and strikes the armor suit. With a few final twitches and a wild string of automatic weapons fire, the figure disappears. You glance over at the source of the lightning bolt and witness it morphing into a drone...the Renraku knowbots have arrived! For the next several minutes you dodge through the chaos, using your lower-powered weapons to distract foes from their engagements with your better equipped but less stealthy colleagues. In one case you're too late...a Fuchi decker goes down under the combined assault of two Maxim deckers and what had to be a defending knowbot. Frag!!! Those slitches weren't supposed to show up for another three minutes and will almost surely overwhelm the 'raku knowbots in the system. Sure enough, the knowbots battle to a stalemate for two minutes, but the defending system shows amazing resilience against the onslaught. Eventually the Maxim system coordinates several of its knowbots against a much larger group of invading programs. The attacking bots, sensing a tactical advantage, pursue the defensive units onto a neighboring node. In the blink of an eye, that part of the Matrix is ripped from reality, trapping the majority of the remaining 'raku knowbots on a node that is now isolated from the primary target area. Fortunately, the mission is almost complete. As you avoid attacks from a knowbot, you spy a satchel charge flying toward the remains of the command bunker. With a prodigious explosion, the system begins collapsing. You take a minor hit from the Maxim knowbot, but its cohesion is already starting to break down. You prepare yourself for the dump shock as the world goes gray again... ***end included file*** Not a bad job, eh? Of course, I wouldn't want to be in this guy's shoes when Fuchi finds out where this bit of simsense came from.]<<<<< --MirrorLynx <10:29:54/2-1-57> *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[ Misson accepted. Forward details as the become available. My team will maintain combat readiness for the duration. ]<<<<< -- Tangent <14:30:12/02-01-57> *****PRIVATE: Griffyn >>>>>[ The announcement that AJ made was definitely true. I've found references to a Corporate Court decision in several systems of Corporations that were involved in the strike on the Warsaw Maxim facility. So far, the information I have been able to gather is pretty vague, but it does mention some kind of central storage area for the devices that Maxim has already produced, and a provision not to produce any more. I know it's not much to go on, but it's the most I've been able to get so far. I still have a few more leads to track down, and I'll let you know as soon as I have more data. I'm going to take some sack-time for a few hours, and then I'll be back on the case. Here's a copy of my notes from jaunts through the corporate systems: +++++include file: maxim_nuke.notes]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:35:12/02-01-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[In my current day job, Maxim's nuclear weapons are not a problem. End of message from that office. In my own time I have wider interests, and my personal opinion is that Maxim's nuclear arsenal is Not A Good Thing. Just so long as it's clear that this is in no way official and I represent nobody here. (Sometimes not even myself ) My personal take is that the orbital test was (a) dangerous - the consequences of a stage failure, for instance, could have been severe, (b) unnecessary - the design was certainly a 'borrowed' one rather than built from scratch, this is century-old tech, (c) intended to intimidate and rattle. All of that worries me. I know several smaller corporations that hold a tacnuke or three. Usually a last-ditch defensive measure. No tests, no fanfare, and thus their arsenals are tolerated. I don't know that Maxim believes in the 'no first use' policy, and they certainly go for scorched earth. It is known that they called in a THOR strike on the remains of the Warsaw facility, isn't it? On the enemy units around there, on their own survivors, the works. Not encouraging for anyone hoping they can be trusted with weapons of mass destruction. >From what I've gathered, the Corporate Court moved forces into place over several days for the Warsaw hit, presented Maxim with an ultimatum, and then moved very fast to enforce it: they knew that Maxim would refuse, stall, whatever. Ensenada, Round 2. Now, the weapons are being consolidated at one location. As you say, it might be desirable to do something about that, although it's much easier said than done. I would be interested in taking some time off work and assisting in any move to neutralise those weapons, though. Nuclear warheads, in the hands of leaders of dubious stability, are one of my many irrational phobiae.]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:54:14/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Tobias Dark >>>>>[FRAG YOU? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU?]<<<<< -- Zippy <14:46:54/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Kralem >>>>>[I need some work done. It deals with a SouTech Research node. Mail me if you're interested.]<<<<< -- Sync *****PRIVATE TO: Sync, Zippy >>>>>[It has just come to the system's attention that you are using two aliases, even though you appear to be one person. You have 12 hours to delete one before your LTG is locked from Shadowland. Have a nice day.]<<<<< -- Shadowland Maintenence 'Bot <14:51:19/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE: Marcos >>>>>[You are dead, aren't you?? Oh shit... +++++pause. 30 seconds. Dammit. Answer me, if you can, please.]<<<<< -- Leonardo (12:56:57/02-01-57) *****PRIVATE: Vargas >>>>>[Hoi. Enrique?? Are you logged in? Tell me where you are, come on, be a good lad. Please?]<<<<< -- Leonardo (12:57:07/02-01-57) *****PRIVATE: Sync >>>>>[Username 'Kralem' does not exist. Have a nice day]<<<<< -- Shadowland Maintenance 'Bot (14:51:19/02-01-57) *****PRIVATE: Diana, Mistress of the night, Action Jackson >>>>>[Oh yeah, that's great. Just blow all the top secret info I worked so hard to get all over Shadowland. Wait until Gryphon gets wind of this. He ain't gonna be a happy camper. Then again, I didn't give you all the stuff I gave him, I just felt he had no business knowing about the 'Diana project'. It's not as if he paid me... Well, the info is yours, do what you please with it. But personally speaking, I find large mailings lists are more secure than reverse encryptions... You at least know who is gonna end up reading your posts... Well, tah dah. Stay sane]<<<<< -- Goku (13:23:59/01-02-57) *****PRIVATE TO: Buzz >>>>>[I need some info. I need it bad, and I need it fast. Who is Kralem? Why does his user handle no longer exist? What relationship does he have with the local Shadowcommunity? Premo pay for this. I need the news by tonight. I need to know EVERYTHING about Kralem. And any possible connections he may have with Gutsys. At the same time, I want to know what happened at the CyberCentre Cafe last Tuesday night. A couple of friends of mine went in there and haven't come back. Suite 17. The owner is talking drek as far as I can tell. Keep this quiet, even if you can't handle it, but I have to know. I mean I really HAVE to know. Cash will come easy if you deliver the goods.]<<<<< -- ZIPPY *****PRIVATE: Zippy >>>>>[I'll see what I can dig up. Of course, this will be free of charge, as I don't like Gutsys anyways. With Kralem's account suddenly no longer in use, I'd hazard a guess that it was fake, or illegal (what ISN'T illegal about this board?:) in some way. I'll check the listserver logs.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Smiley >>>>>[Please forward further details of your proposed operation.]<<<<< --Lynch<17:24:41/01-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Lynch >>>>>[Your source gave us three leads. Two of them are Aztechnology subsidiaries, and both route packages through an outfit called Mayhew Couriers in Seattle (Tacoma, not far from the airport). The third is based out of Carib League, in Miami, and I'm still running around on that one. Mayhew Couriers building layout as follows. +++++include file: mayhew.plan The setup is legitimate and most of their business appears to be genuine. However, see below for the particular items of interest. They operate a fleet of eight vans and one ten-ton truck. +++++include graphic: mayhew.livery +++++include file: mayhew.vehicle-ids Traffic is fairly heavy, about twenty calls by the vans and four by the truck on average each day. Their computer plans and routes the vehicles, and is tied up to the traffic grid (which is how I got in). Normally twelve staff and four security guards on site. Security is a Class 4 contract with Jolly Roger, so not too bad in normal circumstances. The giveaway for us is that every few weeks they cite 'special goods' and up it to a Class 2, rather tougher. The records show a classic switch: look closely enough, and packages come in from Company X (never the same one twice, all fake companies with the invoice paid up-front) and go out registered as from Company Y (usually Renraku or a subsidiary, looks like a little drek-spreading). It holds up perfectly well unless you get into their Matrix. When you do, there are traces left to make it look like the falsification was an outside job, quite convincing ones in fact. The only kicker is that the packages they switch are always bulk shipments of blank memory chips, and always accompanied by a security hike: the 'innocent dupe' scam falls down in the face of that. They're upping to Class 2 security again, tomorrow as of 1700 hours, so I'd guess there's a shipment en route. Grab the chips, and once we have samples we can try and figure an origin. And no, I can't just get them to deliver the stuff to us, they have taken precautions against such measures. This will need a physical entry. I'll cover as usual, for the usual fee. Insh'Allah, my friend.]<<<<< --Mani <19:07:51/1-2-57> *****PRIVATE: Zippy >>>>>[I found a few minor irregularities in Leland's bank account. I, also, checked the Cafe's logs. All the info I have found so far is included in the following file. I'll keep checking and get back to you, if I find out more. I think i'll check the BBS logs, as well. +++++Include CafeSearch.rep]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Gryphon >>>>>[I am sooo happy for you. 'Grasshopper'? +++++Initiate database search +++++done. -Excerpt from Danchekker's '20th century pop culture primer' Grasshopper, n. reference to early 70's TV US TV series. See also - 'David Carradine - Cultural Icon of the 20th century', 'Bruce Lee - The unauthorised biography', [CANCEL] Ah. 'Grasshopper'.]<<<<< -- Goku (06:56:23/02-01-57) *****PRIVATE: Jen and Gabe >>>>>[My principle was most appreciative of your information on Tuesday, and asked me to express his gratitude in an appropriate manner. >>Include Fund Transfer: 20000 =Y=<< I hope the enclosed funds more than offeset any difficulties you might have had gathering the information, and perhaps will act as a retainer for another job he has, if you are interested, of course. It would involve the physical penetration of a small corporate facility as an intelligence gathering operation. If you are interested, please contact me and I shall relay the message immediately.]<<<<< -- Klien <13:53:56/02-01-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Zippy >>>>>[Sorry, Zippy, all I know about Gutsys is the name, the comedy icon, his merchandise and that I don't like him. I'm planning to put a dent in his supply line: pissing in the wind, really, but every little helps. If I turn up any other data, I'll let you know. Sorry about your bros. If you put some real-world moves on the Gutboy, you might let me know? I can't guarantee to help (can't even guarantee which city I'll be in) but he's a nasty enough piece of work that I'd work for ammo money ]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:20:14/02-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Buzz >>>>>[Thankyou. Please check the local morgue records.]<<<<< -- Zippy *****PRIVATE: Zippy >>>>>[Hoi babe, met some pals o'yours a coupla days ago, an' they agreed ta come an help me wit' some product testing. They told me ta tell you that they'd literally _DIE_ with embarrasment if ya got all nervous and called up a big search all for nuthin', like.]<<<<< -- Gutsys (08:23:12/02-03-57) *****PRIVATE: Zippy >>>>>[I'll do that as well, it'll take time though, even with smart-frames.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE TO: Gutsys >>>>>[I'm sorry, but I have absolutely _no_ idea of what you're talking about. There is another user with my handle, but she's based in the Austrian node. I can reroute if you like...]<<<<< -- Zippy <18:54:12/03-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Buzz >>>>>[Stop the search. I know everything I have to know.]<<<<< -- Zippy <18:54:13/03-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Synthia >>>>>[Discontinue the search. Immediately.]<<<<< -- Zippy <18:54:14/03-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Tobai Dark >>>>>[Find me a very good team of assasins. Very homicidal, and very trustworthy.]<<<<< -- Zippy <18:54:30/03-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Gutsys >>>>>[I take it that they're still alive then, correct? Keep it that way. For your own sake. What do you want for their return?]<<<<< -- Zippy *****PRIVATE: Zippy >>>>>[Consider the search stopped. Should you require assisstence, myself and the rest of the Motley Crew might be able to help.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) >>>>>[An interesting incident... It didn't even make the front page. +++++begin included file Seattle Herald-Tribune 2-3-57 ROBBERY AT COURIER FIRM, NINE WOUNDED Late yesterday afternoon, an armed raider attacked Mayhew Couriers in Tacoma, forcing entry and stealing a package before escaping in one of Mayhew's own vans. Six Jolly Roger security guards on-site attempted to hinder the intruder, who retaliated with gunfire. Three employees were also hurt in the attack. The incident lasted less than a minute, and the intruder made his escape before assistance could arrive. The van was later recovered from a parking structure at Sea-Tac airport. Lone Star enquiries are continuing. +++++end file It looks like some wicked evil-doer went in, dropped the guards with tasers and gel rounds, stole a shipping container and then ran away. I wonder what was in that container that was so important?]<<<<< -- Lynch <11:25:41/2-4-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Eriq >>>>>[Thanks for the information. One thousand one-shot chips recovered, and the distribution line will probably change... maybe delays and hassle for Gutsys, maybe no difference at all. But at least it gave me a warm happy glow.]<<<<< -- Lynch <11:29:16/2-4-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Zippy >>>>>[I just intercepted a thousand of Gutsys' chips. Not very nice stuff. Any bright ideas for using them before I stuff them in the furnace?]<<<<< -- Lynch <11:33:57/2-4-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Gutsys >>>>>[Hey, Gutsys, having supply-line problems? Like I said, you're paying off the wrong people ]<<<<< -- Lynch <11:36:04/2-4-57> *****PRIVATE: Zippy >>>>>['Your own sake'...? That sounded like a threat. When people threaten me, I get scared. When I get scared, I forget the Geneva convention. IF you get my meaning. In fact, I got so scared after reading that, I gave your friend 3 hours of the oblivion chip. He's developed a nice little speech impediment, so far. Don't try to trace this. Even a stupid motherfragger knows a few tricks]<<<<< -- Gutsys (05:15:12/02-04-57) *****PRIVATE TO: Gutsys >>>>>[Alright. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. All I want are my friends back. Tell me what you want and we can work on getting it for you...]<<<<< -- Zippy <11:28:05/04-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Lynch >>>>>[My apologies, Mr. Lynch. I fear that your particular talents are not well suited for the particular job at hand. You do, however, appear to have a most excellent track record. Unless you should object, I will keep your name in mind should any likely work pass my way.]<<<<< Smiley -- <13:00:22/02-04-96> >>>>>[ The employment opportunity I announced in my earlier post remains as yet unclaimed. I will reiterate: I am an intermediary for certain parties who are interested in employing capable persons to carry out a covert operation in the Seattle area. The expected payment should be in the area of >>Encrypted<< per individual employed. Further details will be provided in response to inquiries by qualified persons. ]<<<<< Smiley -- <13:10:05/02-04-57> ***** #$^( $^ (Core Segmentation fault error)%*^%^***** ***** ^@#^#@(Removing Corrupted Data)&$&%&***** ***** You don't want to know, we may get it back - we may not. ***** -- Sysop <**:**:**/**-**-**> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Thank you for the "warning," sir. I assure you that Mr. Nox, who I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting, will be quite happy at my clinic. However, in the spirit of our communication, if you have any connections with the aformentioned individuals looking for Mr. Nox, I'd like you to convey a similar warning....no, I'll avoid the worthless platitudes and come straight to the point. Mr. Nox will be under my protection in my clinic. While I am a headware surgeon by profession, I have 35 years experience as an arms dealer, assassin, and all around bastard. I'm a doctor now, and I try to avoid hurting people, but if said interested parties wish to fuck with my clinic, they will find their lives cut short by a very, very patient man. That's not a warning, it's not a threat, it's a fact. Now, if you are just the messenger, you have nothing to worry about. I generally don't kill the messengers. On a lighter note, I do appreciate your contacting me. If you hadn't, I might have gone on using a compromised encryption and you could have continued to monitor my communications.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <09:56:30/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Basilisk +++++Upgrade Encryption. Maxim Msg_Ncr-v16.3d +++++Upgrade complete. Old encryption replaced. >>>>>[Fuck. Just so you know, I got a friendly "warning" from a Mr. Blackthorne that some people looking for a Mr. Nox would likely not like me hiding him. I take it your patient is Mr. Nox, then? And, before you ask, we're still on for today. No "warning" keeps me from doing shit once I've made up my mind to do it. And just so you know, there are no matrix connections at the clinic, and I'm going to add an elemental or two, if I can get Roxey or Max to help with that. OH! Wait a sec, maybe Valentine or his group could help some.... Goddamn it, that means more people who know where the clinic is. It may be time to move it again. Dammit!]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <10:04:45/02-20-57> *****Private:NEuron Basher, Trixie, Gryffin >>>>>[Hey, you two, what's been going on?You two Married or what??? Elixabeth wants to see her auntie Trixie... And you know how she gets... too Bad about Freddy, I was startin' to like the old-coot. Uncle-Mike says that he went out the only way freddy would Gunz a'Blazin, cigar in his mouth and all. what ever that means, I think Mike looked up to him not that he would admit it or anything but well you know my uncle. See ya guys later, He's already got me gathering all the information out there on what happened. Trixie, NB any assists' you guys can offer will be deeply apreciated....]<<<<< -- Riddler *****Private:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Guys, wait a second before you go grabbing all the fake Maxim uniforms that you can. Thats a bad idea. Not the disguises themselves, but getting as many as possible. Whoever the source for the uniforms is, they're going to notice that there is suddenly a big demand on the uniforms. They're going to get more so that they can sell more, and somewhere, someone's going to notice that Maxim uniforms are suddenly at a premium in a certain town, to a certain person. And through that person, to a certain group. I'm not saying don't trust your seller, Redfeather, I'm just saying don't trust anyone. Any obvious motion or action by a group of runners torwards Maxim could very well tip them off to whats going on. If AJ is going to organize this, let him organize it. I don't want to see this fall through because people start working at cross purposes. It hasn't happened yet, I don't think it will happen. But it could happen. Everyone, be cool.]<<<<< -- Blade <12:11:41/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[I'm not certain, of course, but I have reason to believe that your brother may be a magician of some sort. I've not made myself certain because I'd have to cast some unusal spells at him to see how his body and aura react, and I wanted to consult with you first. I've spent decades finding magicians, and I've been wrong before. But I've improved with experience, and your brother shows most of the signs. And yes, I've recovered. Unfortunately. This Valentine's Day only ranks about 18th on my scale of "Best Hangovers".]<<<<< -- Valentine <12:24:35/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[ By all means then, let's find out. Do you mind if I'm present while you're making certain? Have you mentioned this to Kenny yet? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <14:34:12/02-20-96> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Don't worry about your security, Herr Jackson. You were very bad hurt for a while so maybe don't remember me, but i helped putting you back together about a year ago. Even then i only getted to know exactly where the clinic was at the end. Before i always have to put a blindfold on to come or go. I didn't tell anyone, and you can arranging to take us there, so we don't bring someone following. Thank you again.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <19:46:15 GMT/20.FEB.57> *****PRIVATE: Joshaua >>>>>[I heard about your incident at the clinic. I told you not to under-estimate Nox..now look how many guys he offed. Those programs aren't just "loaded" in. They're like instincts...reflexes. Nuff said. Meet me at >>encrypted<< at time slot Mec-1. Be prepared Josh.]<<<<< -- Keaya <15:16:21/02-20-57> >>>>>[C'mon people, there's gotta be somebody out there that can help me. Yer not all off on some altruistic romp to some third world hell like Uzbekistan hunting down Maxim's nukes on the word of that bloodsucker... are you? I'm not offering a lot of money, but at least it pays. One afternoon's work, that's all I need. My street- rep is going down the crapper here folks.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE to: Rumormonger >>>>>[Tune me in on the job again, Rumormonger? I'm just getting started and, if you need a decker, I could certainly help out. I believe MirrorLynx introduced me already.]<<<<< -- Wildcat <13:08:31/02-21-57> >>>>>[What do you need Rumormonger?..I happen to be availible -- Tassie <16:10:02/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[ Alright. I'll take the job. Could use the easy cash for spending money, I suppose. ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <16:16:12/02-20-57> >>>>>[Rumormonger, I'm afraid I didn't see your original offer, but if whatever you need involves field work, I'm available. Let me know what I can do for you.]<<<<< -- Rattler <14:39:25/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[What sort of talent are you looking for? I'm free and have some time on my hands if you're looking for some decker support.]<<<<< -- Dashira <13:47:32/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[Hoi man. What gives? I offer my services, and do you talk to me? No. I'm not busy for the next few days...but, come next Tuesday, I'm outta the sprawl to see my wife and daughter. If the job is before then, shout me, the little girl could use some new clothes]<<<<< -- Circuit <15:12:32/02-20-57> *****Private:Joshaua >>>>>[My talents are at your disposal my friend, any job you can send my way would be much appreciated. I also know a sam who could use a few jobs, his name is Redfeather. A brash youth but good at his job and he has many corparate contacts that could be used. Just alet me to any jobs you have and I will get right on them. One last thing, another bit of info has fallen in my lap your friend Amber is quit angry for some odd reason. I would expect some retaliation from one like her.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <02/20/57 19:13:24> *****PRIVATE: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Kenneth, as far as I can tell, is blissfully ignorant of his potential. He's begun to fit in with those of his age group and has made many friends amoung the rest of the students. Feel free to ask Mozart and the rest of my old students about how difficult growing up as a magically active child was. With the number of magically active children under my care, this should be a little easier on him, if he truly is a magician of some kind, but it will still not be easy. Of course you can be here when we perform the final test. The risk of harm is low, in case we are wrong, but very real. Just so you know, one of my students will be casting a combat spell at Kenneth, low enough force to not severely injure him, but powerful enough that his subconscious will recognize it as a threat to his well-being. I'd try something less dangerous, such as a control manipulation, but I already have. The effects of true magic are sometimes difficult to seperate from just a very strong will. I will be observing the casting as I observe Kenneth's aura and, should his aura not respond, I will be able to dispell the spell before it's full effects hit him.]<<<<< -- Valentine <17:14:58/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Basilisk >>>>>[Ahhh, after Nightmare released me. Now I remember. I'll have Roxey come over in the Hudson, since after that communication, I'm a little concerned about the security. She should be there in, say, a half hour. I'd come along as well, but I'm studing the details for an operation I'm working on. I will be there tonight sometime, however. Feel free to use whatever you feel may help you, and I'll make sure to put a refrigerated sample container in case you have blood or tissue samples you wish to bring with you as well. Until tonight.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <17:20:57/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Foxey Roxey >>>>>[Rox, be a dear and take the Hudson and go pick up Basilisk and his patient, Mr. Nox, and then bring them to my clinic. I'd advise making sure Max is around, just in case.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <17:22:36/02-20-57> >>>>>[Right, AJ. See you in a bit.]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey <17:23:27/02-20-57> *****Private:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Blade you do have a point about the uniforms, but please get one thing straight they are not fake. 100% real articles and a dear friend of mine, Mr. Blackthorne, is the getter. But as I said Blade does have a point, so I took the liberty of buying 5 and only 5. I figure that a small strike team could use them to get into the restricted areas. This is only a plan, please feel free to comment on it and give any ideas. I'll leave the whole thing up to A.J.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <02/20/57 07:25:45> *****Private:Rumor Monger >>>>>[What an odd name you have, but aptly so, what is this great thing you want done. If it sounds right I just might.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <02/20/57 07:27:12> *****Private:Mr. Jackson >>>>>[My good man you abviously misunderstood my intentions, my warning was just that "a friendly warning". My good friend Redfeather has said a lot of good things about you and I didn't want to see you or your clinic get fragged, by either Mr. Nox's friends or by a woman called Amber Snowmane. My appologies if I sounded like I was threatening you, but my friend holds you in high regards. And if he calls you friends so will I. I will relay your message to my assosiates though, good luck in all you under take.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <)2/20/57 19:35:12> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[We are ready to go any time. We will wait at >location<.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <00:46:45 GMT/21.FEB.57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Very well. I'll keep the name "Amber Snowmane" in mind. Thank you for relaying my message. If this Amber individual or Mr. Nox's associates wish to tell me why I should let them near Mr. Nox, please have them contact me directly.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <17:48:46/02-20-57> >>>>>[Need help with what?]<<<<< -- Lace <17:28:38 / 2-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Foxey Roxey +++++Routing: Personal Secretary. +++++Ringing..... Hello? Rox, I'll send you the location. They're ready. PS is set to receive, AJ. Transmitting...+++++ Location Transmitted.....Reception verified.+++++ Got it, AJ. I'll be there in....about 8 minutes. ETA at the clinic, with the blind transfer, about 36 minutes, barring any problems. See you there tonight. +++++Disconnected from Personal Secretary+++++ ]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <17:52:14/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Action Jackson >>>>>[Frag, AJ, someone wants somebody pretty bad. I'll assume the target was the patient, but Bas. was a bit unhappy at the result. His doctor nature, I'm sure. We got jumped. Luckily, it was before the blind, so at worst, the surviving rigger got a tag of the blind location. Max took care of a mage in Astral, some poor slob who was on overwatch, and there were two sammies on bikes. I took care of them with a little manabarrier. Took them right off the bikes. They could have been alive when they hit the ground, but not after the truck rolled over them. I'm glad we took the Hudson, too. They were firing SMGs and looked pretty fraggin surprised when the explosive rounds bounced, even off the glass. And my car would not have been able to pump a couple of rounds into the rigger's car, either. Bas was, and still is, pretty angry for the damage I did to them. But he's a doctor, not a runner. Nox, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by it. But they're there now, and I'll be putting an earth elemental around the clinic. Max has agreed to stop by once in a while too. Talk to you later, AJ.]<<<<< -- Foxey Roxey <18:47:01/02-20-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Actually, at this point, I'd like to start hearing ideas about how we can get around the systems. We've still got recon reports and people who've not said what thier contacts found out to tell us all that stuff, but I think we've got enough to get a preliminary plan going. So, based on what we've all seen so far, let's hear some ideas. I personally agree with Redfeather in that a few uniforms could help get a couple of people inside a little easier, maybe those people who actually hit the nukes. And just what do we need to do the fucking nukes to destroy them, anyway? I dealt arms for years, but never in nukes so my knowledge of them is minimal at best.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <00:24:59/02-21-57> *****Private:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Now this may be just common sense, but I suggest we destroy the missle part and not the warheads themselves or we could contaiminate a really large area and ourselves. I once heard of a chemical that ate away the nucular part of the warheads, I could check into it if need be.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <02/21/57 11:14:23> >>>>>[That, ladies and gents, is more like it. Thank ya all fer yer attention, I'll make my decision based solely on street rep, since no one seems to have any qualms about the cashola.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Well, you're the only one outta that bunch o' Wilsons I've ever heard of, so I guess you got the contract. Now, here's my prob: I've been tapped to grab a warm body for some friends of mine. I slipped into his corp's computer to see what it told me. I grabbed his pers file and set up to surveile his dig before hiring some muscle to lift his butt outta bed. Well, wouldn't ya know it, i'm coming up dry. Sure, there's ways to spoof my equipment, but I'm nervous. I just need somebody to slip into System Design's system and grab all the dirt they can find on one Doctor Felix Acadian, cybersurgeon and headware design specialist, just to back up or refute my data, a second opinion, see? Have at it.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: Keith Neely >>>>>[Yamatetsu's runner seems to be gettting nervous. Threat Analysis suspects he has been sniffing around the dummy residence. We fear he has contracted better Matrix support. There may be a chance the new decker will penetrate the VM and reveal the disinformation.]<<<<< -- Special Agent Antilles (10:32:22 / 02-21-57) Counter-Intelligence (Special Branch), Project Lazarus Fuchi Internal Security ***** Private: Antilles >>>>>[So eliminate the disinformation.]<<<<< -- Keith Neely (11:01:22 / 02-21-57) Oversight Executive, Project Lazarus Fuchi Internal Security ***** Private: Keith Neely >>>>>[Recieved and understood.]<<<<< -- Special Agent Antilles (11:22:33 / 02-21-57) Counter-Intelligence (Special Branch), Project Lazarus Fuchi Internal Security >>>>>[Yo. Rumors. I might be interested. Call me.]<<<<< --Ghost Face Killa<12:16:23/2-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[Street rep going down the drecker? Doubt it. You've gotten a veritable flood of messages streaming your way, and most of them, I'm willing to bet, are in response to your job offer. Am I willing? Not a chance. I trust you as far as I could throw you.]<<<<< --Rage<12:18:30/2-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Gutsys >>>>>[Oh well. +++++include file: irritating.music 980 datachips there on the wall, 980 datachips there on the wall And if one datachip gets smashed with a hammer there'll be 979 datachips there on the wall. 979 datachips there on the wall, 979 datachips there on the wall And if one datachip gets dissolved in acid there'll be 978 datachips there on the wall. 978 datachips there on the wall, 978 datachips there on the wall And if one datachip gets roasted with a blowtorch there'll be 977 datachips there on the wall. +++++SYSOP FILE DELETE: 1.2 MEGAPULSES One datachip there on the wall, one datachip there on the wall And if one datachip gets shot pointblank with a .357 Magnum there'll be no datachips there on the wall. I wonder how much that lot was worth? And I wonder what sort of shape your supply lines are in at the moment? Someone's been shooting holes in them. You might be becoming an embarrasment to those-on-high, Gutsys. Too high a profile, too many mistakes. Perhaps retirement beckons? I'd start watching your back very carefully, if I were you.]<<<<< -- Lynch (21:30:28/02-18-57) *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I concur on not trying to shoot our way through the wire... boy, that's a tough site. Guess it's brains not brawn, then. Answering in order, the IR hot spot is quite likely a power plant: a fusion unit, buried, running a closed-cycle turbine would be my guess. For a heavy hammer blow to help get us in or out, might I suggest Uragans? 1980s-vintage multiple rocket launchers, that with only a little work can be persuaded to be indistinguishable from eighteen- wheelers... until you elevate, train and fire, that is. Sixteen rockets per vehicle, four hundred submunitions per rocket, salvo time less than thirty seconds, range forty-plus kilometres. Old, if not obsolete, by Maxim's standards, but a pattern of those should get their attention. I can get them (probably) but they'll be expensive, and we'll have to accept losing them. If we can risk operating within twenty klicks, I can certainly get Grad-Ps : smaller, cheaper, easier to hide but shorter-ranged. Finding crews is pretty easy, but their reliability will have to be considered carefully. Oh, for those like me who worry a little about such things, the pattern sizes for both are about 800 x 1200 metres per launcher, casualties for exposed personnel run about 50%, and the collateral casualties could be expected to be high. How concerned are we about that? I thought about tube artillery, but we're going to lose any sort of duel with Maxim: they're dug in, we won't be, and I'll bet they have Firefinder radars up just in case anyone decides to shell them. One massive salvo and haul ass sounds like the best option to me: shoot- and-scoot. Just my psychotic personality manifesting... Artillery *is* the God of War At the very least, a distraction that would have a very bad effect on anything not very well armoured in the target zone. If we can get the IFF codes, types and markings for some of their aircraft, that might get us in. One idea: copy one of their patrol helos, start a deception assault, then take their helo down fast and ours comes back in. Right squawk, right markings... It comes back trailing smoke and makes a forced landing inside the perimeter (so nobody by its pad says "Hey, you aren't the usual guys!") and we have a small element inside with a degree of stealth and surprise. Co-ordinate that with a Uragan barrage across the headquarters area (mainly to rip up their comms gear: maybe invest in some heavy-duty jammer gear too) and we gain freedom of movement: we have orders, with comms out their security can't verify them. Which takes me to Redfeather's offer... if you trust your source, that helps one hell of a lot. Is this a now-or-never deal, or can he supply when we ask? I'm thinking out loud. Sorry.]<<<<< -- Lynch <20:28:32/02-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I'm all for Lynch's idea. It's fairly solid. I think we should have some contingency plans as well, that way, if one team doesn't make it, another still can. The only entry I had thought off was a small team HALO jump. If it was done at night from a high enough altitude, into the center of the base, it might work. The recon seemed to indicate that Maxim was looking outward, a fast entrance throught the top might allow those few people to gain access to the base. Keeping out of sight once in will be the trick. If one of these plans is choosen, I volunteer for either.]<<<<< -- Blade <16:01:13/02-21-57> ***** Private: Rumormonger >>>>>[Let me guess, stuck your face where it didn't belongagain? what's this job about?]<<<<< -- GoD *****Private:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I have 5 already, paid for by me, anymore and I think we'd be pushing it. I do trust my source, with my life but not with all of your's. I hope they will be enough.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <02/21/57 05:30:23> *****PRIVATE:MirrorLynx,Wildcat >>>>>Good evening gentlemen. I represent a group of men in a similar profession to your own. We choose to be known as "The Electric Mayhem". We are always looking for like-minded individuals (with the proper credentials) to join our merry band. If you care to join us please contact me at your earliest convenence.]<<<<< --Wintergeist <18:43:20/02-21-57> *****PRIVATE: DRAIG UN >>>>>[Dear Sir, a associate wishes for me to pass these words on: "Sticks an' stones do hurt me bones, but your flames do not besmirch me!", and I belive that I agree with his intent if not his wording. Please do try to be civil when adressing the world entire.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:09:09/02-21-57> Electric Mayhem *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[My suggestion is that we reprogram the warheads to disarm them, ie change the codes to prevent the warheads from being able to reactivate. Then program the missile to malfunction upon launch. This would be very time consuming and very dangerous, plus there is the risk Maxim would double-check the programming on a regular basis. We can also cause the hardware to fuse so it would be harder to repair the weapons, at the same time we can booby-trap any possible repairs they could make.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: MirrorLynx,Wildcat >>>>>[Good evening gentlemen. I represent a group of individuals that choose to be known as "The Electric Mayhem". We are always seeking other like-minded individuals (with the proper credentials) to join our merry band. If you are interested please contact me here at your earliest convenience.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist Electric Mayhem ***** Private: Rumormonger >>>>>[I heard through some of my sources that I wasn't selected for you job. Keep me in mind, I may be new to the running game in Seattle, but I have done a fair bit in Philly.]<<<<< -- Circuit <17:38:32/02/21/57> *****PRIVATE: DRAIG UN >>>>>[Dear Sir, a associate wishes for me to pass these words on: "Sticks an' stones do hurt me bones, but your flames do not besmirch me!", and I belive that I agree with his intent if not his wording. Please do try to be civil when adressing the world entire.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:09:09/02-21-57> Electric Mayhem *****PRIVATE: MirrorLynx,Wildcat >>>>>[Good evening gentlemen. I represent a group of individuals that choose to be known as "The Electric Mayhem". We are always seeking other like-minded individuals (with the proper credentials) to join our merry band. If you are interested please contact me here at your earliest convenience.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:21:21/02-21-57> Electric Mayhem *****PRIVATE: Wintergeist >>>>>[Can't speak for my associate MirrorLynx, but I'm up for a non-exclusive membership in your organization. I'm new and don't want to be tied down, if you know what I mean.]<<<<< -- Wildcat <17:26:42/02-21-57> *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[ What the frag are you trying to pull here, you sniveling little shit? Soft target .. easy run .. frag! Hit the system, smooth as can be. Grab all of the _obvious_ data, then whaddya know. I'm on a VM. Bust out of the VM to get to the _real_ data, and get jumped by some treacherous fraggin' cascading ice. We're talking really dark-gray here. I got your fraggin' data though, and a deal's a deal, so here it is: +++++include file: acadian.files Now listen closely: If you _ever_ try to frag me over on a run like that with bogus info again, I'll make you think what Brimstone did to you last year was a fraggin' picnic. You got me, chummer? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>[ I say we blow the damned things up. Simple. (Relatively speaking, of course..) Effective. If those fraggers want nukes, let them pay some wage-slaves to wear radsuits and pick up the radioactive material with tweezers, I say. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <08:50:12/02-22-57> ***** Private: Neuron Basher >>>>>[What?! How in the hell was I suppossed to know it was a virtual machine?! Those things are suppossed to be camouflaged. What I told you was all I knew. Do you really think I'd let somebody stumble into a kill zone without warning them? What, what, geeze. Hey, waitatic.... This is the same data that was in the the VM! What in the bloody blue blazes are _you_ trying to pull here?!]<<<<< -- Rumormonger >>>>>[Well, as soon as I get to the muscle part of the plan I'll drop ya a line, Ghost. Thanks fer the interest.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: Rage >>>>>[ Stop, yer killing me. Flattery will get you no where.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: GoD >>>>>[Yucka, yucka, yucka. Very funny. So when did they let you out of your cage again? Or did you just melt the bars, huh, Kreskin?]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[ I _know_ it's the same fraggin' data, you slot! I don't know why the frag they'd put the same data in the VM as out, but that's what was there. If you wanna go take on the cascading ice that I fought to get that data, you are more than welcome to corroborate my story. Look, here's how it went down: I slide up to the icon, strictly UMS spec all through the system. The SAN was a breeze .. activated my cloak, and sailed through with no-one the wiser. The host was pretty low-grade, or at least that's the way it seemed initally. Dropped off my data-frame to snag the data for me, and poked around on the system a bit while I was waiting. Almost didn't catch the VM, but then again, I was expecting a cake-walk, so I got overconfident. That almost cost me big. So I scoop up Bloodhound (that's my data-frame) and get ready to bust outta the VM. Stealth mode, all the way. I bust outta the fragger, and no sooner does the system appear than this big-hairy fraggin' cascading ICE is trying to tear my heart out. Switched outta Stealth mode DAMNED fast, lemme tell ya, but it got a couple of hits on me first. Took a bit of work, but suffice it to say that the ICE went down hard. I grabbed the data, and jacked out. That ICE was not at all what I was expecting on your cake-walk. Look, here's the log from the run, just cough up my damned cred. Don't fuck with my Rumormonger. I know more about you than you think, you fragger. +++++include: acadian_run.log +++++include: rumormonger-wiretap-sample]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <10:47:12/02-22-57> >>>>>[+++++ LOAD THEME: FIELDS.WC +++++ waiting +++++ waiting +++++ READY - WC FIELDS +++++ BEGIN THEME I'd rather be dead than in Philadelphia. +++++ PAUSE THEME The City of Brotherly Love, huh? Yeah, kid, I'll remember the name, Circuit, uh-huh. +++++ RESUME THEME Go away kid.... ya bother me. +++++ END THEME Guffaw, guffaw!]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: Neurnon Basher >>>>>[Uh-oh.... Sooooo, ah, where can I wire that cred? By the way, ah, where d'ja get that... stuff? You know that could cost me a lot of money. Not only could it cost me, it could cost other people. Other people who like dealing in data of that nature. People with, ah, grudges. People with grudges and patience, if ya catch my drift.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger ***** Private: Rumormonger >>>>>[Melted my way out... If you need me you know where to find me...]<<<<< -- GoD ***** Private: Antilles >>>>>[In case nobody's told you: we had a _major_ pentration of System Design last night. "Penetration" doesn't even begin to describe it. We're talking "wham, bam, thank ya ma'am" here. Higher- higher is screaming at _me_ for answers. What am I suppossed to tell them?! "Threat Analysis down in Counter-Special's been saying it'll happen. That metalhead you've got running it says it's all going according to his plan, they've been ready for it. Damn bitbrain says it's under control. Don't wory, if Yama pulls anything we'll be ready ." Someone got into the system. Someone good. Someone good enough to get past our IC. The same IC _you_ signed off on. All I have to say is that _I_ won't be the one who gets his supply of drugs yanked by the company. You understand?]<<<<< -- Keith Neely (11:02:31 / 02-22-57) Oversight Executive, Project Lazarus Fuchi Internal Security ***** Private: Antilles >>>>>[Dammit, acknowledge me! I'm your damn boss! You can't yank my chain like this!]<<<< -- Keith Neely (13:24:18 / 02-22-57) Oversight Executive, Project Lazarus Fuchi Internal Security ***** Private: Antilles >>>>>[Don't screw with me on this. Explain to me what you'll do to compensate for that intrusion.]<<<<< -- Keith Neely (17:58:00 / 02-22-57) Oversight Executive, Project Lazarus Fuchi Internal Security *****PRIVATE: Rumormonger >>>>>[ Put the cred in >>encrypted<<. Oh, and as to where I got the data .. well, nevermind about that. The point was that you're not as safe as you might think. I'd have thought that Brimmy would have taught you that much. By the way, how are those eyes working out? ]<<<<< -- Neuron Basher <11:26:12/02-22-57> *****Private:Rumormonger >>>>>[It is a shame that you rejected me merely because you didn't know me. That my boy is how friends are made, by hiring new blood. I of course am not new blood, maybe to Seattle but by no means to the biz. If anything comes your way please reconsider and talk to me. I'll be waiting.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[AJ, I think it's probably time to connect, physically if possible, with everyone doin this thing. At least, with everyone who's in Seattle. Now, if you still had your old house, I'd suggest there. And I know there's no prayer you'll let us plan at the clinic, so I won't even ask. But what about somewhere else? You said we've got somethin like 20 or more people doin this, so we need someplace with a big couple of tables.... Any ideas, anyone? I was just thinkin Hell. The owner owes some of us a favor or 8 when we took care of Dante. The Inferno, anyone? Everyone bring your stuff, but no heavy weapons. The bouncers wouldn't like it too much.]<<<<< -- Slash <13:27:27/02-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorn >>>>>[Good evening to you good sir. Your recent appearance in Seattle has been brought to my attention. I represent a group of associates who choose to be known as "The Electric Mayhem". We are always seeking other like-minded individuals (with the proper credentials) to join our merry band. If you are interested please contact me here at earliest convenience with any information that you deem truly discriptive.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <19:32:26/02-22-57> Electric Mayhem *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I was given your name from an employee of mine...he was suggesting that I get in contact with this,..one moment...Mr. Jackson? I think I may be able to solve a couple of things if I were in contact with him dirrectly. If you would be as so kind as to pass my name to him, you could do me a great favour. As for some other work, I would like to meet with you in person (if you are availible) and breif you on some more detailed work.]<<<<< -- Keaya <15:37:33/02-22-57> President, Owner Kishsone Dark *****Private:Wintergeist >>>>>[As long as I am free to attend to personal affairs I accept your offer.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne *****Private:Keaya >>>>>[I will pass along your name, as for the meeting lets do it tonight at the . I know the owner, so we will be undisterbed.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blachthorne *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I'm all for meeting, but I think that the Inferno is a little to public. Guess that's just my trusting nature . I can't think of a better place that we could all have access to, but I do hope we can find one. The Inferno poses a huge security risk, especially for an operation like ours. If any thing, anything at all, slips out about what were doing, the whole op is a wash. 20 or so runners, no matter who well known some of us aren't, is going to attract attention. And any attention is bad. On the other hand, sometimes hide in plain site is a good idea. Ok, idea. Anyone think we should all get together and celebrate AJ's b-day? After all, what's wrong with some friends getting together in a private room and having a private party at, say, the Inferno . Now that I think about it, that's a damn good place to meet Slash.]<<<<< -- Blade <16:07:12/02-22-57> *****PRIVATE:Wildcat >>>>>[Good evening. In regard to your earlier communication, we are pleased that you will be joining us. No Oath is required unless you wish to utilize our ritual team, we only request that you are descrete and keep an open mind. Many of the individuals in our group are very loyal and may respond in an unpredictable fashion to what they perceive as threats to their "friends". We often pool our resources, and if you take from this pool you are expected to reciprocate, but we do not solicit from those who wish to remain independent. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <20:32:26/02-22-57> Electric Mayhem *****PRIVATE: Buttons, Tylor Nox, Action Jackson >>>>>[I like the modifications you are make to the clinic Herr Jackson. I wish it is not so hard to get in and out, but i understand the need for it. With the extra equipments, i am find some interesting new things. Tylor, you are definite trained to be an assassin, and by what i see you do so far, a very good one. I also find more and more bioware in you. All very complex and it is amazing it all work in you without complications. Herr Doktor Buttons, the reason there was almost no reaction from Tylor to the drugs is he has toxin filters and screens almost everywhere in him, plus extra glands to improve him in fighting. Last night i was looking at his chips again and i find some more elements in the running program. I find another encrypted area with several levels. I break the first level and am finding three sublevels label: targets, covert ops, and current contacts. I also am break the encryption on contacts area. It is listing everyone he meet with a VERY detail desciption and a threat rating, and also a way to kill if need. Herr Buttons, it looks like you and i can be kill very easily. We also have low threat rating... Herr Jackson, your file is new but you already have high rating. I can probably modify the information here. I can put a shell around us so he just ignore it if it is get active (if i delete it he just will make a new file). I will keep working on it and tell you anything new.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <22:05:04 GMT/22.FEB.57> *****Private:Electric Mayhem, Cadre 7, Order of the Ebon Hand >>>>>[Gentelmen! (and lady) Remeber the German engagemment. I trust that all who agreed will attend.]<<<<< --Wintergeist <21:01:35/02-22-57> *****Private:Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I will be out of communication from now until 15:00:00/02-27-57 Seattle time. Seattle time. Welcome to the group. I will answer any questions you may have about your new affiliation when I return from my current pressing engagement.]<<<<< --Wintergeist <21:03:27/02-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Valentine >>>>>[Pat, I have a request. You know my clinic. Well, I would appreciate it if you would help me keep it a little safer for the time being. I have a guest and an additional doctor there, by the name of Basilisk. I'm sure you know the name. Well, I owe him a favor or two from a couple of years ago and the guest is his patient. You also know how much the clinic's security relies on secrecy. Well, now I have a favor. Can you somehow come up with a spirit to help keep it hidden and free from harm?]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <16:24:17/02-22-57> >>>>>[I'll see what I can do, Alex. Give me a couple of days.]<<<<< -- Valentine <16:24:55/02-22-57> *****Private: Rumormonger >>>>>[Your loss, not mine. Good luck, I ain't stupid enough to write someone off after 2 days.]<<<<< -- Circuit <17:16:32/2-22-57> >>>>>[I need some muscle and possible decker support for a snatch. If you're needing a few nuyen right now, say around >>encrypted<<, leave me a line. Thanks.]<<<<< -- Contract <20:59:01/2-22-57> *****Private: Contract >>>>>[I can provide you some decker support, or even muscle if you need it. When are we looking to do this? I'm out of town for awhile next Tuesday. Catch ya later]<<<<< -- Circuit <22:00:32/2-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Redfeather, if there really is such a thing, get it. I suspect that the Court required Maxim to remove the warheads from their delivery weapons, but if not, that'll be a possibility. We could use the fuel as the explosive in case we want to sack the bunker instead of having to smuggle explosives into the bunker. Lynch, as far as I'm concerned, the casualties of such a missile strike, while it would distract Maxim perfectly, rule out such a scaled strike. Just because I used to not care about human life and sold weapons of destruction(like those missile launchers) doesn't mean I'm willing to kill that many people now. The only person I'll even try to speak for is Slash, and I know he doesn't approve of killing in general. Yes, he's a semi-pacifist runner, a rarity these days. But he'll walk if we even tried to do that much devastation. As little as he likes killing, he'll be more willing to overlook a couple of deaths than a lot like submunitions would do. And artillery is only god if your enemy doesn't have a lot of spirits to deflect it or absorb the damage from it. But like you said, Maxim's dug in and the artillery wouldn't do as well anyway. They could have shells outbound before the inbounds even hit their targets, unfortunately. Now, I do like the idea of getting a small team into the compound. My problem with the chopper is that Maxim's security choppers, if we're talking the Bandits or the Apache Mark 3s, there's only room for 2 crew in either. Howevever, that could be enough to get a rigger into the compound, one with some skill with rigging security systems. That could give us a little help getting the rest of the team in. The other thing that might help is, using the same idea, but go for an IFV instead of a chopper. the MSI IFVs are TPC-34s, obsolete and only produced by Maxim because they still work ok. Unfortunately, that means going through a gate, and I really don't like the looks of the gates. But trailing smoke and screaming about wounded inside, we could possibly get a lot of people in that way. The Thug carries 10 fully armed troops and a crew of 3. We could probably get 3 or 4 more in too, which would be most of us. And Thugs are a lot easier to get ahold of then the Mk 3's or the Bandits, and a lot cheaper too. The HALO jump is a minor problem, since the center of the facility is the primary radar installation and the security building. We'd have to spend more time going over the hit, and if we timed it right, we could get another group in that way in the same distraction. We could, ideally of course, get everyone into the facility that way. Getting out again, though, will be really difficult, I suspect. Blade, as little as I like having my birthday celebrated, that's a good idea. And as Slash said, the owner owes some of us a favor. The party would be a good excuse. And of course, we'll go over the whole thing for bugs first. I'm too damn old for birthday parties....]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <22:11:01/02-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Buttons, Basilisk >>>>>[I took Tylor out of the loop. I already have a high threat rating, huh? Great.... The shell sounds good, actually. Basilisk, the clinic has a chemical lab built into it, if you've not noticed it. It's a relatively recent addition, but it has all the necessary components to simulate drugs and toxins if necessary, as well as perform all the various body fluid tests. It might behoove us to make sure that we have a tailored drug that is capable of bypassing Tylor's biological filtration systems. Just something like neuro-stun, enough to slow him down or knock him out in difficult or dangerous situations. Unfortunately, it would have to be Tylor Nox specific, and would likely work at a fraction of it's capability on others. If you feel comfortable doing it, Basilisk, then let me do so. If, on the other hand, you feel it is a betrayal of your patient, I understand.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <01:33:18/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Contract >>>>>[ I am available to provide muscle. What's the job?]<<<<< -- Cuval <09:27:33/02-23-57> >>>>>[ Greetings. I am new to the Seattle 'Plex, and am looking for a run to establish myself here. I have some skill in close combat and biotech. Contact me at >>encrypted<<. Thanks. Frag it, this is sounding too stuffy, living in that monastery for so long I guess.]<<<<< -- Cuval <09:15:23/02-23-57> *****Private:Contract >>>>>[I always could use some nyun, how much and whats the job.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <02/22/57 11:15:23> *****Private:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[It'll take me a few days, the guy who was working on it was in Pueblo, so I'll have to go there. It's a long shot, but if it works out all the better. See ya in a few.]<<<<< -- Redfeather <02/23/57 11:23:11> *****Private:Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I'll be away for awhile but save me some cake. I hope it's chocolate!!!]<<<<< -- Redfeather <02/23/57 11:33:34> *****Private:Mr. Jackson >>>>>[A friend of mine would like to meet you, it is concerning Mr. Nox. Keaya is the name of this associate, I leave it up to you wether or not you get in touch. I hope you have a pleasant day.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne ***** Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[The contract had been executed already.]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Got to agree with Griffyn here. If they're not in bunkers already, put them there. A few kilos of C-12 to break them up nicely, then drop the bunker on them. Or at least the entrance thereof. Shifting rubble with an increasing concentration of plutonium, and thereby exposing several hundred kilos of Pu-239 and tritium, should keep Maxim busy for a while. In their place I'd flood the bunker with boron cement and just write it off, myself. But us trying to move out seven warheads, against the sort of opposition Maxim will provide, is not my idea of a good time. I was on the planning team considering a similar operation about three years ago: to get them out, rather than blow them in place, would have needed an assault in battalion strength against a target rather less defended than Maxim-Phnom Penh. In the end, our contingency plan wasn't needed. Almost a pity, really.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:45:56/02-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Well, AJ, I mentioned I prepped for something similar to this? Well, I've negotiated the loan of the skillsofts I need to be an expert on nuclear weapon handling and disassembly. Officially, if anyone notices I have them, they're stolen and I'm in the shit, so please no loud conversations Disabling a nuclear warhead is quite easy: they're actually rather fragile once you open them up and start smashing things. Permanently disabling them is harder: we could steal the plutonium (which I'd rather not do, it's nasty stuff), or explosively disrupt the weapons to scatter the core material. Preferably somewhere enclosed, because that much Pu-239 could produce a contamination plume clear to the Tonkin Gulf if scattered in the open air.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:54:39/02-22-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I will NOT be a party to ANY nuclear contamination, whether contained or not. I do not want to do this, AJ; but my ethics require this of me. This world is too damn important to allow us to contaminate it anymore with nuclear material. Gaia will not allow it to occur.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Buzz >>>>>[Buzz, what the hell is going on with you? You are sounding a bit like Bloodtooth, and we both know you are not a shaman.]<<<<< -- Shadow (09:35:30 PST/ 12:23:56) *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[Thank you.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <10:53:27/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Keaya >>>>>[Mr. Blackthorne indicated you wished to speak with me about Taylor Nox. What can I do for you?]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <10:55:10/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders(Buzz has been removed from alias file) >>>>>[Sorry to do that, but if Buzz isn't interested, then so be it. Lynch, glad you got ahold of the skillsofts. If the nukes are built in the Ares design I think they are, we may be able to scatter the plutonium with their own detonation explosives and not have to take any C-12 in with us. And I saw the bunker I suspect the nukes are in, in the Armory, so they're enclosed already. I really don't want to have to get at them once they get that big bunker done, since they'll probably be enclosed in some really hard core security then, and we'd need a lot more explosives to sink the bunker. More or less well contained. Well, a hell of a lot better contained than open air detonation. Cambodia's really polluted already, but I'd rather not do that if possible, and it looks possible. Hell, if there was any way I knew to get the plutonium out of the site and sink it in the fraggin Marianis Trench, I'd do it. It'd be a hell of a lot better on the environment. How about the get-together tomorrow night? Everyone needs to bring thier data. As for Ms. Borimer's party. Roxey's doing the organizing, so we're using her name. The bouncers will take care of you.]<<<<< -- Slash <11:06:08/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Buzz >>>>>[What the frag are you doin, man? I don't like fraggin the environment any more than you do. But it's a case of lesser of two evils, chum. Let Velli keep her toys, and ultimately use the fraggin things, and we both know she will, and do a drekload more damage to the environment, or stop her somehow and accept some collateral environmental damage. It's not like we're settin the fraggin things off. There's nothin inbetween, Buzz. Nothin. And frag, man, if you were so uptight about contamination and the environment, you'd be a fraggin TerraFirster, not a decker. Buzz, as much as I'd love to pull the triggers and drop them into 4 miles of ocean or blast the fraggin things into the sun, that's not an option. Maxim's security is too fraggin good. We'll be lucky to get in and out alive. And boobytrappin them won't do anygood either. Sure, we can frag with the programmin, the hardware, even take a hammer to the fraggin things, but it'll all come to nothin after Maxim sees what's happened. They'll just repair them, rebuild the parts, and whammo, we have to go in again and do it all over. Or we can do this the only "right" way the first time and accept the consequences. Buzz, you know me. You know I don't like violence. I don't frag with people's lives, unlike 99% of the runners I know. I use my head rather than than my fists. Frag, man, you've seen the quote from Asimov's Foundation, "Violence is the last refuge of the mentally incompentent", and you know I believe it. I don't kill, even to save my own life, and I've been hurt plenty of times for it. The exception to the rule is when my family is threatened, and my friends are my family. I'm goin to do this run without killin anyone, Buzz, and hopefully I won't get killed myself, because the ones responsible for the nukes aren't the fraggin guards, it's Velli and Skulkin plus those of us who helped them get the fraggin designs and raw materials. I was one of them, fraggit! I've got fraggin blood on my hands because of the Court raid on Warsaw, Buzz. If I'd not helped on the raids in Seattle that got Maxim thier plans and materials, then that strike and all the fraggin lives lost in the process wouldn't have happened. I'm just as fraggin responsible for their deaths as the Court who ordered the strike, and the corps that carried it out, and the troops that fired the missiles, and the deckers who collapsed Maxim's systems so the missiles would hit thier marks, and Velli who made the fraggin things in the first fraggin place. I'm fraggin goin to do my part to fix that fraggin problem that I helped create, fraggit! I'm responsible for my own fraggin actions, and I'm takin responsibility and helpin as best I can. I've got experience that no-one else on that team has, doin things that none of them have, and I'm takin responsibility by helpin to remove the fraggin threat I helped create. That's all I can do, Buzz. You don't have the same level of responsibility for the thing that I do, and not many people have my existentialist views on responsibility in this day and age. Most people say "Hey, frag responsiblity. It's the system/corps/cops/environment/ whatever-the-frag" so they can get out of what they've done, and keep on doin whatever the frag they want to. I don't do that, fraggitall. So now I'm goin to help create another fraggin problem because I fraggin won't let that slitch Velli keep her toys. Take care of the threat before it becomes too large to take care of, man. You want to take off, take off. I don't kill because of my ethics, and I'll never ask anyone else to compromise theirs, on whatever they may be. But don't fraggin tell ANYONE, Buzz. Because if you do, and any of my family get's scragged because of you, I'll put away my fraggin Hyper loads, and my gel rounds, and come huntin for you. I took down a whole fraggin corp alone once, Buzz, and I can do it again if I have to. If you run to your old contacts, I'll take down the fraggin UCAS government to get to you if you frag over my family.]<<<<< -- Slash <11:30:09/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[+++++Main Alias File: Remove Buzz from aliasfile. +++++Individual "Buzz" has been removed from the alias file Ok, folks, I've included a copy of Dad's main alias file. I'll assume you all saw it. Buzz is yanked. Hopefully he won't do anything stupid, but time will tell. Luckily, we found out before we did the hard core planning, so we don't have to lock him up somewhere for the duration. Once we make plans, I'll be heading over early. I've got some.... summoning I have to do, and it'll take me a while to do properly. If anyone else would like to come, let me know. Hopefully we'll have a preliminary working plan by this this time on the 25th, and we can start doing the hard stuff, like getting ourselves over there without Maxim hearing about it. I hope none of you are too squemish. We houngans work with some unpleasant spells and spirits.]<<<<< -- Diana, Mistress of the Night <11:39:30/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Just so you all know, I tried to warn Buzz not to talk about this, but we'll see. Hopefully he'll take the warning.]<<<<< -- Slash <11:40:45/02-23-57> >>>>>[+++++USER: Wintergeist Your mail to user "Draig Un" titled "Re: Oh really...", was unable to reach it's destination and has been returned unread to your address. Thank you and have a nice day.]<<<<< --Auto-mailer<11:03:00/2-23-57> >>>>>[Greetings and salutations. I am hereby offering the opportunity of employment to any runners in the Seattle community. I need to have an individual tracked down and captured. My most recent information has him in Seattle. Those intrested may contact me at <>. Payment will be negotiated then. The individual is a magical adept and has the services of several muscle boys and gangers. I will provide full information to those who express an intrest.]<<<<< Aristo <1:08.58/2-23-57> ***** Prvate: Aristo >>>>>[Chummer you wanted some one found? what's it worth to ya?if you're price is right, maybe you'll have someone found. Reach me at >>>encrypted<<<]<<<<< -- STrongARM <3:23.58/2-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Aristo >>>>>[I hear that you need someone tracked down. I'm a decker with considerable experience in the Denver area, recently relocated to Seattle. Possibly we could work out a deal. +++++INCLUDE: payment_requirements.data Let me know if you're interested in my services.]<<<<< -- Dashira <12:47:32/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Extraction team >>>>>[+++++Update team file: ADD Mr. Blackthorne ADD Circuit ADD Cuval Greetings, As people who have shown some interest in the extraction that I previously offered, your names have been added to the Extraction team file. Note that I reserve the right to remove any one of you at any time immediately followed by paying you any sum owed or putting a contract out on you if you betray the team. With that established, we may continue . . . This contract will involve the extraction of an individual from a corp housing facility. Difficulity level is projected at moderately easy. With the addition of the three new members, sufficient decker and physical support has been gathered for the contract. More details will follow within 24 hours. In the mean time, please mail me about special skills and attributes that you can contribute to this group effort. Have a nice day.]<<<<< -- Contract <12:58:45/2-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Damnit, getting old... you're right, AJ. Don't underrate bomblet rounds - there goes just about every radar antenna, uplink, radio aerial, et cetera in the splash zone - but you can also write off anyone in the open (50% applies to soldiers in armour, not civilians). I got so wrapped up looking at the fortifications, I forgot the place is full of noncombatants. Sorry. The IFV idea's a good one, though. Especially if they hear us kill the one they send out... they don't know it's dead, just that someone hit something and their IFV isn't talking. Come in mangled and with the radio whips smashed off, 'wounded' screaming in the back, and we improve the chance of getting in a lot. HALO jumps I'm qualified for, but I'd worry a lot about their air defences. I don't think they let many people fly directly over the compound without watching them very closely. If we do manage that, could the transport also drop a few LGBs onto the security building? It would make our life a lot simpler... Getting out... boy. By the time we've done what we went in to do, their defences might be so confused we can land a transport and just fly out. Or they might be so confused they shoot it down on general principles. Steal vehicles and scatter, maybe. Or - really nasty idea - stick with the Grad-Ps and use a chemical strike. Set off all their chemical alert warnings that they're under attack by VX nerve agent. No, AJ, not real VX, training simulant. Its worst effect is that it causes minor dermatitis with prolonged contact, but it rings the bells as if it was real nerve gas. Not many of the Maxim people will stay where that stuff is: crowds of fleeing civilians and soldiers not in NBC should mask us reasonably well and cause enough disruption to let us get out. Just an idea. When's your birthday? I should be able to make Seattle for it, as long as I know when.]<<<<< -- Lynch <17:40:21/02-23-57> *****Private: Contract >>>>>[I'm available for a snatch 'n' grab, if you need someone. Things have been a bit slow for me lately, so I'm more than interested in a paying job.]<<<<< -- Rattler <15:08:02/02-23-57> *****Private: Aristo >>>>>[I'm interested in your job, one of my specialties is tracking people down. Please let me know the specifics of the deal.]<<<<< --Rattler <03:28:40/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Slash >>>>>[My friend, I won't say anything; you have my word on it. The run will be successful, for even if it fails Gaia won't allow the nuclear weapons to dertonate without just cause.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Slash, if we can find a way to get those nukes out, then I know a certain government that has plentiful facilities to safely dismantle them, and would be glad of the intelligence thus gained... and no need to keep them instead of breaking them down (the design won't be compatible with UCAS systems and maintenance procedures). But realistically I think we'd be better off planning to destroy them in place, and extract some or all only if we can do it without losing team members in the process. See you at the party, guys. Hey, do I need to change out of my suit? ]<<<<< -- Lynch <23:45:08/02-23-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Jackson >>>>>[I think I could clear up a couple of misunderstandings about our friend ...I believe you know him...Mr. Tylor Nox? If we could arange to meet in person I think it would be to both of our advantage. Please make this meeting place where ever you feel comfortable.]<<<<< -- Keaya <11:10:52/02-24-57> President, Owner Kishsone Dark *****PRIVATE: Basilisk >>>>>[Look doc it sounds like this stuff in my head is going to end up hurting someone sooner or later. Is there something you can do to get rid of those ...what'd ya' call them?..."threat" programs. You guys have been so nice to me already, I feel like I owe you alot as it is, so I don't want to get anyone hurt . Maybe I should just go away. Maybe I can put some of this shit to use.]<<<<< -- Tylor <11:45:22/02-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[You said you would be interested in a job? Do you like to travel? Have you ever been to New Orleans? You'll need some back-up about three or four men. (you will definatly need magical back-up) Get back to me if your interested.]<<<<< -- Joshaua <12:06:02/02-24-57> *****Private: Aristo >>>>>[I am interested, but what sort of adept?] -- Shade <17:54:50 / 2-24-57> *****PRIVATE: Keaya >>>>>[Indeed, Mr. Nox is a guest of mine currently. You'll excuse me if I don't jump at the opportunity to meet with you, but some people tried to get ahold of Mr. Nox on his way to my clinic. Luckily I have many optional extras on my vehicle, and the attackers were stopped. But you wouldn't know anything about that, of course. I'm a little paranoid by nature, Mr. Keaya. I've been living in the shadows too long not to be, and my attempts at being trusting have gotten the best of me recently. I'd prefer if we communicated over these channels for a while before we meet, if we meet. This way neither of us has to worry about our physical security.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <21:59:14/02-24-57> ***** PRIVATE: Anonymous FishNet User, Temporary Account 23845 >>>>>[Account verified. Terse mode. =Y= 20.00 remaining. Your request: Search for "Maxim nuclear weapons" using default settings plus content filter level 2, credibility filter level 1. Standard sort criteria, download list when done. +++++searching... 19776 references found +++++downloading reference.list This session: =Y= 0.84 Remaining: =Y= 19.16]<<<<< -- FishNet Public Matrix Search Engine <19:18:53/02-24-57> Fisher Data Systems ***** PRIVATE: Anonymous FishNet User, Temporary Account 23845 >>>>>[Account verified. Terse mode. =Y= 8.27 remaining. Your request: Retrieve reference.list item.10031 +++++retrieving item 10031 from source "FemNet BBS" +++++begin retrieved item "*Velli* as a role model? We're talking about Nicole Velli, head of Maxim Arms, right? The company that just nuked the moon? Sure, there're still more male CEOs than female ones (blame the ultraconservative Japanese corporate types), sure, she's ambitious and aggressive, sure, she just majorly blew off the establishment, but... An arms dealer who makes nuclear weapons is not *my* idea of an appropriate role model. Maybe if you want your daughter to grow up to be a megalomaniac who wants to RULE the WORLD... Anyone know how old she is, by the way? I've got a pet theory about her: I think she's having a midlife crisis. We all know about the men who buy red sports cars and start chasing women young enough to be their daughters when they hit the big four-oh; some women do this too, just usually less... dramatically. Of course, most women aren't in a position to trigger doomsday when their biological clock counts down to zero... Now, if I were, say, Child'oGaia, I'd say that maybe she hit menopause and is subconsciously compensating, but that because she's been seduced by the evil-patriarchal-capitalist conspiracy and lost touch with Mother Earth she decided to acquire eggs-of-death instead of life and so on for a couple of megapulses, but I'm not everyone's favorite long-winded run-on-sentence- employing slightly-off-the-wall self-described "feminist theorist", so I won't. (Whew!) 'Cerulean <20:09:44/02-15-57>' " +++++end retrieved item This session: =Y= 0.02 Remaining: =Y= 8.25]<<<<< -- FishNet Public Matrix Search Engine <23:04:45/02-24-57> Fisher Data Systems ***** PRIVATE: Anonymous FishNet User, Temporary Account 23845 >>>>>[Account verified. Terse mode. =Y= 1.68 remaining. Your request: Retrieve reference.list item.18416 +++++retrieving item 18416 from source "Conspiracy Discussion Group" +++++begin retrieved item "***** NOT TO: Governments, Corporations, Aliens, Secret Societies, Conspiracies Awakened One, you're as completely in the dark as all those "Sleepers" you keep disparaging. You really expect anyone to believe that the Redmond incident was caused by a supernatural battle between the forces of good and evil? And that there's a whole bunch more demons ready to ravage the world unless they're stopped? Get real. Even the silly "Special Investigative Committee" doesn't claim to believe that Shadowland footage. (There's a real trustworthy source: a bunch of professional criminals.) It's clear to anyone willing to objectively examine the evidence that the Redmond Incident and the so-called Maxim nuclear blast are the work of alien forces. What else could cause the destruction seen in Redmond? What other explanation makes sense for a mysterious explosion in lunar orbit? It's even more clear that there's just no such thing as magic; it's a cover for the dissemination of alien technology throughout society: technology which has been secretly possessed by and used for years by certain organizations to manipulate and control the populace. The truth is out there, people! Open your eyes and *look*! '-- Truth Seeker <07:12:52/02-06-57>' " +++++end retrieved item This session: =Y= 0.02 Remaining: =Y= 1.66]<<<<< -- FishNet Public Matrix Search Engine <02:37:01/02-25-57> Fisher Data Systems *****PRIVATE: Mr. Jackson >>>>>[+++++Encryption package system 2601.Key download +++++Encryption download complete...encryption install complete You'll have to excuse me as well Mr. Jackson but I too have many people who would seek to do me harm as well, and I can not afford to have them listening on our conversation. First of all...let me tell you what is true. I did try to take Mr. Nox from Buttons' clinic a few days ago and this was not ment to hurt anyone, but I left it to one of my employee's when I should have seen the job through myself. Now I don't like to make mistakes twice so I have cut my loses on Mr. Nox and because I didn't want to see anyone else get hurt. But this is all trivial..let me tell you why I am so interested in Mr. Nox. You see about two months ago I had some information droped into my lap that I was going to be targeted for a hit. Because my company deals in exotic goods, (more precisely aquiring said goods) we tend to make enimies of others who are also trying to get these items. These items in question are no mere trifles, they are worth hundreds of thousands of nuyen to some (more to others). Some might even think they are worth killing for, hence the contract on myself. After quite a bit of research I found out the parties involved and found out how they were going to acomplish thier task...with a very skilled, highly trained strike team. A team that they designed from employee's in their company, and so were 'unknown' to any of my contacts. This made it nearly impossible for me to conduct any kind of bussiness in the light of day for fear of my life being putinto danger, until I found one of these 'strike team' members. Mr. Nox. He was being transfered from one R&D company to another when his trasport was hijacked by a bunch of theives (presumablly to make a quick buck) and that's when he got lost in the shuffle. This is an oppertunity I could not ignore. I had him tracked and then tried to extract him with minimal disruption. This was my mistake. I should have seen to the job myself, but unfortunatly I had other bussiness to take care of. Your still wondering why I would want him and not just get rid of him like some old peice of garbage? I do not let anger cloud my judgement and saw this as an oppertunity to gain insight to how to stop the rest of the team and possiblly use Mr. Nox to my advantage. Now that he is in your care I would not think of such a thing. I would have liked to see him in person myself as I understand he has some very advanced modifications, but I would rather stay on admirable terms with yourself. I make a lot of enimies in my bussiness,...I do not want to make ones without cause. I have other information you may find helpful in dealing with Mr. Nox if you are interseted, but I will not waste your time any longer.]<<<<< -- Keaya <10:43:23/02-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Extraction team >>>>>[Okay boys, we've got a go from higher up. Can you all move this coming up weekend? We should have also have a physical meet before then. Any suggestions on place?]<<<<< -- Contract <10:59:32/2-25-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Strongarm, Dashira, Rattler, Shade >>>>>[If you are all still intrested in employment I will be at the Space Needle resteraunt this Monday afternoon. Simply show up and inform them that you are with the Johnson party and you'll be taken to my table. And please try to dress appropiately. I will expect you all by 2:00 PM, and I will give the full details of the my offer then.]<<<<< -- Aristo <12.36.50/2-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Contract >>>>>[Good to hear from you. I want a meet to, but lets hear from the rest of the guys. I'm going to be out of town on this Tuesday, but I can cut my trip short, the soonest i will be back on is Thursday. We can still discuss things though, my wife does have a phone.]<<<<< -- Circuit <10:59:32/2-25-57> *****PRIVATE: Contract >>>>>[I am available for the weekend upcoming. I have not been in Settle long, but I have become fond of Tam's Under the Needle. I believe they have rooms in the back for just such meetings.]<<<<< -- Cuval <20:56:34/02-25-57> >>>>>[Hey chummers, check this out. I was out working with, ok ok, playing with the new micro-camcorder I just picked up, and I saw this really strange guy. Well I'll let you judge for yourself. +++++ Include Trideo Download +++ The image on the screen is dark at the start but soon a hazy image appears. Gradually it comes into focus. The scene is one common to the 'plex, three gangers shaking down an old man on the street. In the background you see a figure in dark clothing approaching the group. As he gets closer you make out that he is wearing some kind of robes, and is carrying a two meter staff that looks to be made out of wood. From the look on his face you would guess that he is not too bright. He has a stupid grin on his face, and when his head turns you can see the points of his ears through his long black hair. He stops and watches the gangers for a moment, looking confused. He approaches them and appears to speak though you do not hear his words. The gangers gesture rudely at him, obviously telling him to mind his own business. The man in the black robes says something else, looking even more confused. One ganger turns and apparently yells at him and tries to shove him away. In that instant the simple-mindedness leaves the robed man's face, replaced by a look of fierce concentration. Gracefully, appearing almost effortless, he swings his staff at the ganger who yelled at him. The staff clips him in the head, and the ganger drops, apparently unconscious. The two other gangers, aware that something is going on, turn and move towards their new opponent. The robed man takes one step back and his staff flicks out at the nearest ganger, doubling him over. The other ganger, seeing an opprotunity to attack, slashes out with his long knife. The robed man's staff moves back almost impossibly quick, knocking aside the attack, then quickly reverses back into his side, clearly knocking the wind out of him. Almost negligently the staff flicks out again, sending a ganger to the ground. The last one turns to flee. He is perhaps 10 meters away when the robed figure whips an arm as if he was throwing something. The third ganger jerks as if hit, and drops to the ground as well. The robed man, the simple look back on his face now, helps the gangers victim to his feet and says something to him. The old man just nods his head and the robed man wanders off, dissappearing down an alley. +++++ End Trideo +++ See what I mean? I mean, who wears robes like that in Seattle? Well, I'm back for the street to see what I can see.]<<<<< --Kodachrome <21:27:45/02-25-57> *****Private:Contract >>>>>[My contacts and decking skills more than qualify me, and beyond that I'm a crack shot with any gun. More specific is my ability to aquire hard to find items.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne *****Private:Contract >>>>>[How about the Wall, the owner owe's me a favor or three, so we can get a "private" room.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne *****Private:Joshaua >>>>>[It would seem that this job offer has come at a bad moment, I am in the process of nogotiating another job so I will have to decline. I will however try to find a suitable replacement if you wish.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <02/26/57 11:56:12> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Goddamn sleep schedule is all fucked up.... I get nasty when I'm tired, so don't piss me off any time soon, anyone. The hard part will be getting the Thug out of the compound in the first place. If we put on too much of a show, we'll get the military out instead of the MSI forces, and that would be bad. So we'd have to tailor our threat accordingly. And if it's too high, we won't get anyone out of the compound. We'll just get WP and thermite shells dropped on us and combat RPVs strafing our position too. HALO jumps might work if we somehow got a decker inside the security system, but I suspect we're looking at CCSS for most of it, which makes disabling it a LOT harder. Maxim couldn't afford that system for everywhere, but for this facility, I'm sure they paid the price. And with 4 phased array radars, I suspect any decker would have to have enough backup to cover the "backup" systems. You deckers up for that? The nice thing about a HALO jump is that the jumpers could fall right into the armory rather than having to worry about getting into the armory through the military units guarding it. Trading off risk for advantages, per usual. I'd hate to put anyone in that position, though. I can do it as well, but I want to be damn sure that we have the radars covered somehow. If the attack is organized enough, Maxim will shoot down anything even near their airspace, so the transport is out. I also suspect that the gates will be totally shut off once the IFV comes in, so getting out without stealing a chopper or something would be tough. Possible problem: medical personnel rushing to aid our wounded before we get to our destination. And my birthday is the 28th. Well, not really, but I'm one of the lucky ones who has a birthday every four years, so I "celebrate" on the 28th most years.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <11:29:46/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Wait a sec. Just thought of something. I seem to remember seeing an Ares Combat Platform, or what looked like one, in one of the hangers. You know, the Dragon based heavy chopper with more weapons than anything shy of a tank or naval vessel should be allowed to possess? It could carry everyone out. It'd be tight, but it could still work.]<<<<< -- Slash <11:32:42/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[ How about using those .. damn, can't remember what they're called .. the Powered Hang-gliders. I've used them on occaison, and they work damned well. Might be better than a HALO jump, because those things have a _really_ low profile on radar. Done correctly, we could drop right in on their heads, and they wouldn't even know it.. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <14:54:23/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Nightgliders!!!! Fraggin son-of-a-slitch! I own one and I forgot about them completely. Drek... Let me get back to you on those, but you're absolutely right. And we could leave them flyin around on standby and not have to worry about stealin anythin. Just radio them in and we're outta there. Wait a sec, there's got to be somethin wrong with the idea.... If those radars are powerful enough, then they could still see them. Or rather, they could see us. And if they're trojan horses power-wise, then they could pump out enough power to frag with our recall signals. But, drek, I still like the idea myself.]<<<<< -- Slash <12:41:25/02-26-57> >>>>>[Nyah. Get used to it Kodachrome. Folks like that are more common than you'd think. The only reason you don't see many of 'em is because they have such a short lifespan... *snicker* That geezer was lucky though. If those had been REAL gangers (the kind that tip buildings over for fun), the old boy would have been sooooo badly ventilated right now...]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <14:54:39/26-02-57> ***** Private: Neuron Basher >>>>>[Lordy, lordy, you'll never guess what address just went apedrek last night. Yeppers, somebody's moved in... or the suppression gear crapped out.....]<<<<< -- Rumormonger *****PRIVATE: Aristo >>>>>[I'll be there.]<<<<< -- Dashira <13:35:32/2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Rattler >>>>>[Are you muscle or matrix support?]<<<<< -- Contract <13:37:46/2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Contract >>>>>[Muscle is such an unsubtle way of putting it, but yes, that's me.]<<<<< -- Rattler <14:47:35/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Extraction team >>>>>[ +++++Update team file: ADD Grimace Okay boys, it looks like most of the party is here to roll. I'd like to introduce the newest member of our team. He's a human sam that goes by the name of Grimace. We will be having a meet this coming up Thursday evening the way things are looking. We still have a go to pull this off this weekend sometime. I've gotten one suggestion for a place to hold the meet and my contacts are checking it out right now. I'll get back to you with more details concerning that. Please dress in a non-attention gathering way for the meet. I don't need any drek-heads coming in wearing garments of fire or some crap like that. For those of you who may have jumped on the train a bit late, this is going to be a snatch-and-grab on a 'defecting' executive from a corp housing facility. We'll try and keep casualties to a minimum, both to us and to the guards at the housing authority. In other words, I don't want to be reading about a massacre at the housing facility the day after the strike. Got it chummers? I hope so, because if you don't, then you had better get out while you still can! Just so that there is no confusion about this in the future, Grimace will be the team leader during the planning AND execution of the snatch. If you have a problem with this, you know where the door is. Other than that, our team currently is composed of two deckers, one mage, one magical adept, and a second muscle pending. You got questions, slot them this way as soon as possible. If not, then I'll be contacting you in the near future with the location and exact time of our meet. Good day.]<<<<< -- Contract <13:56:32/2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Rattler >>>>>[Okay. We can use you then. Here's the details I've released about the mission so far and a run down on the other team members. We will be having a RL meet Thursday evening at a location I will inform you and the other team members of shortly. Have a good day.]<<<<< -- Contract <2:03:45/2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Rattler >>>>>[ +++++INCLUDE: Update_file Here's the file to catch you up to date. If you've got questions, ask away.]<<<<< -- Contract <14:15:28/2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Internal_logs_for_Contract >>>>>[ +++++Begin: Update Extraction team file ADD Rattler +++++End: Update Extraction team file ]<<<<< -- MAIL DAEMON <2:05:32/2-26-57> *****Private:Contact >>>>>[If at all possible I'd like tp know who my fellow decker is, it helps when in the Matrix to know your friends. Also I'd like to know what kind of IC's we might encounter, so I can come dressed for battle so to speak.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne *****Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[All that info will be discussed and found out at the RL meeting on Thursday evening. I'm afraid that I can't give out any more direct information about the target or location until that time. There should be enough time for a quick scouting of the target site though between when you all have been briefed and the run time. Hope this helps. Have a good day.]<<<<< -- Contract <15:28:21/2-26-57> >>>>>[Aristo, my old friend! It's good to see you back in the saddle again. I'd like to help you out, but me and the wife are involved in something else at the current moment. Perhaps when that clears up, we can get together for lunch or something.]<<<<< -- Ripley <16:58:23/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Evening. I have been asking around my former partners for some additional assistance. In the past I have found that some magic-tech combinations are quite helpful. Regarding the HALO drop, I suppose I am ready for it although I have never experienced any similar method of storming the fort, I guess you could say. What I am referring to when I say magic-tech combinations, is that in past runs, a rigger friend of mine and I have been able to create some intriguing distracftions---through the careful integration of his use of drones and my supplementary light shows and conjurings. Of course at the time we were dealing with much smaller scale operations. Any ideas concerning this method of operation for some cases? Or do you think this method of operation would even be helpful at all in the current situation in which we're facing? I really think with the correct timing of firepower, cyber/bioware, decking, and magic, we can pull of a distraction pretty effectively---we certainly have the numbers. I'll contact my rigger associate for a list of equipment if you would like to see what additional items would be involved.]<<<<< --Lobster <21:30:23 / 02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Should we risk sending ourselves into the front? Rust, my rigger pal, is high skilled with a couple of Wandjina drones which he has been working on for the past few years---the signature on those angels are quite high. How about an up-close-and-personal zoom shot---maybe ring a few doorbells, even. Also, I was wondering if anyone has the data concerning the immediate coastal geography of the area we're dealing with---where's the nearest body of water? (heh heh heh---jes you wait. . .)]<<<<< --Lobster <21:35:14 / 02-26-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Aristo >>>>>>[I will be there.]<<<<< -- Shade <20:51:47 / 2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Two things. If we need cover against the radar, myself and any others can go on an astral quest to conjour a real nasty greater form Storm Spirit. I know that I could manage force 8 with some effort, but with help I could go much higher. The electrical disturbance could knock out their radar systems. Second, for escaping, if we deal with the local spirits, then they can easily get us back out the gate and conceal us in the jungle. They could even transport us away. I cannot tell you the # of times I have helped a group to infiltrate into or away from a building that did not owe a good deal of success to spirits. I know the local spirits dislike the Maxim facility, and they are becoming uneasy because of the recent bringing of the bomb.]<<<<< -- Shade <22:09:56 / 2-26-57> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Actually, Lobster we might wish to work together on the conjuring angle. Anyway, I have friend who is a Bull Shaman/Rigger. He could be of use on this one, as he was involved in the Wraith encounter.]<<<<< -- Shade <22:20:57 / 2-26-57> >>>>>[A discrete killing must be done. Mail me if you have the skill and the time.]<<<<< -- FGVSD*$NG!@ *****PRIVATE: FGVSD*$NG!@ >>>>>[I have both the skill and the time. Who's the meat?]<<<<< -- Tassie <23:54:55/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Tassie >>>>>[A middleaged hotelier. A very low security and low visibility hit. We would prefer that it appeared as either an accident or random violence with appropriote colateral damage.]<<<<< -- DFG(U%TG >>>>>[Hey. Anybody know of a market for interesting, unique trid? Not that I have any as yet, but hey, I'm willing to go to almost any lengths to break into the biz Oh, yeah. I saw that weird guy in the robes again today. I was rushing through the park trying to get to an interview, and I saw him, standing in the rain. I know this is going to sound like drek, but I swear he was talking to a tree. Like he was having a regular conversation with it. The guy must be nuts or something.]<<<<< -- Kodachrome <22:28:57/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Rattler, Mr. Blackthorne, Grimace, Circuit >>>>>[Is it possible to find out a little more about our employer, Contract. I'm new to this and maybe this is out of line, but I have a funny feeling. It may just be butterflies before a run, but it never hurts to be sure who you work for. I'll check as well. If you come up with anything, contact me at >>encrypted<<.]<<<<< --Cuval <22:32:45/02-26-57> *****PRIVATE: <> >>>>>[If you're looking for a team to go in, I can work you pretty damn far on the Matrix side.]<<<<< -- Jade Arrow *****PRIVATE TO: Jade Arrow >>>>>[Matrix support should not be necessary for this run.]<<<<< -- ERT%*(CV@#XN >>>>>[Oh! Oh! Somebody Boobooed... I guess now you know what thatEncription option is for, Eh! chummer?]<<<<< -- GoD >>>>>[Oh! Oh! Somebody Boobooed... I guess now you know what thatEncription option is for, Eh! chummer?]<<<<< -- GoD *****PRIVATE TO: Tobai Dark, Cylia >>>>>[ Content: Network Session Backup From: Cynthia Port Open Time: Pulse Length: Pulse Content: Seed to Cylia!]<<<<< -- [C--t--a] at [NewTypeBBS] <08:27:44/27-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Tobai Dark, Cynthia >>>>>[ Content: Network Session Backup From: Cylia Port Open Time: Pulse Length: Pulse Content: Seed received. Network port validated. Tobai's still pretty busy, so no word on the Master. Although he has suggested creating a perminint softconnect. Do you have the resources available to conceal such a link? Response expected during next network session.]<<<<< -- [C--l--a] at [TheCampus] <08:27:45/27-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[ Withour knowing the dynamics of the actual group, here's my proposed invasion plan of the Maxim compound: First of all, we'll need to break down into several teams. Each team has a set of specific goals, and almost no team is solely responsible for any one of them, in case something prevents them from completing it. Team #1: Overwatch deckers. While most, if not all, of the bases security is off the matrix, not everything can be. Communication lines, sat links, etc. will still exsist. I suggest that one or two of the deckers, or how ever many they think is needed (I'm not the expert on judging matrix security and what they'll need), either break in and keep the internal security subdued, or sew havoc among the personnel. Have false messages from Maxim sent in, whatever they can think off to cause problems with what they have. Team #2: Magic. There's been a lot of talk about getting the paranimals and misc. spirits and elementals of the area to help out. Great. As much magical force that can be thrown at Maxim to mess with their own mana throwers the better. While there's not much subtlety to it, it really doesn't need it. The more people they can keep busy the longer the better. I heard someone mention creating zombies as well, and thats a good idea to, as long as they leave us alone. This team and team #1 are the only ones with out another group backing up there objectives. Neither of these two teams should have any trouble leaving the compound as they should never enter it. The deckers will be safe at home, and the wizzers can just slip quietly into the jungle. Team #3: The HALO Jumpers: The idea of this team is to do an aerial drop right to right on top of the nuke bunker, break inside, disarm the nukes, and get out. I doubt it will be that simple, but I do think it's the best option. The team should be small, some muscle, a combat decker, whoever can disarm the nukes, and a mage. It would be best if the nuke specialist could fill in one of the other positions as well. Whoever is in this team _must_ be good at HALO jumps. If it's not possible to get a mage or decker with the right expierience, so be it. The kind of jump that's planned in the conditions expected are not for any hot shot who thinks they can do it just because they think "they're the best" even if they've never done one before. I don't think there's anyone like that in the group, but if there is, they can go somewhere else. There is no room for error. Team #4: The Gliders: This group is basically the same as the previous, except that they'll be using Nightgliders as their insertion method instead of parachuting. This has some benefits and draw backs however. While it'll be easier to get people into the compound and to the nuke bunker, they're going to have a slightly higher signature than the jumpers, and will have to fly directly over more of the base from a much lower altitude. Still, it's good to have them as there will then be two groups capable of disarming the nukes in case one is intercepted. Team #5: The people borrowing the IFV: I love the idea of this. Stealing an IFV and disguising it so that it looks as if it was damaged in battle and can't transmit the IFF. This will allow more people into the compound to take care of an misc. jobs that need to be dealt with. Extra matrix work, etc. However, I think the best thing that could be done would be to scurry over to the hangers and steal the Ares Battle platform. Get a rigger inside her and some extras to work the various weapons systems and we can pick up the teams and fly/fight our way to somewhere thats not so hot. Team #6: Contigency: This group is there for more distractions. A fake nerve gas attack or even a missile strike, they can sit out of the way and drop whatever is necessary onto Maxim's HQ so that as many people can get away as possible. I'm sure there are some more people in the team how can enhance this and refine it. Right now, it's kind of rough, but I think I've covered most of the possibilitys and ideas that have been thrown around. One last thing, the nukes. Are we going to blow them or take them apart? I think blowing them up is the best option. It's faster and easier, and will cause less loss of life. It also requires less advanced technical knowledge. All you need to know is where to put the explosives.]<<<<< -Blade <10:20:34/2-27-56> *****PRIVATE: Slash >>>>>[When you try to blow up the nukes, do NOT pile the warheads together. If you do, you may have a "Thin Man" type explosion. Which would mean, there WOULD be a nuclear explosion....Dammit, tell everyone I'm coming along. I've got to make sure this is done right.]<<<<< -- Buzz (The one the Only...Human Bee in the Matrix) *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Nice plan, Blade, lots of redundancy. I'm up for pretty much whichever position needs me most: I'm HALO qualified and experienced, fly just about anything (helos best, but fixed-wing and Nightgliders are no problem), and I'm good in a fight. I'd guess that I'll be on one of the armoury teams, since I qualify as a nuclear expert at the moment This is shaping up to be one of those nights of living hell that you look back on with pleasure and disbelief... "Boy! I lived through THAT? Damn, I'm good...." I don't suppose we can persuade someone to pay us for doing this, can we? I made a discreet application for Federal funding, but no joy. As for the nukes, I'd go for blowing them in place if necessary. It would be nice to steal them and get them properly dismantled, but planning for that as a mission requirement complicates things greatly. If we don't have time to destroy them properly, I can at least thoroughly damage them in a very short space of time.]<<<<< -- Blade <17:25:34/2-27-56> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[ I'd guess that if we look at that model, I'd be a combat-mage on the Nightglider team. I can handle them pretty well, and I'm no stranger to ordanance either. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <12:48:12/02-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Rattler, Mr. Blackthorne, Cuval, Circuit >>>>>[Chummers, I don't know if any of you have had experience working with Contract before, but on the couple jobs that I've gotten from him, he's held up his end of the deal. Seems to be an ok fix'r actually, which is drekking rare these days. Anyone else got some info on him?]<<<<< -- Grimace <14:35:33/2-27-57> *****Private:Cuval >>>>>[ Sir, is your interest in biotech a profession? Would you be interested in doing some research? I represent the group known as "The Electric Mayhem". We are currently seeking someone with experience in the biotech feild on a reasearch level. We do not require any oaths of loyalty and will pay well. As a gesture of our interest, please accept this retainer. >>TRANSFER $10,000<< If you are interested please contact me here. Thank you for your attention to this matter.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <17:32:23/02-27-57> *****PRIVATE: Extraction team >>>>>[Okay, boys, the meet's at The Red Rose Petal at 18:00 Thursday. Be there! I'll have datachips and other information about the site and the target so that you can do your homework before Sunday. By the way, please leave any personal "defense" items at home. Security is fairly tight here and I don't need my guests to be making a big fuss. Also, for those of you who don't want to stick out like a sore thumb, wear a suit. Here's some nuyen for that expense. See you Thursday evening then. +++++Transfer: 1000 nuyen each TO: Rattler, Grimace, Mr. Blackthorne, Circuit, Cuval]<<<<< -- Contract <15:03:32/2-27-57> ***** PRIVATE: Griffyn, GoD, Neuron Basher, Trixie >>>>>[Dinner, Miko's, downtown Seattle, tomorrow 7:30. Reservations under my name.]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <23:07:35 / 02-27-57> >>>>>[Just when you thought, It couldn't get better any better!!!]<<<<< -- GoD <00:07:42 / 02-28-57> ***** Private: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[So where've you been hiding? I heard about freedy, not the most jolliest of news, but at least he went out like only freddy would, I miss ol'Big mouth. Listen, I found your salamander, it just happened to take a hankering to my desk, and it made a home, between that pencil holder, note-pads, and stapler thingy my aunt silvia gave me for my birthday... Glad, to have you back, say I'll be at the office till later on this morning, so If you want to talk you know the number...]<<<<< -- GoD < 00:13:23 / 02-28-57 > *****Private:Mr. Jackson >>>>>[Well, well, it seems you have a "friend" of mine, a very important friend at that. I want to put you at ease though, I have come to make you an offer. My employers do not need Mr. Nox, he is but the carrier of what we seek. My employers have told me to offer you 30,000 -Y- for any data you would share with use about Mr. Nox's bioware. We are also aware that most of it is, shall we say dagerous, and are not stupid enough to think you would share such things. What we are interested in is his anti-toxin and other such bioware. We would appreciate any information you can give us. The funds will be transfered if you agree.]<<<<< -- Amber Snowmane <02/27/57 7:26:23> *****PRIVATE: Buttons, Action Jackson >>>>>[Whew, it is good to be get out of the clinic for a while. Herr Jackson, in response to your question about a nerve toxin for Herr Nox: You can try to making something, but i think you will have small results. His immune system is coupled with the toxin filters, so that anything you are giving him will be first reduced by the filters, and then he will be immune to it. Whatever you make, if it is working at all it will work only once. Here is some data on the system. I have looked for loopholes, but i am finding nothing. +++++include immune/filter.mri +++++include immune_analysis.txt In happier news, i am successful in installing a shell around the profiles from us on his chips. They are still there, but are not accessible to the trigger program. I am also permanently disabled the countdown program and am close to crack the 'targets' file. I telled some of this to Tylor already (not about the toxin, of course), and he look happy that he is no unwilling threat to us now. I will tell you more about what i find later.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <01:08:39 GMT/28.FEB.57> *****PRIVATE: DFG(U%TG >>>>>[Null sweat. Give me the target name. Time you want them wet. Color of your cred.]<<<<< -- Tassie <20:05:37/27-02-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Tassie >>>>>[Be at Kishemann's Bar tomorrow night at 11:26pm. You will be contacted there.]<<<<< -- $#GVDF*I$N *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Slash, what sort of conjuring do you have in mind? I have forest/ jungle spirits that would be helpful. Are you hermetic or shamanic? If hermetic, what do you have along the lines of bonded elementals? We can also make an offensive recon of the area around the site to clear out any potential troubles. What do you think? For those of you keeping up with the magic end of things, what are your opinions on highest magical threat based on what we know so far? I was also wondering about any offensive (or defensive) magical backup that those of you firepower-folks would be interested in? I'd like to start setting up some options here.]<<<<< --Lobster <23:25:15 / 02-27-57> *****PRIVATE TO: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[I should probably go in with the magic thrower team. As to the Nukes, I am in-favor of taking the important pieces with us and blowing the rest of it up. For me, and for the local spirits, it would be much prefered. For the money-grubbing members, it could easily be sold to one of the Major Corps for major NuYen. It may be more dangerous, but I feel it is worth the effort.]<<<<< -- Shade <21:35:25 / 2-27-95> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Well, first it is Shade and not Slash, but I am a Stag Druid, similar in nature to what you would call a shamanic. I have was on the original recon team, and talked with local and friendly spirits. I would not suggest an offensive recon as most of the bigger creatures have tended to stay away from the facility ever since they began to get shot down for target practice. The Shadowhounds are about the only non-Maxim dangerous paranormals around, but I doubt they will be a problem. I was thinking Storm and mist to aid us, Jungle, stream, etc.]<<<<< -- Shade <22:39:38 / 2-27-57> *****Private: Wintergeist >>>>>[Thank you for the job offer. I do not know if I meet the requirements for such research. My areas of training are mainly homeopathic and holistic medicine, primarily dealing with healing and maintaining health through the use of herbs and other natural substances, as well as movements that directly stimulate the energy system of the body. It is an ancient system that I have been studying for several years. If this fits in with your requirements, and I would be able to have a certain amount of freedom for ... personal projects ... then I would be interested in hearing more. If not, I will happily return the funds you have forwarded.]<<<<< -- Cuval <23:34:12/02-27-57> *****Private: Rattler, Mr. Blackthorne, Grimace, Circuit >>>>>[The few contacts I have managed to make here in Seattle have been able to give me very little on Contract. From what I've been told he is well off, some of my contacts say he is filthy rich but then they live on the street, so who knows what filthy rich is to them. I haven't heard anything about his every fragging with a team he's hired, which eases that feeling I had. Oh yeah, I guess he also likes fancy type restaurants. I have to get a _suit_? I haven't worn a suit in .... Come to think of it, I don't know as I have ever worn a suit, and definitely not in the last five years or so. Not much call for them where I lived before. Let me know if any of you find out anything else about Contract, hopefully before the meet Thursday.]<<<<< -- Cuval <23:56:23/02-27-57> >>>>>[Anyone know where I can get a good suit? One that gives a little armor maybe? I had a bad experience several years ago.]<<<<< -- Cuval <00:01:12/02-28-57> *****PRIVATE: DFG(U%TG >>>>>[Who you want ventilated? how much is it worth to ya?]<<<<< -- DRUZE < 08:38:38 / 2-28-57 > >>>>>[There's this place on the corner of union and Broadway,"Louie's" For the right Cred, You can probably get one with indoor plumbin'. Louie I'll take good care of you, just don't ask about eye-patch or look at it too much...]<<<<< -- GoD < 08:55:32 / 2-28-57> *****PRIVATE: Jason Stormind, Trixie, Neuron Basher, GoD >>>>>[ Happy days are here again! Good to see you, Jas. You have no idea how good. ]<<<<< -- Griffyn <11:00:12/02-27-57> >>>>>[Hoi, Cuval. Good suits are hard to come by in this city, especially armoured ones (next time you're in Madrid or Kyoto look in the yellow pages. No drek). Try Maxamillions on Howell, Fancy Man (Broad, but they deal mostly in "Scottish fashions" so be warned). Other than that, we can only recommend our personal taylor. But if we did that, all you'd have to do would be to ask about his two most attractive customers and you'd know all about us. He's one of the few people who have seen both of us simultaniously in our skivvies. If we weren't combat mages, it would have been a humbling experience... But when you can cause someones head to explode on a whim, it gets hard to be embarssed...]<<<<< -- Jen and Gabe <11:07:15/28-02-57> *****Private:Cuval >>>>>[Try Stoompy's in the Archalogy,the supply me with all of my suits. Just tell then Donavin sent you and they'll skip the background check. On a side note I heard anything bad about him, a real nice guy, that in itself scares me. Oh and when you get to Stoompy's DON'T let Richard do it, he tends not to care where he shoves the needles.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <02/28/57 11:24:34> *****Private: Cuval >>>>>[I appreciate your prompt and direct reply. My intrest is in someone skilled in the western scientific method to corroborate with the biomedical research going on in New Zealand at this time. If you have an associate in this field I would desire to set up a meeting with him or her. Please keep the retainer, I may need your services sometime in the future. Here is the Encryption Code for the Electric Mayhem >>CODE<<. Welcome to my family. The tailors Brigam and Rodrick of London have an office downtown. I have sent instructions. Please drop by to have you measurements taken at your convenience.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <11:34:32/02-28-57> *****Private:Action Jackson >>>>>[Well happy B-day friend, I hope it's better than my day has been. I just got back from my trip, I'm sorry to say it didn't go so well. The stuff I was talking about IS real but it causes the plutonium to go nucular. I didn't understand this at first, but the doc explained it to me. When this junk touches the plutonium it speeds up the molucules in the plutonium causeing it to go boom. Not quite our style, so I told him no thanks and started to leave. That's when some Fuchi boys came in shooting everything that moved. The doc was blasted and so was his assistant, I got out but not without getting my arm fragged. Like I said it was a bad trip. You wouldn't happen to know where I could get a cyberarm would you?]<<<<< -- Redfeather <02/28/57 11:55:23> >>>>>[Of course. **Several addresses** All of these stores supply high quality clothing for the modern profesional. And of course they sell amored variants. Though you might want to consider investing in Form Fitting Body Armor. Basically armored long johns.]<<<<< --Aristo <10.45.25/2-28-57> *****Private: Basilisk >>>>>[Your skills come quite recomended sir. I seek someone skilled in biomedical research to corroborate with some discoveries currently going on in New Zealand. I must select my candidate from the shadows as I suspect Matsushida having some involvement with this project. The project involved is titled "Fountain of Life". Please respond soonest as I suspect some nefarious motivations on the corporation's part.]<<<<< -- Wintergeist <11:44:52/02-28-57> *****Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I have a favor to ask. There is a young man currently lost somwhere in the Native American Nations. His mother approached me requesting our aid. Here is some operating capital, as you may encounter some expenses. >>TRANSFER $45,000<<. These are what files I could have pulled from the UCAS database >>TRANSFER 7.63 Gp<<. If you need additional funds, or must subcontract, please inform me soonest. The boy's name is William Beland.]<<<<< -- Wintergiest <13:06:23/02-28-57> *****Private: Cuval, Mr. Blackthorne, Grimace, Circuit >>>>>[What I've been able to find about about Contract pretty much confirms what Cuval has said. He doesn't seem any more or less dangerous than any other Johnson I've gone to meet with. Who knows, it might be fun. As far as suits go, if you've got the nuyen to burn, get one tailored. That way you can wear a bit of body armor under it without being too conspicuous, and make sure you protect those vital areas.]<<<<< -- Rattler <13:27:30/02-28-57> *****Private: Action Jackson >>>>>[Jackson, is the meet at Inferno's still on for tonight? I haven't heard any word saying it wasn't, so I plan on being there, if nothing else, I need a night to relax before the job. You've been real quite lately. Whats happening that the rest of the team isn't seeing?]<<<<< -- Blade <14:43:36/02-28-57> *****Private: Mr. Blackthorne >>>>>[I will definitely check with your tailor. Do they carry the Houndstooth line by Vashon? Or something similar? I agree, that lack of _anything_ negative seems somewhat ominous. We should give him the benefit of the doubt however. It is very easy to get paranoid in this line of work, is it not?]<<<<< -- Cuval <10:53:23/02-28-57> *****Private:Cuval >>>>>[Yes they do carry that line, but I suggest you go for the house model. I've had mine for many years, the bullets fall off of it like water. I agree that our line of work can make you paranoid, but then if we wern't we'd be dead. I will however take your advice and take him on his word. We shall see soon enough anyway.]<<<<< -- Mr. Blackthorne <02/28/57 4:47:23> *****PRIVATE TO: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Shade, somehow I can't quite see us opening a market stall. "Kryton Timers, One Careful Owner, Priced For Quick Sale". I doubt selling any nuclear weapon parts is a good idea.]<<<<< -- Lynch <19:51:45 / 2-28-95> *****PRIVATE: Maxim Raiders >>>>>[Lobster, my main interest in magical defence is anything that'll help hide me while I do my fighting-soldier-from-the-sky act. If anything you can do will keep the bad guys from noticing me (whether in the transport, whatever we use: freefalling: or in the chute) I'll be grateful and appreciative, and take back all the nasty things I've been saying about you behind your back. Magical offence, I don't know. I think I'm better off relying on my own abilities, rather than trying to command loaned elementals or use anchored spells or any of the other stopgaps I've seen people use. If you have better options, I'm wide open to them.]<<<<< --Lynch <19:15:25 / 02-28-57>