>>>>>[Jeeze, you folks should know by now that she knows I don't mean much of anything by it. Just that I've regressed emotionally past the age of twelve and can't deal with a serious emotional commitment as a mature adult, anymore. It's psychological, a protective shell, or some such psychobabble crap. Anyway, I paid too much =Y= and I'm asking not enough =Y=.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (12:14:42 / 08-28-56) Presdient Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150) >>>>>[Freddy, I didn't know you could deal with a serious emotional commitment anyway? **GRIN**]<<<<< -- Jasmine <14:25:37 / 08-28-56> ***** Not to: Nightmare >>>>>[ Hey 'a Collector' and Ratspeak! I hear you two have a serious disagreement with an individual known as 'Nightmare.' I'll offer you a trade. +++++ Trace initiated. +++++ Counter-trace released. I have Blitzkrieg. Make me a close bid offer. I'll keep the bidding totally silent. Any other parties that are interested may apply as well. +++++ Trace destroyed. +++++ Counter-trace successful. Location: >>encrypted<< Bidding closes at the end of labor day, Greenwich time. I eagerly await your bids. Oh no offers under 40k will be accepted. ]<<<<< -- Christopher Harker <19:26:23/08-28-56> ***** Private: Christopher Harker >>>>>[ My bid is >>encrypted<< and maybe I will even let you live. ]<<<<< -- Nightmare <19:28:05/08-26-56> ***** Private: Christopher Harker >>>>>[ Nice trace man. I'll get you for that. And I refuse to bid on -- WHAT THE FRAG? Paranoid aren't you. Well that trace did.... FRAG! You bastard. If that is how you want to play..... +++++ Link terminated ++++++ ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <19:31:07/08-28-56> ***** Private: Christopher Harker >>>>>[ My esteemed colleague, I offer you >>encrypted<< for your collectable. +++++ Initiate trace. +++++ Initiate trace. +++++ Initiate trace. If you receive higher offers, I will be willing to consider upping my offer, but first I must receive proof of the need to do so. ]<<<<< -- a Collector <19:34:22/08-28-95> ***** Private: Nightmare >>>>>[ Got them both, mien Herr. The individual known as Ratspeak is currently in Rome, Italy. The individual known as 'a Collector' is in Dublin, T.N.O. I was unable to figure out who the third trace was from. I suspect it was Ratspeak. As per your orders, I have used one of your old handles to post this. ]<<<<< -- Black Knight <19:37:43/08-28-56> ***** Not to: a Collector, Christopher Harker, Nightmare >>>>>[ Oh drek! 'a Collector' is in Dublin. Sprinkler said he was having some trouble . . . but, why would 'a Collector' bother with him? What a fragging mess. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <19:39:14/08-28-56> ***** Private to: Christopher Harker >>>>>[Name your price. Highest offer?]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> ***** Private: GoD >>>>>[Just like you wanted this is everything that has come to and from his accounts, but about the time I was finished I think he figured out what was happening.... here is the data.. +++++ Attach Files:[N/Y] y +++++ Rtspk.log1 - 23 mp +++++ Rtspk.log2 - 44 mp +++++ Rtspk.log3 - 45 mp What do you think Kor will have to say about this Harker guy? I tried a trace and apparently so did everyone else, Ratspeak did also but I'm not sure if any of them worked at all. well it's in the log. Oh and tell Trixie and NB that I like what they did with those frames. I want to be just like them when I grow up. Hey trixie never got back to me about the Job? Hey we are running out of Ice-cream so pick some up on your way here.]<<<<< -- Riddler <BanG!!! Your DiGitized> ***** Private: Riddler >>>>>[Yeah! ok! Ice-cream! I'll see what I can do about it all. I think Kor's Gonna Go ballistic my slef. but then again he's one cool-fragger when he wants. give me a ring later on today.]<<<<< -- GoD <A day in Dalife> ***** Not to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Ahhh, Jas, Freddy checked the net this morning then punched out the monitor on his tort. Wild guess here, but I think you might have hit a nerve. Sure he had it coming... can't blame you I guess - not everybody's up on Freddy's past marital... should we say - problems? He had it coming, sure. Just that he can joke about it, but he doesn't much care for other people joking about it.... he's that way sometimes, you know.... No way he shoulda expected you to know.... sorry.]<<<<< -- Spark (08:55:01 / 08-29-56) *****Private To: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Hey, Freddy, sorry. I wasn't trying to pour salt in any wounds. Look, you know we're friends. If there's anything I can do, let me know.]<<<<< -- Jasmine <08:40:24 / 8-29-56> >>>>>[Hell, if'n someone would have told me there was going to be a trace party like that, I would have played along.]<<<<< -- Skuff <16:49:22 / 08-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Christopher Tarlenton, Neuron Basher, Priest, Merrox, Trixie, Kor >>>>>[Ok, I give up. How does this Christopher Harker fit in with all of this mess? Or does it at all?]<<<<< -- Skuff <16:49:25 / 08-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Skuff, Neuron Basher, Priest, Merrox, Trixie, >NightMare< >>>>>[Im sorry about that. I know how much I hate being kept in the dark about things so I really shouldnt have held information back on any of you. I just wasnt sure how this was supposed to fit in. CH recently abducted a very intoxicated Blitzkrieg from undisclosed location. CH, who said he was working with Shadowfox's blessings and using shadowfox's contacts then disappeared. Merrox was the person I asked to do a phone log search on that location's telecommunications. He turned up the fact that it was done somewhat sloppily but that it was definitely done well. I hold to the pretense that it was purposely done that way to make it seem rushed. Shadowfox doesnt work with anyone less than the best. The fact that they even remember the phone log amazes me (I cannot remember the number of times I have had to have someone remind me to cover that particular avenue after a job -- Amazingly enough, thats why Merrox jocky's our phone systems for IS&M). Initially, after a lot of thinking I was guessing that CH wanted to get ahold of someone named Nightmare who is said to have links to Blitz. This doesnt seem to be the case. There is something else he wants or needs but I havent figured that out yet. Maybe one of you is better with ... tactics than I am. So -- We have: Blitzkrieg MISSING (Held by CH, location unknown) Scourge MISSING (Taken from Ares by Ares(?)) Shadowfox MISSING (held up by paperwork(?) by Ares(?)) During a long talk with Doomsday a couple nights back he mentioned that both he AND Shadowfox were part of a meeting in which Scourge was on overwatch and that went wrong. Someone broke into the meeting (or maybe just into Ares, this is currently unclear to me) and a fight broke out. The end of the story is that they got away and Shadowfox and Doomsday (and two others, unidentified) were held up. Doomsday was released but that seems to have been the last place DD remembers being with Shadowfox. The kicker to this is that the meeting was up here (likely at Scourge's place of employment) and they were flown to another location and DD was flown back. He doesnt remember the amount of air time so I have NO clue how far off we are talking. Merrox -- Could you check into flight plans filed on the dates in question? DragonEyes MISSING I havent the foggiest. I believe that is all that I know at this time. Ill keep jogging my memory and checking my notes to see if there is anything else I havent told you. Again, Im really sorry. I tend to spend more time thinking to myself than reporting information back to you guys. Bad move on my part. Information gathering of this type is not my forte. Could all of you add: A Collector, Christopher Harker, and Jonathan Harker to your list of people you need to keep tabs on / get traces off on as soon as you can? Do any of you have contacts in TNO? I'd really like to help a friend out of trouble if I can but my arm doesnt reach that far. Hell, I dont want it to. WAIT...I have a favor owed to me. Let me see if I can call this one in...]<<<<< -- Kor <17:29:12 / 08-29-56> >>>>>[So, are you going to tell us all about your excitement over the weekend, Kor]<<<<< -- Merrox <2.7M in Virtual Sammy> >>>>>[Thats not up to me to decide, actually.]<<<<< -- Kor <17:50:15 / 08-29-56> ***** PRIVATE: Colleen >>>>>[Greetings. Would it be overly impolite of me to invite you to dinner within the next few days? Say...Wednesday? Do you like Theatre?]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <17:53:15 / 08-29-56> Executive Officer Industrial Sound and Magic *****PRIVATE: Kor >>>>>[I suppose I can count you among the lost when I died then. A shame, really. There was so much I wanted, no, needed to tell you. There are countless wonders, and horrors, out there, beyond our imagination. Beyond the scope of the mortal mind. I had thought to share with you the little part of that I have been granted. There is little need to worry, at least not anymore. A rather powerful "friend" has had a virus released that should, eventually, destroy all copies of any messages sent by "the Whistler." I am told it may even affect the Nexus, but of that I am not sure. So it was only a blip on the computerized imaginations of the shadow denizens that I ever returned. Satisfied, oh fickle friend? I must say that this does hurt me, but I understand your point of view. Your "FUTURE" will be unaffected by me. But then again, your "FUTURE" will leave the world unaffected. I do not say this to be cruel, or out of spite, but these petty meanderings of those so-called shadowrunners mean so very little. So many petty hates, so many petty enemies, so many petty lives. If you ask for help, I shall respond, even though I know the same can no longer be said of you.]<<<<< -- the Dark Stranger<12:03:23/29-8-56> ***** Private: Nightmare >>>>>[ I give up. I tried to set you up in a position to kill 'a Collector' once and for all, and you botch it. I tried helping you out, to find your precious brother AND YOUR DECKER friends beat me to the punch and beat the drek out of my deck again. What gives? What have I ever done to you? I tried helping you out when HAMMER was blackmailing you, and you ignored me. I tried helping you out when you were declared a traitor to Germany and you ignored me. Alright, so I like playing devil's advocate to people. You knew that, and always treated me fairly. You above this whole damn node know me, and yet you are willing to kill me. Why? ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <19:22:46/08-26-56> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ And here I thought you were just jealous. Why am I trying to kill you? Who backstabbed me better than HAMMER ever could have? Could it be you? "No more nights of blood and fire...." Who would do anything to get to the bottom of a mystery? Who would tell anybody the darkest secret to get attention? I think you already know the answer to that question. I won't kill you unless Kor pays me to. It is not worth my time. I won't forget the past. How did you feel that night? I think you have a pretty damn good idea how I felt. I amazed you didn't sell that point to HAMMER to keep your job instead of taking a job from Scourge to get out. ]<<<<< -- Nightmare <19:28:31/08-28-56> ***** Private: Nightmare >>>>>[ I haven't forgotten what happened, nor have I forgiven myself for what I did to you. I keep trying to make it up . . . but it always back fires. How can I help you get your half-brother back? Name the deed. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <19:29:22/08-28-56> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ You could start by not telling dark secrets that belong to your "friends" to tell. I will think on your offer. ]<<<<< -- Nightmare <19:31:48/08-29-95> ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[ Well like predicted, Ratspeak is getting desperate about the situation. Do you wish for me to up the ante? and if so, in what manner? Oh I hear a rumor that two people that aided us in Japan are starting to look for DragonEyes. If you can find those two, you should give them any aid you can -- I think they will need all the help they can get on that one, and I am not in a position to aid them in their endeavor.]<<<<< -- Nightmare <19:33:00/08-29-95> ***** Private: Jason Stormwind >>>>>[ Why hello! How are you? I'm certainly surprised to hear from you. I would love to go on a night on the town and theatre would be simply wonderful. However there is a small problem of logistics. I'm in Philadelphia and you are in Seattle. It makes middle of the week traveling sort of hard. Perhaps a neutral city for a weekend somewhere? It would be good for me to get away from it all, and I can imagine, that you too could use a vacation. ]<<<<< -- Colleen <19:42:22/08-29-56> ***** Private: Christopher Tarleton >>>>>[ You are the second person who has offered me "any price you want". May I suggest that money may not be all that I want. May I, also remind you -- yes -- it is a close bid. I will not disclose who the highest bidder has been, or what that bid is, until the end of labor day, Greenwich Time. ]<<<<< -- Christopher Harker <18:57:29/08-29-56> >>>>>[ Nightmare, I am truly amazed. How ever did you manage to find out about the auction so quickly? Inquiring minds want to know. ESPECIALLY since it was designated to scramble itself when you found it. ]<<<<< -- Christopher Harker <19:00:00/08-29-56> ***** Not to: Nightmare >>>>>[ Kind of makes you cringe in terror doesn't it Christopher. . . the man has sources even when it is denied point blank to him. Afraid yet? The man knows no bounds. When he decides he wants something, NOTHING stops him. At least I know what I am dealing with. You have no clue what you just started by kidnapping Blitzkrieg. ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <19:03:47/08-29-56> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ I think, beautiful young one, that I have a far better knowledge of my foe, than you do. Perhaps, I can save you from his wrath if we work together instead of against each other. What do you say? ]<<<<< -- Christopher Harker <19:06:08/08-29-56> ***** Private: Christopher Harker >>>>>[ No. I will not aid you. You made that decision for me by kidnapping Blitzkrieg. I will deal with Nightmare in my own way! ]<<<<< -- Ratspeak <19:07:38/08-29-56> ***** Private: Ratspeak >>>>>[ I laugh in your general direction. You want to take on Nightmare by yourself?!? You ARE truly mad. I am also surprised that you drew the line at the kidnapping of his dimwitted half-brother. Why? You, the noble soul who blasted Kor for hammering on Nightmare, yet is willing and able to sell Nightmare out to the highest bidder, which happens to have been (and still is) 'a Collector'; You are willing to blast me for a mere kidnapping. Hell, I am doing Blitzkrieg a favor, taking him away from all those nasty drugs that he was doing. I hope you die miserably at his hands. ]<<<<< -- Christopher Harker <19:16:36/08-26-56> >>>>>[Nice auction...too bad selling a person on the block has been disused here in what used to be the USA since oh...the 1860's.]<<<<< -- Ghost Angel (20:45:30 PDT/ 08:29:56) >>>>>[Oh, by the way, if you want to know exactly who I am...good luck....<grin>]<<<<< -- Ghost Angel (20:45:45 PDT/ 08:29:56) >>>>>[Make of this transmission what you will. Don't ask where I got it; it just showed up when I turned on the trid for a little illicit blood-sport from Death Star-9. +++++BEGIN UPLOAD +++++INCLUDE IMAGE ENHANCEMENT (Y/N)? y +++++PROCESSING +++++BEGIN PLAYBACK The image is crystal clear, the enhancements making it look more than real. Digitized before you is a small compound of five small grey buildings, one of which towers to three stories. Surrounding the compound is a wide expanse of seared earth, at least 50 meters wide. A tall, three meter fence topped with concertina encloses the entire area. At the edge of the fence stands the jungle, poised to engulf the island of artificial desert. The view pans across several times, for long minutes +++++153 seconds+++++ and you are granted small details by the powerful image enhancements. The charred vegetation and several dead birds make it clear that the chain link fence is clearly highly charged. The buildings themselves are now clearly not so dull and drab. All along the top foot of each structure is a line of carvings, clearly Aztec in style. Walking the blasted grounds are several groups of patrols. Just within these small grounds you see 4 pairs of heavily armored guards, each pair walking in random patterns with a Hellhound on the leash before them. Each guard is carrying some unknown, probably Aztechnology, assault rifle, and moves with the bizarre grace granted only by move-by-wire systems. On the left shoulder epaulet of each sentinel is a stylized leaping black panther. The view turns to the right before more details can be gleaned. The view rotates almost 180 degrees before stopping to show 8 humanoid dragons. +++++PAUSE The screen holds beautifully, with no blurring or distortion. A closer look at the "humanoid dragons" shows them to actually be heavily stylized suits of military grade armor. Each suit is a variant of dark red, with detailed scales and cunning joints. It is obvious from the slightly different configuration that the suits are all configured with various electronics and internal weaponry. One suit even appears to have a stylized Ballista launcher. +++++PLAY One suit in the middle, a blood red "dragon" with incredible detail nods his head once, then begins to rise, as do the others. Blades pop out of forearm sheaths, gun barrels rotate out of their forearm hiding places, and the single Ballista moves into a forward firing position. Suddenly, the jungle, which had been alive with the raucous cries of it's wild denizens goes strangly silent. The view rotates back to the compound, where the guards now stand still, weapons ready, heads cocked slightly to the side as if listening for something. Without any further warning, the first volley from the Ballista erupts from behind the camera, ripping through the fence and slamming home into the wall of the nearest building, the detonation sending one of the guards flying towards you. Before the guards can begin to turn and fire, a volt of shimmering energy streaks out and detonates, catching three guards and a Hell Hound in it's effects. Inside their armor the guards almost seem to melt to the ground. The view begins to rush forward, and you can now see several of the "dragons" in front of you, firing their integral weapons and firing off bolts of shimmering energy, with clearly too much ease. The remaining guards return fire, but only can squeeze off a few rounds before they too fall to the ground. The three remaing Hell Hounds charge the "dragons," but only one makes it to melee range, where it is then cut down by the claws of the blood red dragon. Another dozen or more guards rush out from the buildings, some of whom try to begin casting spells, but they too are cut down by a combination of magic, bullets, and Ballista rockets. Soon, all that is left is a smoking ruin. 27 dead bodies lie on the ground, all Aztechnology, plus four dead Hell Hounds. The group of eight "dragons" wanders the ruins, surveying their destruction, occassionally firing another round into a body or lifting a piece of rubble. They then form a circle in the center of the ruins and link armored hands. The camera focuses on each "dragon" before it bows it's head and then runs off. The last "dragon" left is the blood red one. It looks directly at the camera, and it's jet black eyes flare golden. "We know." +++++END TRANSMISSION Just what the hell do they know? I missed "Blood-thirsty Gladiators" for this dump. Ah, frag it all. Time to go get a beer. Anyone wanna join me?]<<<<< -- Rage<13:33:56/8-30-56> >>>>>[Here's a little something that might interest some of you. That little broadcast hit more than just you Rage. Someone managed to "inject" that little vid into the normal broadcast from Death Star-9. Azzie interference and damage control managed to keep 99.90f watchers from seeing more than about 30 seconds of the compound. But it seems that there were a few sets, that one way or another, got to see it all, like you did Rage. My guess is that those that got to see it either were too far away from _any_ Azzie interference, or were able to get by it (either with _real_ good electronics or just dumb luck). As to who they are, or what they know, I haven't much of a clue.]<<<<< -- St. Stan<13:41:13/8-30-56> >>>>>[Mission accomplished. Total destruction, zero casulties, video sent.]<<<<< -- Rhodri ab Iorweth<15:23:18/8-30-56> Draig Dau >>>>>[Ardderchog +++++TRANSLATION: Excellent]<<<<< -- Draig Un<15:24:24/30-8-56> ***** Private to: Christopher Harker >>>>>[What, aside from money, would you like? Perhaps you could give me an idea of what you're interested in.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> ***** Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Freddy, I need that mainframe yesterday. I also think I'm gonna need some help. Who's your best shot?]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> ***** PRIVATE: Nightmare >>>>>[Do what you must to get Blitz back. I dont have a lot of money just floating around right now but what I CAN muster is yours if you just want to buy his life back. I dont know what he wants just yet but its not cash. I have about 8 Ares attack drones that are also available. They were taken out of service a couple of years ago and stored. Have been unable to move them for fear that Ares might want to know where they came from. Spoils from a run that no one else on my team wanted to touch. They are yours if you need them. I guess I dont need to tell you to be careful.]<<<<< -- Kor <00:17:18 / 08-31-56> >>>>>[ What's this I see? I step out of the loop for a little while and everything goes nuts.... ]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <21:29:35 / 08-30-56> ***** Private: Kor >>>>>[ Hey I got a little somethin' from "Riddler" that he thinks you might want to see...?Ares?and/or some other party, had an interest in scourges dealings legal or other wise. I haven't read much of this accept for the very first part. I asked Riddler to do a little research for me when I hear about scourges disaperance. the logs that Riddler got back with aren't scourges but from somewhere in Ares DISPATCH or some such (it's in the logs) show Traces, reEncripted encripted files Alot of Techno-geek stuff that I don't know anything about maybe you can make somethin' about it maybe it's information you guys already have. let me know what you make of it..... Hey!!! I almost forgot, Trixie never got back to us about the paper work for Riddler for Is&M. and tell her Riddler saw Those frames (don't look at me I just write msgs and send the occasional vid file through this thing) that she and NB had out there. Said something about been just like them when he grew up.... KiDs..... well see you laters..]<<<<< -- GoD <A day in Dalife> >>>>>[Funny how this seems to happen to all of us ACTION You look aorund and everything is Wacko]<<<<< -- GoD <A Day in DaLIFe> ***** PRIVATE: Colleen >>>>>[Ill be in philly in a few hours. Sometimes owning your own jet does have its advantages. I was unable to get tickets for any of the decent shows in town so would you mind terribly a movie or maybe just dinner and a little catching up?]<<<<< -- Jason Stormwind <20:00:30 / 08-31-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher, Trixie, Merrox, Priest, Skuff >>>>>[Couple of things -- I want this Riddler guy on board and on-line yesterday Trixie, could follow that up. Get him down to the safehouse ASAP. If there is problems with the parental units, pay them off. You can put him on "under the table" funding for now. We will see if he will go directly into Serenity or IS&M. Likely straight into Serenity.. Neuron Basher -- You are fired Neuron Basher -- You now work for Serenity. Paperwork is now pending. Trixie -- Its your call. You can come on board or you can stay with IS&M. With us you can get back to coding and away from sales and operations. I have some business that has come up and I am en-route to philly right now. I hope to have information when I return. Going to have a talk with the woman I took into TNO a couple months ago. She is an Ares Exec and hopefully will have SOME information and / or be able to extend a favor to assist Sprinkler.]<<<<< -- Kor <20:11:20 / 08-31-56> ***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher, Trixie >>>>>[I'm selling my Council Island apartment complex. Would you know anyone interested in buying it (smile...)]<<<<< -- Kor <20:43:50 / 08-31-56>