
*****  PRIVATE: Maxim Crew
>>>>[I finaly manged to nab one of these damn spys.  The poor slob made the
mistake of following me through  friendly turf.  I got him stashed now, so
Diana, Claw, etc.  Come on over and play with this bozos mind]<<<<<
        -- Irish <17:08:13/28-02-56>

*****Private:Tiny, Jasmine, Shields, Basilisk, Aardvark, Dancing
>>>>>[Hoi, mates.  I've got some bad news for you all.  Some things
have happened here in Seattle that's made it impossible to stay.  I'm
leaving for Denver tonight to meet up with some old runners I know.
I'm basically going to disappear for a while so you won't be able to
get ahold of me.  Oh, and if any MCT goons show up and start asking
questions, you never met me.  It's been a fair dinkum of a run.  Good
luck on it, Ms. Jasmine.]<<<<<
        --  Backlash <21:47:23/2-28-56>

***** Private: Jeweler
>>>>>[ Your offer is accepted.  Be forewarned that I may have to put a ceiling
on the total added by per deim operating costs.  Out of curiosity, why that
much for per deim costs?  Let's face it, if I had to I could live on under 30 a
day easily.

But that question is irrelevant to this: you are working with Diana, Hermit,
and Nightingale.  They have a decker guiding them in their efforts by the name
of Dark Angel.  I hope that you are successful soon for DragonEyes sake.  The
place to start looking is in Seattle. ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <20:00:00/2-28-56>

***** Private: Dark Angel, Diana, Hermit, Nightingale
>>>>>[ An additional person has been added to help you all out.  The person's
name is Jeweler.  Be on the lookout for this person to hook up with you. ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <20:01:39/2-28-56>

*****NOT TO: Action Jackson, Maxim Employees, Interpol folks
>>>>>[I'd sure love to drop in the doc, but, unfortunately, I'm tied up
in the middle of something right now. Give the old guy my regards.]<<<<<
        -- Ripley <Irish-Eyes/Are-Smiling>

***** PRIVATE: Scourge
>>>>>[Alright.  This place is great to visit as a student but dont ever
come here to work.  They are incredibly hoop-tight about the use of magic

Im fairly secure right now.  I had a chance to get a couple of hours of sleep
and I feel a lot better.  My charge is a lot calmer but is no more
talkative than the night before.  I could really use some information...
starting with who owned this deck and what all of this means in the
grand scheme of things.  Speaking of which, Im going to have to
dump this pretty quickly now.  I dont need anyone tracing us using its
<insert techno-babble here> thingie.

We are staying away from everything and everyone right now.  What we definitely
dont need right now is TNO cops (or worse, corp cops) sniffing around my

Sprinkler has been a real help. Whats the scoop on him.
No, dont bother just yet.  Ill get back
in touch with you as soon as I have something to read/send info with that is
reliable, untracable (relatively), and clean.

Here are some things that might be of interest to you  --  this is large.
Sprinkler says its compressed as best we could do:

+++++ Encapsulate: deckdump.dmp.C09

Could you dig around in that and let me know if there was anything in there
that I wouldnt want fiddling around in my headware?  There seemed to be some
corp stuff that I couldnt get into that might be part of this fiasco.

Im babbling  --  I guess I havent gotten enough sleep yet and the coffee here
is usually spiked with Jameson's or Tully.  Not that I am arguing, just that
I dont like mixing stimulants with depressants. :P

My deck is there and I am here, if you sent me anything in the last couple
of days its waiting for me back in Seattle.  I will connect to my home machine
and have it forward my mail to me when I am more stable.  Anything overly
        -- Connor McDonald <07:14:35 / 29-FEB-56>

***** Private: Backlash.
>>>>>[ Sorry to see you leave. I hope you're not in trouble. If you are,
please don't hesitate to ask for my help. We'll miss you here. Take care.
        --  Aardvark (20:27:13/03-01-56)

*****Private:the Whistler
>>>>>[In response to your query, here is a copy of the summary file a decker
 friend of mine keeps around.

+++ File start +++
Elf, height 1.95 meters, 100 kilos.  Short brown hair, blue-gray eyes.
 Approximate age: 30.
 -Worked as corporate expediter for Ares Macrotechnology from 01-27-49 to
04-29-53.  Terminated contract and erased SIN on 04-30-53.  Maintains
connections with several Ares Macrotechnology employees.
 -Qualified with all small arms.  Trained in Kali Silat and Jujistsu.
 Experience with electronics and demolitions.  Standard social interaction
training as appropriate of corporate expediter.
 -Worked various shadow contracts in Manhattan (05-??-53 to 07-23-54) and Cal
Free (07-??-54 to 11-27-55).  Maintains connections in both locations.
 Currently residing in Seattle.
 -Possesses both cybernetic and bionetic modifications.  Some headware,
nothing very obvious besides datajack and chipslots.  No implanted weapons.
 -Will accept any offered employment, including forcible extractions and
+++ File end +++

I'm also working with backup: a street samurai by the name of Spring Rivers.
 She's somewhat  inexperienced, but we go back a ways, and I know she can
handle herself.  In any event, I'll take care of her if she needs help (she
won't, though).]<<<<<
        --  Mr. Purple <15:58:18/02-29-56>

***** Private: Conner McDonald
>>>>>[ Have Sprinkler tear apart the deck and see if he can find the tracer
mechanism.  He should know all the tricks of the trade, and if not, now is a
good as time as any to intercept.

Sprinkler is a long story.  And it isn't mine to tell.  But then again
Colleen's isn't mine to tell, and it doesn't look like she wants to talk, eh?

After looking at your little "deck dump" I think you are going to earn your
paycheck.  Where to begin is a better question then what to tell...

The hit was a fake that was arranged by a vp in Consumer Arms.  My guess
is that when you get to a little closer to what the vp is hiding he will
try harder.  The only reference to the person was a codename: Treknak and the
fact that he was a vp.  The reason I say he is that is how the data mentioned

I also now have a lovely itnerary of _EVERYTHING_ you and Colleen have done.
No offense, but I think they knew you were coming.  Which means somewhere we
had some leaks.  Probably on Colleen's end, but I'll check my end as well.

The rest of the data was pretty well coded within the encryption.  I'm still
working on breaking that part.  If my initial guess is right, you could be in
hot water.  I'll get back to you on that in a few hours.

Lastly, you asked about you missing anything in the mail.  The only thing I
will say at this time is that DragonEyes looks to have gotten himself into a
lot of trouble. ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <10:14:30/3-2-56>

***** Private: Conner McDonald
>>>>>[ Kor, what sort of trouble did you stumble into?  Conner McDonald died 4
years ago.  He died when someone made a run on Bylar Transports on the second
of February from that year.

By the way, my friends report that there are some noisy people asking about you
and that girl.  He pretended that he didn't know who they were talking about,
but he is very nervous now. ]<<<<<
        -- Sprinkler <10:19:04/3-2-56>

***** PRIVATE: Trixie
>>>>>[  Hi boss!  Miss me? *grin*  The reason I'm sending this is that I'm
starting to get a bit worried about Jason.  He's usually very prompt about
answering messages I send him, but I have been waiting on instructions from
him for over two days now.  Any ideas what's going on?  ]<<<<<
        -- Neuron Basher < 18:28:02/02-Mar-2056 >

***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher
>>>>>[No, I dont miss you.  Im waiting for you to get back so that
I can duct tape your skinny ass to the soda machine.  You were the one that
piddled with my deck, weren't you?

I dont know what is going on with Jas.  He does this alot.  He gets a bug up
his butt and decides that he needs to travel and do research.  Grandpa won the
inter-office pool this month with a correct guess of 2 weeks back in the
office before he took off again.  Every couple of weeks he comes into the office
and sits behind his desk looking at random pieces of electronic mail, invoices
and other stuff then gets up and realizes that things around here run pretty
well without him.  He leaves and heads out to the Y and works out (yes, we
do have a gym here, he seems to like the Y for some reason).  After a
couple of days he gets fed up, tries to push through changes to the board
of directors so that he HAS to sign or initial EVERY LITTLE THING that we
do but that always gets shot down.  Then he leaves.  He is a great magician
and his idea for setting up this place and the hiring practices he has kept up
was wonderful but its gotten to the point where, and I hate to admit this, we
dont need him anymore.  We are more sales oriented than nuts and bolts like
we were at the begining.  Oh well.

He logged in to his home machine a couple of hours ago so he must be ok.  I
wouldnt worry too much about him.  He is probably in Paris somewhere wining
and dining some troll woman.

What are you working on for Jas anyway?  Maybe I can give you some insight
as to what he might want you to do.]<<<<<
        -- Trixie <19:25:04 / 03-02-56>
           Head of Software Development
           Industrial Sound and Magic

***** PRIVATE: Scourge
>>>>>[This is Kor  --  Pardon my random deck usage.

Sprinkler was able to tear down the deck and get it cleaned up but I had him
put it back together.  I (well, Sprinkler did) hired some people to take it
to Dublin and mail it back to the Corp.  They can trace that thing all they
want, hopefully it wont lead back to me.  We are on the move again.

Colleen has gotten it into her mind that she is going to get to the bottom of
even if it means my death (which, at this point, seems a distinct possibilty).

Hold on a second  --  Whats going on with DE?  Last time I talked with
him he was planning on taking off for a while and getting some down time
in.  Maybe do some visiting, hanging out type of stuff?

I gotta get moving again.  If I can get this Deck out of the country, do
you want me to drop it off at your place.  Its a speeder but not worth a
drek load to a creeper like me.]<<<<<
        -- Gunner <19:45:02 / 02-MAR-56>

***** PRIVATE: Sprinkler
>>>>>[Thanks for the deck.  I wont ask you where you got it or how you
got it.  I dont care.  We are moving again.  Thanks for all of the help.

Coleen wants you to run a check on the name Treknak.  Likely to be a
shadow name of some sort.
+++++ Include: Scourge.rpt.Ed

Danke.  I dont know if you have any magical contacts but I could
use some materials.  If you can help out, that would be great.  Be careful,
this is starting to heat up a lot faster than I wanted it to.]<<<<<
        -- Gunner <19:59:02 / 02-MAR-56>

***** Private: Gunner
>>>>>[ About the deck, we can only hope so...

Somehow, knowing her record, that doesn't surprise me.  But you are good from
what I hear.  I have upmost confidence that you can drag yourself and her out
of this alive and figure out what is going on.

Ummm.  DragonEyes posted that he wasn't going to be around much, because he
had to deal with something.  Ratspeak caught wind of the decker how was posting
for him, and watched the decker get gunned down.  He believes they "mind-raped"
him to find out something and then killed him.  Brutally.  I have sent a team
to get to DE first and bring him back to me -- at least until things cool down.
So far no word on how they are doing, but I'm not overwatching that one right

As far as the deck goes: I'd be willing to take it, but maybe Sprinkler
deserves it more.  I'll let you be the judge of that. ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <14:40:50/3-2-56>

***** Private: Gunner
>>>>>[ No problem.  Hmm.  Very interesting.  Scourge thinks it is going to get
hot, eh?  I wonder what you got me into.  I'll do the digging.  Gives me
something to do on rainy days.

The magical contacts are a no go.  Not my area of knowledge.  I'll ask some of
my friends if they no any reliable people that won't ask questions, but -- but
I don't think you want to live your life on the assumption that I will find
anything to help you out in that respect. ]<<<<<
        -- Sprinkler <14:49:57/3-2-56>

***** PRIVATE: Scourge
>>>>>[Why dont you just call DE and have him tell you where he is?  I
dont have time for this right now.  I know where DE is...or was last time
I talked with him.]<<<<<
        -- Gunner <06:43:11 / 03-03-56>

***** PRIVATE: Trixie
>>>>>[  No, I most certainly did -not- tamper with your deck.  I did however
watch the person who did, and laugh my ass off while he did it.  Hell, I'm
a bit offended.. you should be THANKING me for telling you how to disable the
damned thing.  Women.

As for what I'm doing for Jason, let's just say he was interested in
(1) finding out if a particular creature exists, and (2) possibly "acquiring"
such a creature if (1) is true.  I've found out for certain that (1) is true,
and have located the whereabouts of the creature, but I don't know how to
proceed from here.  What do you think?  ]<<<<<
        -- Neuron Basher < 5:43:03/03-Mar-2056 >

>>>>>[Hey boss! Sorry about the long absence.  just wanted to let you know
that I was back in town. do you have anything for me???]<<<<<
        -- GoD < 08:16:48/03-03-56 >

***** Private: Freddy fripp
>>>>>[had to take make myself scarce for some time. it seems that
Kor along with everyone else was right about my inquiries into that "life
sparks" bussines.  It seems that someone didn't want me askin' anymore
questions. they attempted to help me with my addiction to oxigen acouple of
times.  Sorry I didn't contact you sooner, but I didn't want to bring this to
your door step.  Besides I Think I took care of my problems, and I left a
little message letting them know just how seriously I take my breathing.
so what's the happs? Tell Kor I said he doesn't have to say I told you
so.  Oh Yea! I almost forgot, My cousins might be coming to town in a couple
of days, we'll see what comes out of that, Josh and Leticia only come by when
they need money or they got them selves into some kind of trouble.]<<<<<
        -- GoD < 08:23:34/03-03-56 >

>>>>>[  Hey buddy, how's it going?  I just got back in town myself .. took
a little break to catch some sun and fun on the beach.  Up for some bar
hopping tonight? *grin*  ]<<<<<
        -- Griffyn < 15:19:03/3-03-56 >

***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher
>>>>>[I had already fixed my deck by the time you chimed in, frag head.

Like, I'm so sure.  How could you sit there and watch as someone hosed down
my deck?  I dont believe you would do that.  I guess the rest of the office
will sit and laugh while I epoxy you nude to the vending machines.

You can skirt this fate worse than death if you just tell me who it was that
did it.  I promise to get good shots of all of the ensuing mayhem.

As far as what Jas wants.  No clue.  See if you can buy it from whoever
has it.  I talked with Purchasing and cheated up some cash for you.  By the
way, you shouldnt eat at Chez Paul's so often.  That is a sure way to pin
you corp cred-limit to the wall.  I had purchasing clear your credit card so
that should give you more than enough money to work with.  Im certain that
Jas will sign off on paying for it later (after all, YOU got to go on
vacation while the rest of us had to go to that stupid Trade Show)

I hope your Deck is clear

+++++ Evil Cackle
+++++ TradeShowInfo
+++++ TradeShowInfo
+++++ TradeShowInfo

Hmmm...I wonder if you had enough chip space to handle that?

+++++ Evil Cackle
+++++ Begin DataSpew...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...

Hope there was nothing on your machine that you needed

Now, tell me who fragged with my deck or I will continue to mail bomb you until
you do.]<<<<<
        -- Trixie <16:10:02 / 03-03-56>

>>>>>[Well, the party went well, for once.  Only one or two folks got rowdy
after a while and had to get thier blood detoxed.  But there was a nice little
surprise from our friends at Maxim.  Apparently they are trying to send some of
us a message, since the excitement of the party was three grenades, of Maxim
manufacture, busting through a window and then just sitting there.  The
explosive had been removed.  There would have been some unhappy people at the
party had they been live....  This and the tails are getting a bit annoying.

But I'm pulling a fade while I work on a run of mine and hopefully things will
be a little calmer when I return.]<<<<<
        --  Diana, Mistress of the Night <11:37:49/03-03-56>

***** Private: Gunner
>>>>>[ What do you mean "call him?"  If I knew where he was, don't you
think I would have already contacted him?

Hmm.  Since you know where he is, do you care to share the info? ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <08:42:58/3-3-56>

***** PRIVATE: Scourge
>>>>>[FRAG  --  Scourge, if he gets damaged I'm going to be annoyed.

He is at my place on Council Island last time I talked to him.  I sent him
keys to my place and my car when he said he was going to drop into town and
needed to get some time to himself.

Look, do NOT go in there with your gunss blazing.  I am somewhat attached
to that place (and the insurance premiums I am paying have finally come
down a notch).

Just give him a call >>encrypted<< he should be there wondering over why
my deck showed up and I didnt.]<<<<<
        -- Gunner <16:52:05 / 03-MAR-56>

>>>>>[hey Gryff? what's the haps? I have a couple of things to
do but I'm good from bout 7 on uu.  so all you do is name the place.
Lord knows I need a good night out.  Damm it!  I think I very well
deserve one. just let me know where?]<<<<<
        -- GoD < 12:12:02/03-03-56 >

>>>>>[Hey GoD, maybe I should've introduced you to Trixie.  Hee-hee,
you two'd get along reeeaaaaalllll well.

Anyway, glad you're whole still.  I'd hate to hafta cover YOUR
medical expenses.   Why do I get this crazy feeling you'd cost a
small fortune to put back together....]<<<<<
        -- Freddy Frypp (12:25:34 / 03-03-56)
           Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150)

>>>>>[Ooooh, and i was thinking the party hurt.  First, Herr Jackson,
Glueckwuensche on another year being alive.  Second, i tryed to see
if that person behind me yesterday really was following me, and i
am regretting it.  I got beat up very bad.  I am thinking if i didn't
have some bioware i would be dead now.  I also think maybe they were
knowing that.  I am recovering, but i am going to stay inside for
some time.  Someone is watching outside.  I need help.  Her Jackson,
can you or someone else come and bring me to your clinic?  Or maybe
that is bad if someone is watching.  I don't know anymore.  I need
help.  Oh, Scheisse, this is not normal.  I hurt.  Please come and
help me.  Oooooo.....]<<<<<
*****Timeout expired*****
*****Link terminated*****
        -- Basilisk <19:21:43 GMT/03.Mar.56>

***** PRIVATE: Trixie
>>>>>[  Boy am I scared..  Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Sheesh, try to help someone out, and all I get is grief.  You're just
lucky I didn't let them do what they _REALLY_ wanted to do to your deck.

Well, since you've cleared my corp credit card, I'll take care of that
matter of Jason's.  If all goes well with that, I should be back in Seattle
by the first part of next week.  Hey, if you come to London I'll treat you
to Chez Pauls.. That place has some terrific food.

Oh, by the way, nice try with that mailbomb.  Hope your deck didn't choke
too hard when my frame started bouncing those files back at you.

+++++ Include file:  chuckle.snd  ]<<<<<
        -- Neuron Basher < 17:21:03/03-Mar-2056 >

***** Private: Dark Angel, Diana, Hermit, Jeweler, Nightingale
>>>>>[ I just got wind that he was at >>encrypted<<.  Unfortunately, the place
was "broken into last night."  At this time I'm assuming that DE bolted.  Keep
me posted if you find anything interesting... ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <14:05:39/3-3-56>

*****PRIVATE: Mr. Purple
>>>>>[Excellent.  Very glad to know I won't be working with a green
amatuer.  And I much prefer working with someone who knows and
understands how things are supposed to be done.

I have scouted all the Zones, with the exception of Aztlan, and have
found very little of current interest.  However, my contacts here are
very limited, and quite expensive.  I have astrally scouted much of the
FRFZ and have found nothing out of the ordinary.  Of course, it was only
a cursory recon, but I found nothing I didn't expect.

Anything interesting on your end?]<<<<<
        --the Whistler<16:00:21/3-3-56>

>>>>>[Well, i am been resting for a couple days, and it looks like
i won't be die after all.  It wasn't as bad as i thought, but it sure
did HURT.  I was eat many painkillers beore that last message, so
if i was sounding confused, i was.  I'm OK now.  If they were want to
give a message, it worked.]<<<<<
        -- Basilisk <12:54:48 GMT/06.Mar.56>

>>>>>[just enough to buy one of the small islands in the Carribean
League.  Who's Trixie??? And just how well do you mean? <wink>]<<<<<
        -- GoD <14:55:24 / 03-03-56>

***** Private: Freddy fripp, Gryffin
>>>>>[say not that I'm wanting to impose, but it's a positive about my
cousins coming over and if my sources are correct things are getting a
little hot in Atzlan. I was wondering if you knew of anywhere safe where
I could stash leticia, Josh can take care of himself or he'll probably
stay at my place, but I promised my aunt I'd take good care of her if
she should show up around these parts.  and you've been here, you know
how it is around here.  Well, If anything let me know what you find out.
hey Griff we still on for Tonight???]<<<<<
        -- GoD <15:00:32 / 03-03-56>

****Private: Razor
>>>>>[I don't know if you know this already, but I have reason to belive
someone is checking into you and your past. Shannon Red called me last
night, saying she had been alerted about somebody scanning her connection
with him. There was nothing to be found, she said, but she felt she had
to warn you. She ID'd the snooper as a chummer called Farseer, but her
network doesn't cover the angle where he's from. You in deep drek again?

BTW, would you do me a favour (Usual fee, of course)? I got some biz
which involves tracking down a certain decker from the FRFZ. A kid
actually. He skipped town a while back and is rumored to be creepin' low
in Seattle. Me? I need to get in touch with him ASAP. Unfortunately, all
I know is his tag -- Darshiva -- and that he his human. Check also for
any reference to Operation: Scalpel. There is no *direct* connection
(that I know of), but its a feeling I got.

Oh, and I was to give you regards from Banshee. He invites us both to
visit him and his wife whenever we feel like it]<<<<<
     -- Genocide <17:59:37/03-06-56>

*****PRIVATE: Underworld Opera Advisory Committee
>>>>>[The Bm-27.
The BM-27 is a truck-mounted rocket launching system carried on an old Zil
manufacutred truck (and we all know how well Zil makes their trucks).  The
compliment of rockets could be launched in 15 seconds.  A compliment of
rockets for one of these babies is 16 rockets.

Name                                 Handling   Speed  B/A  Sig  APilot  Cost
BM-27                                       4            20/60   3/0    1
        0      80,000
Seating: Bench up front for driver/Commander, 2 Benches in back for loaders
Access:  Two doors on side of cabin, open topped loader seats
Fuels cons:  37 km/L
Fuel Cap:  500 L
              -- Andi Forbes (21:40:45/3-6-56)
                  Underworld Opera

***** Private: Ms. V.
>>>>>[Well, we've had you equipment for a couple of weeks and it's
working out pretty well.  Here's another report.


Kabuki Man was wondering if we can paint the LAV?  We've already
slapped a "If you can read this, you're within missile range"
bumpersticker on it, but that just isn't personalized enough.  All
white with a Maxim Arms logo on both sides, FryppSec across the nose
and POLICE across the bottom just isn't right for our image.

We were thinking powder black, with a grey bottom, FryppSec across
the bottom with the lights, and Maxim Arms across the back?]<<<<<
       -- Freddy Frypp (11:15:34 / 03-06-56)
          Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150)

>>>>>[I'm Trixie, who wanted to know?

Freddy, are you trying play cupid?]<<<<<
        -- Trixie <17:27:43 / 03-06-56>
           Head of Operations
           Industrial Sound and Magic

***** PRIVATE: Jason Stormwind
>>>>>[Jas, someone tried to break into your house the other night.  No one
knows what was in there other than what you put on your insurance so the
police do not think that there is anything missing.  I told your agent that
you were on vacation and that she should take care of whatever needed to be
taken care of and that you would deal with the paperwork when you got back, I
hope I did the right thing, tell me I did the right thing, I've never had to
do anything like that before.  The place was a mess.  Who ever broke in looked
like the more wanted to rearrange the furniture than steal anything.  Some of
your art work was damaged by gun fire (not from the bad guys, so I hear...
Rumor has it that CI-Cops showed up when the alarms went off then Lone Star
and Knight Errant (You really should tell someone when you take out a private
contract for security...) showed up.  Whoever was inside managed to get away
but Lone Star and KE and CI-C went at it for a couple minutes, each thinking
that the others were part of the group of thieves. They finally settled down
and stopped shooting at one another then started faking the reports).

I tried to get ahold of the camera footage but that had been destroyed in
the fire fight or stolen or never existed  --  depends on which report you
        -- Trixie <17:31:06 / 03-06-56>
           Head of Operations
           Industrial Sound and Magic

***** PRIVATE: Neuron Basher
>>>>>[Hey, I wasnt supposed to tell you this but  --  There is an opening here
at IS&M that you might be more than interested in.

How does  --  Head of Software Development sound to you?

We have to advertise it internal first (the job description is in the same place
as the coffee roster  -- behind the vending machine in the Pit) before we
go external.  I just got promoted to...ready for this?  Head of Operations!

Whatever THAT is supposed to mean.  I accepted the offer but it doesnt seem
like I will be doing all that much more than what I was doing before.

The new job (and title) is yours if you want it.  You need to get your ass
back into town NOW so you can deal with the paper work.  Oh, they are gonna
make you take drug and btl tests so you better be clean.
        -- Trixie <17:40:06 / 03-06-56>
           Head of Operations
           Industrial Sound and Magic

>>>>>[Moi? <bat, bat>  Why, no!  Never!]<<<<
        -- Freddy Frypp (12:09:55 / 03-06-56)
           Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150)

***** Private: GoD
>>>>>[Yeah, I can scare up some place for 'er.  But, do you
reeeaaaalllllyyy want ME playing babysitter?  I mean, after all, I
don't have any kids of my own.  Didn't have any little brothers or
sisters.  Hell, I haven't even taken care of a dog in years.

Just think of the next family reunion when litte Leticia tells cousin
        -- Freddy Frypp (12:12:12 / 03-06-56)
           Frypp Security, Inc. (CFSM Uplink #5150)

>>>>>[Well, is he at least cute?

As you might have guessed, my 'friend' from the Convention didnt last.  He was
such a geek.  Couldnt kiss either.]<<<<<
        -- Trixie <18:28:34 / 03-06-56>

>>>>>[All right Circy, you've got my attention now.  Between you and your
high-priced help your ambush almost worked.  Needless to say, my current
employer would have been none to pleased.

I survived.  Six adults and three children didn't survive your
detonation of my apartment.  I lost a place to live, but the damn thing
was insured, so my losses were minimal.  But what about the children?
Stupid bitch, your lust for revenge has made you lost sight of everything

Actually, I suppose I should thank you.  For nearly two years I was
drifting, not sure of where to go or what to do.  Now I have a purpose.
Now I have a direction.  Now I know where to allocate my resources.

Yeah, I killed Creeper.  He got in my way three years ago.  Your loverboy
got stupid, and so he got dead.  Guess what Circy?  You got stupid, and
now you are going to get dead.  You killed nine innocents, and for that
alone you deserve to die.  But I also now know you killed Kyrie.  And for
that I shall make you suffer.  Prepare yourself Circy, soon you shall
join Creeper in Hell.]<<<<<
        --the Whistler<14:42:51/3-6-56>

*****PRIVATE:  Reaver, Spellslinger, Daishi
>>>>>[I now know who killed Kyrie, and who has been trying to kill me for
the last month or so.  Hell, I think the bitch even tipped off the
Italians.  But I'm gonna need your help, after we get back from
Antarctica, to kill the bitch.  We can go over the details in the plane
trip down to Beunos Aires Wednesday.]<<<<<
        --the Whistler<14:45:24:27/3-6-56>

*****PRIVATE: Mr. Purple, OS^2
>>>>>[Despite the well-planned assassination attempt, I am still here.  A
minor incident in my past is coming back to haunt me, but not for long.
I have some ideas on where we can find Macross, but I need to speak to
you, Mr. Purple, ASAP.]<<<<<
        --the Whistler<14:47:49/3-6-56>

>>>>>[ Hi.  So much for the hiding period.  This was on the news:

+++++ include news.clip

"Hi there, I'm Stacey Jones and you're watching the latest news on the break in
on Council Island.  This was just filmed ten minutes ago.
You see a tall Indian man walking down the street in the cold rain.  For an
elf he looks very haggard.  It takes you a second to recognize him but you are
pretty sure it is DragonEyes.  He doesn't seem to be paying attention to his
surroundings, which seems particularly wrong for the neighborhood he is in.
In the distance you can hear sirens that are getting rapidly closer.
Suddenly a Lone Star car comes screaming into view and enters into a controlled
skid.  DragonEyes seems surprised by its appearance.

The car comes to a stop and a human opens the passenger side door uses it for
cover.  As he is doing this he screams, "FREEZE!  YOU ARE UNDER ARREST

DragonEyes looks blank for a second as the scream registers.  He slowly raises
his hands above his head.  The cop quickly comes over and pushes him up against
the wall.  You would be amazed if DragonEyes heard his rights seeing as the
first thing the cop did was put handcuffs on him and then a magehood over his
head.  Quickly the cop reads off the rest of DragonEyes' rights as the driver
gets out of the car and helps push DragonEyes into the back of the car.
Moving pretty quickly -- almost as if they are afraid of getting attacked --
they get back into the car and drive off.

"Apparently DragonEyes is being charged the breaking into the house of one
'Jason Stormwind' from the other day.  There are also some rumors that the FBI
is trying to extradite him for some other charges but both Lone Star officals
and FBI officals claimed they didn't know what the heck we were talking about.
At this time there is no date set for when the trial will start.

"In other news . . ."

+++++ interrupt news feed.

I got this off of a pirate channel that is dedicated to talking about people
who got busted by various security agencies.  They get an especially big charge
out of talking about the ones that they don't want mentioned.  Apparently
DragonEyes fit into this category.

Would someone care to explain why DragonEyes would break-in to anyone's house?
Last time I heard correctly, he doesn't do that sort of thing. . . ]<<<<<
        -- Ratspeak <14:15:00/3-6-56>

***** Private: Jeweler, Diana, Hermit, Nightingale, Dark Angel
>>>>>[ Apparently, I'm being watched real carefully by some of my superiors.
They don't want the complications represented by the fact that Lone Star has
captured him.  The way I was told was this:

Boss: "I know you are friends of this 'DragonEyes' and I have watched you
operate for some time now.  As such it is pretty likely that you will try and
respond to his recent arrest.  If you do such, I will terminate your contract.
What we don't need right now is a little skirmish with Lone Star over one
persecuted Indian whether justly or injustly.  Do you understand this?"

Me: "Yes sir."

Boss: "Good."

There was some other stuff he went into, but I really don't think you all
needed to hear that.  Sorry to have wasted your time.  Jeweler you will get the
money for the days you had already put into the case.  As to the others, I'm
sorry to have distracted you from other potential jobs. ]<<<<<
        -- Scourge <14:30:40/3-6-56>
