>>>>>[This is John Finkelmeyer, reporting live from a warehouse overlooking Lake Michigan. The warehouse, which is owned by the Grand Poobah Toy Company, was the site of what appears to be a slaughter. Several dozens orcs lie dead inside, apparently victims of yet another racist attack. The entire area behind me has been blocked off by law enforcement officials as they attempt to determine the cause of this massacre. It is not known at this time whether what happened here is in any way related to a vehicle explosion which occurred about five miles up the coast. Two bodies were found in the flaming wreckage, but they have been, according to official reports, charred beyond recognition. Authorities have been reluctant to release any information about whether this incident is linked to the Grand Poobah Toy Company. This has been John Finkelmeyer, reporting live.]<<<<< -- Chicago NewsNet Service <15:03:32/10-27-55> *****PRIVATE: Newshound >>>>>[Thanks for the cover-up, John. I especilly liked the way you put the heat onto GP Toys. See you at X-mas.]<<<<< -- Ripley <15:10:15/10-27-55> *****Private: Ripley >>>>>[ thank god I got out of there alive, I can't believe how many orcs we killed. Well now we are safe in the air. Well we need to head to seattle now, to stop all the main offices, and kill their leader. This is important, if we don't get this done, the human race might be doomed. In Seattle we have to get renforcements because this is not going to be an easy Job. I got shot 3 times but I heal fast, so it was nothing. How about you did you get shot at all?]<<<<< -- Tarkis <19:30:14 / 10-27-55> *****PRIVATE:Unknown, Neuron Basher, Strikes-Like-Lightning >>>>>[I will be in town tomorrow night. This should be routine, but the plan of attack is Neuron Basher to locate Unknown via matrix and for myself and Strikes-Like-Lightning to extract via an assault on his position. Most security will be countered using stun spells, but lethal force is still an acceptable way to remove opposition. For anyone who needs a lift back to Seattle when the night is done, I will be providing transportation.]<<<<< -- Spellslinger (18:50:07/10-27-55) ***** Private: Dante Run people and Old Friends >>>>>[ After a sugestion or two, Ah just came up with a great idea!!! First of all Ah am going ta change the date of the Party to Monday, because its Halloween!!! Secondly - EVERYONE - Wear a Costume!!!! - if you don't Ah keep on anoying Claw until he makes one on you <grin>, he might not be happy ta obligue, so Ah would wear one. We can even have - Bobbing for Apples (and pumpkins for the larger gents like CRUSH). We also can have a pumkin carving contest, along of course with the dancing, eating, drinking and talking that will be going on.!!! So remember!! Party Mon, OCT 31st at >>Encrypted<< Wear costume!!]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker <Dante is DEAD> >>>>>[ If at all possible, we would like to gain information on the location of the following people. We are willing to pay decent amounts of money for knowledge of a route by which to contact these people; were anyone able to successfully open up a dialogue between us and those listed, the renumeration would be factorally higher. Please consider: Silent Dark, aka Mario Greymist Mike and the Mechanic Macros the Black StreetWOLF William6174 Freddy Frypp Action Jackson Solitaire There are other individuals, but those listed above are the primary requests. Please reply. ]<<<<< -- OS^2 (21:55:15/10-27-55) *****PRIVATE: Tarkis >>>>>[No, I'm full of holes which conveniently penetrated all my car's armor. DUH!! Don't worry, son. I'm fine. Now that we're out of Chicago, what the hell is this all about? I'm not a big fan of killing Metahumans, especially since I generally spend a lot of my spare time in Tir Nan Og. I know an old Orc friend of mine who I hope isn't mixed up in all this...]<<<<< -- Ripley <21:34:55/10-27-55> >>>>>[A COSTUME party? Bright spirits, what am I going to wear?]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing <04:46:13/10-28-55> >>>>>[Go as an Irish druid.]<<<<< -- Six Pack <05:01:05/10-28-55> >>>>>[I AM an Irish druid, you twit.]<<<<< -- Cat Dancing <05:07:52/10-28-55> >>>>>[That will make it easy to find the costume...*grin*]<<<<< -- Ice <05:10:00/10-28-55> *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Freddy, you got a deal for them all. They're original. They fell off the back of a truck in downtown Chicago. I won't discuss who used to own them. Let's just say they were bound for a small city wide insurection.]<<<<< -- Tunnel-Rat (08:05:34/10-28-55) >>>>>[You're posting on Shadowland asking for drek on people? Where's taste these days...]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> >>>>>>>[Umm, Yeah Fraggin' right and next we'll hear that geek Finklemeyer explaining just how Frypp and company get misteriously fragged in a bizzare Toy store Explosion...get real]<<<<<< -- Robert A. Rodriguez < GoD > ***** NOT TO: OS^2 >>>>>[Wow, I wonder what I did to get in with such great company. I'm flattered. I think.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:00:00 / 10-28-55) ***** NOT TO: OS^2 >>>>>[I just noticed something: I've only heard of two other people on that list: Action Jackson and Solitaire. And Solitaire's, well, um, already dead, right? I don't know anybody else. Anybody know what we've all got in common? Nothin' I can think of. We're not all metahumans, I don't think.... We've never done anything togerther. Plus that's a pretty wide skill set, if I'm reading things right.... <gulp> I'm not feelin' so good all of the sudden..... Ever get the feeling that maybe something has just caught up with you? And another thing, why hasn't this slot just called the office? Unless Kabuki Man has already started running interference...]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:07:12 / 10-28-55) ***** Private: Tunnel Rat >>>>>[OK. I don't want to know. Allright, I'll be heading out here in the next day or so. Can you deliver them to dock number >>>DOCK NUMBER<<< and make sure they get put on the >>>SHIP'S NAME<<<. I've already got the skipper well bribed. It's been nice doing business with you. Where do you want the money?]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (9:59:12 / 10-28-55) *****PRIVATE: OS^2 >>>>>[Interesting. You've certainly peaked my interest. And I regret to inform you that Solitaire is dead. Shot once in the back of the skull.]<<<<< -- Action Jackson <13:17:40/10-28-55> ***** Private: Circut Breaker >>>>>[You just had to pick Halloween didn't you? About what time is the party again? Depending on the time, I may not be able to show up, since the 31st is my birthday and I would like to spend at least part of it with my daughter.]<<<<< -- Irish <10:20:10/28-10-55> ***** Private: Ripply >>>>>[Hey Ripply, you still breathing chummer? You sort of dropped out of sight for awhile and I was wondering what was up. Have you heard from Betty or Slash? I sort of lost contact after that last run.]<<<<< -- Lou <10:30:40/28-10-55> *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Okay, pal. Twenty minutes from now, my place. Let's figure out what the drek we should do about the son-of-a-slitch. Damn, didn't even put MY name down.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> ***** Private: Basilisk >>>>>[Well, looks like I'm gonna be staying in Seattle a little longer than I expected. Is there any chance you can drop by Dark Angel's place tonight and take off a Cyber Restraint Cuff for me? We're at >>>Address<<<.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (14:40:23 / 10-28-55) *****Private: Circuit Breaker >>>>>[Sounds like fun, if I'm invited...I assume I can come? Constume...<grin>]<<<<< -- Quickling <17:34:25/10-28-55> *****PRIVATE: Lou >>>>>[Hey, Stinky!! No, I haven't heard from either of them since we split up last year. Did you ever hear anything from or about Scorpion? Anyway, I need you guys for some assistance on a run. You up to it, mein freund?]<<<<< -- Ripley <17:30:24/10-28-55> *****Private: Solonus >>>>>[Sol, where ARE you?]<<<<< -- Quickling <11:13:41/10-29-55> *****Private: Quickling >>>>>[Laura, I haven't found anything out. I haven't heard anything from him for a few days now. And I've been checking around.]<<<<< -- Johnson <11:22:23/10-29-55> *****Private: Johnson >>>>>[Thanks, Bill. God, I wish I knew where he was. I'm getting worried. *sigh*]<<<<< -- Quickling <11:23:15/10-29-55> *****Private: Quickling >>>>>[Sis, you want me to really look for him? You say he's in Chicago, and that's probably enough for me to find him with a little ritual sorcery, if you can find something he owns and loves...]<<<<< -- Johnson <11:31:37/10-29-55> *****Private: Johnson >>>>>[Probably a good idea. I'm getting REALLY worried about him. Stop by my place...I'll find something for it. Hmm...didn't he leave his computer here?]<<<<< -- Quickling <11:32:11/10-29-55> *****PRIVATE: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Herr Frypp, i can certainly be coming to help you. How did you getting into a Cyber Restaint Cuff, anyway? Was it business or pleasure? <grin> I will soon there.]<<<<< -- Basilisk <04:22:15 GMT/28.Oct.55> *****PRIVATE: Tunnel-Rat >>>>>[Here's the spec sheet on the C-130 Herc from the catalog. If you like what you see, give me a call at >Encrypted<. +++++Begin Download: UO Supply Catalog pg 13 C-130 HERCULES This large cargo plane was a mainstay for the USAF back in its heyday. As a matter of fact, the "Herc" or "Herky-bird" is still being used by UCAS and CAS and CFS as a source of cheap transport for cargo. The C-130 has also been reqorked in several fashions ranging from bomber to ECM/ECCM monitor. This all purpose craft is popular because it is cheap (comparitively) and it is capable of in-flight refueling. name hand Speed B/A Sig Apilot Cost C-130 Hercules 5 520/600 6/1 3 1 600,000 Y Economy: 11.5 L/km Fuel:MultiF/24000 L Cargo: 400 CF Access: Rear ramp, two doors (either side) Seating: 3 bucket seats Landing/Takeoff Profile: Normal ------------------------------------------ >>>>>[Blows the doors off the An-26 Curl becaue it's much more adaptable. And its faster. And it come with chaff and flare. And its proven. And it's harder to see thermographically. And it's pretty darn quiet until you get it right overhead. If you need to drop paratroops and equipment, the Herc is your bird.]<<<<< -- Leslie (15:34:04/2-1-54) +++++ End upload There ya go. Enjoy!]<<<<< -- Andi Forbes (13:56:43/10-30-55) Underworld Opera *****Private: Unknown Extraction team, Unknown >>>>>[Much thanks to all who participated in the extraction this weekend. Everything went quite smoothly from the physical side of the run. Sorry about the IC problem you hit, N-B. I hope the 5,000 nuyen payment was enough to compensate for the wounds received when the Black IC jumped you. I don't know. It seemed a bit too easy to defeated the internal security. I must say that Strikes Like Linghtning put his SMG to work well. THanks to the unknown fro providing cyber "permits" at the airport, too. Nothing like a vacation in Michigan for the weekend, eh? BTW, N-B, if you need some quick healing, I'd be glad to provide it when I get back to Seattle.]<<<<< -- Spellslinger (14:13:33/10-30-55) *****PRIVATE: Tarkis >>>>>[Sorry I missed you. Hope you got back to Seattle OK.]<<<<< -- Spellslinger (14:16:40/10-30-55) ***** Private: Ripply >>>>>[Call me "stinky" one more time, and I'll have a fire elemental manifest inside your limo's gas tank. Yea I'm interested in a run. Be a member of the "honest, upright, citezenry" is about as boring as any thing I can think of.]<<<<< -- Lou <15:00:05/30-10-55> *****Private: Spellslinger >>>>>[ Yea sorry I miss ya too, but I had to get outa town fast. I will explain later. I need to take care of some stuff, and I might need your help. If you are interested in helping let me know. Tell NO ONE about me needing your help for anything.]<<<<< -- Tarkis <16:43:41 / 10-30-55> *****Private: Quickling >>>>>[ Yes, ya are invited. This time ya can even bring ya body <grin>]<<<<< -- Circuit Breaker <Dante is DEAD> *****Private: Circuit Breaker >>>>>[Hey, what a nice thought. Hopefully, this time the party will be a little less eventful...]<<<<< -- Quickling <20:45:11/10-30-55> ***** Private: Basilisk >>>>>[Well, Bas, it started off as purely business, but now, I'm really starting to get a CHARGE out of it! BA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Sorry, 'bout that, but I just had to. Thanks, man.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:00:15 / 10-31-55) >>>>>[Well this just fraggin' sucks. That OS^2 moron pops up and kicks in my paranoid gland, I miss my ship and then the fragger disappears. I gotta get outta this damn town. At least in San Fran if somebody's lookin' for ya they at least try. Sheesh.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (09:02:14 / 10-31-55) *****Private: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Freddy, your guns are on the ship. Send the money to this account >>Account Number<<. Any info on job offers. I think one more job plus the money from you should cover the C-130.]<<<<< -- Tunnel-Rat (09:38:07 / 10-31-55) *****Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Yeah, I've been considering moving too. What's life like down in Cal? W may very well decide to come stay for a bit.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> ***** Private: Chris Tarleton >>>>>[Well, if you're really thinking about livin' in our glorious state, be ready to pay more than you're used to in Seattle. Beyond that, it all depends on where you end up. If you've had your head rammed up your ass since puberty, then you'd enjoy Sacremento. Not that I'm suggesting you have or anything.... Lala is classic California. Weirdos everywhere. But the money you get running the shadows in pretty good. Mostly a lot of body and data or sim snatches. With all of the simsense studios, odds are good you'll be rubbing shoulders with the rich, the famous and the infinitely shallow. But, as I said, the money's great. SF is SF. Been there, done that. Its a real bear to get residence in the city proper, anymore, but some of the suburbs to the north and south are neat, if you can aford them. Again, the money is good here. With Fuchi North America's HQ in town, somebody is always running for or against Fuchi. And the I-Marines make life interesting too. The Neo-As don't pay squat, but they've got great assests and info. Farther south down the coast from LA, you start clashing with the Azzies. Not my idea of fun, I won't condone it by even discussing it. Between SF and the City are some of the neatest (and / or weirdest) beach towns I know. They're all different in their own ways. Ya just gotta experience them. Out in the boonies life is always an experience. People wandering the streets openly carrying weapons... scarin' off the tourists... I don't care for it, but a decker who wants to avoid physical presence could probably get to enjoy the backwoods. California Free State is a neat place with just about everything anybody could want in someplace to live all jammed into a neat little package. If you're seriously considering moving down here, we can arrange work visas for you and Patricia so you can live here. But, then you'll have to be employees of Frypp Sec, but only on paper. Our "Black Death" agreement will stay the same. Brought to you by the California Free State Tourism Board and the California Free State Chamber of Commerce.]<<<<< -- Freddy Frypp (13:47:33 / 10-31-55) ***** Private to: Freddy Frypp >>>>>[Well, I tend not to have too many financial problems these days. I don't do a whole lot of physical "tasks" -- mostly just matrix work. You're familiar with it all. Work visas? Um...no, that's kind of be a bit of a waste. There's this beautiful thing called "diplomatic papers" and I might be able to forge them pretty well.]<<<<< -- Christopher Tarleton <Dark/Angel> >>>>>[Who is it tha' is lookin' fer me? I am ou' 'ere. Wha' da ya wan', ma'be I will present m'self ta ya.]<<<<< -- STREETWOLF(Fire is an Elf's Best Friend)<10:31:55/16:05:20> ***** Private to: STREETWOLF >>>>>>[Yeah SW. last I heard an uncertain unrecognisable Party inquired about your whereabouts. I'd hatch acouple of eyes on the back of your head. the joker wnated to know about a list of names.... it's a strange list, I can't make heads or tails of it. I've only heard of one person besides you on the list. the skill set is pretty wide. what can you make out of it?]<<<<<<< -- GoD (17:05:23 / 10-31-55)