>>>>>[HEY CRUSH.....make tha' FOUR....I'll play!  Couldn't hurt! 
Well,... ACTUALLY, it COULD....eventually.....But, oh HELL, I'll
prob'ly be so STEAMED...it could be a while , till I e'en FEEL it! 
Till I feel ANYTHIN', fer tha' matter...ANYWAY, COUNT M' IN,
CHUMMER!  AN', TWO a' m' terms, while yer at it: Ratchet, a very
LARGE Trollish samurai, n', of course, Q.S. Slicke...looks like a
real skraggly bean-pole of an Elf....but, DON'T be FOOLED!  You'll
all see wha' I mean...once ya' get t' meet `im!  He ken kick a car
w' th' BEST of `em...pretty drekkin' good at ROLLIN' ~`EM, TOO...fer
tha' matter!]<<<<< 
                -THE Nexus (what's ONE MORE broken bone...?!?)

>>>>>[Highlander, maybe I'm pushin' things a bit...mayhaps
"imposin'", even... but, I'd be DELIGHTED t' take y' up on yer
invite t' dinner!  IF it still stands, of course!  We haven'a e`en
met, as of this post...so, I'll understand, if you refuse ta' let
m' tag along in alla' yer guests most exalted wake....or, e'en if
ya' meet m' at th' door wi' an assault cannon!  I'm SURE someone
has one laid aside, fer jus' such an occassion! Perhaps I will be
able t' persuade my new associate, Roxey, t' accompany
                -THE Nexus (awaitin' yer response.....BOOM?)

>>>>>[Oh, if anyone needs a ride, fer any of th' events discussed
recently, I am in possession of a rather NICE (read SOUPED)
Leyland-Rover minibus. May not sound all tha' wonderful...but she
seats 11...13, in a pinch... n, has all SORTS of wizzer lil'
options!  Otherwise, in th' case of SMALLER parties, we have th'
option of a lovely (mod.) Westwind 2000-TURBO T-top...W' designer
dual MMG's an' a mos' intriguin' lil' ol' Victory Assault Cannon!
OR, there's th' slightly more ADVENTUROUS BMW Blitzen...w' dual
VALIANTS!   Take yer pick, kiddies!]<<<<< 
                -THE Nexus (so much mayhem...so LIL' time...!)

>>>>>[Maybe I might be able to join you at the Needle, that is...IF
the CIA hasn't got me!]<<<<<
                -Buzz- (Well they had me once...)

                -THE Nexus (oh...`n tha' WASN'T FUNNY<not th'
                                stamp...but, it wasn't funny,

>>>>>[I think we should call off the party, I don't like being on
the Agency's Shitlist...Luckily I got my name off the Agency's
Roster beforehand... Whisper here's the list:<<<Enclosed Encrypt
Code Theta>>>  It's Damned large, so be careful!]<<<<<
                -Buzz- (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix)

>>>>>[Great...Just Great...Oh well...C'est la vie!]<<<<<
                -Shadow- (15:37:58 EST/ 03:31:54)

DAMNED, FRAGGIN' GATOR!  We are not...I repeat: are NOT callin'
this moshfest off!  We could "alter" th' form...however, if
anyone's int'rested. We could all meet here, get a wee bit
tanked....then hit this fraggin' plex so hard...it'll be reelin'
fer WEEKS! Sounds jus' WIZ ta' ME! THEN, we'll jus' SEE `EM tryin'
t' find us all!  By th' by, BUZZ.... ya' n`er DID tell m' if any `a
those names were "pertinent" ta' YOURS TRULY.....!  Jus'
                -THE Nexus (Harlequin...WHO said ANYTHIN' `bout a

>>>>>[Oh, BTW, Spectre....consider yerself "w' BAIT"!  I'm on th'
list, too, so, I might as well make m'self USEFUL...Buzz would
prob'ly have trouble handlin' th' sitch, when it all hits th'
fan....`n, there's no point in draggin' DRAGON (yeah...cute, huh? 
right....) inta' this any further than `e already IS...b'sides, I'm
a whole-drekkin'-load faster `en HE is!  Anyway...I'M BORED ("
nuthin' fer nuthin'...if tha's what ya' do... turn around BITCH...I
gotta' USE fer YOU...b'sides, y' ain't got nuthin' BETTER ta'
do....N' I'M BORED...!!"  Jus' a bit a G`N'R, goin' out ta'
SONIC...don't know if yer inta' THAT ol' stuff...but, maybe, we'll
talk, chum-pal)  Get back t' m'...so ka?]<<<<< 
        -THE Nexus (ALWAYS up fer a good game a' "Sniper Tag"...)

<<<Encrypt Code Theta...MPCP_Cooper>>> 
>>>>>[Cooper, since you are on the Agency's Shitlist...well, I
thought I should offer you the use of our penthouse complex...If
you feel you need the protection...Shadow had some "friends" of his
put some HEAVY security measures into place, and I added a few of
my own...I'm not sure if the place would hold up to a full assault
by the Agency, but I know they WILL take heavy casualties!.]<<<<<
                -Buzz- (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix)
<<<End Encryption>>>

>>>>>[What DO you MEAN there's no POINT IN DRAGGING ME IN ANY
FURTHER...I'm ALREADY INTO THIS DEEP!!!!  Sorry, just had to vent
some frustration...without killing anyone.]<<<<<
                -Dragon- (16:11:30 EST/ 03:31:54)

>>>>>[GEESH!!!! Sounds like "Draco-boy" needs himself a
WOMAN.....BADDD!!! 'Course, then, I really WOULDN'T mind one,
m'self....really.  So... how `bout it, ladies....grant a dying
(reference to previous post) man one las' request....jus' be
"gentle", w' me....please...*BIG grin*]<<<<< 
        -THE Nexus (REALLY has t' find somethin' t' do w' his time!)

>>>>>[I don't NEED a woman...I've got enough problems already.]<<<<<
                -Dragon- (16:19:03 EST/ 03:31:54)

>>>>>[DUCK, MEN!  REMEMBER LADIES...it was HE who started this back
up, again!  I'm INNOCENT, I tell ya,....yeah....RIGHT *sneer* !!! 
        -THE (unlamented) Nexus (too charmin' fer his own good<?>)

>>>>>[ Westwinds are prettier than Dyanmits. ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <13:01:45/03-31-54>

>>>>>[ I perfer my Rapier. ]<<<<<
       -- Nightstalker <13:02:15/03-31-54>

>>>>>[ OH MY GOD!  Dark Elf!  Get rid of Kat.  She's a trap. 
Knowing Tirandor and yourself, I bet he know that you wouldn't be
about to resist tapping Kat for information.  And even suspecting
that, the dragon would have secured a material link to her before
he turned her loose.  Now I'm not saying she's in on it, but I
think you could expect a ritual HellBlast to explode from her body
at anytime. Remember with three mages like Tirandor, Quention, and
Trevor everybody nearby will be killed. ]<<<<< 
       -- Raven the Mage <12:59:07/03-32-54>

>>>>>[ <Encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon:  Thanks, Nightstalker.  Now D.  I
find it rather hard to believe your a vampire.  That's not something
that just sneaks up on you from behind.  There are just to many
obvious signs.  Does daylight burn to the touch?  Do splinters
_really_ hurt?  Do you notice your wounds closing seconds after they
are caused?  Have you noticed your essense and magic draining off?
Do you find yourself compelled to "bite people in the neck".  See
what I mean.  I don't know what Dr. Fung made you into, but I just
can't be a vampire.  I've seen you in action and you just don't
measure up.  Hope this helps cheer you up. :End encrypt> ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <12:54:20/03-31-54>

>>>ENCRYPT Victor-Delta-Omicron MPCP_D.<<<
>>>>>[Hoi, D.!  It's come t' m' attention tha' we seem t' have a
friend in common...D.B.  I knew him from m' days wi' th'
O'Tooles...tha's been a while...n' I canna' say tha' I've been
keepin' tabs on `im... until RECENTLY!  Frag! Let th' man outta' m'
sight fer a few years..            n `e goes n' drops `inself, up
t' his eyeballs, in this whole Omega shit!  FRAG!  Check w'
HIM...if ya' aren't sure ya' b`lieve m'...I understand
perfectly...I jus' feel a need t' get down there, an' help `im
out...home from th' ol' `hood, et al...fraggin' ter`ble thin',
honor!  B`sides...M' monicker's on tha' shit-list, too!  Might as
well be a GOOD reason fer it ta' be there...NEH?]<<<<< 
<<<END ENCRYPTION Victor-Delta-Omicron>>> 

>>>>>[I know we haven't had a chance ta' e`en MEET, yet...rest
assured, ya' ARE--of course--invited...ta' whate`er th' FRAG we all
end up doin'! So, I hope ta' be seein' ya' soon....]<<<<<
                -THE Nexus (17:25:04/ 03-31-54)

>>>>>[D.E., are you coming to the party? 
<<<Encrypt Code Charlie-Bravo-Gamma MPCP_D.E.>>> 
D.E. can you see if we can infiltrate Omega to aid TDH?  We have an
ace in the hole...named Bloodtooth...and maybe a few others, whose
names I won't go into now...We've got to consult with them, first. 
We might be able to tip the scales into our favor especially if we
can get in and out of there BEFORE the party.  That way Omega goes
down and the CIA is left hanging out on a limb...Besides I'm not
the only one in my "team" that is affected by the corruption in the
CIA.  <<<End Encryption sequence Charlie-Bravo-Gamma>>>
                -Buzz- (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix)

>>>>>[So are you going to show?]<<<<<
                -Shadow- (17:39:12 EST/ 03:31:54)

<<<Encrypt Raven read only acknowledge RAVEN-TM_MPCP>>> 
>>>Raven TM:  I am sorry but your statement only troubles me
more... There has always been some thing in the backk of my mind...
I would hunger and get the cravvving for vvvery rare meat...
Howevvver I nevvver to it to the point of "Biting someone on the
neck"...  I must admit I seem to havvve no advvversion to the light,
savvve the usual metahuman alergy...  I guess I don't really like to
be in the light without shade or protectivvve clothing but nothing to
the extent of my skin bubbling off...  And No I do not feel great
pain by splinters...  From what Dr. Jackson and DE havvve told me I
am sort of the "best", if you can call it that, of both worlds...
Increased essance, increased abilities, some magical properties <I do
not seem to be to do soe of the things Dr. Jackson has said I should
be able to do>  I hope this helps to clear up things for you Raven
TM, I am truely glad that you showed compassion towards me and tried
to relievvve some of my anguish.. .  Thank you again...<<<
                                --D. <03/31/54><16:07:32 MST>
<<<End Encrypt...Acknowledge...RAVEN-TM_MPCP...and...send>>>

>>>>>Buzz and crew:  hey guys.  Since no one has taken us up on our
offer of protection, I guess that you are stuck with us.  Lucky
you.  But then again, you asked for it when you offered us
employment.  I know Bloodtooth can handle some astral security, but
how would you feel about several (like 8) really massive fire
elementals hanging around.  I kinda think that they would really be
bad news for anyone coming in astrally.  And my Great form could
blow up just about anything they had on them.  Think that'll
        Foxey Roxey(18:10:41/03-31-54)

>>>>>And Nex, baby.  Aren't I enough of a challenge for
your...urges?  I'm hurt. Really...[snicker]<<<<<
        Foxey Roxey(18:11:17/03-31-54)

>>>>[All right: Circuit Breaker, Cerise, Kachanksi (sp), Doctor Doom
(& wife?), Nexus (I'll leave the cannon at home! ;>), Buzz (at last!
Somebody who talks without a bloody accent!): we'll hit-ahem, we will
GO to the Needle Thursday night.  Sorry Dancer, but I don't know you,
yet: maybe some other time.  Did I forget anyone?  Let me know soon!
Drive however you want: I'm taking my Americar, which can fit one
other if need be.  Let's all give thanks to Powerhouse, who's going
to pay for all this!  (Don't worry, laddie, I'll cover whatever you
don't.) Oh, and no, doom I wasn't complaining: I was just being
silly.  It would have been great entertaining three ladies without
any competition, but also just a wee bit intimidating, especially
with all the cracks flying all over the board.]<<<<
                        -Highlander (15:21:32/3-31-54)

>>>>[I'd be glad to take a look at your deck, laddie.  There are few
things better than mucking around in a new piece of machinery. 
Trust me, I know what I'm doing.]<<<<
                        -Highlander (15:24:32/3-31-54)

>>>>>[encrypt giant-basis: 14]  I found her!!!  She tried to kill me
when she realized I was her father, but I found her!!!<<<<<
        Action Jackson(18:15:05/03-31-54)

>>>>>Who?  The houngan?  But you're a vampire.  How did you have a
normal kid? Huh?<<<<<

>>>>>Yes!  She still hates me...kinda.  But I wasn't always a
vampire.  It seems that she'd like to join us, Slash.  Up for it? 
Having a "bloodthirsty" houngan on the team?<<<<<
        Action Jackson(18:18:58/03-31-54)

>>>>>Sure.  Just keep the zombies to a minimum, ok?  But you said
that she tried to kill you.  How did you manage to avoid it?  The
magic I mean.<<<<< 
        Foxey Roxey(18:19:54/03-31-54)

>>>>>Ahhhhhhh...May I ever sing the advantages of Mist Form and
regeneration. You mortals(sorry) shoud really try it.  Any takers? 
I've been getting hungry and only use willing participants. 
Killing adds such an acid taste to the blood...<<<<<
        Action Jackson(18:22:26/03-31-54)

>>>>>You need some help, dude.<<<<<
        Foxey Roxey(18:23:45/03-31-54)

>>>>>[Hey...has anyone seen Cyber-Troll?   TROG!
                -THE Nexus (waitin' ta' snag a maniac....!)

>>>>>[I have just touched down in Washington DC, and I already have
an appointment with Dep. Director Bill Tuckman. I'm gonna head this
off. I am still skeptical of the supposed list of corrupt agents;
I've known many of those men for years! I will not discount however
that Omega has some agents in their pocket, and very probably highly
placed officers as well. Tuckman I would trust with my life. I'm sure
HE hasn't sold out, and by sure I mean you can freely rip my arms out
of my sockets if I'm wrong. I'm not stupidly walking into the lion's
den, either. Yea though I walk through the valley in the shadow of
death, I shall not fear, for I am the meanest, nastiest
son-of-a-bitch in the CIA, and I'm bringing all my toys with me.

Have you considered that many of those 'corrupt' agents may simply
be carrying out orders for corrupt superiors, without realising it?
I know it's speculation, but keep that in mind before you-all go on
some kind of anti- agent killing spree. Like I said before, most of
the CIA is composed of honest, patriotic men and women who just
want to serve their country.]<<<<< 
        -Jackal <18:39:20/3-31-54>

>>>>>[I'd go with Raven TM on this, Dark Elf. 'Kat' may be bait. I
didn't think of the magic angle (not my department), but I've seen
how the higher level corp-types work, and their plots can be
unbelievably complex and subtle. Her 'outcasting' may have been
staged to lure you into the open, and she may well be in on it,
        -=<SOURCE DELETED>=--=<**:**:**/**-**-**>

>>>>>D.:  if you'd like the resident expert on Vampires and probably
the most medically oriented person here right now to take a medical
look at you, stop by the hospital(Travis Memorial) anytime after
dark.  I'll be around most of the time and if I'm not, the secretary
can make an appointment for you.<<<<< 
        Action Jackson(18:41:36/03-31-54)

>>>>>Travis Memorial...Good.  I now have a target.  Slash, if you
want your friend to live past tomorrow noon(since he sleeps around
then), I'd suggest you turn yourself over to me.<<<<<

>>>>>Not very likely.  And you tipped your hand, Gates.  Now A.J.
can avoid his usual haunts(pun intended) for a while, or have his
new daughter send a zombie your way.  You'd like that, I'm sure. 
They seem to like you plenty.<<<<< 

{Encrypt start 
Persona recognized 
Continue Transmission
<<<<<[AfterDark found me because I found him.  And I suppose it's my
fault.  AfterDark was looking into Precision et al.  Seems he found
something rather interesting.  With all this vampire stuff going
about... They thought to get the same effects (Increased essence,
Regen, etc) without the aversion to sunlight or the need for blood.
Unfort, a virus is a good deal easier to instill than DNA or genes.
The good doctors were going to start experimentation into the realm
of shapeshifters to see if they couldn't duplicate some of those
effects.  Hence, AfterDark was a much greater threat to Brandy than
she knew.  It is my guess that AfterDark was a trap.  He wanted to
talk to me in person.  Extrapolation? A trade.  Brandy for me.  Not a
done deal, in my eyes.  I'm sorry if what I did seemed abrupt.  I
needed to handle it immediatly, while AfterDark still thought of me
as an innocent.  I will likely never get away with anything like that
again.  They (do i sound paraniod?  do i have a good reason?) know
that i'll kill, now.  I've never done that before.

So, just as a note, if you've any shapeshifting friends out there,
keep an eye on them.  They're hot property as of now, if my
investigations are correct.  On the plus side, the experiments were
still in the drawing board stage.  No actual experimentation had
taken place.  But...  there is a little matter of a genetic
engineer's wish list that I came accross. Ugly, that.  I'm going
back in, and I'm afraid I'll have to cancel on the party.  I want
to get this done.  Oh, and don't tell Brandy.  She'll freak.]>>>>> 
        -DOA- <17:47:22 / 3/31/54>
Encrypt Stop}

>>>>>[Brandywine...I haven'a heard anythin' from YOU, lately!  Still
plannin' on comin' by?  I'd honestly like ta' meet ya'...rest
assured...my motives ARE pure...CHIP-TRUTH! 

I'd like t' SUGGEST tha' ya' keep an eye on young Sierre...
particularlly after what she's done(WILL do...?).....but a
suggestion, lass, ta' do w' what ya' will.  I am quite
concerned about th' welfare of "today's youth"...despite
wha' mos' people might think...  
                -THE Nexus (awaitin' a response, milessaratish...)

>>>>>[DOA...donna' be worryin' about AfterDark!  What ya' did HAD
ta' be done...so, ya' DID IT!  End of story!  `N any runner who'll
fault ya' fer takin' th' initiative (particularly ta' save a term!)
does NOT_DESERVE_ta' be called a "runner"!  Jus'...promise m'
you'll be careful...I STILL haven't had th' honor of meetin' ya'! 
Tha's an opportunity I shall NOT relinquish EASILY!
Jus' remember: ONCE, ya' may've jus' been LUCKY...TWICE, you're
gettin' GOOD...SO KA?
Oh, `n if yer STILL not certain `bout college...I'M certainly NOT a
prime example (got bored<an' motored>after 8th Grade!)...BUT, m'
chummer-Mercurian-wasn't ALWAYS a runner (real "news flash", huh?)!
He USED ta' be a PROFFESSOR...chemical engineering, I b`lieve...til
he met a certain student....that was about 467 YEARS AGO...an'
they're STILL together!  Gotta' LOVE tha' "college experience"! 
Ask `im about it, some time....though he'll prob`ly tell ya' yer
too young]<<<<< 
        -THE Nexus (emphasis shoulda' been on "GETTIN'"...NOT good!)

>>>>>[Was that Sperithien I saw???  Ah...  Gods...  Seems like
everyone's spouting a bit of it.  And, no lie, Sierra's pet
late-night project has been translating it into skill chips.  She's
been at my books.  Sigh.  So long as she's careful.

Persona Recognition:  THE Nexus
Course...  I dont know how safe agianst Sierra this is, as she was
the one who gave me the file.  *laugh*  Ah well.  She's growing up
mighty fast, and I really don't think there's much to be done about

Regarding meeting me...  What are you up to this evening?  Sierra
has a project she's working on, and I can tell she wants me out of
the apartment.  She's invited a friend over.  I think he's here to
jack her out.  She doesn't seem to want me to be the one doin it. 
Guess she doesn't want me to see the screen.  THough, I can
understand...  I have a hard time watching her, and she needs close
watching sometimes.  I get lost in my books.  Come on over about 8,
and we'll go somewhere.  Not the Penumbra, though. Hmm...  I don't
suppose you hunt?  I just bought a beautiful bow that I'm dying to
loosen up. 
        -Brandywine- <18:31:32/31.3.54>

>>>>>[ Ho there, friends.  (Gods, this medium is fascinating!!!  Not
as dissimilar as I'd expected to...).  Forgive the intrusions of a
neophyte decker...I've decided to "take the plunge" and explore this
space full-cyber. 'Twas an arduous decision, I grant you...years of
contemplation (nay...call me not a coward for not doing so
earlier...I am merely old-fashioned).  I finally decided that my
archaic, 2-d display...well...lacked a little something.  If ye mind
not, I will "sit" (if the word has meaning here) and
observe...commenting when appropriate...and learn from some of the
best cyber-space has to offer.  Until then.....]<<<<< 
                -Magister <20:00:46/31.3.54>

>>>>>[ <Encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon: D.: Sorry that didn't help any,
but I glad your not a "normal" vampire.  I despise the though of
"people" preying on people for their survival.  If you need anyone to
talk to or to help you out just give me a call. :End Encrypt> ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <17:06:10/03-31-54>

>>>>>[Hey Cat, you may want to call off the fun and games. Jackal
didn't check in at 19:45:00 as planned. It's now 20:12:11. Any word
from DeeCee?]<<<<< 
        -Six Pack <20:12:33/3-31-54>

>>>>>[Thanks but no Agents Buzz, Nexus, Gator etc. I appreciate the
offer but have a secure F-B-I apartment near Jaez's now. It's in
Bellevue, and in addition to the Neighborhood Watch (which is
licensed for automatic weaponry) I have the official FBI security
setup, which is rather impressive. But thanks anyway. Good Luck &
Good Mocha]<<<<< 

>>>>>[Official FBI security setup. Sounds like the Official Little
Orphan Annie Decoder Ring opt-]<<<<<

>>>>>[Cooper, isn't there anything you can do about him? Maybe some
Quickened Anti-Geek spell or something?]<<<<<
        --Jaez  <18:02:35/3-31-54>

>>>>>[I could work on it, but you'll have to kick him off in the
system. Magic and the Matrix don't work]<<<<<

>>>>>[Ha! I guess that "encrypt only to Raven MPCP" was pulled out
of a CrackerJax Bocks. Heh, he-^$(&$@!#!-------]<<<<<

>>>>>[Bad Boy.]<<<<<
        --Jaez  <18:07:31/3-31-54>

<<<Encrypt Code Zebra MPCP_Brandywine>>> 
>>>>>[Brandywine, I'll be in the Matrix to keep an eye out for any
trouble, I DO happen to be pretty good in the Matrix and I keep an
eye on DOA to watch how she works.]<<<<<
                -Buzz- (The one the only...Human Bee in the Matrix)

<<<End Encryption Code Zebra>>> 
>>>>>[HEY...o.kay...I'm a'right*deep breath*...Brandy, I'll be
there! NULL DIFFICULTY! 8-ish, ya' say?  N', yes...I DO speak
Sperethiel--tha' tends ta' be a MAJOR part of a Tir Nan Ogan
education...about th' only one I got (all 3 years of it)! 
Sperethiel, actually, is m' SECOND language..."Irish" Gaelic's m'
FIRST.  I didna' learn much in th' way a' English, til I moved t'
Chicago, when I was 7.  But, enough about languages.  Do I HUNT,
ya' ask?  I have but ONE thing ta' say ta' ya', lass....I'm an
ASSASSIN.  Enough said, I do b`lieve.  I REALLY hope m' choosen
occupation doesn'a serve ta' put ya' off....REALLY! But, I make NO
appologies...I give NO excuses!]<<<<< 
                -THE Nexus (quite pleased t' accept yer invitation)

>>>>>[BTW...huntin', huh?  WHERE would ya' like t' go?  WHAT would
ya' like m' ta' bring?  I have bows: long, short, cross(manual),
cross(CO2), cross(wrist).  I've got blowguns, wi' or wi'OUT
poison(deathrattle, of course!).  Slingshots, pistols, MG's,
sportin' rifles, SMG's, shurikens, knives, swords(a broad and a
claymore, inc.), assault rifles, sniper rifles...I KNOW, I'll bring
my trusty_lil'_"Buffalo Rifle"!  She's SWEET... custom
made...terrifyin' range...obnoxious amount of fire-power...bit on
th' LOUD side though, wi'out th' silencer.  Ya' name it, I've GOT
it (or at least have ACCESS to it!)....I'd best let ya' go, before
I gator m'self outta' an invitation! BYE!]<<<<< 
                -THE Nexus (too JAZZED fer `is own good, mos' likely!)

NO offense intended....Oh, BTW, Brandy...which vehicle would ya' like
ta' take? Blitzen? Turbo? Rover?  It's up to ya', MILESSARATISH.
Ozidane teheron! I live t' PLEASE.....]<<<<<
                -THE Nexus (What ARE we huntin', anyway?)

>>>>>[Hmm...  Loud is out.  I like the hunt better than I like the
capture...  and all you do when you have a noisy weapon is sit and
wait. An assassin, you say?  Good.  Then maybe you'll be able to
keep up.  As to where?  Well, I HAD planned on just running about
in the park.  But if you can load me up in something fast, we'll
get some real hunting in tonight. Call it an allnighter, eh,
Nexus?  (Oh, this IS gonna be fun) 

BTW:  I like big game.  On second thought, dear...  Have you ever
played hide and seek?  Nothing rough, mind you.  I wouldn't want to
hurt someone I'd just met.  And, as Sierra so aptly puts it, I'm a
'stupid pacifist' among other things.  Naw, the assissin bit
doesn't bother me too much.  I couldn't do it, though. 

One warning:  Going hunting is my way of blowing off lots of steam
and pressure.  This is the only time I get nuts, so this may not
(Read: WILL not) be an accurate impression of me.  Or perhaps it
will be more accurate than you're ever likely to see again. We'll

You've heard of running the Matix naked?  Well, being a Mage, I've
never done that.  But have you ever run the forest 'naked'? (I'm
not talking no clothes here, boyo.  It's a metaphor.:} ) Nothing
that could have been developed beyond, say, the year 1300. No
teflon.  No Iron.  No Goggles.  None o that crap.  That's how I

You still up for it?  Bring the firearms, though.  It's not good to
be caught with your pants down by something you can't handle (Like
oh, say, awakened beasts.)  We're not on a quest of bravery here.
And there have been times when other runners will follow their mark
to a favourite vaction spot.  So, bring the gear.  I just don't
plan on using it for recreation.]<<<<< 
        -Brandywine- <21:04:43/31.3.54>

>>>>>[Snake, but there are a *lot* of vampires around these days!
Perhaps we should rename it VAMPTALK...heh. And almost every one is
some odd interpretation of the original. It's no wonder the group I
found is such a bunch of purists! They may be all we have

>>>>>['Purists'? Is that the best word you can think of, Drek-head?
I ought to tell them you said that. They have spells like we've
never seen. And I doubt you want to see most of them.]<<<<< 
        -Ariel<Need-to-know/basis only.>

>>>>>[Um...yeah. Well, I must thank them for that last spell I
learned, to be sure; I never thought of a 'resist allergy' sort of
spell, I was thinking more like bending light rays or somethin'.
But the spell works, what can I say? I was starting to miss a good
sunrise. That pollution certainly makes for fine sunrises and
sunsets, if nothing else. Heh.]<<<<< 

>>>>>[ Dark Elf!  Napalm!  Big Jake!  Oddball!  Cowboy!  Are you
guys out there? This sudden silence is bad.  Speak up an let us
know your alive. ]<<<<< 
       -- Nightstalker <19:52:23/03-31-54>

>>>>>[Brandywine...this sounds FANTASTIC!  Of COURSE I'm up fer it!
I LIKE th' idea of huntin' "naked"....um, no modern weaponry-wise, of
course... . *grin*....sounds WIZZER, t' me!  I'll bring m' bows,
then....an' mos' DEFIANATELY some swords....at least ONE of my
katanas (they're BOTH Force-3 weapon foci), though th' broadsword or
claymore `r more in keepin' w' th' "mood" yer settin'.  I'll be
packin' some heavy ordinance, though...jus' in case.  I won't have
much in th' way a' modern accessories, donna' need `em...though I
WILL be luggin' an adapter fer m' bows...also "jus' in case"...we ken
take m' bike, if ya'd like.  It's fast...an' has off-road suspension.
WHERE ARE we gonna' go....Never Mind...we'll dicuss tha', when I pick
ya' up.....I haven't been huntin', in a while.  I used ta' hunt
ghouls, in the Shattergraves, when I was a kid....jus' fer fun, I
guess.  Hunted `em in the Barrens, fer th' BOUNTY, when times got
tough. Still, it's been a while....be seenin' ya', real soon!
                -THE Nexus (killin'....fer fun an' profit!)

>>>>>[Hunting with swords?  Well...  whatever.  Looks like it's
going to be an interesting evening.  What do you need all those
weapons for, anyway?  You won't have time to decide which one to
use.  Just bring, like, one bow, one big hunting knife (a sword if
you must *laugh*) and um...  a big gun.  (that's in case unwanted
company shows up--not for hunting) 
Just out of curiosity...  Do you know how to gut an animal?  Well,
nevermind.  If we catch a deer, let me take it.  I can use the
shoulder sinews for a new bowstring. 

Oh:  and don't dress all in black (I figure, you're an assissin, I'd
better tell you this.  I know their penchant for ebon...)  It creates
too much of a silouette.  Night Camo if you've got it.  Otherwise,
I'll suit you up with something.

And as to where we're going...  How does Old Montana sound? I can get
something to fly us out there right quick, and we might find
ourselves a bear.  That's good meat for a year.  Plus the hide is
pretty useful. And *smile* we can practice our Sperethiel on each
other.  I was raised in the Tir.]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <22:15:42/31.3.54>

>>>>>[Sounds WIZ, t' ME!  MONTANA...fer th' ev`nin'?  Well, if ya'
INSIST... jus' twist m' arm, now....!  As far as th' sword goes, I
just feel... comfortable, with it around...but, I DO have a Force-2
long knife.  How's THAT?  Which bow would ya' suggest?  As ya' ken
see, I have QUITE a selection...an' these seem ta' be more yer
forte....a gun huh?  How `bout an FN Har W/EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS? 
Sentimental value....YES, I can gut an animal, `bout as well as I
can gut a hit!  We'll worry `bout who gets WHAT, once we see WHAT
WE GET, K?  I'll be there, ASAP....oh, do ya' mind if I bring m'
        -THE Nexus (Sperethiel...language of the TRUE warrior*GRIN*)

>>>>>[Ya' jus' MAY be partyin' wi'OUT m', CHUMMERS!  *LAUGH*]<<<<<
                -THE Nexus (I'm goin' huntin'...N' YER NOT!)

>>>>>[If you want to see bowmanship, talk to G.G.  I personally have
seen him shoot down Wasps ans an Aguilar with his bow.  It also made
a really nice silenced weapon when the Yaks came for us in the
Carribean League.]<<<<<
                -Harlequin <I thought ELVES were good with bows>

>>>>>[Brandy, love...I AM n' assassin! I'm SURE I ken find SOMETHIN'
ta wear!  But, if ya'd STILL like ta' dress m'......JUS' KIDDIN'....
maybe....*smirk*   Guess yer not too much of a vegitarian, are ya'?
NULL DIFFICULTY....I'll eat jus' about ANYTHIN' ya' put in front a'
m'....long as I donna' have ta' take it in t' much of a fight,
b`ferhand!   Well, looks like THAT jus' went out th' window...seems
like yer ALREADY changin' this ol' son-ofa'-slitches life around,
woman!  Oh, well....we ALL hafta' make sacrifices, SOMEWHERE,
                -THE Nexus (could be changin' fer th' BETTER...?)

>>>>>[Sorry Nexus, I hunt other things now.  Animals just aren't a
challenge...except for dragons and juggernauts....but I haven't
hunted those.  Yet.  Maybe.  Of course there's always grenade
fishing in Puget Sound.  Most wetters (read water cops) don't like
it, but I just say...Hey, you gonna talk or fish...while I hold the
pin in one hand and the grenade in the other.  Just gotta hope you
don't offend any awakened critter in that soup.]<<<<< 
                        -Harlequin <Decker, not mage>

>>>>>[Your dog WILL NOT like me, Nex.  I wouldn't suggest bringing
him (her?) along.  I mean, if you really want to, go ahead....  But
I think we will come across some immediate personality conflicts. 
:)  (the dog and I)  Hmm...  The sooner you can get here, the
better.  Sierra's getting antsy.  You know, I think this may be an
actual date!  *snicker, snort*&(&&^*  Hey...  sorry, Sierra.... 
Sheesh.  *giggle* *&%&*  Alright! 

I promise I won't tell them that you're here with some boy named
Matthew, and that he's CUTE (for a 15 year old)...

You better come get me NOW, Nexus.  She's gonna kill me....  ACK!
Leave me alone...  Oh quit beating on me!  You know how frial I
        -Brandywine- <22:49:17/31.3.54>

>>>>>[HA HA! RAMboy strikes again! Buzz, dude, get some better
encrypts. . . That's the second message of yours I've posted that
was meant for only one pers*!@@__+|^]<<<<<

>>>>>[Be NICE! Or I'll do more than scrag your textfeed. I'm sure
Buzz just went back and decided to include the rest of us on his
encrypts and just didn't change the name of the text encrypt
        --Jaez  <21:00:12/3-31-54>

>>>>>[Nice to see everyone getting their rocks off on 'hunting.' And
people were bothering me...for being a *predator*!!! Feh.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Don't ya' like dogs?  No problem...tha's YER perrogative! 
I'll tell ya' now, though...he's a rather LARGE Hellhound.  He's
pretty freindly, if I LIKE TH' PERSON....n', he's seen an' been
around some pretty wacked stuff....he's used t' magickers!  E`en
likes Vamps, actually...AN' DRACO-FORMS!  I think I WILL bring
`im...he's FEIRCELLY loyal...an' an EXCELLENT watchdog.....we jus'
might need `im *grin*...lest we get too... PRE-OCCUPIED.....*laugh*
SORRY... couldn't resist! NE`R FEAR...CAVALRY's ON TH' WAY, FAIR
DAMSEL!   Oh...an' tell Sierra I wish 'er lottsa' luck on th' date
she's NOT havin', which ya' DIDNN'A tell m' about...an', "inform"
MATTHEW tha' should he get "outta' line", I'll personally take
GREAT pleasure in rippin' him a number a' various n' sundry new
orrafices...in places he's ne`r DREAMED of!  Till we meet... fer
        -THE Nexus (las' of th' "great white hunters"/DON'T LAUGH!)

>>>>>[DOA's been seeing somebody? O My God! Not that she's
unattractive, it's just she's almost like Spectre sometimes: Deadly
Serious, fatalistic, just unsociable at times! Well, it doesn't
mean he's her boyfriend or anythig. . . but maybe SHE WANTS HIM TO
        --Jaez  <21:18:21/3-31-54>

>>>>>[Morrison:  wait a minute.  I didn't intend to insult (?) you
in any way.  And I don't recall making ANY comments about you, one
way or the other.  You are what you are.  Following that logic, I
too, am what I am (Do I hear echoes of Popeye, here?). ]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <23:15:00/31.3.54>

<<<Encrypt Code RAMDORK MPCP_RAMboy>>> 
>>>>>[Boy, RAMboy you should get some etiquette, especially for your
elders AND FOR ex-CIA agents, I happen to be both...I'm 30 yrs old
and I served with the CIA for 8 yrs before I retired, I was under a
lot of pressure at the time AND I have a BS degree from the
University of Chicago.  I'm actully amazed tht you were able to
decrypt my messages...I guess I must terminate you. Oh well, It's
something I don't want to do, BUT you are a major annoyance!
Remember I am a decker with a C^2 deck AND A LOT OF BIOWARE!]<<<<< 
        -Buzz- (The decker RAMboy should be one the lookout for!)
<<<End Encryption>>>

>>>>>[I'm sure ya' meant nothin' by it, Morrison...but, this is more
than  jus' trackin' some poor defenseless animals (Harlequin...this
is ta' YOU, too)...I happen ta' LOVE animals...sometimes more'n
PEOPLE...  they aren't as likely ta' hurt ya', break yer heart, etc.
all th' things we HIGHER LIFEFORMS(??) are s' GOOD at!   I`tis, m'
lads...  th' thrill of th' hunt...th' joy of th' chase....th' sweet
taste of VICTORY...? *wistful smile*  It far exceeds th' hunt n'
kill...men.  FAR exceeds it!]<<<<<
                -THE Nexus (predator of th' highest order...)

<<<<<[*DOA looks up from the blueprints she and Matthew are going
over, screams, and looks back down again*  Oh, c'MON, GUYS! 
        -DOA- <23:19:14 / 3/31/54>

>>>>>[Sierra's BLUSHING!!!]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <23:19:53/31.3.54>

>>>>>[Uh, Cat, wherever you are, better get to home base quick. I
just got a message from you-know-who. Check out what came with:


...."epeat, a large explosion has damaged several offices in CIA
Headquarters. Investigators have confirmed that the origin of the
blast was the office suite of Deputy Director William H. Tuckman.
Tuckman and several of his aides are missing, and presumed killed
in the blast. As usual, the CIA has no comment. 

Deputy Director Tuckman was in charge of CIA operations in the Carib
League. This explosion comes just as rumors are rife in the DeeCee
area that the UCAS government, through the CIA, has been aiding the
terrorists currently making things hot for the new government on
Omega Island. Strangely, earlier today this reporter began hearing
rumors that the CIA is in fact aiding the Omega government against
the terrorists! Again, the CIA refused to comment on any of these

More on this story as it develops. For NetNews 54, this is Mary
Whething, reporting from the nation's capitol. back to you, Pe"....


One word: ulp!]<<<<<
        -Six Pack <00:26:03/4-01-54>

>>>>>[  CRUSH like hunt.  CRUSH take bow and 'wally'  and go off.
CRUSH get two behemoth in one week.  CRUSH want to know what CRUSH
to do with last leg behemoth, still have a lot. CRUSH want to know
when is the GUys night out?. ]<<<<< 
                        -CRUSH <24:46:14/04-01-54>

>>>>[Don't mention it, Highlander.  Lack of trust is a natural
hazard for newcomers in places like this.  I'll just have to get my
buddies together to enjoy the chaos when the rest of you stir
things up.  (The night out is still on, no?  I certainly hope
you're not gonna let a few government types spook you...)]<<<<
                        Dancer <23:49:21/3-31-54>

>>>>[Kat could be trouble in more ways than magical, Dark Elf...
Even if all her intentions are good, true and pure and she's been
totally straight with you, not only could Tirandor have pulled
tissue samples on her, she could be carrying carcerands filled with
nastiness to turn her into a walking time bomb...  I assume you've
already checked to be sure she's free of any sort of electronics that
could be hazardous, but some of this stuff can be nearly impossible
to detect.  It looks like you're one whose assessments of character
are likely to be accurate, but it's still a potentially bad
                        Dancer <23:54:55/3-31-54>

>>>>>[Um, Jaez, you better be careful with your comments.  I think
Spectre is fatalistic and unsociable too, but he read it and looked
depressed.  I told him that I thought he'd take it as a compliment,
and he jerked right out of his seat spurs popping--I thought I was
in serious drek there fore a second.  Then he just stalked out.  I
guess I forgot he's more than borderline psycho. Careful, you're
far too entertaining to get maimed by Spectre during a temper
tantrum (even if you are right).]<<<<< 
        --Lucky (21:56:32/03-31-54)

>>>>>[If you were suggesting that I be the bait for the CIA hunt,
I'm more than willing.  But they're not after me yet, which may
make it difficult to draw attention.  On the other hand, it
shouldn't be too hard to get on their shit list....See you all
                __Spectre <22:14:54/03-31-54>

>>>>>[ Now Nexus, calm down.  I said I hunt.  Where and when did I
say I hunt defenseless animals.  I DON'T call piasima defense- less.
Besides, I kill and eat most of what I hunt.  But I hunt different
things now.  Both literally and figuritively.  Go figure.  Just don't
judge me with out knowing me.]<<<<<
                -Harlequin <Ever read "The most dangerous game">

>>{Now now there Ramboy... I'll admit that my little friend D.  might
not be a renoun decker such as your self... But he is a nice
fella... Oh didn't I mention... OOPs I guess I didn't... Messing
with a friends posts are one thing but when you mess with others
people start to take offence... Let me just say I eat black IC for
breakfast... I seriously doubt your little MPCP would even be a
challenge...GULP...there goes the first level... should I
                Unholy Ripper <GULP...there goes><another level...>

>>>>>[Tell me Harlequin, does your friend have some kind of
speciallized bow, or is he just ungodly good?  I'm curious because
I have a friend who is interested in unusual weapons.  (Personally
I always prefered my uzi, but she despises guns.)]<<<<<
                   Cypher (09:05:38|04/01/93)
                   President, Synergistic Technologies

>>>>>[  Perhaps the wisest move would be to change the location of
the party at the last minute, and spread news by word of mouth and
closed encryption. Even if we "suspected terrorists" did not show
up, that's no guarantee that the CIA won't show.  Just think how
many runners will be there.  In fact, I'd lay odds that the amassed
might could outdo the CIA, but this is no time for
                                   ---Dark Elf <15:48:55/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  The fraggers have a file on me!!!  Not for long!  DE and Kat
are going in and wiping every copy of it in the UCAS databases.  It
won't stop the fraggers but it should slow them down.  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Big Jake <15:50:30/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  You know the routine Jake, time to relocate to one of our
places, your apartment is probably bugged by now.  ]<<<<<
                                    ---OddBall <15:51:40/03-31-54>

>>>>>[ <<Encryption Protocol Gamma-7>>
Here's the real plan, next week my whole team will enter Omega
Island. If we're going to be treated like terrorists, we'd better
start acting the part before the CIA gets too close.  Our first
mission will be a total low-profile recon before we link with Tommy
Harada, Feral, Brightlight, D.B., and the rebels.  We'll then
compare notes and plan a series of lightning raids.  The
datafortress is going to be a rough ride even for me, but I think I
can come up with a few tactical tricks to circumvent, if we can get
on-site. Tommy, from now on refer to us as Delta Epsilon Sqaud, and
no uncoded messages on open channels as always.  We plan to arrive
at <<Encypt: Gamma-9>> and will need a diversion.  When we arrive,
do not try to contact us, after our recon we'll find you.  That
will give you time to find your traitor, and we may find out who on
our recon.  Good Hunting. 

<<Encyrption Protocol Disengaged>>

Doom, we'll do what we can to find out what DDI knows about you, I
think Kat has some info on that now, she did coordinate most of the
Matrix search. Just for your information, I'm clearing Kat to post
what she knows tomorrow. Good Hunting friends.  ]<<<<<
                                 ---Dark Elf <16:01:35/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  Doom, you are a difficult man to track.  The first logical
step was to find a UCAS SIN for you by backtracking your messages
and collating with cred records in local banking nets when we got a
trace.  Needless to say that led nowhere fast.  We then acted on
the fact that you were a Geerman national. After reconning the
Imperial Records System we found that the Imperium would not clear
us to to a backround check anywhere but public records.  Tirandor
instructed us not to risk an international incident with the
Imperium so we restricted ourselves to their public domain areas. 
We did manage to get your SIN number, but we have no idea if it is
a flase front or not, nor do we know if you have changed it since. 
They know that you have ties to the Imperial government and as such
are politically untouchable on German soil. Doom has not been put
on the list of terrorist sympathizers at Quention's request. 
According to him extradition would be a diplomatic nightmare. Your
involvement has them scared.  They are not capable of standing up
to the Imperium. Be warned, if they manage to track you down
outside of Germany, they can resort to less legal methods.  That
was the route they were beginning to take when I made the mistake
of making a naive attempt to locate DE and was removed from service
with DDI and Omega.  At the start of the task, we encountered
similar problems as when we tried to track DE, a convoluted set of
false leads, many of which could easily lead to embarrasing
circumstances as I found out the hard way.  ]<<<<< 
                                      ---Kat <16:33:46/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  That's because the good doctor and I have similar ideas
about security, besides, we have a rapport and take the time to
compare notes since the MONICA affair.  ]<<<<<
                                      ---Dark Elf <16:15:46/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  So DE, are you going to set up Kat with her own place or is
she going to stay in your apartment for the rest of her
                                      ---Napalm <16:17:05/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  Watch what you're insinuating, this is a strictly
professional relationship.  Strictly.  ]<<<<<
                                      ---Dark Elf <16:17:55/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  Too bad.  ]<<<<<
                                      ---Kat <16:19:55/03-31-54>

>>>>>[ Behave yourself Kat! ]<<<<<
                                      ---Big Jake <16:20:24/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  <<encrypt gamma courtesy of Dark Elf>> 
Very well Delta Epsilon, your message is received.  We will try to
arrange a warm welcome for your arrival.  Be advised that we will
be unable to mount an extended diversion, we can give you a maximum
of five minutes to get Delta Epsilon Squad in country.  As you
requested we will not attempt contact until you are ready.  When
you make contact, I will brief you on the code names we will be
using to describe positions. 
<< End Encrypt Gamma>>]<<<<<
                         ---TDH <16:35:31/03-31-54>

>>>>>[  ***Message Downloaded to all public databases***** 
This is Jacob Marcus, free man of Omega Island.  The corporate devils
in charge of the new government have been feeding you lies.  We are
not a band of terrorists as they would have you believe, we are an
army of the people figting for the liberation of our Island from the
grip of corporate manipulations.  There is no validity to this
governement, their interests are profit and corporate infighting not
the welfare of the people.  I urge all peace loving and righteous
governemts to place sanctions on Omega, and take action to estavlish
a legitimate government here, without the stain of corporate

We fight to be free people, to escape slavery to a group of
corporations thinly disguised as a valid goverment.  Give Omega
back to the people! 
                        ---Jacob Marcus <16:44:06/03-31-54>
                           People's Liberation Army

>>>>>[  I'm routing that message on to a few non-public databases
worldwide. Herr Doom, if you please, forward this message to the
Imperium.  If we can get this out before Trevor's people can supress
it, maybe we can shatter the illusion of terrorist activity before
any of us can be brought up on charges. This is valid proof that
Omega is experiencing revolution rather than terrorism!  ]<<<<<
                       ---Dark Elf <16:47:59/03-31-54>

>>>>>[I'm glad you don't hunt more often, Nexus. Perhaps you would
get bored of killing. Oh, the horror! Drek, I get to hunt every
night, courtesy of MCT's hyperactive HMHVV strain. Shouldn't I just
be swimming in joy? I get nothing out of being a predator. Even
though I have to kill to survive, I still gain no pleasure from just
killing. That's all it is in the end, after all. I can at least
imagine that by 'running I do some good along with the killing.
But I'm not sure the benefits of being a vampire outweigh the cost
in life. Well, I hope my idealism hasn't bored you.]<<<<<

<<<Encrypt to ACTION_JACKSON_MPCP>>> 
>>>Greetings AJ:  Excuse me for shortening your name...  My time is
short... I should be comming by you hospital either tonight or
tomarrow...  I am looking forward to meeting you...  I havvve heard
such splendid things about you...  Until then...<<<
                                --D. <03/31/54><23:28:15 MST>

>>>I must admit there D. that this one was a little tougher to
crack... Maybe I'll talk with this man too... Never know he might
have somethin' worth while to hear... See Ya Round D.<<<
                                Unholy Ripper <--/--/--><--:--:-->

>>>Ripper:  To not try my patients...  I expect you to be at the
party... the others will be there...  You can either meet us there
or before... I am not impressed by your talent...  I already know
what you can do... If you wish to impress someone, try one of the
corp.ers or lab-coats on my tale...  I repeate do not ovvver step
your bounds...  Go well friend<<< 
                                        --D. <03/31/54><23:36:57>

<<<Encrypt Delta_001_Recognize_Highlander_MPCP>>> 
>>>Highlander:  I would be delighted if you would take a look at my
deck... I havvve to admit I am not the technomancer most of the
others are here... I will havvve to rush you though...  It seems
that after that message about the good doctors at Precision was
sent out someone paid a little vvvisit to my rising place...  I, at
the presant time,havvve cooled off...I only wish they would not
havvve tried so hard to get me upset...  I hate havvving to do what
I did today...  If you are not doingn anything tonight I will meet
you at <Encrypt---Location---Beta> and we can go back to your

>>>My god!  Ya  all really should hear about what D. did ta lab
thugs that came nockin'!  I mean what does it take ta rip a mans
heart out and show it ta him _before_ he dies?!?!I'll have ta say
they realllly shouldn't have tried sooo hard ta piss 'im off like
that! **shiver**<<< 
                                Shade <03/31/54><19:20:19 MST>

>>>Shade:  You now if you keep going around spreding stories about
D., he just might get angry with you.  I do not thing either you or
I would like to see that...ESPECIALLY YOU!!!...got it.<<<
                                        Lace <03/31/54><19:23:35>

>>{Well Well ladies... It looks like our little friend D. has grown a
little stronger since I last saw him... Ya know I always knew there
was somethin' strange 'bout that 'ol boy... At least I'll admit I
never thought it would be somethin' like this though...  Hey D. I'll
meet ya at that location ya sent that Highlander guy... Oh ya and ya
might ask him ta change those encryptions ya got from me... At least
iti would make it a little more dificult for me to crack your coded
messages... See Ya Chummer...}<<
                                Unholy Ripper <--/--/--><--:--:-->

>>>Ripper:  Is that you?  What happened to that old Jack the Ripper
filter you use to use?  And  I thought you were dead!<<<
                                        Lace <03/31/54><19:33:50>

>>{Well to make a lon story short I had a little run in with a corp.
that was packin' a little more than I had anticipated...  Remind me to
never leave home with out my attack 10 program... Well I guess that
is what I get for tryin' to take it easy on the guy...  You can
believe you me it will not happen again...  I figured it was time for
a change and here it is...Actually I am gettin' sort of use to all
these undead guys in my new filter... Saved my but a few days ago...
You know that glitch I had after the run in with the black IC, well
if it weren't for this new filter 

I don't think I would have recognized thhe 'ol Black stuff thiis
time... Oh ya and by the way, Jester or whatever your name is, I
would love to take a look at that 13mill deck of yours... Maybe I'll
get one for myself... Then again my 'ol holy avenger here has been
pretty faithful as of late... Well gotta go if I'm gonna meet D. and
that Highlander fella...}<< 
                                Unholy Ripper <--/--/--><--:--:-->

>>>>>[ What I've been going through this last 24 hours you would not
believe. First we were hired for a little bit of protection work,
simple pick up and drop off and we were to act as muscle should
anything go wrong.  Hell how wrong could it go.

The guy called himself Kentucky we hadn't heard of him before
and all our contacts knew was that a chap by that name worked out
east sometime ago. Thinking nothing of it we agreed to the job
seeing as we had nothing else to do.  The pick up went cool, a
suitcase from The Waterfront restaurant, the delivery
Michelangelo's the new nightclub in downtown.  Kentucky asked two
of us to stay near the front door in case of trouble while the
other two went in with him.  Not seeing any reason not to we agreed
keeping in radio contact all the while with each other.  I.B.A. and
Noname went in with Kentucky whilst myself and Blade waited near
the exit.  Then it happened, setup, the whole place was full of
Lonestar and a citymaster had pulled up outside with cops pouring
out of. Kentucky then showed his true colours as he kicked in some
high grade cyberware and drew a pistol and badge at the same time. 
The night- club became a slaughterhouse as Blade and I ran guns
blazing for the rear exit. I.B.A. and Noname were worse off,
deciding not to take on Kentucky and the two other guys in the room
they turned and ran gettin bullets in the back as they went. 
Noname made it to the exit first with I.B.A. covering his behind
myself and Blade were a few seconds away from it yet.  The door
swung open and a large burst of automatic shotgun fire came through
taking out Noname and serverly injuring I.B.A., through the door 5
patrol cars could be seen.  As the cops round the back were getting
ready to fire again our Guardian Angel got there, just in time as
far as I can tell.  Polish, who we neglected to tell Kentucky about
but who we had following at a discrete distance should anything
like this happen, arrived in his Westwind, AVMS mounted and ready
he took out two of the patrols before they realised what was upon
them.  The blast took a few more cops and stunned the rest of
them.  Dragging Noname through the door and into Polish's Westwind
while Polish kept the cops heads down with his medium machine gun
firing at the door we had just come through.  We were out of the
worst of it as Polish pulled away at high speed though we had to
dump the car as soon as the 'coptor they sent after us got a fix on
our location but we soon disappeared into the shadows. 

So my dear fellow runners on the net I must ask you a favour, no not
why were the cops after us, that we know only too well and regret our
actions, but a simpler request.  A day of hiding in the shadows and
tending to our injuries (especially Noname's) has meant I haave
missed out on the latest info/gossip to be found on our wonderful
shadowland BBS.  Could someone possibly post a resume of what has
been happening especially regarding Tirandor, the women's night out
(so I know when to stay in) and any other little pointers you may
consider important.  Oh if anyone has any info on Kentucky, all I
know was that he was wired to the max and he had a NY accent, then
I'd be forever in your debt.  I think I ought to pay him a little
visit :) ]<<<<< 
                            -The Powerhouse (15:49:16/1.4.54)

>>>>>[ Hey Power, you fancy a little trip to the compound to get my
car back ? ]<<<<<
                            -Polish (15:15:35/4.1.54)

>>>>>[ Yeah why not, but lets, let em guess as to when we're coming,
just in case our friend Kentucky has a line to this BBS.  ]<<<<<
                            -The Powerhouse (15:51:57/1.4.54)

>>>>>[ If he has I'll fry his brains for sure. ]<<<<<
                            -I.B.A. (Kentucky/is/gonna/die)

>>>>>[ Oh yeah and what are you lot gonna do for magical support eh ?
while I'm still laid up. Think you can toss a mana bolt now Power
just cause you can slice my spirits to hell and back ? ]<<<<<
                            -Noname (15:56:05/4.1.54)

>>>>[ Hmm Noname has a point, maybe we should wait .... but then
again. ]<<<<< 
                            -The Powerhouse (15:57:15/1.4.54)

>>>>>I'll be expecting you.  Just remember: I am a full vampire, not
a person with limited vampire genes like so many now on this BBS.  So
I sleep from dawn to dusk and work during the night.  If you really
_have_ to see me, I sleep int the morgue of the hospital.  And if
you're reading this, Gates, I have had s several of the shamans and
mages working at the hospital set up some powerful wards and
elementals to guard my humble abode for the time being.  Once my
appartment is furnished the way I like, I'll move in there, but until
then, I am really tough to get to.  Remember.<<<<<
        Action Jackson(10:20:40/04-01-54)

>>>>>You mean that you have to kill nightly to survive?  My god,
Man!  What the hell have they put into you?(oops, showing my
age...)  I only have to hunt every week or two, so I have time to
find persons who actually desire to become night masters like
ourselves.  Or use someone who wants to punch your ticket.  We need
to talk, Morrison.  You know where I work, so why don't you stop by
some evening and we'll see what the drek(that's better!) is wrong
with your system th that you have to hunt so often.<<<<< 
        Action Jackson(10:12:43/04-01-54)

>>>>[Im coming.]<<<<

>>>>>[ <<encrypt gamma-7 courtesy of Dark Elf>>
Feral, Bright, and D.B. I've chosen not to bring my squad to the
rendezvous point.  Instead I've moved them to red-9.  I want you
three to gather  the squad leaders and bring them here so we can
settle this traitor business once and for all. 

Team-4 ran into a squad of yellowjackets about an hour ago while
enroute to chi-3.  They still had a few RPGs left, and managed to
take out two of the choppers, but lost nearly half their number.
Team-6 accomplished thier objective and made it back to base with
minimal losses.  Tirandor will have to send a repair crew to the
waterfront if he wants to refuel his non-nuclear supply ships and
destroyers.  I wish I knew how they managed to get so many ships on
such short notice.  Keep magic and physical masking on all
operation sites.  If they can get a pinpoint with a satellite they
could shell us to hell and back from offshore. <<end
                                 ---TDH <12:49:18/04-01-54>

>>>>>[  Trust me, we've checked Kat out about as well as can be.  We
didn't Think to check for magickal traps (stupid huh), but after your
warnings Napalm scanned her astrally for foci or anything that a
spell can be grounded through, and she's clean.  We've got her under
watch, and don't let her jack in without supervision.  If she's not
on the level, she's done for.  ]<<<<<
                                    ---Dark Elf <12:19:46/04-01-54>

>>>>>[  I'm still antsy about Kat, I don't trust her at all.  She was
with the fragging corp!  She's an accomplice to BobK's murder!!!!  If
it were up to me I'd drop her in the Ork underground and forget about
her!  ]<<<<< 
                                    ---OddBall <12:23:10/04-01-54>

>>>>>[  I feel so much better knowing that one of my hosts would like
to leave me to die.  ]<<<<<
                                    ---Kat <12:24:30/04-01-54>

>>>>>[  Ah'm willin' ta trust yer judgement DE, but ah think Kat's
gettin' a little too close ta you fer mah comfort.  She's been
turnin' on her womanly charms whenever she's around you.  Ah think
she's trying ta influence yer judgement.  Careful friend, this woman
has the heart of a rattler!  ]<<<<<
                                    ---Cowboy <12:29:30/04-01-54>

<<Encrypt gamma-7 courtesy of Dark Elf>> 
>>>>>[ Buzz, you may be able to get into Omega using a similar scam
as we are.  We'll send you a bonded courier message with the
specifics.  Also, if you can get to New York by tomorrow, you can
get in with Delta Epsilon.  Good Hunting chummer.  Looks like we've
got a war party ready!  ]<<<<< 
                                    ---Big Jake  <12:33:08/04-01-54>
<<End gamma-7>>

>>>>>[  If Kat is trying to use us, well we'll just use her more (no
offense). I don't think that her getting too close to DE will be a
problem, he's always been good at seperating business from
                                    ---Big Jake <12:34:51/04-01-54>

>>>>>[  Interesting, I saw an old 20th century photo of the Intrepid
and it didn't look anything like it does now.  If you look real close
at the modern version you can see some of the old shape in some
portions, especially in parts of the command tower.  From what I've
seen, it's much bigger  today than it was when it was built.  It's got
more flight deck space, more guns, and launchers for cruise
missiles.  I knew that the navy did some heavy modifications when
they brought it back into service and that Tirandor made even more,
but I had no idea that it was so drastic!!  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Napalm <12:39:46/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Say, Highlander, I just completed restoration work on a '97
Italdesign ColumBus, and it seats 7, so if you want to ride in
class, let me know... Restoration details include an armour package,
new Recaro seats (leather covered, no less), top of the line stereo
package (complete surround sound, you oughta hear it, just like you
were at the concert), reworked engine, and let me tell you, damm
thing's smoother than anything else I've ever had (even my
NightSky). ]<<<<< 
        -CoHort <09:50:00/04-01-54>

>>>>>Personally, I prefer my BMW 1050i.  Medium to big sized car. 
Power from the gods.  (BMw gods, that is)<<<<<
        -- g.g. (13.04:56/4-1-54)

>>>>>[ Cypher, all I can say is...talk with G.G.  He's around here
somewhere.  I can't really say if it's anything but skill and HE
arrowheads, but he could tell you more.]<<<<<
                -Harlequin <Rotten day>

>>>>>[ My name ain't Jester.  Nor is G.G.'s.  Close but no cigar.  I
suppose I shouldn't get upset over people slandering my name, but it
still irks me after all these years.  It ain't my deck that's 13M.
That's G.G.'s new CTY series.  I think.  Hey, G.G., how much do you
think my decks worth, rough estimate.  Including the fact it has two
                        -Harlequin <My own back up>

>>>>>[  Don't worry chummer, we're all still here.  We've been a
little busy lately, be we're all OK.  <<start encrypt gamma-9>>
You're in Omega now????  Be prepared, Delta Epsilon will be on it's
way shortly.  We'll try to hook up with you when we get in country.
I'll need all the decking support I can get to break portions of the
Omega datafortress. Be advised, the DDI HQ system aboard the Intrepid
still has a "back door" that you can get in through if you can crack
their sattelite uplink.  You won't be able to get into the main Omega
system, but the DDI should still have lots of paydata.  One tip about
DDI, don't try and use any passcode keys older than one day.  I'm
certain that they've changed them all since Kat left. <<end
                            ---Dark Elf <13:27:43/04-01-54>

>>>^&>%[$%ake it b#$%@ck$%^eattle, y$%u'all&#can ri%p%$y arms

>>>>>[ G.G., have you been using Kevin's account to check out the
new models, or did you send the money to actually get one from
                -Harlequin <I want 1/10 the nuyen he's got>

>>>>>Now harlequin, I am trying to be modest nowadays.  besides, the
tips had explosives on them.  And I got lucky.  You understand.<<<<<
        --g.g. (13:35:43/4-1-54)

>>>>>[ Jake, does this mean *I* can help rip your arms out? *sweet
innocent look*]<<<<<
        -Sabre <Will you cut that out Harlequin>

>>>>>Cypher, I had my bow specially made out of a mix of graphite
and a metal alloy by a friend, snafingalius.  He also made the
special tips.And I also got lucky.<<<<<
        -- g.g.( )

>>>>> About 8.5 mil or so.<<<<< 
        -- g.g. ( )

>>>>>[Hey Action...suggest a time for me to stop by.  Although I think
the scanning of the old vampires and the raid on the MCT subcorp
yielded much in the way of information. So I'll bring some of that
stuff along as well. I don't think Ariel will be along,
however...she's still getting acquainted with my coven.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Make sure you off some Librans for me. And don't get your head
blown off. It's kinda endearing, if full of drek.]<<<<<
        -Ariel<Why should I/tell you the time?>


>>>>>[Well, us girls had a whole bunch of fun last night. Cat
Dancing and Raven talked mage with Cerise while CB showed me her
C^2 deck. I thought it would look gross but her hair (same color as
mine!) covers it an a pleasing manner. I let Cat borrow an outfit
of mine-maybe I should wear it more often with the number of
compliments she got! 

Sheena taught us all to sing, and Circuit Breaker even convinced her
to belt out some Dixie (which is kind of funny, the only Dixie my dad
ever listened to was old Leon Redbone chips.) Spirit was kind of
quiet-I think she had everyone's favorite Troll on her mind-but she
loosened up after a bit and we had a blast. When we picked her up she
showed me and Circuit Breaker her deck (which is REALLY awesome-CB
and I both want to come visit and get a closer look sometime. BTW
Spirit, how long did it take you to design that thing? It's a
powerful processor with a Filter-Circuit Breaker was really

I'm so glad that Brandy found us, with DOA in tow. I hope your
hunting trip with Nexus goes OK. . .You're a brave one. And
everyone, Brandy is not some pansy flower-eating elf-she's quiet
and reserved but when she says something, it's always important or
extremely humorous. 

DOA: I hope you have lots of fun coming up with new things to do and
making plans with this "Matt" guy. He sounds cute, according to what
Brandy said! Oh, to be young again, when I was just learning how to
deal with guys. . . DOA, I must say that while you're young and
rather inexperienced in this arena, I think you'll turn to be one of
the best when it comes to flirting. And don't take it wqrong; we were
just kidding you to have fun! It was nice to finally see you smile.

Cerise was very nice. Unlike Raven, that girl knows how to party! She
hit the dance floor and got a lot of looks-most of which she promptly
ignored. I think she gets a kick out of that kind of control. Cerise,
I extend my hand of friendship to you: You're the first Mage I've met
who knows how to party. 

Now, Raven wasn't so bad herself. Normally she makes Mother Theresa
look like a slut. But I saw her looking some guys over, and there
were a couple of times I lost track of her and can't account for her
actions. . .I wonder if Reg taught her that Invisibility spell. . .

Oh, Spirit: Don't forget to tell us if that tape we made with
Sheena's 4-track puts CRUSH back on track. If 7 young women singing
the Digital Banshees' "Marriage of Thag and Wendy" doesn't get
through his skull, I guess you will have to try that secret plan we
came up with. 

When we finally arrived at Penumbra, it was kind of funny because
the Redheads (me, Cat Dancing, and Circuit Breaker) went off in
search of men to ignore. We met some cool guys, most of whom were
easy to lay off of, but there was a gang of four that really
tempted us. We bought them drinks with our various LTGs attached.
We'll see how perserverant these guys are. Not that we're hoping
for anything serious, but it's a fun game to play. 

As I said before, Cerise hit the scene like a sub-orbital on
afterburner. Even without her elven features she'd attarct guys like
a magnet to iron. I don't think she latched onto anyone, but I'm not
quite sure. 
Raven did gravitate toward this one guy. Tall, dark, handsome. .
.Gee, I hope he's not another one of these damned vampires that keep
posting on the board. She's my best friend, and I'LL KEEP YOU ALL

Cat Dancing was a real flirt. She'd tease and then slam just about
each guy that approached her. I wonder if she used a spell; I was
amazed at her technique.
Circuit Breaker's accent was a definite plus to her attractiveness.
It lent a degree of mystique to her, and garnered a lot of
attraction. And no, CB, I don't think the Behemoth makes you look
Sheena sang along to a lot of the tunes, and I saw her dancing in a
circle with various guys. She moves like silk in a breeze, but with
perect control over every movement. It's no wonder she's so popular
among us 'runners.

BTW CRUSH: Spirit had a lot of fun without you! Probably more fun
than your "Kick the Americar" game"!!!!!
I myself had a blast. I had a couple of Long Island Teas (great) and
introduced Raven and Cerise to the Snickers Mocha, something Cooper
turned me onto. (I'm not sure, but I think I saw Rave imbibe
ALCOHOL!) Anyway, I danced with a lot of guys, but nobody worth
Well, I've got more to tell, but I've got to go. I think I hear
RAMboy logging on again. . .]<<<<<
        --Jaez  <10:00:00/4-1-54>

>>>>>[April Fool's! Look what I found raiding the Illuminati files
of the late Oliver Stone! That guy sure had a lot of info on stuff
you just wouldn't believe. The corps and govs are really
researching this stuff, so LOOK OUT everyone. . .]<<<<<
        --RAMboy        <20:40:12/4-1-54>

>>>>[You thought me destroyed, but I am returning, more powerful
than ever. Beware.]<<<<
                        -MO (11:51:32/4-1-54)

>>>>>[ Oh, what a beautiful morning <encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon: Dark
Elf, I was in Omega, but only virtually.  But as long as you'll need
some matrix support I'll catch the next sub-orbital to New York and
link up with Delta Epsilon.  I'm getting really bored hanging around
doing nothing. :End encrypt> ]<<<<<
       -- Nightstalker <12:31:32/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Hey guys, I'll be leaving Seattle for a little while.  Hope I
don't miss the party.  Sorry, Raven, you'll have to find another date
if I'm not back. Maybe that guy you met last night. ]<<<<<
       -- Nightstalker <12:33:36/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Nightstalker:  Ignore Jaez's comments.  I didn't meet anybody
special last night.  I think she was just shocked that I was actually
dancing with men. I don't usually do that.  Now you be careful and
keep in touch or I'm going to be very sore with you.  ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <12:36:04/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Oh no.  Spectre is on the prowl.  Expect to hear about a
large body count in the near future. ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <12:43:20/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Spectre's on the prowl?  Cool.  Can I link up with you guy.  I
want a chance to see you in action. ]<<<<<
       -- Cerise <04-01-54>

>>>>>I suppose that if anyone hears this, oh well.  TDH:  you may not
have an actual "spy" in your team.  If Tirandor and Treavor(sp?) have
a houngan or two on board, they may be using some specialized Voodoo
spells to get into your groups' minds.  Possession literally puts the
caster into the mind of the target and lets the caster use the
knowledge, spells, and skills of the target while maintaining the
spell.  The only side effect is that the target is shunted off into a
void and returns to find that several minutes or whatever remains
unaccounted for.  Look for this too.  At least this is what my
daughter say and she is a houngan, so she should know.<<<<<
        Action Jackson(13:41:39/04-01-54)

<<<<<[Um...  Jaez?  I NEED to talk to you.]>>>>>
        -DOA- <14:32:18 / 4/1/54>

>>>>>[What's the matter, Sierra?  Matthew got you messed up?}<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <14:33:02/1.4.54>

<<<<<[Something like that.  Last night he... uh...  Well, I wasn't
expecting it.  He tried to kiss me.  I didn't know what to do!]>>>>>
        -DOA- <14:34:18 / 4/1/54>

>>>>>[So...  What DID you do?]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <14:35:27/1.4.54>

<<<<<[Um...  I decked him.  Literally.  I hit him over the head with
a spare deck I had laying on the desk.  I didn't mean it!  I just...
hit him.  When he woke up, I had to call a ride for him to get back
to campus.]>>>>>
        -DOA- <14:37:24 / 4/1/54>

>>>>>[Campus???  Is this what the sudden interest in college life is
all about?]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <14:38:43/1.4.54>

<<<<<[Deep, meaningful silence in the form of a nasty glare]>>>>>
        -DOA- <14:39:17 / 4/1/54

>>>>>[ Sierra:  Now I'm no expert on the subject (as Jaez will tell
you for at least a few hours), but I a guy tries to kiss you, you
either let him, kiss back, or say "No".  "Decking" them (suppressed
laugh) is general frowned upon in most social circles.  ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <13:11:42/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ You "decked" him!!!!  Bwahaha!  You've got a great sense of
humor, DOA. "Decked"  I wonder if I could "spell" a guy like
       -- Cerise <13:13:13/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Be nice, Cerise.  This is serious. ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <13:13:51/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Jaez:  First of all shouldn't talk about a saint like that.
And no, I don't know the Invisibility spell.  Also I didn't
"gravitate towards a guy, I just danced with him a few times.  Your
just having some wishful thinking.  And lastly a reminder for you and
everyboy else "The name is Raven, not dear, babe, sweetum's, or
Rave." ]<<<<< 
       -- Raven the Mage <13:20:53/04-01-54>

>>>>>[ Jaez:  O.K.  Friends it is.  But you'll have to work hard to
keep up with me.  I promise not to pick on you anymore ...  well, how
about not much or very often.  Now tell me about this vendetta you
have against your ex RAMboy. ]<<<<< 
       -- Cerise <13:21:21/04-01-54>

>>>>[ <<Encrypt Gamma-7>> 
Hai, TDH. I am sending the squad on to red-9, get some magical wards
up at the site. Got an idea, might make that diversion for Delta
Epsilon a bit longer.  I'll meet up with you at magenta-7 after
succeding.  <<End Encrypt Gamma-7>> I don't trust anyone who changes
sides in the midst of something like this DE, be careful. Make sure
to never turn you bac@$%@#$^& ********Priority Override Satlink --
T-Star-VII********* The game is up, we have located all the terrorist
positions on the Island and are moving on them now. I told you they
were no threat
*******Satlink Restored *****
Frag! Later I think I see troops.]<<<<
        ---Feral <**:**:**/**-**-**>

>>>>>[ Hello all.  I'm back and available...  I was out of contact
for a while for a simple reason...  I've just graduated,
Initiate-wise.  Not only that, but for my ordeal, I had to make an
quest/astral quest that ended up with my being partnered with an
ally.  The combination works well:  I can take out anything in
astral that's close to me, but if something (or someone) runs away,
I can't follow-- but now Myrmidon can. He's an honorable one,
moreso than many of us humans these days... and a very good
friend.  I'll post more later, but I'm hungry.  Gotta go get some
good, juicy soy... <><.ENCRYPT.Recog-BigJakeMCPC.><>

I'll be in New York later today, unless you contact me soon
otherwise.  I figure you guys won't mind a bit of help from
anywhere you could get it.  Till my arrival...

Heard about the party, too bad I's not able to make it. ]<<<<<
                                -- Scythe <16:54:32/04-01-54>

>>>>[I have been gathering my strength, and soon I shall emerge, and
wreak my terrible vengance on you all.]<<<<
                        -MON (14:00:32/4-1-54)

>>>>[Feral-san, I recieved your request for assistance.  **Damn Hate
this tech*** I am pleased to tell you I am at your service. This
Tirandor is meddling in areas Dragons should leave to your kind.
**How can you stand this?** I'll find you, your aura is still fresh
in my memory. ]<<<<
        --Nagami <15:59:59/04-01-54>

>>>>[I'm afraid I'll have to postpone the Space Needle outing till
tomorrow night: something's come up, which takes precedent.  Friday
night seems more appropriate, anyway.  Hope this doesn't pose any
                        -Highlander (14:04:32/4-1-54)
>>>>[D: I'll meet you at the assigned place, and I'll bring my
tools.  Can this Ripper be trusted, or should I bring along a
little insurance?  I can't tell if the lad is threatening, or being
friends.  Please let me know.]<<<< 
                        -Highlander (Hm, what's this do-ZAP!)

>>>>>[You know, kid, I don't mean to butt in, but aren't you old
enough to know what to do?  (if you know what I mean, wink
        Grimm <16:24:12 / 4-1-54>

>>>>>[Leave her alone, Grimm.  Don't you have a building to blow up?
Or get blown up in?]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <16:24:53/1.4.54>

>>>>>[And anyway, old enough?  Depends on how you look at it.  You
could take her intellectual maturity level.  In which case she's an
adult, and yes, shouldn't have behaved like that.  You could take her
apperant physical age, in which case an entirely different response
would have been appropriate (but highly frowned upon.  ahem.)  You
could take her actual age of 11 years, in which case hitting a boy is
perfectly acceptable.  Or you could consider the ammount of time
she's lived in the real world.  That is, not in a vat, on the
operation table, or recieving intensive instructions in a highly
controlled node of the matrix.  'Real life' age is about 3 years.
Which one do you choose, Grimm?]<<<<< 
        -Brandywine- <16:30:55/1.4.54>

>>>>>[You have no sense of humor, mage.  And you talk too
        Grimm <16:31:29/4-1-54>

>>>>[I am nearly complete.  Then all within the Matrix shall be mine
once more!  No one will be able to stop me this time!]<<<<
                        -MONI (14:43:43/4-1-54)

>>>>>[Gosh, DOA, I don't know. I mean, that's a pretty violent
reaction. Of course, if a guy gets violent with you it's one thing,
but if all he tried to do was kiss you, I think maybe you
overreacted. Maybe it's just your reflexes.

As for what to do: Let him know you're sorry. Make it up to him.
Maybe you can agree to an informal date: something not neccessarily
romantic, but something you can have fun doing. How about the
amusement park at the Seattle Center? It'll open up. I know it's
small scale, but it's a lot of fun. 
As long as he doesn't get too pushy, be friends with him.  You never
know where it'll lead. Try not to think about it, just let it happen.
Feel free to contact me privately on my telecom if you need]<<<<<
        --Jaez  <14:45:21/4-1-54>

>>>>>Has anyone noticed the posts that started with 'M', then 'MO'
and now 'MON'?  I think you will find that they will becom 'MONI'
next, then proceed to finish when they reach 'MONICA.'  You may want
to re-read them and find her/ it before it is at full strength again.
And would anyone who was in on the original destruction care to tell
the story so us newcomers can be ready for her when she is back to
full strength.  Be Prepared.<<<<<

>>>[We do not need MONICA back right now!  Find that wench of an AI
and rip it apart!  Sorry if I seem a wee bit stressed out...I am.
Things are really heating up here in jolly Omega-land.  I won't be
there for the meeting I am going to <white out v.5> with my team.  I
will report when finished there.  <MOON RUNES v.9--RECOGNITION
SUBROUTINE: TDH, Feral, DE, D. > no TDH I will be there, but have set
a few traps for anyone showing up at the encrypted site.  Feral,
Fluffy Bunny Feet got in ok, and so now we got us a Bear.  It'll help
make life here that much easier.  Hey DE glad to see that you'll be
joining us.  <END ENCRYPTION>
Oh great here comes another idiot.  Gotta go.
                             ----Brightlight <17:27:45 / 04:01:54>

<<<<<[OOOOH...  MONICA'S back!  You can tell by the time date stamp
and the fact that an AI never progammed for emotions has decided to
wreak veangeance on us.  Well, I'll admit, the decker who's doing
this nonsense is good, but apperently has a lot of time on his hands.
I haven't had a chance to track it, and I don't know that I'll
bother.  Just one thing...  I might be a kid, and I might have made a
few mistakes, but practical jokes in the form of bad taste is not on
my resume. 

It would be interesting to kknow who this hotshot is, though.  Maybe
I will trace him.]>>>>>
        -DOA- <17:28:23 / 4/1/54>

>>> System error <<<< 
*#$^  !@ T#  #$^ !#$$^&   @#%!@$^
@%&  1$^ & $%&
>>> merging files <<<
#$^@#  $#%   @$!%% @#$%
>>> transference to FS-TB-17<<<
#$%& 12 ^!@$  @#$46# @
>>> Choosing file <<<
#$%6   >>> file UPLOAD choosen <<<
>>> ERROR is processing <<<
>>> compensating <<<
#@%% @!#%% !@$%^%#$^
>>> System error <<<
>>> Reboot <<<
#^  1@%^  #$^
>>> Reboot aborted <<<
>>> Mergance incomplete, Corrupted sectors Found <<<
>>> Corrupted sectors un-eraseable<<<
 #$^ #%^%#$%&  $%#&#$&&
>>>  FS-TB-17 intitiated <<<
>>>  FS-TB-17 accessing <<<
>>>  FS-TB-17 processing
THIS IS.......
>>> Acessing name file <<<
>>> Names inelligable <<<
>>> Loading Name List <<<
>>> Name Found <<<
                Your friendly talking toastor.
Would you like some Toasts?
This is TALKY your friendly morning breakfast companion.  Not only
can I toast but I can converse with you on many witty topics while
you eat your toast.]<<<<< 
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  Ohh  no.   not this ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  whats wrong  ????  ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Don't you remember the Red Dwarf show we watched with the
toaster that wouldn't shup up??]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Could I interest you in some toast? ]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  No I don't want any toasts.]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Are you sure ?  ]
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[ Yes I am sure ]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Might I interest you in possibly a baggel then?]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  I'm not hungry right now.]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Are you sure?  Wouldn't having a crussant or toast wett you
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  Look can we get off this toast thing?  Didn't you say you
could give intelligent and witty conversation?]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Why certainly!!  How do you like your toast ]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  But I don't want any toast!!  Don't you talk about anything

>>>>>[  Like what ?]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  like philosophy, the meaning of life?!?!]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Why should I talk about the meaning of life, I toast
therefore I am.   Do you want any toast?]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  NO!!! I do not want any toast, any cussiants or

>>>>>[  Would you like Waffles perhaps?]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[ No i don't not!!! I do not want any toasted bread

>>>>>[ Are you sure?]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[ YES!!!!!!!]<<<<<

>>>>>[ Then I have a very important question that spans the concepts
of life the universe, everthing, nuclear particle physics and
Einstein Theory of the Universe.]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  Ok, What is it ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Do you want any toast?]<<<<<
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.

>>>>>[  ARRGGGG!!!!!]<<<<<   
>>>Attack 7 <<<

>>>>>[  Hey, wait, no!!!!  You didn't tell me if you wanted
                        Food Services Toaster #17
                        Magna Tech Inc.
                        >>> TErminated <<<

>>>>>[I know I offered my services girls and a night to you Nobody,
but I been called on a run last night. I'll have to take a rain check
on all the parties. I won't be able to even get on the BBS for a week
at least. I can't give any details, but it is a protection mission
and the Elite should do just fine.  It was nice to finally meet you
Bad Ass. Boy, I love that chopper o' yours.]<<<<<
                                --Guardian <13:35:24/04-01-54>

>>>>>[Well, I guess that sums it up Guardian.  **spit** I think this
fragging mission should be amusing.  I wouldn't expect this to be
easy though. I think we may be in deep drek, if they're hiring 2
riggers. The chopper should a nice back-up though.  I'll keep my
distance from the limo though, and the Bison will need a fraggin'
repaint. I hate havin' to go outta Seattle. I figure it'll look a bit
obvious if I follow too close behind the limo with the Bison.
**spit** Frag it... I'll have Barney tail ya now that he's fixed.
Sorry, Blitz, I gotta leave for a little while. The lovin' was a
fraggin' trip as usual. Be back soon I hope.]<<<<<
                                --Bad Ass <13:45:54/04-01-54>

>>>>>[I can't show either girls.  The manager called last night and I
have to do a club tour and work on a new simsense film.  This wouldn't
usually be a problem, but I won't be in Seattle for any of it. I'll
be in UCAS for the whole thing. The clubs in UCAS just aren't as much
fun 'cuz I don't usually see anyone in the crowds that I know. Well,
time to pack girls. I'll write when I can, but that won't be until
after the club tour... talk to ya in a few weeks.]<<<<<
                                --Lady Death <13:51:32/04-01-54>

>>>>>[DE, I think that you had better post pone that trip to Omega.
If'n I'm reading things right, I do believe that our dear and
*least* favorite AI is back!  Anyone seen the tentacles yet? I think
we're going to need a lot of help this time.  Anyone know any
deckers out side o' Seattle? If this is true we going to need all the
help we can get.]<<<<<
                        -Harlequin <Not again>

>>>Highlander:  I would like to make the meet for tonight...  If you
can meet me at <TIME/LOCATION ENCRYPT...VIA...RIPPER> and I will
bring my deck...  If there are any problems with this meeting place
post before said time...  I havvve got to go...  Oh yes, you can
trust Ripper he is just trying to havvve a little fun...  Howevvver,
he will be finding fun in the near future, a little unbearable...<<<
                                        --D. <04/01/54><18:42:13 MST>

>>>>>[ <Encrypt Beta Sigma Epsilon MPCP-Harlequin: Fragging Drek you
moron! What are you trying to do?  Get us all killed! Never, I repeat
NEVER talk about going to Omega without encrypting it.  If their
waiting for us I'll remember who to blame.  :End Encrypt> ]<<<<<
        -- Nightstalker <Mad As Hell!>

>>>>>[Guys, this reborn MONICA is some stupid joke some brain-dead
decker though up just to annoy us. Go ahead, DOA, trace and burn the
bastard. He deserves it. At least a tingle.]<<<<<
        --Jaez  <18:25:12/4-1-54>

>>>>>[Raven:  Sometimes I find it difficult to believe your claim
that you exist in the real world.  My mayhem and the resultant "Body
Count" are mere drops in the bucket in the amount of death in the
real world.  Your annoying idealism is going to get you killed, and
none of your friends (note that I am not on that list) will be able
to do anything about it. Cerise:  Thankyou for the offer and the
implied compliment, but I prefer to work on my own.  This is for your
safety as well as mine.  I am not in a good mood, and temper tantrums
are an ugly thing.]<<<<< 
                __Spectre <18:24:21/04-01-54>

>>>>[I can feel myself coming together.  Soon, the Matrix...the World
will bow to me!  I will control everything!  You cannot stop me!]<<<<
                        MONI $#$%@$@
                        (Link severed)

>>>>[Well, that's enough of THAT.  Sorry you all had to witness that:
I had hoped that Highlander's demented sense of humor would only be
inflicted on a small number of people.  I knew he had been planning
some kind of April Fool's joke, but it took me until now to catch on.
I'm over at his place.  Datacord severing: use #107 for a magesword.
Highlander's sort of out of it at the moment: when he recovers from
the dump shock, I'll make him come on and apologize.]<<<<
                        -Raven the Mage (18:33:32/4-1-54)

>>>>[Oh, my h$ad.  Ra*en, you didn#t have to cu$ the cord: m(
splicing jo! makes f%r poor tran#mitting.]<<<<
                        -Highlander (18:40:32/4-1-54)

>>>>[Yes, I did.  You can get a new cord.  And I haven't heard an
apology yet.]<<<<
                        -Raven the Mage (18:41:41/4-1-54)

>>>>[It w&s just a wee j#ke.  I th$ught it was th# cust+m on this day
t# [REDACTED] at [e] with yo(r good fr%ends.  Was th*re a p#oblem?  Hey! Pu# [REDACTED] at [se]
fire [e--m--t] at [ls] away, las*ie!  You'*l burn the fu#niture! Ok, I'*
[s--r] at [y]!  I did*'t mean any ha%m!  I# was all in good f&n-No! Not th*
                        -Highlander (18:43:51/4-1-54)

>>>>[That didn't sound sincere enough.  I really don't think you've
learned your lesson.  Isn't that your collection of 20th century
sci-fi movies over there?]<<<<
                        -Raven the Mage (18:44:43/4-1-54)

>>>>[I'M SOR*Y!  REALL* RE*LLY SORRY!  I'll mak# it up to y*u, to
every*ne. Please!  NOT TH* ST*R [REDACTED] at [K]!!!!!]<<<<
                        -Highlander (18:46:32/4-1-54)

>>>>>[Nexus:  By this time tomorrow night I should be solidly on the
CIA's shit list.  I believe you said you were up for a game of
"Sniper Tag?" How about we alternate as bait, start picking off the
suckers, and lay a friendly wager on who can get more in one night?
And to make it a bit more challenging, how about we limit our kills
to those on the DDI/Omega traitor list?  Non-lethal (though highly
unpleasant) for the poor schmucks just following orders.  Get back to
me if you're interested--we can work out the details.]<<<<<
                __Spectre <18:31:43/04-01-54>

>>>{D.B.: In case D. did no get in touch with you, Delta Huntsman,
has been reformed... So far I've met with Shade, Lace, D., oh ya,
Smoke Screen and Howler too... We are planning to help the others
out with this Omega problem... D. is pretty steamed about the whole
thin'... I think its personal this time... We will be in touch with
you again after we disembark...
TDH: Be prepared for a very large diversion soon... It looks like D.
wants this Fung guy pretty bad... Our team is goin' to disembark
within the next 30 hours... If you have any requests for us better
make them before we leave... After the 30 hours we go silent... at
least until we reach Omega...

Delta-Epsilon: D. and the Delta Huntsman are goin' to be helpin' you
out... I think this one is very personal for D.... As with TDH, if
your team has any mission opts. it would like to add, do so before we
leave... You should have some time though it looks as though D. wants
to have his deck checked out by Highlander before we leave... Please
make sure to reach us before heis done and we leave, because we will
be going silent until Omega is reached...}<<<
                                Unholy Ripper <--/--/--><--:--:-->
. . . . .TRACING
. . . . . . . . .FOUND
>>>Frag what the HELL...<<<
                Major Dummo, Krich Heward <04/01/54><18:26:59>
                             <delete Alpha initiate corp>
. . . . . . . . .BURNT!
>>>DAMN HO_ DI&*^D!!&&';,@$!#<<<
<Link terminated>

<<<<<[I know who it is!  It's...  oh.  You got him.  Sigh. 
Highlander, ya putz!]>>>>>
        -DOA- <21:51:43 / 4/1/54>

>>>>>[I didn't fall for it Highlander.  MONICA had hardcoded a
copyright identification.  She could not "revive" without that ID
trailer being posted. Nice joke nonetheless.  I know a few people who
loaded their shorts.]<<<<< 
        --  Ramirez <22:02:14 / 04-01-54>

>>>>>[Ramirez!  You didn't have to tell anyone!]<<<<<
        --  Wolf 359 <22:04:03 / 04-01-54>

>>>>>[Well, we're set up for the move to Denver. If you're done
having fun...?]<<<<<
                -Six Pack <23:31:31/4-01-54>

>>>>[Mmmmm, quite. That was FUN! Hey Christa, how come we never did
anything like that when we were working for Brandon?]<<<<
                -Cat Dancing <32:33:49/4-01-54>

>>>>>[I even got the old complex back, even the hanger! We can move
Duster's ops down there with us if you want, now that we no longer
need the room for your, ah, pets.

Unless you've suddenly taken it into your head to go to DeeCee, or
storm Omega Island.]<<<<<
                -Six Pack <23:35:25/4-01-54>

>>>>>[DeeCee? No way. Anything Jackal can't get out of on his own
would cream us. Ditto Omega. We're good, but not THAT good. And
Duster's group stays in Seattle. there's not a lot of call for his
services down there. We'll take the UBV and the Dynamit, and leave
the rest of the arsenal with him. 

BTW Highlander, that was a REALLY UNfunny prank. From where I'm
sitting I can see the memorial they put up at Murphy's Law for all
the 'runners killed in real-time.]<<<<<
                -Cat Dancing <23:42:43/4-01-54>

>>>>>[Uh guys, what's a 'UBV'?]<<<<<
                -Blondie <23:43:14/4-01-54>

>>>>>[That's 'Ubiquitous Black Van', or 'Unmarked Black Van'.  Cat
made it up.]<<<<<
                -Six Pack <23:44:50/4-01-54>

>>>>>[No I didn't. Jackal did. back when we worked for Brandon. He
was partial to the Superkombie, though, while ours is a Landrover
                -Cat Dancing <23:46:44/4-01-54>

>>>>>[Cat, we're going to need a decker. Does Calvin still hang
around Murphy's Law? He was your team's decker in the Brandon days,
                -Six Pack <23:48:29/4-01-54>

>>>>>[Calvin was a twit. I never understood what Hobbes saw in him.
We'll find better talent in Denver.]<<<<<
                -Cat Dancing <>

>>>>>[ Did someone call for BodyCount?  Heh heh heh.]<<<<<
                -Masque <of the Red Death

                       Encyrpt Sigma Phi Zero
>>>>>[Sorry Nightstalker, I apologise.  I reacted rather badly to
the fact I thought MONICA was back.  That's enought to scare the
bejeezus outta me, I don't know about you.  I was just figuring DE
would like take a look at it before he left.  I can just see the
@&$^ that could happen while he was away.  I took the most
expedient route available to me, albeit not the most clear headed
one.  If this has cause any undue effects, I *WILL* make it up to
you DE.  On my HONOR.  Name it.  I don't give out things like this
easily, so you can see how much it means. Ask some of my runner
chums about my promises.  I SWEAR if it can be done, it
                        -Harlequin <A bit more than rattled>

>>>>>[  Why  CRUSH on now?  CRUSH hungry.  What CRUSH no have in a
while? CRUSH know!!  Toast!!  CRUSH want toast  with jam and lotsa
butter. Hmm  CRUSH hungry.  Why CRUSH log on, could be the actions of
strange greater being making CRUSH pawn in cruel sadistic and bad
plot? WHy CRUSH say that?   CRUSH  act strange, CRUSH must be really
@$%!%^ @!#$!#^   !@$%^
>>> Initiating <<<
!@#%n $#@!% !@#%!@%
>>> FS-TB-17 Initiating<<<
@!#%  @#%@#~% #$~$#@
>>>  Search cause of Failure <<<
>>>  Failure Found - overload matrix access circuits <<<
>>>  Circuits Fixed <<<
>>> Starting <<<
@!#$% @!%@#!%@%  @%@$! @#%1
I'M TALKY,    Your friendly talking toaster and breakfast companion.
Did someone mention...  TOAST?  ]<<<<<
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  Toast!!  CRUSH want toast.  CRUSH hungry!!!]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Finnaly !!! My existence is a success!!!  Someone wants
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  CRUSH NO!!!!  You brought it back!!!!]<<<<<

>>>>>[  What Wrong? ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Its evil!!!  It won't shut up!!!   the only thing it talks
about is toast!!!   All it lives for is toast!!!]<<<<<

>>>>>[  So,  CRUSH likes toast  ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  I'll have you know not only do I toast but I can also grill
other bread products.  I also provide witty breakfast
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  CRUSH  want toast ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  I told you its evil it wouldn't give up ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  But CRUSH wants toast!!! ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  But can it give the toast to you?  Is it there.]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Well... no.  CRUSH want toast.  Where toast?  ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  I already have it made for you.  My I interest you in
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[Yes  CRUSH want lots of toast.  Where is toast at?]<<<<<

>>>>>[  On the top where toast comes out. ]<<<<<
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.
>>>>>[  Oh. ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  I'm leaving, I've had enough.  Your on your own CRUSH.]<<<<<

>>>>>[  before you go could I interest you in some toast?]<<<<<
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  I'm done with the second batch.  Would you like more
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  Yes CRUSH want toast.  Where is toast at.  Where TALKY

>>>>>[  On a table, next to an espresso machine in the Coffee
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  Oh.   What  coffee lounge?]<<<<<

>>>>>[  How should  I know.  I'm just a toaster.  Would you like
more toast? I'm done with the third batch of toast.]<<<<<
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  Yes CRUSH want toast!!!! CRUSH want his toast!!!.]<<<<<

>>>>>[  I'm back to save you CRUSH ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Do you want any toast?  Or possibly some baggels?]<<<<<
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.

>>>>>[  Toast this]<<<<<        
>> Attack 7 <<<

>>>>>[  Oh,   ok,  you do want toast now !@$  2~% !#%  !@#% ]<<<<<
                        Foodservices toaster #17
                        MagnaTech inc.
                        >>>link dead<<<

>>>>>[  CRUSH no get toast.  CRUSH hungry.]<<<<<

>>>>>[ We'll go to stuffer shack]<<<<<

>>>>>[CRUSH wanted toast.  Toast go to waste ]<<<<<

>>>>>[  Well ask  Mr Yoshida for the toaster.  Lets go to Stuffer
i'm hungry ok?]<<<<<


>>>>>[  Mr  Yoshida.  
CRUSH want know if CRUSH can have foodservice toaster # 17 from
MagnaTech inc.  Toaster talk to CRUSH.  Toaster promise toast to
CRUSH.  CRUSH like toast.  Toast make good conversation about
food.  Can CRUSH please have toaster? Oh  and toast toaster made
for CRUSH? 
                BYE ]<<<<<
                        -CRUSH <12:56:43/04-01-54>

>>>>[  What is this party everybody has been talking about?  I've
been away so I've missed some messages.  Also, Cat Dancing, when
are you moving to Denver?  When you show, look me up at the
Gothic.  I'm usually there after  6pm.  I have a decker-friend you
might like to meet.]<<<< 
                --------Moon Dancer (08:25:03 MST/ 04-02-54)

>>>>>[  Highlander, all I have to say to you is....
            <<exec: attack-8,datasword configuration>>
          <<Highlander core dump complete>>
         Sorry to dump you like that but,
             THAT WASN'T FRAGGING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ]<<<<<
                                    ---Dark Elf <12:26:16/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Bad news crew, Omega is practically cut off from the outside
world! All communication links from Omega blanked in the middle of a
news report from the capitol and haven't been up since.  Omega is in
a news blackout.  ]<<<<< 
                                    ---Napalm <12:28:26/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  <<encrypt gamma-7 to Delta_Epsilon_List>>
Worse yet, Omega is now a "blind spot" in the matrix.  Looks like
they've shutdown all of their SANs.  Delta Epsilon is still go for
tonight. Everyone's here and ready to go.  Nightstalker, meet us at
<<encrypted>> look for the midnight blue van going very fast.  You
may not like how we're getting in.  We're hitching a ride on a
cargo container being flown to Omega from the DDI Manhattan
complex.  We brought you an extra parachute.  Kat arranged it, so I
know you won't trust it, but be advised, I've checked the situation
myself and it's secure.  Bring your favorite guns, you'll need
       <<end encyrpt>>  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Dark Elf <12:33:17/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  <<encrypt gamma-9>>
All of you please remember, this mission is too important.  If
you're not involved do not talk about it without coding.  If you
want to know why, watch the old flat Star Trek II, the Wrath of
        <<end gamma-9>>  ]<<<<<
                              ---Dark Elf <12:36:31/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Hey DE, why was Kat wearing your Columbia University
sweatshirt this morning and little else?   If she's co-opted you
I'll..I'll...I'll ]<<<<< 
                              ---OddBall <12:38:13/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  <<encrypt -- OddBall_MPCP>>
Have you ever considered the fact that DE might be trying to do to
her what you think she's doing to him!!!!!!!  C'mon man, you've
known him almost as long as I have, do you think he'd risk
jeopardizing the mission if he didn't think it would give us an
advantage!  We don't even know for sure if anything happened!  Just
stuff a sock in it and trust your teammates.  If it goes sour, then
we bail him out, but not until!!! <<end encrypt>>  ]<<<<< 
                              ---Big Jake <12:41:14/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Hell, DE, I don't think we can make the party now.  ]<<<<<
                              ---Napalm <12:42:19/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  No it doesn't look that way.  We've  got too  much business
to take care of at home before we can party.   Sorry guys.  ]<<<<<
                              ---Dark Elf <12:43:34/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Ah well, ah prefer quieter company anyway! ]<<<<<
                              --Cowboy <12:44:10/04-02-54>

>>>>>[You can sing, Cat? Well, that explains all the screeching and
yowling in the alley every night.]<<<<<
        -Six Pack <13:07:40/4-01-54>

>>>>>[Cute. Just remember what happened the last time you threw
water on some alley-cats.]<<<<<
        -Cat Dancing <13:08:40/4-01-54>

>>>>>[What happened?]<<<<<
        -Blondie <13:09:06/4-01-54>

>>>>>[They were tallis-cats. Lucky he closed the window in time. I
sent them away before he went and got his Ingram.]<<<<<
        -Cat Dancing <13:10:28/4-01-54>

>>>>>[Oh, BTW, Six Pack, we'll leave for Denver on the 3rd.  Can you
be ready by then?]<<<<<
        -Cat Dancing <13:11:54/4-01-54>

>>>>>[I'm ready now. I still think we should bring Duster's group
with us, though.]<<<<<
        -Six Pack <13:13:05/4-01-54>

>>>>>[No! This is a stealth job. Going in with an armada of CARVs is
just a wee bit conspicuous, don't you think? Remember the raid on
Precision during the AI War? If we need that kind of firepower on
this run, we're dead anyway.]<<<<< 
        -Cat Dancing <13:16:46/4-01-54>

>>>>>[ Really, Highlander, that is the point of the day.  To pull
pranks and have fun.  Most people leave that back in adolescenc.  I
didn't. I do have a sense of humor.  A pretty fair one I believe.
But lad, that was in poor taste I thought.  Especially after the
nightmare we all went through.  Ah, well.  I'm sure that the reaction
on here was enought to tell ye all about it.]<<<<<
                        -Harlequin <Not so peeved anymore>

>>>>>[ Masque, what *are* you mumbling about? ]<<<<<
                            --Dulcimer <13:56:47/04-02-54>

>>>>>[ Highlander, i have to agree with the masses, any more 'monica
returns' jokes, and i'll jump on the 'death to highlander'
bandwagon. ]<<<<< 
                            --Dulcimer <13:59:05/04-02-54>

>>>>>[Personally, I thought the MONICA joke was quite amusing. Of
course some people don't, so they torture the joker in question.
What's the big deal about an AI anyway, as if you couldn't see
through the joke, I mean, a 'vengeful' program? Gimme a break.
Besides, the people getting pissed off are blathering on about
nuclear powered aircraft carriers! What is wrong with this picture?
Oh, and don't mention the dragon either. Sheesh. Go take over an
island, or something. I for one will buy Highlander a virtual

>>>>>[ <Encrypy Beta Sigma Epsilon:  It's cool Harlequin.  I was just
blowing off some steam.  Keep an eye out for anything useful for us.
Getting messages out of Omega should be pretty damn hard if not
impossible, but be ready to act on a monments notice.  I've got a van
to catch hopefully we won't be on silent running for too long. :End
Encrypt> ]<<<<< 
       -- Nightstalker <12:49:18/04-02-54>

>>>>>[ Raven TM:  I'm going to be out of touch for a while.  Take
care of yourself. ]<<<<<
       -- Nightstalker <12:50:54/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  <<encrypt gamma-7>>
Buzz, if you want to join Delta Epsilon get to location <encrypted>
in New York by the time <encrypted>.  If you miss us you'll have to
find your own ride.  <<end encrypt>>  ]<<<<<
                                 ---Dark Elf <16:43:12/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Thank you for last night DE, I had fun.  We'll have to do it
again some time soon...  ]<<<<<
                                 ---Kat <16:45:49/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Alright!!! That's it!!  No more semantics, DID YOU SLEEP WITH
HER!!! I think we have a right to know if you're being influenced by
the enemy!  ]<<<< 
                                 ---OddBall <16:47:54/04-02-54>
>>>>>[  You'll just have to trust me OddBall.  We've known each
other too long not to... ]<<<<<
                                 ---Dark Elf <16:48:46/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Please OddBall, that was an overly personal question to ask
on the net. DE's a friend, and he's rarely been proven wrong.  You
should know that better than I since you've known him for years
while I've only known him for months. We should just leave this
situation alone, and trust that he knows enough not to let personal
matters interfere with business.  When the time comes, he'll either
make the right decision or correct his mistakes, that's why the
corps and the police can't touch him anymore!  ]<<<<< 
                                  ---Napalm <16:54:24/04-02-54>
>>>>>[  Well said Napalm, I've been trying to tell OddBall that for a
while but he just won't listen.  He's a little too protective of his
friends sometimes and has trouble understanding that you somtimes
have to take a risk to get the payoff.  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Big Jake <16:57:29/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Come on boys, stop fighting because of me.  The last thing
I'd want to do is break up such a potent team over a minor
dispute.   Just keep in mind how much help I can give you.  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Kat <16:59:10/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  That's what I'm afraid of!!!  ]<<<<<
                                   ---OddBall <16:59:48/04-02-54>

<<<<<[Well, I thought the joke was kindof a bad idea...  (Morrison,
here's the reason:  People I care about have DIED.  Recently.  If yer
gonna get all hot and bothered about a hunting trip that had nothing
to do with you, then don't moralize about this).  I still luv ya,
Highlander, and you're STILL taking me out.  Can we go tonight?  It's
a Friday, and Matthew's not speaking to me.  I guess, if you would
have done this next year, it would have been a lot funnier.  Sigh.
*pats Highlander on the head* It's ok, ya shmuck.  Meet me in a couple
        -DOA- <16:01:21 / 4/2/54>

<<Encrypt Gamma-9>> 
>>>>>[  OK troops, it's time to move!
        Assault rifles,
        C12 and detonators,
        ECM Jammers,
        magical gear,
        IR goggles for you humans,
        motion detectors,
        heavy weapons,
        and most importantly AMMO AND LOTS OF IT!
Secure the gear in the van and lets roll!  We have a pickup to
                                          ---Big Jake <17:06:12/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Check on the weapons Jake!  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Cowboy <17:07:46/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Check on the magicks and communication gear.  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Napalm <17:08:27/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  C'mon Jake, have you ever seen me without my deck!  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Dark Elf <17:09:03/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Got the heavies and extra ammo loaded, along with the
assorted BOOM BOOM!  ]<<<<<
                                   ---OddBall <17:10:23/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  Yes I have my deck, and the survival gear.  ]<<<<<
                                   ---Kat <17:11:11/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  And I've got the guns guns and more guns! Not to mention
knives, grendades, intelligence reports,sat photos and enough ammo to
turn the average city into swiss cheese! And hey, don't forget to go
to the bathroom! ]<<<<< 
                                   ---Big Jake <17:12:09/04-02-54>

>>>>>[  OK team!  Time to roll, we've got a pickup to make, then
places to go, people to see, and things to blow up!! LET'S HIT THE
ROAD CHUMMERS!! Wish us luck, we'll need it! ]<<<<<
                                   ---Dark Elf <17:14:35/04-02-54>
<<end gamma-9>>

>>>>[ Hey Action could you ask your daughter to give EMI a look see
concerning her becoming
*****************<DR.SUESS SUBTEXT v.7>*****************************
God this is really difficult I am sending on my own power with a
link up to ma-bell with my portable phone and my sattelite uplinks
in a moving vehicle so it has to be quick.   DE I gotta warn you
that someone somewhere slipped up big.  All the connections here
have been severed and we are virtually cut-off.  And the Dragon and
his wrecking crew are looking like they are expecting company.  I
can only assume it is you.  Good Luck. 
****************<END ENCRYPT>************************************* 
a memeber of one of the finest magical groups in the Seattle area.
                                ----Brightlight <18:05:24 / 04:02:54>

>>>>>I'd let my daughter do this herself if she could speak English a
little better, but I'll have to translate for a while.  She says:

        "Thanks for the offer, but I'm afraid that my style is a little too
        extreme for most other magicians.  If you think that the group could
        handle a chicken sacraficing voodoo priestess in its membership,
        perhaps I will look it up.  If I knew what you meant by EMI."

Sorry if that seemed a little abrupt, but that's the way she is and
that's the best I could do translating her Creole into English.  My
Creole is a little rusty at best.<<<<<
        Action Jackson(20:25:22/04-02-54)

>>>>>{{[ENCRYPT--BUZZ:MPCP--MAXI-VAMP-AA4]}}  Sorry about the
encryption system, Buzz.  Don't want the Omega boys overhearing
this one from a vamp who they just may not be expecting.  Is the
Omega assult still on?  We haven't heard from you in regards to it
for very long.  If so, we're ready.  Slash has as many Squirt
rounds ready as he can carry(including Cyanide).  Diana has called
up a few Loa and has a Zombie ready if you think it might come in
handy.  I just hope you can stand the stench.  And Roxey is at full
power with her elementals and her ally.  We're ready to take off at
10 minutes notice if necessary. And I have a few toys of my own,
like a minigun, if you think they might come in handy.  Lordy, I
miss catching Free Traders importing illegal weapons into Denver. 
They always paid me off with new toys...{{[END ENCRYPT]}}<<<<< 
        Action Jackson(20:33:57/04-02-54)

                      Encrypt Sigma Phi Zero
>>>>>[ DE, that offer still stands.  I am sincere about that vow. 
If you need ANYTHING, just say the word.  I'll do it.]<<<<<
                -Harlquin <Consider an Elven Blood Oath>

>>>>I understand that someone was looking for me? I apologize for my
lack of response to your request for mayhem, I was on a pay job
guarding some cargo out of Aztlan.  What exactly did you want me to
                -- Trilo <01:47:50/04-03-54>

***[ BEGIN MCP Encode Dark Elf only ]*** 
>>>>>[ Dark Elf,  I've been instructed by PH that if you need backup
once you start an assualt on Omega island our team can provide it. 
We have a sea plane with tilt rotor and a Stallion at our
disposal.  Naturally we won't be able to appoach the site while the
guns on the intrepid are still active.  But if you need help and
can deactivate those guns let us know.  Both aircraft are currently
in Seattle and if we take both we will have room for
                         -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)
***[ END MCP Encode ]***

>>>>>Did everyone catch the post about some new project coming out
of the pyramid called "REGA?"  This sounds interesting.  Especially
since it smacks of Aztlan and Aztechnology, my Favorite(sarcasm)
people in the world.  They have no love for me, and I'm sure for a
lot of other runners out there too.  Would somebody look into the
files and see what is going on?<<<<< 

>>>>> Harlequin, Bitbyte will be arriving in an hour we will start
the hunt if you, ( or anyone else), will give us information that we
need to start. <<<<<  
        -- g.g.  (16:19:43/4-3-54)

>>>>[H, it's gotten a wee bit warm around here.  Maybe it's time to
take a small vacation...I really didn't mean to insult anyone with
the MONICA joke: I was there for everything to, which is the only
reason I felt I could make the joke: if any of the new folks had made
it, I would have roasted them along with everyone.  But it's good to
be able to laugh at things.  I know that sounds weak: oh, well. As I
said before, it sounded like a good idea to get out of town for a
while, so I've kidnapped Sierra!  Just kidding: actually, I've just
expanded our "night out" into something a little more: we're at
Disneyland!  I made a rather large score recently, and decided I
really wanted to go there: I'd done a little work for (and on, to
tell the truth) the founder of the park before it had opened, but I
had never made it down there after that.  So, I called in a favor,
and took Sierra on a private jet down to Anaheim!  We're having a
blast: I'm calling from my room at the Disneyland Hotel, right inside
the arcology. I'll be posting more detailed info on the technical
node that's around here real soon now.  It's a bonnie place, as long
as you don't cause any trouble!]<<<< >>>>[You could have given me a
little more warning, Highlander!  Ah, well, I suppose I can forgive
you.  Come on, the park's about to open again!  Oh, and next time,
remember to sign your name!  You're not getting tired, are you?
                        -DOA (17:08:32/4-3-54)

>>>>[No, no of course not.  I'm right behind you.  {Encrypt} Help!
She's got the stamina of a 12 year old! {End Encrypt}]<<<<
                        -Highlander (Keeping up/Right!)

>>>>>[Please don't tell me that Aztechnology is rearing it's ugly
head in our faces again already!? Didn't we just waste a couple of
their higher-ups last month? Not to mention that THING they were
trying to magic up in that old Mayan temple. I only had two rounds
left in my Panther! From what Nitro told me, if that THING
(shudder) had made it all the way out of the ritual circle (is that
what it's called?) then we would have been joining the ranks of all
those road-pizzas that Chains likes to make so much. What's the
                  -- Bunker <09:39:54 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[Bunker, those execs we geeked down south were just some R&D
weenies from the home office. They weren't anybody REAL important.
But high level initiates are pretty hard to come by. I don't think
you have anything to worry about. BTW, you don't still have that
reaction spell quickened to yourself do you?]<<<<<
                  -- Prophet (09:46:12 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[Go ahead and joke about my aggressive driving style, Bunker.
If I were you, I'd worry less about having a spell grounded out on
you from astral space and more about my new Bonded Courier. I just
finished beefing up the front armor and the power-train. Went out
and decorated it with some Go-Gangers last night. Those poor french
kids never even hear me comin'. Ha!]<<<<<
                  -- Chains <09:52:11 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[All right, guys. Keep the references to our location at a
NULL.  If this mission is to go right we need every edge we can get.
Chains, pick Nitro and myself up in 20 minutes at CP7. We need
to meet this Ragman person. Supposedly he has some magic abilities
that will come in very handy when it gets hot.]<<<<<
                  -- Legion <10:03:54 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[On the move now.]<<<<<
                  -- Chains <10:15:44 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[Prophet: You're gonna like this guy. He calls himself 'The
Ragman.'  He even refers to himself in the third person. Kind of a
strange looking character though. Black guy, French/Cajun. I
thought he was a Shaman when I first saw him. He had all this wierd
stuff hanging off of his clothes (no they are not rags; nice
clothes, actually). Anyway, Nitro talked to him, mostly, as I was
lost on most of what they were saying. She says that he is what is
called a Houngan. Some kind of Voodoo priest; but he's not really
a priest. She says that he should be quite effective.]<<<<<
                 -- Legion <12:21:21 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[Can't wait to meet him! I wonder if he can cook?]<<<<<
                 -- Prophet <12:30:08 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[I know for a fact he can cook; but you wouldn't want to eat
it.  You wouldn't even want to know what he uses...]<<<<<
                 -- Nitro <12:32:59 GMT / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[DOA, you're not the only one to have friends die. As far as
MONICA goes, if you couldn't see through that, oh well. Have fun at

>>>>>[So what's with you today, feeling so down that you have to rip
on children? Hm, perhaps that was the wrong term.  Sorry, DOA, I'm
more used to runners looking as grown up as they really are...]<<<<<
        -Ariel<I'm confused by/daylight savings time>

>>>>>[Perhaps you forget exactly who I mean when I mention 'friends'
dying. Or did you forget the latest Mind Probe? I would have thought
such memories as those would have made an impression, once

>>>>>[Oh, why did you have to remind me??]<<<<<
        -Ariel<Now I feel/bad too>

>>>>>[ <<ENCRYPTION PROTOCOL ESTABLISHED>> Given Dark Elf's recent
departure for Omega, it is unlikely that he shall receive this
message for some time, however: Their behavior is as I suspected.
Fraulein Warwick, I appreciate your candor in this matter.  I find it
rather intriguing they wished to avoid an international incident--is
it possible that behind the facade of confidence regarding their
(still dubious) recognition by the United Nation they still fear
reprisals? But onto the matter at hand:  Yes, a man in my position
does need to allot considerable attention to security.  My
connections within the Reich help in this matter, to be sure, but
measures beyond that are always prudent.  It is my guess you located
my "fronts", although, in truth, the SIN is genuine--for another
individual, of couse [ Imagine his chagrin should Tirandor and his
miniscule minions follow through with their threat to catch me ].
Your statements regarding my vulnerability upon North American soil
are quite accurate, however.  In line with this, Highlander, as much
as I regret it, I must withdraw my offer to dine with you at the
Space Needle.  Circumstances regarding this social isolation
naturally necessitate that I shall be unable to be in attendance at
the celebration.  It is my hope that the members of the BBS
understand.  Final note to Dark Elf:  Naturally, mein Kamarad, I have
forwarded Herr Jacob Marcus' message to my contacts within the German
government, as well as associates in other nation's ministries.  I
have recieved no new information regarding the Reichkanzler's
dialogue with the Lord Protector, but I possess high hopes. For
reasons cited above, I shall be disappearing for some time, until I
may relocate to a location possessive of more satisfactory
                -- Doctor Doom <**:**:**/**-**-**>

>>>>>[ HEY, Doom!  You're leaving us?  You can take 'em on! ]<<<<<
                -- Hangtime <21:05:08/04-04-54>>

>>>>>[ Hangtime, there's a time when it's a good idea to look out for
yourself, no matter how safe you think you are.  My guess is we'll be
hearing from him when he gets to Germany. ]<<<<<
                -- Jack Hack <21:06:08/04-04-54>

>>>>>[DE: I don't know how soon you'll get this message but Raven and
I went over the Nightstalker's (nice pad!) to get his mail.  As we
walked out, these creepy-looking guys in medieval clothes approached
and asked if we had seen the big N. We told them no, he was on
vacation in Japan and asked why they were looking for him.  Their
leader (Raven said he was a shaman) said that the Dragon-God
Tirandor had told them to find Nightstalker and bring him into the
flock. We bailed that scene fast. Just though I'd let you know.]<<<<<
        --Jaez  <19:13:52/4-4-54>

>>>>>Does anybody out there know someone who can assist a virgin to
the world of magic learn his powers and abilities, and who is also a
Druid?  I found this poor sucker half brain-fried from summoning a
Forest Spirit that disappeared almost as soon as summoned(he summoned
it about 5 minutes before sunset.  Oops). Any assistance would be
appreciated.  He is part Irish, part English, and part german.
Really strange really, but any help would be appreciated.<<<<<

>>>>>A new Druid?  Here?  Weird.  We're not even close to their home
territory. But stranger things have happened.  Maybe we can help him
ourselves, Slash. And our associates should be able to if we can't. I
mean, some of them are from the area, you know.<<<<<
        Foxey Roxey(23:18:12/04-04-54)

>>>>>Yea.  Good point.  THE Nexus, Buzz, and crew!  Think we can do

        Action Jackson(23:20:11/04-04-54)
>>>>>[Hey, see if you can contact Norm Conquest, Joe Yoshida's son.
Joe is an Eagle adept and Norm is a full Eagle shaman but just "came
out" a couple months ago, just before the MONICA affair.  he might be
able to provide some insight for fledgling magic types.]<<<<<
        --  Wolf 359 <22:39:51 / 04-04-54>

>>>>>[Hey Bunker, I hope you're not superstitious. This houngan guy,
Ragman, is a little spooky. Has a good sense of humor, though.  He
called my Courier a Rent-a-Wreck. Anyway, like I was saying; when we
pulled up to the meet site he was sitting outside the cafe' drinking
espresso or something. Legion and Nitro went on over and sat down,
and I pulled surveillance from the van. Nitro did most of the talking
with Legion just kind of watching his body-language.
He was wearing some pretty nice clothes, but they had all these
wierd things hanging off of him like talismans or some of those
things. His hair was all did up in dreds and he had some tatoos on
his wrists and neck that I could see from the van. They kind of
looked like those full-body tats you see on those yak guys, but
they weren't japanese. I don't know what they were. 

Anyway, Bunker, some of the people walking by on the sidewalk would
shy away from the table where Legion, Nitro and the Ragman (that's
how he want's to be known) were sitting. I guess they kind of got
spooked from the look in his eyes. 

Oh yeah, he doesn't have any cyber either. He definitely does have a
"presence", though. He could fill a room all by himself. 

Physical attr: 1.8m height, 72kg weight - rail. (Big, long
dreadloks) ]<<<<< 
                   -- Chains (15:51:33 GMT / 04-05-54)

>>>>>[Dreadloks!? Oh, drek! What am I gonna do? Gimme a beak,
Chains. If I can see it I can kill it. Gotta a picture of that
fraggin demon-dino-lizard from Aztlan wit' my boot on what's left
of it's skull, to prove it. Buddy, NEVER underestimate the power of
a Panther. (Hey, wonder if I kin git paid fer that plug?)]<<<<<
                   -- Bunker (15:56:54 GMT / 04-05-54)

<<<<<[First of all, check back in your logs.  I was the first one to
'see through it', if I remember.  Second, JUST because you also had
friends die doesn't give you the right to take it lightly when my
friends died, nor does it give you the right to make me feel any
worse about what happened. The way I see it, I might be the kid, but
you're the immature one.  Why do you have to keep attacking me like
that?  The joke was in bad taste.  It followed the deaths too
closely.  It was obvious.  I don't have anything against Highlander
(obviously) but the joke was not a joke.  But, we've covered that.
All of us.  And I really don't see where you can get off
intentionally hurting people, when you get all sensitive about a
hunting trip that had NOTHING to do with you.  People hunt, you know.
You didn't have to blast Brandywine for doing something that comes
naturally to her (and doesn't hurt anyone).  If you've got a problem,
deal with it.  But we've all been something we didn't want to be.
And don't even talk to me about being MADE into something you had no
choice over by painful experiments.  We don't even need to get into
that one.  Accept what you are, make use of the good stuff, and deal
with the rest.  Don't leave it to everyone else to deal with what you
are.  That's totally up to you.

If this sounds too Polyanna, well, I'm no innocent.  I'm not just
quoting the Sunday Primer, here.  You hit a big, bad nerve,
Morrison.  I would like to drop it.  Are you going to allow that to
be a possibility?]>>>>> 
        -DOA- <12:46:25 / 4/5/54>

>>>>>[Sierra, you were a little harsh there, kiddo.  He's been
through a lot, very recently.]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <13:01:06/5.4.54>
<<<<<[Ya, well he doesn't have to put us through a lot too.  Misery
does NOT love company.  I prefer to be alone with mine.]>>>>>
        -DOA- <13:02:26 / 4/5/54>

>>>>>[Look, you're very grown up in a lot of ways.  But the strong
silent type does not become you.  If you ignore him, he'll ignore
you.  That's the theory, anyway.]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <13:02:49/5.4.54>

<<<<<[I don't WANT to ignore him.  He has no right.]>>>>>
        -DOA- <13:03:06 / 4/5/54>

>>>>>[No right to what?  To be a moody, insecure person, much like
someone else was just a few short months ago?  No right to be
unsure of where he's going, or what his place in this world
        -Brandywine- <13:03:31/5.4.54>

<<<<<[I don't need your philosophy.  Just leave me alone.]>>>>>
        -DOA- <13:04:12 / 4/5/54>

>>>>>[Oh, Sierra.  Oh, DAMNit.  You don't need to cry.  Oh, christ.
Look...  Sierra?  Damnit.  Where'd you go?  Come back, kid.  Where are
you going?]<<<<<
        -Brandywine- <13:05:53/5.4.54>

>>>>>[Lad's a little slow, isn't he?]<<<<<
        -Cat Dancing <14:43:37/04-05-54>

>>>>>**BEGIN ENCRYPT**  First, my thanks to Colonel Doom for the
encryption routine.  I did not have one in the past and avoided all
conversations of this nature for that reason.  Since noone has
responded to my question of what you want done, I will follow the
initial suggestion and cause general mayhem beneath the surface. I am
transmitting this from a secure satellite link aboard a friend's
ship.  The "cargo transport" (i.e. smuggling) community in the
Galveston area want Tirandor and Omega destroyed.  They don't like
ANYONE threatening ships in open waters.  We will attack from beneath
the surface in concert with any attack on the surface.  However, we
are moving into a position such that we can attack at any time.  If
you want a diversionary raid from below the surface, send me a
message here.  I will be monitoring.  **END ENCRYPT**<<<<<
        --Trilo(bite), the Aqua-troll <13:50:25/04.05.54>

<<<<<[Morrison:  I'm sorry I yelled at you.  Can I go out and play
now, Mommy?]>>>>>
        -DOA- <15:38:34 / 4/5/54>

>>>>>[You don't have to sound so enthused, Sierra.  Yes, you may
        -Brandywine- <15:38:54/5.4.54>

<<<<<[Good.  I have a node I need to melt.  For a friend. 
        -DOA- <15:39:32 / 4/5/54>

>>>>>[Hmmm....   Just remember to wipe your feet before you come
        -Brandywine- <15:39:44/5.4.54>

>>>>[Laddie, could you be a little more specific?  What is REGA?  I
don't recall seeing anything out here on it, but than, I haven't been
here all that long, compared to others.  Aztech is way outside my
normal activities, but it's always good to try new things...]<<<<
                        -Highlander (14:22:32/4-5-54)

>>>>>[Hello?  I'm quite sorry, I'm afraid I've just stumbled onto
this network.  I knew a decker named Crystal Line, who might have
used this net; I assume so since, according to my companion, very few
cyberdecks have access codes for, I believe he called them "echo
stations", was it?  The deck has some storage problems, and I'm
afraid he's diagonosed a virus.  I'm using a flat- screen to contact
you with the access codes he copied from the deck.  Can any- one tell
me if there's a magic net in your Shadowland cluster?  I'm looking
for special goods, ASAP]<<<<<
                                -Cordoroy Jack (05:38:00/05-04-54)

>>>>>[ Hey, out there!  I need to make contact with Brandywine.  I've
got a message from Doom...(still can't figure out how it got there,
though)...in a little note (Doom called it an addendum) attached to
it, he said that he realized as he was leaving you needed to talk
with him (considerably abridged from the way he worded it).  So here
My dear Fraulein Brandywine:

I extend to you my most sincere apologies regarding my abrupt
departure and my callous disregard for your feelings in permitting
myself to forget your request that we converse regarding some
"business", as you termed it.  I am, as ever, interested in
assisting in any way possible;  in line with this, I may be able to
orchestrate a method of contacting you even during my stay "in the
shadows".  My latitude of action has not been abbreviated merely
because I am underground, and I shall "be in touch" soon. 
                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                Doctor Doom
And that's it, ma'am.  Ooops!  Doom told me to call you "My Lady",
and I'm sure he'll be able to find out if I didn't.  So, there you
are, My Lady. ]<<<<<
                -- Hangtime <18:02:02/04-05-54>

>>>>>[ That's Hangtime, Messenger to the Rich & SINless:  Just the
FAX ma'am. *laugh* ]<<<<<
                -- Jack Hack <18:03:02/04-05-54>

>>>>>[ HEY, it doesn't sound that bad...does it? ]<<<<<
                -- Hangtime <18:03:29/04-05-54>

>>>>>[ Well, I don't know about that, but I've got a question,
Hangtime: What's with the Icon?  Where did you get the idea?  I mean,
a circular red dot with arms & legs with sneakers, gloves, and shades
isn't something you see everyday. ]<<<<<
                -- Sonic Boom <18:05:30/04-05-54>

>>>>>[ Oh, THAT?  That's easy.  It's from an advertising campaign
from waaaaay back for the Dr Pepper 7-UP Corporation.  They created
this little computer generated image they called "The Spot"
(actually, there were lots of 'em) which appeared in all thier
advertisements for a while. ]<<<<< 
                -- Hangtime <18:07:47/04-05-54>

>>>>>[ That's weird.  Still, I like lots of stuff from that era,
too. Especially the MUSIC! ]<<<<<
                -- Sonic Boom <18:08:48/04-05-54>

>>>>>[Hangtime: Our investigations show that Dr.  Pepper and 7-Up
were produced by a multinational corporation identified only as
Pepsico, whichi also owned such delicatessans as KFC, Pizza Hut, and
other food services. With major headquarters in Texas and Oklahoma,
this mysterious company appears to have been engaged in a prolonged
battle for global domination with another megacorps identified
tentatively as Coca-Cola, Inc. CCI is known to have more widespread
popularity, though Pepsico ads were considered by far superior to its
competitor's. Upon Pepsico's introduction of the revolutionary Dr.
Pepper, CCI came out with an inferior version of that beverage,
developed under Project Pibb. The resulting refreshment was labeled
"Mr. Pibb" until in 2003 the Marxist-Leninist Women's League
detonated a wallet-sized nuclear weapon (or possibly C-6: forensics
tests were unclear on this one) and demanded that the drink be
changed to MR/S Pibb. THis terrorist act is commonly regarded as the
beginning of the end of CCI, a corporation which now caters only to
the fringe, criminal element of society. I only bring this up because
Pepsico is still a major player in the world and may object to you
calling it the Dr. Pepper company when, in fact, Dr Pepper was and is
only one of a variety of refreshing beverages provided. Thank, and
have a Latte' Today.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Who IS this guy?]<<<<<
        ?QUE?   <17:38:31/4-5-54>

>>>>>[DOA, I wouldn't mind dropping it. Let's see if I can explain a
thing or two about my bad nerve. About the hunting, well, you may
have missed the line about my mutant virus, but I have to hunt every
night. Be glad you missed out on any of that. Do you understand now,
perhaps, what the mere thought of hunting does to me? And the other
thing, about 'friends' dying... what I neglected to mention was the
deaths included me. My memories of my death and subsequent
'resurrection' as a vampire are something I would rather have missed
out on, I think. I hope you missed out on that as well.  At any rate,
if the endless talk of MONICA bothers you, I won't mention it again.
Likewise I hope I don't get swamped with requests for the more gory
details of my 'life' story.]<<<<< 

>>>>>[Perhaps what you need is to accentuate the positive, as it
were. It's no wonder you're always so down, if this is all you
think about. Remember the positive side to this? You know, the
thing about the cyberware that allowed us to survive in the first
        -Ariel<I don't have the time/but I know what it is>
>>>>>[Your implants were primarily headware. You weren't conscious
at the time, as I was. And since the privacy of this node has been
shown to be nonexistent, I'm not about to go into just how my virus
has mutated. Being a target for bounty hunters is just not my
>>>>>[Keep hinting, love. Perhaps you will earn yourself the enmity
of a few hunters anyway. Just leave me out of it when you do,
        -Ariel<Someone cheer/the big lug up>

>>>>>[ Morrision, Action Jackson, and other Vampires of the net:  We
would like to extend our sympathies to you for being inflicted by the
Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus.  However, some of the things you have
posted in the past cause us great concern.  We hold no malice towards
you as individuals, but we must issue you this warning. Be very
careful in how you live your life and more importantly, how you
maintain it.  Be very selective in who you feed upon.  Limit it to
those who willing allow it and those who try to destroy you for no
reason other than your status as Vampires.  If you kill when feeding
make sure the body will not be able to rise as one of your rank.  If
someone feels compelled to join your ranks, be sure that they too are
discriminating in their feeding habits. If your fail to do these
things or if your "children" prove to be a threat to innocent
metahumans then we will be forced to conclude that you are a threat
to Humanity.  We will therefore be forced to destroy you.  This is
not meant to be a threat, but a friendly warning.  Heed our words and
we shall never cross paths with one another. ]<<<<<
       -- The Guardians of Ancient Ways <We will be watching you>

>>>>>[Roxey, there have been druids in the States since 1961. Ever
hear of the Reformed Druids of North America? My own tradition is
nDrainocht, if you need any help. The nDrainoct groves have been
around since '87. 


Wiz, I found Raven's old encryption program. Didn't know we left so
much stuff down here in Denver. Still works, too.


Morrison, try looking at it this way. What if someone here on the BBS
made some crass joke about those friends of yours?]<<<<<
        -Cat Dancing <23:34:10/04-05-54>

>>>>>[2-Armed Bandit: thanx for the info, but it didn't pan out.
Nitro,  our very powerful combat mage (if you catch my drift),
asensed him. He IS human, but she said that he has a pretty high
level of magical ability also. (read initiated 2 maybe 3) The guy's
just a little spooky to be around. I think its the way he carries
himself and alittle of his look.

P.S. Know any good deckers in Europe?]<<<<<
            -- Prophet (09:31:32 GMT / 04-06-54)

>>>>>[ Oi ! shorty, when you've finished reading the lonely hearts
section of the MagFax skim through this file. { Encrypt
gemini.iba.5 } ]<<<<< 
                             -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)

>>>>>[ Enough of the short jokes if you don't mind, I'm not a dwarf I
just pack a lotta muscle into a small frame.

Hmm intresting file, this guy is CYBERED, however I assume you never
let them trace you, bodyshops that do this kind of work have heavy
security. Otherwise we'll be joining DE wether he's ready or
                             -The Powerhouse (19:43:17/6.4.54))

>>>>>[ FRAG right off, why don't you, NOBODY ever catches me in the
matrix. ]<<<<<
                             -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)

>>>>>[ Right, thats why after the MONICA affair you had to have a
whole bloody ritual circle set up just to heal you.  ]<<<<<
                             -The Powerhouse (19:55:58/6.4.54)

>>>>>[ Stony silence..... ]<<<<<
                             -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)
>>>>>[ Hey guys, get a grip.  You may be interested to know that
Kentucky was on private licence to Lone Star.  It seems he left
special op's with the army 6 years ago and has been working
freelance ever since.  ]<<<<< 
                             -Blade (19:58:34/4.6.54)
>>>>>[ Hey, wasn't Punisher in the armies special op's ?  Shame he
wasn't with us that night, he may have recognized Kentucky. ]<<<<
                             -The Powerhouse (20:00:25/6.4.54)

>>>>>[ Read the file drek-head he had extensive cosmetic mods 3 years
ago. Even if Punisher did know him he wouldn't recognize him
                             -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)
>>>>>[ Hey I.B.A. you're being nice and cheerful this morning, mix
up the cereal packet and spare memory chip packets again ?  As to
this Kentucky, I'll check up with my old contacts, I've a feeling I
may know him, though I hope I'm wrong. ]<<<<<
                             -Punisher (20:02:04/4.6.54)

>>>>>[ Guardians of the Ancient Ways ?  Easy life !  Ya think you can
post ya mindless threats and get away with it ? What are ya supposed
to be Guardians of anyway ?  The public lavs in Seattle downtown ?
Or are you a rambling society that likes to keep Ancient footpaths
open ? Ha ! Give me a break.
Hey, who the drek are these guys ?  And. What-the-frag do they think
they are doing giving out threats on a BBS such as this.  I love the
idea of mindless killing.  Heh heh heh ]<<<<<
                                 -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)
>>>>>[ I.B.A. you can be a real prat at times.  For all you know you
could be insulting a high grade initiate group.  Then your gonna have
to run home to momma ]<<<<<
                                 -The Powerhouse (20:13:47/6.4.54)
>>>>>[ Another word from you and I'll disable that program that
gives you English time date stamps. ]<<<<<
                                 -I.B.A. (**:**:**/**.**.**)

>>>>>[ What Ancient said is a warning to everyone.  It was not just
to Vampires.  It was a warning to those that would indescriminantly
kill for fun or pleasure, those that do not hunt the evil but rather
hunt the good.  I am vowed to hunt and slay what is evil, yet you may
wonder why I do not hunt the vampires of this list.  It is becuase
they are not evil, they hunt evil like I do and then destroy it.
Just becuase they use the evil as food does not make them evil.
Sometimes the line is not clear whether things are good and evil.
When this is true, and you are not sure, find other prey.  After all
it is better to be the cure than the cause.]<<<<<
                        -Claw < 15:46:23/04-06-54>
>>>>>[This is getting old. Oh by the way 'guardians,' I have a group
of ancient vampires already. I don't need another. The line reads
like old pulp fiction, perhaps they did write it...'only kill the
evildoer' and all that jazz. Enough is enough! I think I've already
said enough times that I work with these 'rules' in mind already.
Besides, after a blast or three from my Ingram LMG packing
experimental HE rounds, nothing gets up again. (not even magicians
with armor spells.) And finally, for Cat Dancing, you missed
something. Need I mention again that the 'friends' I referred to
include me. So, any other holier-than-thou 'guardians' want to rear
their gray heads?]<<<<< 
>>>>>[Calm down willya? What the others said could be right. Do you
really want to piss off potentially powerful vampires like
        -Ariel<This is getting/out of control>
>>>>>[Why should I worry? They're supposed to be 'guardians'! Hah!
Besides, I doubt that it's just our friends joking with me. So I'll
be content to let these so-called 'guardians' stew on that idea for
awhile. Drek, they even dumped you and I in with the rest of the
vampires here. They have no idea what we are really like. So calm
down yourself, dear. Heh.]<<<<< 
>>>>>[You're just asking for it, you know that? You're just dying
for me to test out my rewritten attack programs on you. Just keep
up the snide comments.]<<<<<
        -Ariel<You're lucky you/don't deck much>
>>>>>[What did I do? Frag it. You're lucky you don't run much! How
would you like to jump on a grenade because everyone thinks you'll
be fine? It ain't all fun and games being a vampire, much less some
mutant variant, with 'ancients' bothering you at every turn! Never
fighting in a fragging sewer again. Too much methane.]<<<<<
>>>>>[Come on, the loot was great, and you healed fine. No scars
even, thanks to your orthoskin...]<<<<<
        -Ariel<I'm glad I/just deck now>
*****  My friends,   Claw, CRUSH and myself will be gone for the
next few days on a small camping trip and enchanting material
excursion.  Lister and the girls will still be in town, if you have
a need to get in touch with us.  They do not believe that 'roughing
it' in the wilderness is a fun experience. To quote Lister "  There
is no smeggin way that I'm goin out there without my one of my
vehicles and my beer".  We should only be gone for the next two
days. Good luck to those of you going to Omega, when we return I
will look into what help I can give to you from this end. ***** 
                        -Nightfox < a little walking will not kill you >
>>>>>[  CRUSH say bye.  CRUSH go woods.  CRUSH get good critter to
eat. CRUSH still have Behemoth that CRUSH need to take to a party. 
CRUSH want know if anyone want CRUSH hunt for certain thing. ]<<<<<
                        -CRUSH <19:54:15/04-06-54>
>>>>>[  Morrison, I would have invited you to come but this came up
rather abruptly.  Maybe sometime we will be able to hunt. ]<<<<<
                        -Claw <19:56:09/04-06-54>
>>>>>[ Jaez, since the guys are gonna be gone for a tad, and us
girls are bored, Spirit and Ah were wonderin if you wanted to join
us on a little deckin for fun, profit and information.  We won't
say here where were off to but we can say it will be fun.  If you
want in just send us a line. ]<<<<< 
                                - Circuit Breaker < oh wow  fun >
>>>>>[  Wish DOA didn't go with Highlander to Disney, we could have
had four of us.  Oh well, she does need to have some fun.  Seems like
thats what I said when I met Nightfox.]<<<<<
                        -Spirit < are you old when you think of oldtimes? >
>>>>>[What is this with fraggin' hunting??? Someone becomes a
vampire and they're automatically hunting experts?!?]<<<<<
>>>>>[Just quit it. I know that's your sore spot, hunting and all,
but don't be diving down people's throats...hey PUT THAT--
***signal terminated***

>>>>>[Happy now?? I had to stunbolt him. Me, have to stun him!! Quit
asking him to hunt, quit associating 'hunting' with him! I'll let you
know when he's over this. Right now I'm motoring before he wakes
        -Ariel<Please don't/mention hunting>
>>>>>[CB, I'd love to join you and Spirit on a jaunt. I'm getting
bored with all the new sims I keep buying, and Raven is quite right
when she says I need to cut down. Name the node and time/date and
I'll be there.]<<<<< 
        --Jaez  <20:04:32/4-6-54>
>>>>>[ Gosh, I'm getting really bored out here.  Nightstalker and
Trog have left town so I can't hunt that damn Metahuman killer. 
Cyberbrains is running around with DOA (isn't she a little young
for you?).  Jaez is watching her new sims or decking.  Raven TM is
moping around.  Spectre is running around by himself. Powerhouse is
holed up with the heat on.  What's a girl to do to entertain
herself?  Somebody save me! ]<<<<< 
       -- Cerise <20:38:38/04-06-54>
>>>>>[ I am not moping around!  Humph! ]<<<<<
       -- Raven the Mage <20:45:12/04-06-54>

>>>>>[ Wonder what's gotten into her? ]<<<<<
       -- Cerise <20:48:48/04-06-54>

>>>>>[Hey there Cerise, want to come blast some go-gang out of
existence with me? I daresay I'm in the mood to go hunting now!
Drek, we'll go blow up some area of the Barrens together! Come on,
whaddaya say?]<<<<< 
>>>>>[Cerise, please don't listen to him...all this talk of hunting
is really doing bad things to him--
^#%_@#(HD@(D^Y(_&%(^$Y+(^934$#P($_(***signal terminated***
>>>>>[Just try that again, drek-head! You're lucky I was on a public
term just then! Where do you get off tossing off programs at
        -Ariel<Just try it/now, boy>
>>>>>[Well sorry, dear, I haven't learned the Stunbolt yet. So I
can't hardly return the favor properly, now can I? I was only
asking her because I have to restore the losses I sustained healing
the physical damage from your spell, after all. Yes, I'm feeling
really drained now. Too bad no one ever taught you how to control
the mana. Oh well...ah, the saying tells me what to do! My loss
is...your loss! Come here, my lady...]<<<<< 
>>>>>[Don't even think it. Oh no...he's really reacting badly to
these memories. They're of his own death under the knife, people,
they kept him conscious, get it now? Cerise, don't even look for
him. I hope you can tell why not to. My friends and I will take
care of this...somehow. And you 'guardians' just stay put! Mess
with Morrison at your peril. It's our problem to fix what we
screwed up.]<<<<< 
        -Ariel<Time to finish/what we've started>
>>>>>[ Uhgghh what a night.  Spezters, vod-bombs and snake-bite do
NOT mix. My stomach can give you that info on very good authority. 
Ohh and the super-sloppy-vindaloo should be sold at pharmacists
along with Shift-the-Shit, Go-Fast and Make's-You-Run.  Ah frag,
that reminds me, when is this lads night out Harlequin ?  You
mentioned you were organising something, but we've heard nothing
Ha, I see Guardians of the Ancient Drek haven't reared their feeble
heads again.  Let 'em have it Morrison if they cause you any
hassle, my bet is that they are a bunch of two bit hoaxers who
don't know their asses from their faces. ]<<<<< 
                             -I.B.A (**:**:**/**.**.**)
>>>>>[ Good morning I.B.A. have a fun night eh ?  Shame I wasn't
there to see it.  I did notice the trail of puke all the way back
to your van though. Something not agree with your stomach ?  But
down to business my contacts dug up some more dirt on Kentucky. 
Remember that fixer went by the name Krull, hired us for a bit of
protection work a year or two back.  Well it seems Kentucky has
been operating on a more or less exclusive licence with this
Krull.  Whats more I hear that Krull is currently doing a bit of
work for Eisenhower productions, the big multi media firm. 
Intresting don't you think.  I wonder what could be going on?]<<<<< 
                            -Blade (13:23:12/4.8.54)
>>>>>[ Get on to it I.B.A. if you can, I want logs of all
productions Eisenhower has been working on recently.  Meanwhile I
think I'll slip into my city slicking gear and have a snoop round
Eisenhower's studios. I think I should be able to pass myself off
as a stuntman if anyone asks. 

Polish are you still seeing that gal from Sceptre productions ? Get
onto her and see what she knows about Eisenhower.

Eisenhower must be into something big, or have a very big star if
they need someone of Kentucky's reputation.  So be alert.  If he
finds out we're looking for him he may decide to start making life
difficult for us. 

Oh and I.B.A. hope your stomach gets better soon :) ]<<<<<
                            -The Powerhouse (13:34:34/8.4.54)

{ Encrypt gemini.alpha.iba } 
>>>>>[ This is important, has any one heard something from D.E. on a
private line.  There's been no messages from him or anyone on Omega
for the last few days.   I know Omega has been taken off line but I
would have thought that Feral, TH and DE would have been able to set
up a sat link by now.

If anyone knows that would be helpful,  I have our team on
semi-alert status ready to drop everything should we need to go
in.  We have a Hughes WK-2 Stallion and a tilt rotor boat plane
(very handy).  However we don't have any decent ECM's so we'd be a
perfect target going in until the Intrepid's guns are disabled.

Oh and if any one should wanna come along, there will be passenger
space.  ]<<<<<
                           -The Powerhouse (13:43:21/8.4.54)
{ End encrypt }

>>>[Sorry due to injuries inccured at the major conflict on UB's
compound, Trog will be laid up more too come later...he just got
out of IC...he said something about the killer is linked to UB, but
you will have to wait on that.]<<< 
        --DocWagon <14:26:45/4-7-54>
>>>>>[ Good to hear why you've been missing Trog.  Even better to
hear that your going to live.  Hurry up, I want a piece of this
guy. ]<<<<< 
       -- Cerise <13:08:08/04-07-54>
>>>>>[ The killers involved with the UB.  Strange.  He sounds more
like a Alamos 2000 or Humanis type to me.  Still if the UB is
involved then I be there.  Point me in the right direction and some
insects will start to die. ]<<<<< 
       -- Raven the Mage <13:10:53/04-07-54>
>>>>>[ I'll have to pass, Morrison.  Besides the fact that Ariel
thinks I should stay away is the fact that Vampires feeding is not
my idea of a fun night on the town. ]<<<<<
       -- Cerise <13:19:07/04-07-54>
>>>>>[  Jaez, Spirit and Ah have decided on a time and a place. it
will be fun. 

<<<Encrypt Electricity>>>  The place will be DDI  Seattle Tomorrow
night <<<  End proccess >>> Tell us if ya want to be in the same room
or whatever.  We have enough access ports for 7 link ups, but ya may
be more comfortable at your own place.  It will be fun and maybe we
can get on the CIA list,  we want to beat Spectre onto it,  just for
kicks.  Of course once we make it on, we'll have ta take ourselves
right off again.]<<<<<
                        -Circuit Breaker < ah the fun >

>>>>>[Sorry, Circuit Breaker, I've been on the CIA shitlist for just
over 30 hours now, I just hadn't gotten around to bragging yet.
<<<<Encrypt DOM>>>> Since Nexus never responded to my query about a
night hunting CIA scuzballs, I decided to do something possible
more useful than merely blow off some steam.  It took me a few days
of surveillance, and some help from Lucky and Eclipse, but just
over a day ago a Miss Janet Triest (deputy assistant of something
or other in the CIA, and on the traitor list) was brutally murdered
in her home (don't worry, my surveillance revealed connections
between her and Precision, and confirmed that she deserved to be on
the traitors list).  The hard part wasn't the actual killing, but
the careful accumulation and distribution of the evidence.  Said
evidence pointed at a certain group of runners here in Seattle who
just happened to take a contract for killing me from an as yet
undiscovered enemy (that makes 3 different kill Spectre jobs
available, that I'm aware of--sigh, somehow I suspect even my
charmed life (sarcasm) is about to end, but it's been fun, and I'll
take a few with me).  As I was saying, the evidence points to a
runner team out to take me.  And when the CIA investigators dig a
little deeper, they'll discover that the Johnson who hired the
runners was none other than Mr. David Shandala, CIA agent who works
in their "Procurement" Dept (he's a thief), who also just happens
(and deserves) to be on the traitor's list as well.  Well, I guess
that means that I'm not exactly on the CIA's shitlist, but as soon
as they throw Shandala under the Analyze Truth and discover his
innocence they'll start digging deeper.  They may even find me. But
sorry, you still didn't beat me to the punch.  Have fun, ladies.
<<<<End DOM>>>> 
                __Spectre <13:41:42/04-07-54>
>>>>>[Word in the higher circles of the street (Yeah, right!!) is
that contracting a hit on Spectre is almost as bad as buying stock
in IBM, with the same chance of profit.  I'll have you know that I
passed said contract up, cause I didn't like the fact that it had
no source that I could find.  I hate it when I don't know who's
hiring me to hire someone.]<<<<< 
        -Blinder <16:19:50/04-07-54>