Review of Corporate Security Handbook by Prophet([m d death] at []) The Corporate Security Handbook is a review of methods that corporations will use to deter unauthorized personell from making unauthorized visits with the intent to remove assets without authorization. The book is comprehensively broken down between physical, technical and magical security. The physical section covers your mundane devices ranging from concrete walls to monowire to maglocks. Methods of detection such as lighting, proximity detectors and pressure sensors are reviewed and the o' so helpful decker comments offer suggestions on bypassing them. Ares introduces a variant of the Sentry gun emplacement with the Sentinal series(including a vectored-thrust drone). The technical section introduces closed-circuit security controlled by a rigger through CCSS(Closed-Circuit SimSense). Matrix security is also covered but in a very cursory manner. Magical security gives comments on patrolling spirits(elementals and nature spirits), fiber-optic viewers for magicians, security shamans and the new FAB(FAt Bacteria) containment systems. Two sections of the book also address personal security. On the whole, this book is mostly useless for players and slightly less useless for Game Masters. The security protocols addressed by this book have been covered before in the Neo-Anarchists' Guide to Real Life under the Security Blanket and Best of Home Security sections. Matrix Security has been covered before in numerous volumes and nothing particularly insightful is offered in this manual. The magical security section provides some helpful rules and the introduction of the fat bacteria can be introduced by a vindictive Game Master looking to humble his magician. Personal Security is mostly pointless and the new equipment consists of the stuff most runners can do without. Basically the only selling points of the Corporate Security Handbook are the magical security section and the new rigger controlled security systems. The Cteam and is relegated to a specialist in legwork and information gathering. When it comes to penetrating an installation, the Decker becomes a sitting duck with his lack of combat skills and armor. In summary, if you're a player, don't bother with this book. If you're a Game Master who doesn't like deckers and feels that astral scouting is too powerful, get this book.