Master Spell List Addenda

The initial Master Spell List can be found in the first Annual
Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else. You can cut and paste
whatever spells you want from here into there.

Starting this issue, NAGEE spells are denoted with *#. The
number is the NAGEE issue the spell appears in. Spells from
published adventures (of which there are none this issue) will be
a single asterisk.

Detection Spells

Name                   Drain  Target Staging/Threshold  Range  Area   Duration  Type
Telepathy, Dual *4       M1    Will    Will/1           Visual  Duo   Sustained Mana
Telepathy, Multiple *4   D2    Will    Will/1           Visual  MA    Sustained Mana

Combat Spells

Name                   Drain  Target Staging            Range  Area   Duration  Type
Combust *4               S4    Body     --              Visual Single Instant   Physical
Mana Donut *4            S2    Will     2               Visual  MA    Instant   Mana

Illusion Spells

Name                   Drain  Target Threshold          Range  Area   Duration  Type
Invisibility, Party *4   S3      3                      Touch   MA    Sustain   Physical

Transform Manipulation Spells

Name                   Drain  Target Threshold          Range  Area   Duration  Type
De-Hydrate *4            S2    Body                     Visual Single Sustain   Mana
Doppler Shift, Lesser *4 L4    Body                     Touch  Single Sustain   Physical
Doppler Shift, Major *4  M3    Body                     Touch  Single Sustain   Mana
Ghost Ship *4            D3  Resistance Body            Visual Single Sustain   Physical