The Beastmaster Steven Mancini <[m--ci--s] at []> >>>[Salutations! I have come to report that I have witnessed an extraordinary manifestation of magic. This exquisite female, streetname Quicksilver, has apparently developed an affinity with normal critters and has begun to manifest similar traits with certain Paranormals. After careful study, I believe this to be more than a unique phenomena. In fact, I imagine there may be more like her, hidden away in the tribes that would covet such a rare gift. But this, is pure speculation.]<<< -Nidhug, Chronicler of Magic The Beastmaster Priority: 4 Prerequisites Animal Handling 5 Animal Biotech 5 Parazoology 5 [If paranormals are desired] Magic Theory 5 [If astrally perceptive animal] Powers Empathy Can project emotions into non-hostile animals with no standard resistance. Can project emotions in a quazi-"calling" for a number of Kilometers equal to the Beastmaster's Magic Attribute. Animals may ignore calling by accomplishing an Unresisted Test using Beastmaster's Charisma as a target. Projection This power is similar to the Ally power Sense Link. It may only be accomplished with the Beastmaster's familiars. Only one projection may be maintained at a time. The initial disorientation when projecting is 10 actions divided by a Willpower test target(6) successes. While projecting, the Beastmaster is vulnerable similar to an Astrally Projecting Mage. While projecting, the Beastmaster can use their telepathy power to quasi-control the actions of their beast. This is more of commanding it, and it may not always follow. ("You want me to get HOW close to that Dragon?!?!") Telepathy With a familiar (explained below) is unlimited range. With all others, it is touch. Initiation This power is documented only because our only subject of study was introduced following initiation. Cost The Beastmaster must self-initiate their magic is too strange for group initiation and their rarity leads us to this conclusion. Granted if a group of these mystics could be encountered, the potential may exist for group initiation, but their rarity makes such a potential situation unimaginable. Ordeal The Ordeal required by the Beastmaster is the impression of their new familiar. The animal in question must be wild and have NO prior exposure to humanity. This Ordeal is not required, but since it accomplishes the obtaining of a new familiar and reduce the Karma cost, it is favored by this magician. (if such a term is appropriate.) Additional The familiar is a beast that has been selected for bonding with the Beastmaster. It must have no prior exposure to humanity. The Beastmaster may have a number of Familiars equal to his/her magic attribute. That is, Quicksilver has a magic attribute of 5, her familiars are: 2 wolves, 2 hunting dog, and an eagle. Paranormal Familiars Paranormal familiars are possible, but only after progressing through several normal critters. (Do not allow starting character to begin game with a paranormal, but allow him/her to reserve point(s) for further progress). The Beastmaster must fully understand the powers his familiar shall have and this is demonstrated through a parazoology skill of rating five (5) or higher. If the beastmaster desires, they may specialize or concentrate on a specific animal (with the GM's approval.) Dual Natured Animals Astral critters can be the most dangerous progression for a Beastmaster. As stated in the book, non-magically actives exposed to the Astral Plane will go insane/die. Since the Beastmaster is quasi-magically active, they can develop a 'resistance' to this insanity. By obtaining a Magic Theory skill of 5 or greater, the Beastmaster has demonstrated a sufficient knowledge concerning the astral plane to survive exposure via his/her familiars. Disadvantages The Beastmaster is attuned to the animal kingdom and involuntarily receives empathetic signals from the animals which surround her. If, for example, she was to walk near a slaughter house, her emotions would most likely cripple her. One specific example mentioned during my interview concerned a tiger that was in a nearby grassland and she 'felt' it die. The Beastmaster may not replace killed familiars. Beyond the backlash of the killing of the animal, severe psychological trauma is anticipated. Likewise, if the beastmaster suffers a magic loss, the animal is set free from the bond, and most likely will stay if treated well. However, if cyberware is installed, the animal will grow ill and die slowly. >>>>>[ Quicksilver is indeed a rare individual, even for an elf. Her affinity for animals was demonstrated to me when she 'tamed' a pair of paranormal critters, Shadowhound and Greater Wolverine respectively, that were under the influence of magic which drove them into a quasi-berserk state. Following my observations of her powers and the magic that was woven into their lifeforce, I have developed a spell that is merely a shadow of her power: Control Emotions vs. Paranormal Critters, Permanent. The drain is unbearable but at least between her powers and my spells, we have set these beasts free from the insanity- producing magic that was tormenting them on the mountain where we found them...]<<<<< -Gargoyle, Raven Shamanic Adept "We are in a Universe with more and more information, and less and less meaning." -- Jean Beaudrillard