A definitive listing of street slang in 2050
               compiled by the Dark Elf <[V--PO--T] at []>

A-Boys: A type of boostergang whose motif is a specific animal.
Angel: A benefactor, especially an unknown one.
Arc: An arcology.
Ballerinas: Reflex boosted female assassins in the employ of a 
    major corp.
Booster: Gang member that uses cyberware, leathers, and violence 
    as a way of life.
Bounts: Bounty hunters.
Bopper: A robot.
Brain Tap: A datajack or a chipjack.
Breeder: Orc slang for a "normal" human.
Business: In slang context, crime. Also "Biz."
Buzz: Go away. Buzz off.
Chipped: Enhanced by cyberware.
CHOOH: ("choo") Slang for alcohol, as used in vehicle power 
Chromatic: Heavy Metal music.
Chromer: Slang for metalheads, heavy metal fans.
Chummer: Pal or Buddy.
Cinema: A movie, usually in tri-d.
Clavie: Any person who lives in an enclave.
Combat Drugs: Designer drugs for military use.
Comm: The telephone.
Corp: Corporation, corporate.
CORPSE: CORPorate Security Expert, a corporate assassin.
Cowboy: A decker/netrunner.
Dadie: Knowledge or skill chip.
Dandelion Eater: An Elf, very insulting. See also Keeb.
Dataslave: a corporate decker or a data processing employee.
Datasteal: Theft of data from a computer, usually by decking.
DEBS: Transvestites, a type of posergang.
Deck: 1. A cyberdeck. 2. To use a cyberdeck illegally.
Decker: A pirate cyberdeck user. Derived from 20th century 
Deckhead: A Simsense addict. Or anyone with a datajack/ chipjack.
Derms: see Dorphs.
Dinks: Any member of a rival boostergang.
Dorphs: Designer drugs that increase healing rate and limit 
     fatigue. (also, Derms)
Dr. Know: A contact who always seems to have useful info. Also a 
     seller of knowledge and skill chips.
Drek: Shit.
Duck: A person who carries more weapons than could possibly be 
Dumped: Involuntary ejection from the matrix.
Enclave: Corporate subsidized housing aka the projects.
Exec: Corporate executive.
Fate Meat: Someone bound for the body banks. "It is his fate to be 
Fetishman: A talismonger, a dealer in magical items.
Flatlined: killed in the matrix by Black IC.
Flickerclading: A synthetic plastic material impregnated with 
     fiber optics and temperature gauges designed to respond to
     skin temperature, a 21st century version of the mood ring,
     but is worn as clothing.
Frag: a common swear word.
Fringe, The: Edges of society where nomads hang out, barrens.
Geek: To kill.
Glitter Clothes: Clothes made of flickercladding.
Glitter Folk: Rich people who only have time and money.
Go-go-go: A bike gang or gang member.
Gothics: A posergang whose motif is death and old b&w horror 
Gutter Jumpers: Claim jumpers among the homeless, squatters.
Gyro: A small one or two man helicopter.
Hardwired: 1. Having Cyberware. 2. Unable to change, inflexible 
Heatwave: A police crackdown.
Hitmage: A magic-using assassin.
Hoi: Hi, Hello.
Hose: 1. Louse up, screw up. 2. to spray with an automatic weapon.
Hydro: 1. Hydrogen fuel. 2. anyone crazy enough to take it as a 
ICE: Security software. Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics.
Input: A girlfriend.
Jacked-In: Actively using a cyberdeck.
Jam: 1. To fight or to run away "let's jam". 2. Jamming.
Jamming: 1. Sex. 2 Moshing heavily in a band. 3. Being involved in 
     a paramilitary operation involving a large amount of flying 
     bullets and shrapnel.
Jander: To walk in a casual or arrogant manner, to strut.
Keeb: An Elf, very insulting. See also Dandelion Eater. After a 
     discontinued advertising campaign (Keebler).
Knife Bullets: Armor piercing ammunition.
Know, The: Knowledge or information.
Kobun: A Yakuza clan member.
Meat Bop Parts: Vat grown replacement body parts.
Meat Puppet: A prostitute whose memory and/or senses are disabled 
Mnemonic: Someone who uses a brain implant as an electronic vault.
Motorhead: A rigger or a mechanic.
Mr. Johnson: An anonymous corporate agent.
Mundane: A non-magician, or non-magical.
Muscle Boy/Girl: Someone with enhanced strength.
NetNerd: Someone who spends more time in the matrix than in the 
     real world.
Ninja: A freelance assassin.
Nutrisoy: Cheap processed food product derived from soybeans, 
     fortified with most essential vitamins.
Nuyen: World standard of currency. Used for Japanese foreign 
Output: A boyfriend.
Oyabun: Head of a Yakuza clan.
Panzer: A combat hovercraft/ ground effect vehicle.
Paydata: A datafile worth money on the Black Market.
Plastic Gangster: A person with a great deal of cyberware.
Plex: A metroplex, a large city.
Poli: A policlub or a policlub member.
Polymer-one-shot: A cheap hold-out pistol.
Poser Gang: Any gang whose members all adopt a specific look or 
Razor Boy/Girl: A person who uses various bladed implant weapons.
Ripperdoc: A surgeon specializing in implanting illegal cyberware.
Rocker Boy/Girl: A freelance musician.
Samurai: A mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies an honor code.
Sarariman: A corporate employee.
Screamer: A credstick or passkey that triggers alarms when used.
Seoul Man: A member of a Seoulpa Ring.
Seoulpa Ring: A small criminal gang.
Shadows: The quasi-criminal world of freelance shadowrunners.
Shalkujin: An "honest" citizen.
Sinless: 1. Part of the underclass not having a SIN (c.f. System 
Identification Number). 2. In the Shadows.
Slot: 1. a mild curse. 2. To use a skillsoft.
Slot and Run: 1. Hurry Up, Get to the point. 2. Move and Run.
So Ka: I understand.
Soykaf: Coffee substitute made from soybeans.
Squat: see Stuntie.
Stud/Studding: Rigging or remote control of a vehicle.
State of the Art: 1. Hipper than Hip. 2. To be on the edge.
Stuntie: A Dwarf, highly insulting. also Squat.
Sprawl: 1. A metroplex (c.f. plex). 2. To fraternize below one's 
     social level.
System Identification Number (SIN): ID number assigned to every 
     member of society. (but c.f. sinless)
Tag: Name, handle or trademark. To grab or take something.
Tagged: Equipped with a tracking device. Recognized.
Trid: Three-dimensional successor to video.
Trog: An Orc or a Troll, very insulting.
Very: Hip term for cool fun or "in."
VatJob: Someone who has extensive cyber/vat grown replacement 
Wagemage: A magician who works for a corp.
Wavy: Cool or smooth.
Wetware: 1. Biological enhancement. 2. Any original body organ.
Wetwork: Assassination, murder.
Wigly: Weird or different. Usually referring to a good drug trip.
Wire Boy/Girl: A decker.
Wired: Equipped with cyberware, especially wired reflexes.
Wiz: 1. Wizard. 2. anything impressive. "Truly wiz, man."
Wizard: 1. A powerful mage.
Wizworm: Slang for a Dragon.
Word, The: Any type of slang or gossip.
Yak: Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.

>>>[Hey, all you closet linguists out there. I've recently run 
across an article on the evolution of words such as 'drek' and 
'frag.' I'll see if I can dig them up for the next issue.]<<<
-- Silver Cianide (11:56:47/05-23-52)