Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1993 09:19:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Jesse Harris Nice <[D--dg--r] at [CMU.EDU]> Subject: Drone for NAGEE? I don't know if this will be of any use to you but here it is. A friend of mine and I got together and created this little puppy because there wasn't anything between the Wandjina and the Dalmatian offered in RBB. Creation: Machiavelli and Grendel (Both riggers). Here she is... British Aerospace FD-352 Swallow (Light Attack/Recon Drone) Incept date: 2031 Handling (Fair/Foul): 2/4 Speed:(Cruise/Full): 105/350 Body: 4 Armour: 3 Sig(Stealth) 4(6) Autopilot: 3 CF to store: 30 Fuel:(Multifuel):210 L Econ: 8km/l Max cruise: 1680km Sensors: 2 Internal CF: 2.5CF Setup time: 15 min. Integral nose mounted Hardpoint w/ 1 CF ammo storage. Wingtips: 1 CF Hardpoints(Missiles only) One 2CF fuselage hardpoint. Problems: Uses a forward-swept wing design. Hence, the autopilot is what enables this drone to stay in the air (See history of the X-29) If the autopilot is taken out the rigger must make a Handling (10) check to land it, and it MUST be landed immediately. Standard Config includes a Vengeance Minigun mounted in the nose hardpoint. Price 50K Nice.