From: [m--se--n] at [] (mooseman)
Subject: ALARUMS-L mailing list
Date: 10 Dec 1994 16:58:47 -0500

version 0.5

1) What is a FAQ?
A FAQ is a Frequently Asked Questions list. It is a list of 
questions and their answers designed to provide information to
new users.

2) What is ALARUMS-L?
ALARUMS-L is [alarums l] at [], an auto-remailer. All e-mail sent
to ALARUMS-L is automatically forwarded to all subscribers to 
ALARUMS-L was envisioned as an electronic extension of ALARUMS & 
EXCURSIONS role playing games magazine, an amateur magazine run 
by Lee Gold. For more information on ALARUMS & EXCURSIONS, write 
to Lee Gold, 3965 Alla Road, Los Angeles, CA, 90066, or by e-mail 
to: [Barry Gold] at []
ALARUMS-L is an informal, non-moderated, chatty mailing list 
centred around the hobby of role playing games. Although 
unmoderated, flames and trolling are discouraged so that it can 
remain unmoderated.
ALARUMS-L is administered by Mark Denman ([m--se--n] at []). Inquiries about
ALARUMS-L should be directed to him, not to Lee Gold.

3) How do I subscribe to ALARUMS-L?
send e-mail to: [M--r--o] at []
with the message: subscribe alarums-l [[u--rn--e] at [domain]]
to unsubscribe, send: unsubscribe alarums-l [[u--rn--e] at [domain]]
(where [[u--rn--e] at [domain]] is your e-mail address -- no "[" or"]" please)

4) How do I write for ALARUMS-L?
That is simple! Once you have subscribed, simply send e-mail to: 
[alarums l] at []
Any mail sent to ALARUMS-L will be automatically forwarded to 
everyone who has subscribed. Like wise, you will receive a copy 
of everything everyone has sent to ALARUMS-L. 
Replying to something someone wrote is as simple as answering your e-mail. 
However, please quote enough of the article you are responding to help
everyone understand what you are commenting on. Similarly, don't quote too
much - this is standard netiquette, or net-etiquette. 
ALARUMS-L works best if the discussions take place in public, so that 
everyone can jump in and provide input.
Adding a message indicating "this message sent via the alarums-l 
mailing list" to the end of your message is no longer necessary -- the 
list will do so automatically.

Unless specified otherwise, Lee Gold is invited to quote any material sent via
the ALARUMS-L mailing list in ALARUMS & EXCURSIONS. She will provide proper
acknowledgment to the author. Include a small note at the beginning or end of
your posting if you do not wish to be quoted. "[DNP]" or "[DO NOT PRINT]" will
also be sufficient.

6) How do I get the most out of ALARUMS-L?
Simple -- like most mailing lists, you only get out what you put in. The
more people who contribute ideas, problems, boasts, rules tinkering, etc.,
the better ALARUMS-L will be. Games companies are especially invited to post
announcements to the list, but please avoid direct advertising assaults.

7) Is there an ALARUMS-L digest available?
Not currently - once I am more familiar with the software being used, I may
set up a digest version which would be read-only and contain all messages
from ALARUMS-L posted over the past week. The system can do this
automatically, I just have to figure out how to get it to do it and then
decide if I want it to do it.

        \_\_\_____/_/_/    |--------------------------------------------|
             <o o>         |              [m--se--n] at []               |  
              ] [          |         May the MOOSE be with you!         |
              [_]          |--------------------------------------------|