From: [s--n--s] at [] (Sue and Sean) Newsgroups:, Subject: [FAQ] GURPSnet Mailing List FAQ Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 15:08:24 GMT This is the Frequently Asked Questions List for the mailing lists GURPSnet-L and GURPSnet-Digest. It will be posted periodically to, r.g.f.announce and the mailing lists. Please distribute it further as you see fit. Suggestions are welcome -- email them to [owner gurpsnet L] at [] --- HOW TO SUB, POST, AND UNSUB --- Q: How do I subscribe to GURPSnet-L? A: To subscribe, send email to [m--r--o] at [] (Note that this is not the posting address.) In the body, have the single line "subscribe GURPSnet-L [g--i--r] at [angels.web]" (if your address is "[g--i--r] at [angels.web];" if not, use whatever your address really is). Q: That's not *The One True Right* way to subscribe. Everyone knows that *The One True Right* way to subscribe is.... A: GURPSnet-L runs under Majordomo. Majordomo is not Listserv. Trust me. I'm the list administrator, and I'm here to help you. Q: How do I post to GURPSnet-L? A: To post, send your message to [GURPSnet L] at [] (Note that this is not the subscribe/unsubscribe address.) Your message will be sent to every subscriber, including yourself. Q: How do I unsubscribe to GURPSnet-L? A: To unsubscribe, send email to [m--r--o] at [] (Note that this is not the posting address.) In the body, have the single line "unsubscribe GURPSnet-L [b--b--e] at [analytical.engine]" (if the address you want to unsubscribe is "[b--b--e] at [analytical.engine];" if not, use whatever address you want to unsubscribe.) Q: The info message seems to be cut off at the bottom. How do I increase my clearance? A: You're obviously not cleared to increase your clearance, so it wasn't cut off, it was censored. Q: Can I get the messages in digest form? A: Sure. Use the procedure above to subscribe, only substitute GURPSnet-Digest for GURPSnet-L. --- WHAT ARE THE RULES ABOUT POSTING? --- Q: How about commercial postings? A: Power corrupts, but absolute power is kinda neat. I run these mailing lists as a benevolent tyrant with nearly everything handled on a whim-by-whim basis. I'll warn you if I don't like something. The only things that will cause you to suffer instant-death-no- saving-throw are things like posting Make.Money.Fast. (I'll also send a nasty-gram to your site for that one.) Q: How about Fluff (game-based fiction)? A: My whim was to call for a vote. The NOs had an over-two-to-one margin. My whim was then to go by the results of the vote. Fluff is Not Allowed. Q: I don't want to pay for GURPS Faplap. Would someone please type it in for me? A: I've always been rather aggressive in defense of copyrights, and now that I own some, I'm even more so. Violation of copyright is one way to get summarily nuked from the list. Violations of SJG's copyrights will also be forwarded to [L--g--l] at [], and you may well get a visit from beings in suits with serious briefcases and very thin watches. --- WHINES --- Q: There's too many messages! Stop talking about all that stuff, and talk about what *I* want to you to talk about! A: No. Q: There's too many messages! Someone should start another list! A: Go ahead. If you want to run it from, write to [M c Coy] at [] for help. (Those who complain about the volume of the list tempt me to start a separate list for them to subscribe to. It would be called "GURPSnot-L," and no one would be allowed to post to it.) -- Susan and Sean (order optional) ... unindicted co-conspirators S & S Enterprises in the Imminent Death of the [s--n--s] at [] Net since 1990.