From: [j s m] at [] (Storm Widow) Newsgroups: Subject: SUPPLEMENT: CP2020 Courier Tech. Date: 29 Sep 1993 19:20:21 -0400 RADTECH INC. CP2020 EQUIPMENT CATALOG "Radical Equipment for the Urban Thrasher" RADTECH POWERED 'ASSAULT-COURIER' SERIES Rechargeable Battery Pack (50eb/each) Housed in a Ballistic Nylon casing (4"x1.5"x0.5"), RadTech Battery Packs come with lifetime warranty. A flip-out power adapter located on the battery's side plug directly into a 110v socket. A complete recharge takes 12hrs, quick-charging in 8hrs (75% power). RadTech Patented SmartWheel (90eb/each) and Surface Imaging Sonar/SmartLogic Electronics (210eb/4-SmartWheels) Each SmartWheel contains 24 piston-spokes around and 5 deep, attached to ArachnoFiber contact pads. Combined with an advanced surface imaging short-range sonar, the SmartLogic chipset anticipates terrain layout, extending and retracting individual pistons to compensate for ground obstacles (+2 skate skill). SmartWheel equipped, skating speeds can be increased by over 40%! Excessive stress on a contact pad will cause the spoke to retract for a millisecond, making controlled sideways skids and/or stopping possible. Sonic-II SkateBoard (750eb/each) Mounted beneath an AlloyFiber (SDP15) plank, two rechargeable battery packs power a set of SmartWheels and SmartLogic electronics for 12 consecutive hours. A Sonic-II skater can reach speeds in excess of 50kph! Vehicle assisted, Sonic-II's will handle surfing speeds up to 80kph (Very Diff rolls), although maneuvering at this velocity is not recommended. A smoke projector, installed under the Sonic-II's deck, is available for an additional 250eb. Smokescreens impose -3 to-hit penalty for shooting through them (radar/laser-microwave rangefinders are not affected). Thermographs are immune, unless IR smoke is employed. Reload canisters (2"x3.5"x3/4") cost 10eb (IR smoke is 250eb) and last for 1 minute. To activate the smokescreen, a skater must reach under the board's side and depress the release mechanism. Spider-IX SkateBoot (1,900eb/pair) Featuring a standard roller-skate configuration (2-by-2) for stability and maneuvering speed, the Spider-IX comes equipped with our patented retractable SmartWheels. Touch sensitive side panels enable the SmartWheels and assembly to collapse, partially folding within the boot's sole. When retracted, the Spider-IX leaves a distinctive double-V depression. A durable PolyCarbonite shell (SP5/SDP10) protects the wearer and SkateBoot electronics in any urban situation. Twin battery packs, fitted behind the ankles, provide 12 hours of constant use. Outfitted with Spider-IX's, a skater can reach speeds of over 60kph! Vehicle assisted, SkateBoots will handle surfing speeds up to 90kph (Very Diff rolls), although maneuvering at this velocity is not recommended. RadTech Patented MagnaPoon Constructed of light Orbital CrystoSteel, the MagnaPoon weighs just 0.4kg! An ElectroMagnetic ring (2mm thick) with ArachnoFiber padding around, is mounted at the front, quickly tapering to a cable attachment. Retracted, the MagnaPoon folds within a 2cm muzzle, fanning out to a 6cm diameter when fired. A high efficiency micro- turbine, located in the poon head's center, is powered via the cable's conductive core. Three exhaust ports, on the MagnaPoon's back-side, provide 60m/sec propulsion (1D6 damage). 16 CarboSteel blades, between the turbine and magnetic ring, assure straight flight. The MagnaPoon will stick to any steel, iron, or nickel (slightly) based metals. StreetMaster PoonGun (980eb/each) Poon -1 N P 1D6-Poon - - VR The StreetMaster is equipped with a triangular molded hand-grip, and launch control unit extruding from it's right side. A Tight-Beam Laser (red dot) mounted on the top is used for aiming (WA-1). Usually held in the left hand, the right operates the control unit. When fired, the MagnaPoon is followed by a 15m, 4mm thick (SDP5) CarboNylon weave cord. Cord retraction speeds are selectable up to 30m/sec. An adjustable resistance reel (max STR4) buffers sudden changes in cord tension, minimizing the risk of shoulder injuries. A single power-pak in the hand-grip provides 6 hrs of continuous use. Highway-Hawk Mark-II PoonGlove (1,680eb/each) Poon -2 N P 1D6-Poon - - VR Mel -2 N P 2D6-Punch/3D6-Crush - - VR Built from hard PolyCarbonite (SP5/SDP10), the Highway-Hawk features a surface mounted MagnaPoon with a 25m, 5mm thick (SDP6) retractable CarboNylon weave cord. Retraction speeds are selectable up to 40m/sec. An adjustable resistance reel (max STR5) buffers sudden changes in cord tension, minimizing the risk of shoulder injuries. Targeting is performed via the mounted, Tight-Beam Laser (red dot). Twin rechargeable power packs (4"x1.5"x0.5") provide 10 hours of continuous use. All PoonGlove functions are controlled by a touch-sensitive keypad, located at the wrist area. For an extra 2,550eb, the Highway- Hawk can be outfitted for SmartGun (WA0) and CyberOptic (WA+2) control. Available in flat-black, ash-gray, china-red, and fluorescent-yellow. ______ _ _ _ . _ _ === | (_)|=:|'| |/\|||_)(_)|/\| a.k.a. J.S. Morisset ... There's a Mr. Death at the door; he's come about the reaping.