Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 17:34:58 -0600 Sender: Mythus Fantasy Roleplaying Game List <[MYTHUS L] at []> From: AN ELECTRIC ELK <[T--IL--S] at [ACM.ORG]> Subject: Demi-Humans for Mythus Dan here, Here are the first of the Demi-Humans. The demi-humans as they appear here are probably copyrights of TSR, Inc. and are used without permission, sorry. I tried to preserve the flavor of the AD&D demi-humans (stat bonuses, class restrictions and game balance most notably). In any case: AD&D Demi-Humans in Mythus Conversion notes: Note: all additions to Attributes are to Capacities. They are added at the same time that scores are arranged. Therefore the Die Roll in Capacity does not need to be higher than the Speed and Power attributes, only the final result does. Elves High Average Height: 65/64 inches Weight Multiplier: 0.94 MM:+3 MR:+1 PM:-1 PN:+2 SM:+2 SP:+1 Vocation or K/S Area Restrictions: Get no Heka, Castings, or special abilities from Apotropaism or Mediumship, cannot learn Hypnotism, cannot learn Endurance or get Heka from it, usually will not learn Mines & Mining, Speleology, Subterranean Orientation or Necromancy (x2 cost to learn, x? starting STEEP). +5 STEEP to Nature Attunement. Heka Modifications: 2 in 10 chance to get a second trait of Heka. All Elves can use Heka. Special Abilities: No Quirks, +5 BAC With Long Swords, Short Swords and Bows, Sending (as the Mysticism Casting), Presence (as the Awe Charm in Priestcr?ft), have a innate Heka resistance to Sleep and Charm type castings equal to their SPCap, if not wearing metal armor elves can surprise opponents by gaining a - 25% to their die roll, they get an automatic perception roll to notice any secret or hidden doors they pass near and a -1 DR bonus on all other attempts. Disadvantages: Their P Trait Wound Level is 40% of their P Trait and their Critical Level is 15% of their P Trait. Psychology: They do not get along well with Dwarves, or any of the Humanoids, many of whom prefer to eat elf flesh. They have an unhurried attitude on life as they live a very long time, and should be played as such. Dwarves Hill Average Height: 54/53 inches Weight Multiplier: 1.5 MM:+0 MR:+0 PM:+2 PN:-1 SM:+0 SP:+0 Vocation or K/S Area Restrictions: Cannot gain Heka from any heka generating K/S Area except Physical K/S Areas, Religion and Priestcr?ft. Cannot use Castings from Astrology and Mysticism. Cannot use Castings or any special abilities of Mediumship. +5 STEEP in Mines & Mining and Subterranean Orientation. Heka Modifications: All Dwarves get Physical Heka only. Special Abilities: No Quirks , +5 BAC against Goblins, Orcs, Half-Orcs, or Hobgoblins, +20 Dodging Factor when fighting humanoids 9 or more feet tall, Magic Resistant: ?SPPow in Heka Resistance. Disadvantages: Their P Trait Wound Level is 28% of their P Trait and their Critical Level is 11% of their P Trait. Psychology: They do not get along well with Elves, or any of the Humanoids, many of whom prefer to eat dwarf flesh. Dwarves are typically close minded and secretive about their personal lives, they are also notroiously greedy. They never forget a favor or a slight. Comments anyone? If anyone playtests them let me know how it worked out, I have not yet. "The moon was full, I felt empty" - One Dove [W--a--D] at [] <-- Preferably [T--il--s] at [] <-- Reliably Wheaton, Maryland, USA <-- Really