From: "Mr. Mad" <[m l morr 0] at []> Newsgroups: Subject: RESOURCE: NEW SPELLS: From the world of Carthasana Date: 25 Nov 1995 06:54:10 -0500 ************************************************************************* New Spells from Carthasana Thanks to Michael Rudnin for saving it from expiration ************************************************************************* Wildcure (Necromancy, Wild Magic) Level: 1 Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Creature Touched Saving Throw: None This risky spell can, if successful, heal 1 to 9 points of damage that a creature has suffered. But it is also possible for the spell to inflict 1 to 9 points of damage. The caster cannot control the spell's erratic behavior. Roll 2 d10 of different colors when this spell is cast. Designate one as a heal die, the other as a harm die. Highest roll wins, subtract the lower die from the higher. A tie indicates that the spell wasted away without example. Dispel Magic by School (All schools except Wild Magic) Level: 1 Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 30' cube Saving Throw: These spells (there are eight of them, each of which must be learned seperately and memorized seperately) function as Dispel Magic with the exceptions noted above and that each only dispels magic in its school (i.e. dispel illusion magic has no affect on evocation) Spells that exist in multiple schools are unaffected, as are potions (but not scrolls) and magic items. Specialist cast these spells within their school at two levels higher than actual when figuring the chance of dispel. A 3rd level Invoker casting Dispel Evocation Magic will affect the target as if he were a 5th level mage. As a result, nearly all specialist know the version of this spell which exists in their school Yarenic's Flame Pulse (Evocation) Level: 4 Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 20' radius around caster Saving Throw: 1/2 Yarenic employed this spell as a last ditch personal defense, since it often would kill a couple of lackeys along with the target (Not that old Yarenic cared much) The spell is little more than a fireball centered on the caster that DOES NOT HARM HIM. Damage and material components are the same as the 3rd level classic fireball. I have designed nearly 50 different spells for my campaign world, "The Legend of Dark Crown." These are some of the unusual examples. I know that there are hundreds of spells floating out there, but the fun's in the variety. My players have one bit advice to any Wild Mage wanting to use Wildcure - "Make sure you have 'Alternate Reality' handy." -- / \//\:[m l morr 0] at [] \ ////: \MM/ : "Those we love most hurt us most." -- from my book, \/ : Flowers in the Wind.