From: [e--ra--y] at [] Newsgroups: Subject: Dallas Egbert (is this accurate?) Part 1 Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 00:42:47 GMT Hi, I'm a 13 year old whose been playing AD&D for about 2 years now, and now my aunt is trying to tell my dad it's dangerous and that I shouldn't be allowed to play. She told him about a kid who killed himself back in the 1970s at Michigan State University. I've been doing some searching and found this article and I'm wondering if anyone knows how accurate it is. I want to show it to my dad so he doesn't stop me playing. It looks good but is it right? Does anyone know? The Disappearance of James Dallas Egbert III by Shaun Hately ([d--dn--t] at []) In Brief On August 15th 1979, James Dallas Egbert III (known as Dallas Egbert) disappeared from Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Dallas was a 16 year old child prodigy. He was an expert on computers (he had been called in to repair computers for the United States Air Force when he was 12), a Science Fiction and Fantasy fan, and a player of the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. On August 22nd a Texas Private Investigator, Mr William C Dear was called in by Dallas' family in an effort to find the boy. Dallas' uncle, Dr Melvin Gross, knew Mr Dear socially through his sister, who worked for Mr Dear as a secretary. Mr Dear is a celebrated and highly successful Private Investigator, and after speaking to Dallas' parents agreed to take the case. During his investigation he suggested that Dallas may have been involved in some sort of Dungeons & Dragons game that had gone horribly wrong. This theory was widely reported in the press. In 1982 a movie called 'Mazes & Monsters' which bore a superficial resemblance to the case debuted in Cinemas. Many people with vague memories of the Dallas Egbert case assumed the movie was a true story rather than a work of fiction. The media's reports, coupled with this misconception, and the fact that William Dear was prevented from clarifying the case, helped to create the common misconception that Role Playing Games (RPGs) in general, and Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) in particular were in some way dangerous. In 1984, William Dear wrote a book entitled 'The Dungeon Master: The Disappearance of James Dallas Egbert III' in which he presented the facts of the case as he saw them. This book, which forms the basis of my article, was largely ignored by the media and critics of the game. Why Have I Written This Article? The reason is simple. Very few people are aware of the facts behind this case. That is true of both the games critics and its supporters. There are a lot of rumours circulating, most of which can be described only as urban myths. The Dallas Egbert case is only one of the cases which form the basis for the games detractors, but it is the one I am most familiar with. It is also one of the most famous. My qualifications to write this article are simple. The first is simply that I am doing it. Anyone could, and many people could probably do a better job. But there are some reasons why I am writing it. I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons, and its derivatives, for over a decade now. To an extent I understand some of the problems that Dallas faced. There are some similarities between his life and my own. Without going into too much irrelevant detail, I was myself an identified profoundly gifted child, and like Dallas, I suffered from severe depression as an adolescent. Suffice it to say that I believe I may have some knowledge and insight into Dallas that others may not share. Much of the material for this article is drawn from the book mentioned above by William C Dear. This book is becoming increasingly difficult to find, and so I hope this article may, in some way, serve as an introduction to the case for those who do not have the time or inclination to search for a copy of the book. Disclaimer At times in this article I will refer to theories involving possible homosexual child abuse of Dallas. I wish to make clear that I am in no way suggesting that gay men are any more likely to molest children than heterosexual men. Sadly, however, such incidents do occur among both groups. I have no objection to homosexuality or to any supposed 'gay lifestyle'. I do not believe that any form of sexuality is more or less valid than any other. I know that the vast majority of gay men would never harm a child, would never engage in non-consensual sexual activity, and find such concepts every bit as reprehensible as society in general. References to child molestation amongst the gay community in this article are intended to refer to that small proportion who do engage in such activity. This information is presented for the sake of completeness and I apologise sincerely to anyone who is offended by it. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this article accurately reflects the facts in this case. The Facts In This Case Dallas Egbert, aged 16 years, disappeared from his dorm (Case Hall) at Michigan State University on the 15th August 1979, after having had lunch with one of his few friends Karen Coleman. Despite his age, his parents were not notified of his disappearance until the 20th of August. On the 22nd August Mr William Dear was called in by Dallas' uncle, Dr Melvin Gross, and his parents, James and Anna Egbert. Mr Dear immediately dispatched three of his associates to East Lansing, arriving there himself a week later. Dallas was a D&D player. That is not in dispute. It is also not in dispute that students at MSU played games including a 'live action form' of D&D in steam tunnels under the University buildings. It should be pointed out that D&D is not meant to be played in this way, and in fact the students were not playing D&D. That is what they called what they did, and there may well have been elements of D&D in this live action game. But D&D is designed to be played sitting down around a table. It is not designed to be acted out. Versions of RPGs called LARP or LRP (Live Action or Live Role Playing) do exist. They are not D&D however. D&D is one example of a roleplaying game, LARPs are another. To refer to LARPs as Dungeons & Dragons is akin to referring to American Football as Soccer or as Rugby. They are similar. They share some derivations and some principles. But they are separate entities. The facts of Dallas' roleplaying were concentrated on by the media, partly due to the investigative efforts of William Dear. There are other facts to be considered, however, which got nowhere near as much coverage. Dallas was either gay or bisexual. He was also a drug user who used his knowledge of chemistry to manufacture drugs. Let me make it clear that I have no objection to anyone's sexuality. As far as I am concerned it is normally irrelevant to anyone but those directly concerned. I do object to drug use, but am attempting not to let that influence this article. I mention these facts only because they are of relevance in discussing Dallas - certainly as much as the fact he played D&D. Dallas also suffered from severe depression caused or exacerbated by, in the opinion of an MSU psychologist, "parental pressure, criticism, academic pressure, and the failure of all persons to realise that, although Dallas Egbert was a genius, he was socially retardant, and in some respects could be considered mentally retarded." According to Dr Louise Sause, an MSU Professor who specialised in child psychology, the case was an example of "the very costly price asked of some children . . . Their own image becomes one so perfect that they dare not fail to live up to it . . . At the same time, fear of success can become just as great as, or greater than, the fear of failure. It's the constant demand to be star." As an example of this, three days before he disappeared Dallas spoke to his mother, and told her how happy he was to have earned a 3.5 for a computer science course. She told him that he should have got a 4.0. The immediate investigation into Dallas' disappearance uncovered several things in his room. These included a note, suggesting suicide which handwriting analysis said had not been written by Dallas. A collection of poems, part of one (called 'Final Destination') I will quote below as it may give some insight into the character and mindset of Dallas at the time of his disappearance. "Probably a town up ahead, maybe a farm. Probably could make it, wouldn't be too hard. If I can find a reason, then I'll leave the car. At the moment, I just don't know where the reasons are. Whenever I decide there's a place I'd like to be, soon as I can find there's a goal to be achieved, come the time I'm shown that there's something left for me, then I'll go, but until then, I think I'd rather sleep." When William Dear was called in, he learned all of this. He also found a notice board in Dallas room which had a strange arrangement of drawing pins placed into it. Mr Dear was convinced that these pins were some sort of message, perhaps a clue to where Dallas was, or what his intentions had been. Over the course of his investigation he considered several possibilities. 1. the first which gained the most coverage was that the pins were in the shape of a map, possibly of the tunnels under MSU. This was considered possible based on the most prominent part of the design which was L-shaped and bore a distinct resemblance to the old power plant at the school as seen from overhead. 2. the shaped design was also considered to possibly represent a gun, and perhaps an indication of suicide. There were also thirty eight pins, which was considered to possibly represent the calibre of a gun. 3. when it emerged that Dallas used to 'trestle' meaning that he would play chicken with trains on an old trestle bridge near the University, the possibility was considered that the L-shape represented a train and the scattered arrangement of the other pins represented the path of a body hit by a train. 4. an expert on Braille postulated that the pins could represent a Braille message. He worked out a possible translation as being "And for it you braved." Of these four theories, the first three turned out to have some validity. The design was a map. Dallas had attempted to mark all the rooms in the steam tunnels underneath the University, as close to scale as he could manage. The only one he had not marked was the room he intended to hide in. The dichotomy of the L-shape representing a train and a gun had also occurred to him. The message in Braille, however, was a complete coincidence - or rather the expert had tried to find a message that wasn't there and had managed to come up with something, in a similar way to seeing pictures in clouds if you look for them. William Dear is a somewhat unorthodox Detective. He is however a very successful one. At the time of writing his book, he says that he had never failed to locate a missing person. He investigates all possibilities. After reviewing the evidence he considered a number of possibilities. 1. that Dallas had committed suicide. 2. that Dallas had gone into the steam tunnels and been injured or killed. 3. that Dallas was playing a game. He had disappeared for the sole purpose of making people look for him. 4. that Dallas had overdosed on drugs. 5. that Dallas was being held by a gay man or a group of gay men. (Please note: whenever he mentions this theory, he is quick to point out that he is not making generalisations about the gay community in general. It is a sad fact that there are gay child abusers. There are also heterosexual ones. William Dear is not suggesting that the problem is more wide spread among gay men.) 6. that Dallas was being held by people who were using his knowledge of how to make drugs. 7. that Dallas had been kidnapped by some sort of intelligence group to make use of his special talents and intelligence. 8. that Dallas had been murdered. 9. that Dallas had come to identify so much with his D&D character that he believed he was his character. 10. that Dallas had been sent on some sort of a mission by a D&D Dungeon Master (the term used for the arbiter or referee of a D&D game) in order to prove that he was worthy to play in an advanced game. 11. that Dallas had been killed or injured while engaging in some sort of dangerous activity - perhaps trestling. Dear considered some of these theories less likely than others. He seems to have favoured the theories of suicide, being held hostage, murdered, injured in the tunnels, or on some sort of elaborate game. First of all I'm going to deal with the suggestions that do have something to do with D&D as they are the ones I am most interested in. These are theories 3, 9 and 10. Theory 3 indicates that Dallas was playing some sort of game with the police and detectives looking for him. Dear did consider this possible at first. He even thought that it might be an effort to run the ultimate dungeon. He came to discard this theory as the case dragged on as it went on too long to be a game. Theory 9 is a common one used by the anti-D&D groups, and a common misconception held by some people. The simple fact is that becoming this attached to a alter-ego or a persona is a sign of mental disturbance. If a person is at the stage that they cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality, they have a medical problem. Such a problem could not have anything to do with D&D in the first instance. If a person is a player it is possible that they could then become this attached to a character. But if a person is a fan of a television show, and takes on the character of that show as the basis for their own personality, do we then blame television? The cause is internal to the person and a game could not cause this type of medical condition. I should point out that while I accept the possibility of a person becoming this attached to a character, my research has failed to find any case where it is so. A fictional case formed the basis for Rona Jaffe's 'Mazes & Monsters' novel however, and the confusion that lead many people to believe that that book (and the subsequent movie) was a true depiction of the Dallas Egbert case have tended to perpetuate this theory. As to Theory 10, while it might be possible for a sadistic and cruel person to send a 16 year old boy on such a dangerous real-life mission, in order to prove their worth, such actions have more basis in gang cultures than in D&D. Any such action has nothing to do with D&D at all. Besides theory 3, the theories that Mr Dear felt were most likely were, as I have said; suicide, murder, being held hostage, or being injured in the tunnels. He believed suicide was a distinct possibility because of the suicide note (which he felt to be genuine despite the handwriting analysis - he was correct), the depression that was evident from Dallas' poetry and from conversations with those who knew him. However he based his investigation on the assumption that Dallas was alive, as that gave him the best chance to find the boy safely. He considered murder, possibly by drug types, or homosexual child molesters. Again, however, he concentrated primarily on the theories that allowed a hope that Dallas would be recovered alive. Mr Dear did consider the theories that Dallas was being held hostage. He considered it possible that Dallas was being held by a 'chicken hawk' a gay man who used children for his own sexual purposes. Mr Dear attempted to investigate this and when a gay Private Investigator from New York, Mr Don Gillitzer offered his services to assist in the investigation, Mr Dear accepted as Mr Gillitzer had a better chance in that area. Mr Gillitzer's job was to ask questions in the gay community, and if there was a chance anyone was holding Dallas to put pressure on them to release him. The theory that he was being held by drug dealers, for his skills was also investigated. As to Dallas lying injured in the steam tunnels, Michigan State University refused to accept this possibility. They claimed it was impossible for the tunnels to be entered despite evidence to the contrary. Eventually Mr Dear managed to get permission to search the tunnels. He found them to be extremely dangerous and concluded that if Dallas had gone down there, he was not still down there. He found evidence that Dallas had been down there - a blanket, a carton of sour milk, and some cheese and crackers in a small room. Mr Dear was not adverse to using the media to help him, and the Dallas Egbert case was world news. He was faced with a dilemma however. He wanted to keep the drug and sex theories out of the papers for several reasons. The first one was that he didn't want any people holding Dallas to panic and kill him, because they thought the law was closing in. He also wanted to protect Dallas, and Dr and Mrs Egbert as much as possible. For these reasons, he pushed the Dungeons & Dragons theory. In fairness to Mr Dear, his sole interest was the safety of a child. Everything else was secondary, and rightly so. Also the theory was taken seriously by the gaming community. As evidence for this I will quote from The Dragon #30 October, 1979. The Dragon later called Dragon Magazine is the worlds largest selling role playing magazine. It is published by TSR Inc (now part of Wizards of the Coast) who are the publishers of the Dungeons & Dragons family of games. "As I am writing this (11 Sep). DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is getting the publicity that we used to just dream about, back when we were freezing in Gary's basement in the beginning. If we had our 'druthers', it would not have happened in such a fashion. By now, as you read this, I hope the mystery surrounding James Egbert has been happily resolved. Whatever the circumstances of the incident, it has been a nightmare for his parents and family, as well as for TSR Hobbies, Inc. It has been speculated that James was involved in some sort of D&D game that went beyond the realm of pencil and paper roleplaying, and may have mutated into something tragic. D&D was seized upon as a possible connection for a number of reasons. First, James was an avid player. Indeed, I have met him at past conventions and he used to subscribe to TD. Secondly, there was the matter of the pins in the bulletin board, and the speculation that they formed some sort of clue ala a D&D map or clue. Added to this was the fact that the pins possibly resembled the steam tunnel system under James' college, and an anonymous tip that 'live' games had been played out there in the past, as well as other places on the campus. Pictures of the map were sent to TSR, for analysis, with no concrete results. Third, the day of his disappearance was the day prior to GENCON XII, and there have been reports that attendees think that they may have seen him at the con. Sadly registration doesn't show him registered anywhere. Finally, James had an IQ that qualifies him as a genius, and D&D is a very intricate and complex game, appealing to bright people. This was seen as sufficient evidence to link the two, at least in the headlines. Some of the reporting has been every bit as bizarre as the circumstances surrounding the whole affair. The chief detective hired by the parents has made some incorrect statements regarding the game that have only fuelled the controversy and added to the misconceptions surrounding it. Unfortunately, the nature of the incorrect answers has led to sensationalist type speculation. D&D has been described as a cult-like activity, and every editor knows that cults sell papers, or dogfood, in the case of TV. These basic mistakes have linked the supposed method of playing D&D to this disappearance. The detective is quoted as saying, but both UP and AP, "You have a dungeon master - he designs the characters. Someone is put into the dungeon, and it is up to him to get out." He was further quoted as saying that ". . . in some instances when a person plays the game 'you actually leave your body and go out of your mind'". A campus policeman said that dozens of D&D games were being played by "very secretive groups". All of this had been grist for the journalist's mill, and has resulted in some pretty bizarre headlines, all playing on the esoteric aspects of the game, some slanted from the incorrect assumptions. A few choice samples that we have seen here, and only the gods know how many we haven't seen, include "Missing youth could be on adventure game", "Is Missing Student Victim of Game?", "'Intellectual fantasy' results in bizarre disappearance", "Student May Have Lost His Life to Intellectual Fantasy Game", "Student feared dead in 'dungeon'", and more of the like. The most unfortunate consideration here is that all of the supposed link to this unfortunate incident was somehow assumed to exist, when in truth no such link has been proven. No one connected with D&D, from the authors, through the editors, typesetters, proofreaders, down to the final stage, the shippers, ever envisioned anything like this happening. The slightest hint that this game somehow may have cost someone their life is horrifying to each and every one of us. If this is true, and the worst fears are realized when this mystery is resolved, something is drastically wrong. If James is located and all ends happily, the amount of suffering and grief has certainly been disproportionate. If the worst is true, let it serve as a painful and sad lesson to all of us that play games, that games are simply games, meant to be amusing diversion and a way to kill time in a fun fashion, and nothing more. TSR has never ever suggested that D&D was meant to be acted out. How would it be, when half of what makes it so much fun - magic - can not be simulated? This incident could conceivably affect each of you who reads this. If the 'bizarre' tag sticks, all of us should consider the idea that we might meet with scorn, or macabre fascination, or be branded as 'intellectual loonies' in the media. In view of the distortions caused by the media, it may become incumbent now upon all of us to actively seek to correct the misconceptions now formed or forming whenever and wherever possible. For now, we can only hope and pray that James will be located and in good health. No game is worth dying for . . ." - "Dragon Rumbles" by T.J. Kask. The Dragon, October 1979, pages 1, 41. One point may need to be clarified. GenCon is the worlds largest gaming convention. GenCon XII was held at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside on the weekend of August 19, 1979. Despite reports that suggested otherwise Dallas was not at the Convention. A Gaming Convention is exactly what is sounds like. A large number of players of various games, including role playing games meet at a set location and play games. There are organised tournaments as well as a great deal of unorganised and demonstration games. It is very unfortunate that Mr Dear's comments were inaccurate. However it is understandable. In 1979 D&D was still a very new phenomenon. The game had been in commercial existence for less than six years, and was still relatively unknown. Mr Dear had no real knowledge of how it worked and yet his statements, and those of others, were accepted as facts. To Mr Dear's credit, he did make an effort to understand the game. He purchased rulebooks and payed a Dungeon Master to take him through a game. He also enlisted the aid of Mr Cliff Perotti, a published gaming author, and owner of a small gaming company to help him in his investigations when Mr Perotti offered his services. He made genuine attempts to understand how the game was played, if for no other reason than he thought it might help him to understand Dallas. But certainly there are no circumstances in a D&D game where 'you actually leave your body and go out of your mind'. The concept is ridiculous. A D&D game is normally played around a table. You are always physically and mentally at that table. Your character - the persona that you play in the game may range anywhere that the Dungeon Master allows. This is done by the Dungeon Master describing the environment, and by the players stating what their character is doing. The game does not involve any travel of any sort, physical or mental - except perhaps to the refrigerator for another can of Coke. Eventually Mr Dear began to make contact with several people who stated that they knew where Dallas was. These contacts took the form of anonymous phone calls which told him that if he left Michigan they would help him find Dallas. When these people provided him with evidence of their claims he decided to return to Texas. Because his fellow Private Detectives (three men who worked with him as well as New York Investigator Don Gillitzer) were apparently known to the anonymous caller they withdrew as well, leaving Cliff Perotti, a 19 year old games designer, as his only person on the ground in East Lansing. After Mr Dear was back in Texas, a woman named Cindy Hulliberger made contact with Mr Perotti and said that she knew where Dallas was. She set up a meeting between Mr Perotti and a man who she said would leave them to Dallas. This first meeting did not go ahead because a police car passed by at an inopportune moment and by the time the meeting did take place the following night, one of William Dear's men Mr Jim Hock was back in Lansing. The initial meeting was with a Michael Barnes who took Mr Hock and Mr Perotti to see a man named Archibald Horn. Mr Horn admitted freely that he was gay, and had had teenage boys in his apartment. He denied knowing Dallas and he demanded that Mr Hock and Mr Perotti leave. They did so. Later that same night (actually early the following morning) Dallas Egbert telephoned William Dear. Over the course of that day, Dallas phoned several more times and finally revealed his location - Morgan City, Louisiana. Mr Dear charted a Lear Jet, and along with two of his associates, Mr Frank Lambert and Mr Dick Riddle flew to Morgan City where they recovered Dallas. He was released into the custody of his Uncle, Dr Melvin Gross at 8.30 PM that evening September 13 1979. (continued in part 2) -----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading