From: [s--pp--l] at [] (Shannon Appel) Newsgroups: Subject: LIST: ToTRM Followup-To: Date: 20 Aug 1995 13:00:04 -0400 THE TALES OF THE REACHING MOON INDEX VERSION 1.21 [issues 1-12] by Shannon Appel ([a--p--l] at []) HISTORY In the Summer of 1989, David Hall, Brian Duguid and Matthew Tudor published the first issue of the British RQ fanzine, Tales of the Reaching Moon. It was clearly a fanzine, somewhat amateur, but full of lots of fun Gloranthan material. The layout and content of Tales of the Reaching Moon improved after issue one, and shortly it became an international magazine. Issue 4 was produced in Australia, and currently ToTRM is easily available in all of Europe, New Zealand, Australia and the US. The current issues of Tales of the Reaching Moon are of very high quality. Starting with issue 12, ToTRM has been covered with beautiful full-color artwork. CONTACT INFO The current subscription information for Tales of the Reaching Moon is available for FTP from in the directory /pub/runequest/totrm. THEME ISSUES #5 Humakti Special #7 HeroQuest Special #8 The Chaos Feature #10 Sea Special #11 Pamaltela: Great Southern Land A NOTE ON ORGANIZATION Almost exclusively, Tales of the Reaching Moon is a magazine about the game RuneQuest and the world of Glorantha. Thus, the majority of this index is an organization of Gloranthan RuneQuest topics. At the end of this index is an APPENDIX, where notes on non-Gloranthan articles are included. +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This index is Copyright 1994-5 Shannon Appel. It may be freely | | distributed provided that no money is charged whatsoever for its | | distribution. | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ADVENTURES Misc: Ancestor Quest, by Jon Quaife #3 pg 14-22 Legitimus Lightfinger's Circus of Wonders, by Steve Thomas #5 pg 27-28 [Also See: HEROQUESTS] ADVENTURES, GENERTELA Dragon Pass, Sartar, Misc: Hop Wars, by David Hall #2 pg 22-23 Dragon Pass, Sartar, Boldhome: Boldgate, by Brian Duguid #1 pg 17 Dragon Pass, Sartar, Lismelder Tribe: The Old Hare's Riddle, by Jon Quaife #7 pg 38-46 Dragon Pass, Tarsh, Misc: Three Ribbons and Five Chambers, by Mark Galeotti #6 pg 4-6 Lunar Empire, Misc: Lunar Dart Competitions, by Greg Stafford #6 pg 43-44 Queen Ogzag's Hall, by Jon Quaife #12 pg 40-46 Lunar Empire, Aggar Kingdom, Misc: Dog Fight at Picnic Rock #2 pg 24-25 Maniria, Wenelia: Huts of Darkness, by Michael O'Brien #9 pg 20-32 Prax, Northern, Adari: The War of Jarric's Ear, by David Hall #1 pg 16-17 Prax, Pavis County, Garhound: Melisande's Hand, by Michael O'Brien #4 pg 19-27 Prax, Sacred Prax: All at Sea, Ashore!, by Ian Gorlick #10 pg 21-23 Prax, Wastes: Niall's Revenge, by Michael O'Brien #9 pg 39-41 Stony Bones, by Michael O'Brien #8 pg 31-33 ADVENTURES, PAMALTELA Misc: Veldt Trek, by Paul Reilly #11 pg 31-37 Jolar: Three Women Dancing Dreaming, by John & Philippa Hughes #11 pg 38-48 ADVENTURES, SEAS Misc: The Barren Isle, by Jon Quaife & Steve Thomas #10 pg 34-47 Storms in the Deep, by Gary Billen #10 pg 9-14 ADVICE Players, Combat: Staying Alive, by Mark Morrison #2 pg 7 BACKGROUND Misc: Notes from Nochet #4 pg 9+ Notes from Nochet #5 pg 5+ Notes from Nochet #6 pg 9+ Notes from Nochet #8 pg 10+ Notes from Nochet #9 pg 8+ Notes from Nochet #10 pg 5+ Notes from Nochet #11 pg 9+ Notes from Nochet #12 pg 12+ Art: Gloranthan Art, by Brian Duguid #1 pg 12-14 Food: Seven Favourite Foods, by Tom Duttar #6 pg 8-9 Games: Games Gloranthans Play, by Mark Holsworth #4 pg 12+ Organizations, Cults: [See CULTS] Plants: Flora Chaotica, by Misc #8 pg 47-48 Mirrorweed, by Eric Rowe #10 pg 23 Plants, by Eric Rowe #12 pg 32-33 Water Gourds, by Eric Rowe #11 pg 14 BACKGROUND, GEOGRAPHICAL, GENERTELA Dragon Pass, Sartar, Misc: Hearth Warming, by Brian Duguid #1 pg 18 The Sartarite Tribes Map, by Walter Moore #6 pg 7 Dragon Pass, Sartar, Lismelder Tribe: The Greydog Inn, by Jon Quaife and David Hall #5 pg 3-5 The Old Hare's Riddle, by Jon Quaife #7 pg 38-46 Lunar Empire, Misc, Art: Gloranthan Art, by Brian Duguid #1 pg 12-14 Vivisculpture, by Michael O'Brien #4 pg 11+ Lunar Empire, Misc, Organizations, Misc: Monks of Alkoth, by Brian Duduid #2 pg 14 Lunar Empire, Misc, Organizations, Military: The Emperor's Spoken Word, by Matthew Tudor #1 pg 8-10 Gordayan, by Jason Prince #8 pg 34-35 Light of Action, by David Hall #2 pg 4-6 Lunar Empire, Glamour: Glamour, by Chris Gidlow #12 pg 13 Maniria, Holy Country, Misc, Plants: Mirrorweed, by Eric Rowe #10 pg 23 Maniria, Holy Country, Nochet: Furious Faction Fighting, by Trevor Ackley #4 pg 6-7 Notes from Nochet, by MOB & David Hall #4 pg 7-8 Maniria, Holy Country, Sky Reaches: The Sky Reach Springs, by David Hall #4 pg 4-5 Pent, Misc: Games Gloranthans Play, by Mark Holsworth #4 pg 12+ A Pentian Cosmology, by Mark Holsworth #3 pg 23 Prax, Misc, Introduction: Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #6 pg 36-39 Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #8 pg 36-39 Prax, Misc, Nomads: Nomad Clans, by John Coates #1 pg 4-6 Prax, Misc, Plants: Flora Chaotica, by Misc #8 pg 47-48 Prax, Grantlands, Introduction: Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #5 pg 30-34 Prax, Northern, Adari: Adari, by Oliver Dickinson #3 pg 6-7 Prax, Pavis, New City: The Brotherhood of Beggars #4 pg 30-32 Rent-a-Rogue, by Trevor Ackerly & Michael O'Brien #8 pg 46 Prax, Pavis County, Garhound: The Garhound Contest, by Michael O'Brien & Philip Anderson (1) #4 pg 15-18 Prax, Sun County, Introduction: Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #3 pg 8-11 Ralios, Lankst: Windy Hill, by Patrik Sandberg #12 pg 36-39 BACKGROUND, GEOGRAPHICAL, PAMALTELA Misc, Doraddi: "Blood is Stronger than Death", by John Hughes #11 pg 5-10 Introduction: Pamaltela: A Visitor's Guide, by Chaosium #11 pg 27-30 Pamaltelan Poulation Statistics #11 pg 55 Jolar, Misc, Plants: Water Gourds, by Eric Rowe #11 pg 14 Jolar, Introduction: Jolar, by Greg Stafford #11 pg 11-14 BACKGROUND, GEOGRAPHICAL, SEAS Misc: The Fireberg Epic, by Greg Stafford #10 pg 8 Misc, Organizations: The Wolf Pirates, by Greg Stafford #10 pg 6-8 Introduction: The Oceans of Glorantha, by Greg Stafford (1) #10 pg 28-32 (1) Originally printed in BREAKOUT #34 BACKGROUND, HISTORICAL Misc: Reflections on the Red Goddess, by Phil O' Connor #12 pg 34-35 First Age, Councilic: Fragment 1645, by Greg Stafford #7 pg 8-9 CAMPAIGN DESIGN Rumours: Rumours #1 pg 19 Rue Mores #2 pg 21 Rumours #3 pg 26 Rumours #4 pg 22 Rumours #5 pg 37 Rumours #6 pg 20 Rumours #8 pg 24 Rumours #9 pg 19 Rumours #10 pg 27 Rumours #11 pg 52 Rumours #12 pg 46 [Also See: HEROQUESTS] CREATURES Misc: Hayward the Pickled Onion, by David Hall #1 pg 7 Misc, Chaos: Coven of Five, Part 1, by Jean Fiquo #8 pg 15-20 Coven of Five, Part 2, by Eric Q. Bogwort #9 pg 13-17 Chaotic Feature Competition, by Oliver DIckinson #9 pg 18-19 The Crimson Bat, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #8 pg 25-28 Gordayan, by Jason Prince #8 pg 34-35 Lunar Empire: The Crimson Bat, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #8 pg 25-28 Gordayan, by Jason Prince #8 pg 34-35 CULTS Misc, Full Cult Writeups: Caladra & Aurelion, by Chuck Huber #7 pg 23-29 The Cannibals, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #9 pg 33-34 Crimson Bat, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #8 pg 25-28 Dormal, by Chaosium #10 pg 15-17 Gagarth, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #4 pg 9-10+ Geo, by Greg Stafford #3 pg 12-13 Granite Phalanx #12 pg 28-31 Humakt, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #5 pg 22-25 Magasta, by Chaosium #10 pg 24-27 Maran Gor, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #6 pg 12-14 Pamalt #11 pg 15-18 Chaos, Misc: Gods of Terror, by Greg Stafford #8 pg 5-8 What the Broo Priest Says, by Chaosium #8 pg 4 Chaos, Misc, Daemons: Coven of Five, Part 1, by Jean Fiquo #8 pg 15-20 Coven of Five, Part 2, by Eric Q. Bogwort #9 pg 13-17 Chaos, Crimson Bat: The Cult of the Crimson Bat, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #8 pg 25-28 Chaos, Ulforg: The Spirit Cult of Ulforg, by Michael O'Brien & Jon Quaife #8 pg 29-30 Earth, Misc: The Broken Earth, by Steve Gilham #6 pg 15 Earth-sister Cults, by Steve Gilham #6 pg 17-18 What the Earth Sister Says, by Steve Gilham #6 pg 17 Earth, Caladra & Aurelion: The Cult of Caladra & Aurelion, by Chuck Huber #7 pg 23-29 Earth, Maran Gor: The Cults of Maran Gor, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #6 pg 12-14 Lunar, City Gods: Glamour, by Chris Gidlow #12 pg 13 Lunar, Crimson Bat: The Cult of the Crimson Bat, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #8 pg 25-28 Lunar, Granite Phalanx: The Cult of Granite Phalanx #12 pg 28-31 Lunar, Red Goddess: Reflections on the Red Goddess, by Phil O' Connor #12 pg 34-35 Orlanthi, Gagarth: The Cult of Gagarth, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #4 pg 9-10+ Orlanthi, Geo: The Cult of Geo, by Greg Stafford #3 pg 12-13 Orlanthi, Humakt: The Cult of Humakt, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #5 pg 22-25 Esprit de Corps, by Michael O'Brien #5 pg 21 Indrodar Greydog, by David Hall #5 pg 26 A Matter of Honour, by Misc #5 pg 41-42 Swords & Sorcery, by Michael O'Brien & Rudy Kraft #5 pg 15-16 Orlanthi, Maran Gor: The Cults of Maran Gor, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #6 pg 12-14 Orlanthi, Orlanth: Windy Hill, by Patrik Sandberg #12 pg 36-39 Orlanthi, Storm Bull: Men of Storm Bull, by Mark Robins #8 pg 11 Storm Bull Psychology, by Simon Campey #8 pg 9-10 Pamaltelan, Misc: The Gods of Pamaltela, by Chaosium #11 pg 19-20 The Power Rune #11 pg 4 Pamaltelan, Keraun: Keraun and the Charnjibber, by Finula McCaul #11 pg 36 Pamaltelan, Pamalt: The Cult of Pamalt #11 pg 15-18 Origins of Kinship, by John Hughes #11 pg 10 The Power Rune #11 pg 4 Sons of the Totem, Daughters of the Dream, by John Hughes #11 pg 20-22 Praxian, Cannibals: The Cult of the Cannibals, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #9 pg 33-34 Praxian, Gagarth: The Cult of Gagarth, by Greg Stafford & Sandy Petersen #4 pg 9-10+ Praxian, Raven: Raven's Stepladder, by Scott Schneider #12 pg 59 Praxian, Revenant: Cult of Revenant, by Michael O'Brien & Neil Todd #9 pg 36-38 Praxian, Storm Bull: Men of Storm Bull, by Mark Robins #8 pg 11 Storm Bull Psychology, by Simon Campey #8 pg 9-10 Praxian, Ulforg: The Spirit Cult of Ulforg, by Michael O'Brien & Jon Quaife #8 pg 29-30 Seas, Misc: The Gods of the Sea Pantheon #10 pg 49-51 What the Merpriestess Says #10 pg 48-49 Seas, Dormal: The Cult of Dormal, by Chaosium #10 pg 15-17 Seas, Magasta: The Cult of Magasta, by Chaosium #10 pg 24-27 EQUIPMENT Magic Items, Misc: Swords & Sorcery, by Michael O'Brien & Rudy Kraft #5 pg 15-16 Unicorn Horn, by David Hall #1 pg 14 Magic Items, Praxian: Raven's Stepladder, by Scott Schneider #12 pg 59 Ships: War Fleets of Glorantha, by Greg Stafford (1) #10 pg 18-20 (1) Originally appeared in HEROES VI.2 and VI.3 FICTION Misc: Things That Love Night, Part 1, by Alan LaVergne #12 pg 48-58 Background, Genertela, Dragon Pass, Sartar, Misc: Dafergrickery, by Matthew Tudor #1 pg 20-21 Background, Genertela, Dragon Pass, Sartar, Dragon's Past: Assault on the Isle of the Dead, by Greg Stafford (1) #5 pg 29 The Dissolution of the Temple of the Wooden Sword, by Greg Stafford (2) #5 pg 6 Background, Genertela, Dragon Pass, Sartar, Lismelder Tribe: Corwen's Saga, by Steve Thomas #6 pg 32-33 Background, Genertela, Lunar: Wyvern Child, by Penelope Love #12 pg 10-12 Background, Genertela, Prax, Misc: Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #6 pg 36-39 Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #8 pg 36-39 Background, Genertela, Prax, Grantlands, Misc: Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #5 pg 30-34 Background, Genertela, Prax, Pavis, Misc: A Tale of Woe, by Scott Schneider #12 pg 18-19 Background, Genertela, Prax, Pavis, Griselda: Carving up Carver, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #6 pg 44-47 Devil's Play, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #8 pg 49-51 The Hero Bit, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #7 pg 49-51 Holding the Baby, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #4 pg 40-43 This Love Business, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #5 pg 43-45 Red Hot, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #9 pg 44-48 Serious Money, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #3 pg 27-32 Wolfhead's Story, by Oliver Dickinson (3) #2 pg 28-30 Background, Genertela, Prax, Pavis County, Misc: Lwezichwe's Tale, by David Dunham #4 pg 33-35 Background, Genertela, Prax, Sun County: Grand Gazetteer of Prax, by Michael O' Brien #3 pg 8-11 Background, Pamaltela, Jolar, Misc: Aran, ara Dreaming, by John Hughes #11 pg 23-26 Cults, Orlanth: A Hard Landing, by Michael O'Brien #10 pg 33 HeroQuest, Humakt: Alebard's Quest, by Bill Keyes (4) #5 pg 35-37 HeroQuest, Orlanth: Fragment 1645, by Greg Stafford #7 pg 8-9 Races, Ducks: Soup, by Matthew Tudor #2 pg 8-9 Races, Trolls: Furnishing for Effect, by John Coates #1 pg 18 (1) Originally appeared in Dragons Past #8. Reprinted in WYRMS FOOTPRINTS (Chaosium, #4501) as "Temple of the Wooden Sword" (2) Originally appeared in Dragons Past #9. Reprinted in WYRMS FOOTPRINTS (Chaosium, #4501) as "Temple of the Wooden Sword" (3) Reprinted in THE COLLECTED GRISELDA (4) Originally appeared in Dragons Past #7 HEROQUESTS Misc: Glorantha: The Game, by David Hall #7 pg 34-35 The Whole World in Your Hands, by Mike Dawson #7 pg 12-14 Campaign Design: Designing HeroQuests, by Steve Marsh #7 pg 5 HeroQuesting Basics, by Steve Marsh #7 pg 20-22 Heroes, by Simon Phipp #2 pg 10-11 Campaign Design, Questlines: Pt 1, "There is Always Another Way", by John Hughes #12 pg 14-17 Quest, Ancestor, Snorri: The Old Hare's RIddle, by Jon Quaife #7 pg 38-46 Quest, Aldrya: Golden Barge HeroQuest, by Steve Gilham #4 pg 28 Quest, Caladra & Aurelion: Heroquests of the Twins, by Chuck Huber #7 pg 29-31 Quest, Humakt: Five Foes, by David Hall #2 pg 12-13 Quest, Odalya: The Blue Boar HeroQuest, by David Dunham #7 pg 32-33 The Silver Fox Quest, by David Hall #7 pg 6-7 Quest, Storm Bull: Berserkergang Path, by Sandy Petersen #7 pg 16-19 Rules, (Un)Official Questions & Answers: The HeroQuest Quiz, by Sandy Petersen #7 pg 14-15 The HeroQuest Quiz, by Greg Stafford #7 pg 10-11 INTERVIEWS Petersen, Sandy #9 pg 5-11 Stafford, Greg #5 pg 7-14 MAGIC Rune Magic: One-Use Rune Magic, by Nick Brooke #12 pg 9 Runepower, by David Cheng #12 pg 4-8 Runes: The Power Rune #11 pg 4 Spirit Magic: Folk Magic, by Sandy Petersen (1) #6 pg 19-20 [Also See HEROQUESTS] (1) Originally appeared in SPACE GAMER magazine META Misc: Inspiration?, by Michael O'Brien #6 pg 30-31 One Vision, by Brian Duguid #6 pg 10-11 Ruined-Quest?, by the Tales Staff #5 pg 17-20 NPCS Lunar Empire, Misc: Red Emperor, by Greg Stafford #8 pg 13-14 Pent, Misc: Circle of Death, by Mark Holsworth #4 pg 13-14 Prax, Pavis, New City: Rent-a-Rogue, by Trevor Ackerly & Michael O'Brien #8 pg 46 RACES Baboons, Misc: Baboons, by Lewis Jardine #2 pg 16-18 Broos, Misc: Broo Society, by Mark Holsworth & David Hall #8 pg 21-24 What the Broo Priest Says, by Chaosium #8 pg 4 Ducks, Misc: Quack!, by Brian Duguid #1 pg 10-11 Quirk!, by Matthew Tudor #1 pg 11 Soup, by Matthew Tudor #2 pg 8-9 Elves, Misc: Elves, by Jon Quaife #2 pg 19-21 Humans, Doraddi: "Blood is Stronger than Death", by John Hughes #11 pg 5-10 Trolls, Misc: Furnishing for Effect, by John Coates #1 pg 18 Trolls, Games: Live Action Troll Ball, by John Hughes #8 pg 40-41 RULES Official Questions & Answers, Sun County: Sun County Errata #9 pg 12 Combat, Mass: Warhamster, by Sandy Petersen #12 pg 20-27 Skills: Battle Skill, by Greg Stafford (1) #6 pg 11 Skill, by Lewis Jardine #2 pg 15 Training, by Micael O'Brien #4 pg 36-37 Statistics: Fighting Fat, by Bill Nock #2 pg 15 Training, by Micael O'Brien #4 pg 36-37 Variant: Pendragon Pass, by David Dunham #6 pg 22-24+ RuneDragon, by Walter Moore #6 pg 25-27 (1) Originally appeared in DIFFERENT WORLDS #28 PREVIEWS Avalon Hill: Sun County #8 pg 12 REVIEWS Avalon Hill: Box 8: Glorantha #1 pg 22 Box 11: Elder Secrets of Glorantha #3 pg 33-34 Dorastor, Land of Doom #11 pg 53-54 Shadows on the Borderlands #10 pg 4-5 Chaosium: King of Sartar #8 pg 34-35 Oriflam: French RuneQuest #6 pg 18 ****************************** * APPENDIX I * * NON-GLORANTHAN RQ ARTICLES * ****************************** BACKGROUND Daughters of Darkness: The Chronicles of Khafre-Menes, by Robert B. Innes #6 pg 34-35