From: [n--kl--n] at [] (Nick Leaning) Newsgroups: Subject: REFERENCE: Part 2 of Australian Realms mag index Date: 15 Mar 1995 17:30:42 -0500 AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 11 PUBLISHED FOR May/June 1993 WEREWOLF: THE APOCALYPSE POSTER - Freebie supplied by White Wolf.Aaaarrrrrooooooo!!!! TESSA, GOLD RUSH - Conclusion to the Unae mini-campaign. The idyllic island of Tessa, threatened with destruction as gold fever takes control, undergoes rebirth IF the players succeed. Set in the Kramer Confederation. SHADOWRUN IN AUSTRALIA, Part V - Marega, the covert Aboriginal organisation exposed. BEDLAM - Short fantasy-horror scenario set on the wild moors where an old sanatorium is haunted by terrible secrets (what else!) Suitable for Ravenloft and Call of Cthulhu. CURSE OF AOT - Plot hooks for Vampire:The Masquerade, where Kindred meets Mummy in Italy. BLOOD CIRCLE - Dark Sun gladiatorial lore for AD&D. THE KRAMER CONFEDERATION - The first major Unae source article. The history, politics, geography, economics and current intrigues of this trading confederation of city-states. Laced with plot hooks and adventure ideas. Good source material for running the Tessa mini-campaign. RAISING THE STONES - Alan Ogden gives advice on recycling old adventures. Environmentally unfriendly? AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 12 PUBLISHED FOR Jul/Aug 1993 VANGRE BELOW - City-based scenario, set in Vangre, the largest city of the Kramer Confederation (Unae). Vangre is a living city of political intrigue, merchants manouevring for position, an aggressive Church and citizens struggling to make a living. And beneath them all lies the Undercity. Has become the focal point of many Unae campaigns. WHAT'S UP, CHUMMER - An interview with Tom Dowd, Shadowrun chief developer (until very recently, we're told). A NEW KIT BAG - Unofficial AD&D character kits - the convict, athlete, conspirator and knave. SECOND SKIN - Powered Armour for Cyberpunk 2020. STALKING THE NIGHT ALONE - Vampire NPC & adventure hooks. OGRE CLANS - More Unae campaign background material (will become essential information for events about to be detailed in issues 23 to 25...). Unae is a living campaign, each two months of "real time" sees history progressing in Unae. We have plotted the main threads of the campaign through for the next five years. One of these threads is due to unravel in issue 23. SHADOWRUN SHADOWFILES - Extract from FASA's Corporate Sourcebook. CHURCH OF BAIMIOPIA - Unae campaign material, detailing the Heletian League's most influential church. The dogmatic Church of Baimiopia is enemy to all Kults of the Horned God and the scourge of the Cabal (the underground league of mages). AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 13 PUBLISHED FOR Sept/Oct 1993 GREATER BAIMIOPIA - Unae further detailed. The kingdom of Greater Baimiopia is the largest of the Heletian states in the region of Unae called Dormetia. Greater Baimiopia is ruled by a royal family of ancient standing, but the Church of Baimiopia has a stong hold on the spiritual lives of the populace. Church and State are headed for difficult times as their respective heads (King Giovanni and Benefice Verocchio) come to the end of their long and eventful lives. WAY OF THE WOLF - Stewart Wieck interview (co-founder of White Wolf Games). KAXXA G'ZIRA - An island scenario and setting for Al Qadim. Was not Aladdin an excellent movie? JARMA'S ROAD - An introductory plot hook for the Earthdawn role-playing game. PLOTTING DOOM - Advice for referees new to the task. ROAD TO HELL - A BattleTech short story. HI ALTITUDE - Cyberpunk 2020 gets lofty with personal flightpacks. Rocketeers with attitude. A WOMAN'S SCORN - Escaping stereotypes. The first of our articles on the role of women in role-playing games. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 14 PUBLISHED FOR Nov/Dec 1993 DICE ARE DEAD SPECIAL - Sixteen pages of Australian Play By Mail coverage. LONELY CHILD - A low level fantasy adventure within the Unae campaign. The plot involves escorting a young Prabesk (Arab) boy back to his widowed father. This involves a sea voyage and complications on their arrival. Introducing the players to the exotic land of Evora. BARSAIVE - A preview excerpted from the upcoming (at the time) Earthdawn campaign boxed set. From FASA Corp. PIECEMEAL - Suggested optional rules for introducing piecemeal armour in the Dark Sun setting for AD&D. CYBERPETS - Chromed creatures for Cyberpunk 2020. The attack dolphin has to be seen to be believed. THE NAMARODO - An Australian Clan for Vampire (unofficial, before "Rage Across Australia"). EVORA - Evora was given to the Prabesk by a grateful king of Greater Baimiopia. The industrious merchant settlers have transformed Evora into one of the jewels in the crown of Dormetia. But here, the Cabal are welcomed, a dangerous policy within the shut-minded Heletian League. THE RED LINE OF REALITY - Shadowrun, some common sense security measures for harassed referees. FACING THE CONSEQUENCES - Alan Ogden explores the area of unruly players and what the law in your campaign can do about them. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 15 PUBLISHED Jan/Feb 1994 STRANGLEHOLD - A Shadowrun scenario set in Western Australia (home of Australian Realms).See what we've done to our backyard. NIGHTSTALKERS! - Unofficial character kits for Ravenloft (occult investigator, vagabond, vistani rover, monastic monk, fiend hunter, and the seer). MAD LUDWIG'S CASTLE - An interview with Mike Pondsmith, creator of Castle Falkenstein and other wonders. HELL HATH NOT FURY - A much-requested sequel to A Woman's Scorn (see issue 13). KULTIST! - From the darker places of Unae crawl the out-lawed Kults of the Horned God. Source article. EPIC TYRANNIDS - Space Marine rules for Tyrannids and datacards.You saw it first in Realms... Games Workshop should catch up eventually! SO, YOU WANNA BE... - Some suggested Unae character kits and careers designed for play with AD&D and WHFRP. HERE BE DRAGONS - Alan Ogden offers some useful mapping tips and techniques for all fantasy RPGs. IF PAIN PERSISTS - A secret society for use with Mage:The Ascension. Cruel and arcane. COMSTAR REPORT - For BattleTech, the latest intelligence report from those who know... AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 16 PUBLISHED FOR Mar/Apr 1994 THE AMAZONS - A historical reference article on these famous warrior women. Includes ideas for using Amazons in your game. WARRIOR'S WHINE - An old hand mourns the passing of the 1st Edition AD&D. Humorous nostalgia. LONE STAR - A preview of the Lone Star sourcebook for Shadowrun (Tom Dowd). SIGNAL CLOSE ACTION - New rules and tips for Games Workshop's Man O' War game set on the high seas. FLETLAND - The dark and bitter history of the Flets revealed, for Unae. Another of the eight Heletian League states, Fletland is home to the miserable Flets who have long suffered at the hands of the elves of Wair Rae. THE HANDS OF POWER - Seven new and quirky magic items forAD&D. Mighty Mitts of Mauling indeed! CYBERSLAVES - Scenario suggestions and new equipment for Cyberpunk 2020. Inspired by "The Fortress". PLOTTING HELP - The NPC: a great refereeing tool discussed. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 17 PUBLISHED FOR May/Jun 1994 THE GREATER GOOD - Unae short fiction. Wherein a pair of lumber-men learn a precious lesson in the difference between good and evil - your point of reference. OSSARD I - An alarming letter from the elven charlatan, Forwao. A foretaste of things to come in Unae. GARGOYLE HIVES - A look at the hive cities of the gargoyles - more fascinating source material for the Unae dark fantasy campaign world. And a great location for adventure. DOOM & DEEDS OF GLORY - How to get the best out of the Elric! game. Written by Richard Watts. THE MASQUERADE - A look at the art of freeform or live action role-playing in Australia (the home of the artform?). PERSONALISED POWER - Variant spell specialisations for the AD&D game. New ways to add colour to your wizard character. FISTS OF FIRE & STONE - A warrior-monk class for Dark Sun. MELDERS - New cyber-evolved types for Cybergeneration. FORGOTTEN BEASTS - Old favourite critters adapted to the new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle - direwolves, giant bats, mammoths, tolls, giant frogs and toads. NOT 200 TONS AGAIN - Adding spice to your BattleTech scenarios by factoring in campaign objectives. MONSTER GALLERY - the Kalraith Dragon, from Unae. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 18 PUBLISHED FOR Jul/Aug 1994 SHADOWRUN POSTER - Where man meets magic and machine. Courtesy of FASA. Special thanks to Jill Lucas. FRIENDLY GUISE - the winner of our scenario competition. Set on the slopes of the Heletian Spine, a mountain range bordering Greater Baimiopia, this adventure puts the players in a delicate situation. "When evil comes a-calling, it wears a friendly guise." - Vespesia, the Heletite, 365EK THE DOOR IS OPEN - A first-up and favourable look at the fantastic Planescape setting for AD&D. This setting should have been done years ago when they released the superb "Manual of the Planes". DANCING IN THE DARK - How to maximise the special mood and atmosphere of Vampire: The Masquerade. Roleplaying. THREAT RATINGS - Tom Dowd gives a sneak preview of the Shadowrun Lone Star sourcebook. BURVOY - Unae campaign source article. This fiercely independent human nation has stood for near on five centuries, but it has a past beyond that. You see, like the Prabesk of Evora, the Burvois come originally from across the Tempestus Sea. Most chivalric of all the Heletian League states, this is a good frontier area for adventurers. OSSARD II - King Giovanni and Benefice Verrocchio react to the kult madness rife in Ossard. More dire warnings. CLOTHES MAKETH THE WOMAN - a guide to sensible dressing for female adventurers. Written with a sense of style and humour by Karen Ogden. POISONS AND VENOMS OF THE FORGOTTEN REALMS - this is the article that landed Australian Realms in hot water with big brother. After this we received the polite but firm "Cease & Desist" letter from TSR Inc. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 19 PUBLISHED FOR Sep/Oct 1994 THE ABBEY - A follow-up adventure to Bedlam. This fantasy- horror scenario is set in a secluded abbey where lust for power has summoned an aspect of the Horned God (Unae). One of our better scenarios. Scary plus. SOUND AND FURY - Vital elements for White Wolf's game of hip horror, Vampire: The Masquerade. BLACK DEATH - Historical perspectives on the real horror of the bubonic plague. Includes role-playing applications for using the plague as a plot device in your frp campaign. SHADOWRUN AUSTRALIA - An update on the status of the upcoming sourcebook. OSSARD III - King Giovanni of Greater Baimiopia learns of the disasters in Ossard. War draws nigh in Unae. CHILDREN OF GENERATION X - New yogangers for Cybergeneration - Culties and Einsteins. D.I.Y. DUNGEONS - Alan Ogden suggests how and where to find inspiration and ideas for designing your own adventure scenarios. A WORD WITH ELMINSTER - Interview with Ed Greenwood of Forgotten Realms fame. There was an poor joke going around the hobby shops when Australian Realms first appeared that Australia *was* the Forgotten Realm. THE BATTLE OF THE CARDS - A comparative review - Spellfire versus Magic:The Gathering. See which we rated the highest. A-TEAM MAGIC MAYHEM - A humourous look at some unlikely magic items from the perpetrators of some of the wildest role-playing cliches you ever saw. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 20 PUBLISHED FOR Nov/Dec 1994 WRAITH POSTER - It is very dark and grim... like the game. Yo! Thanks to Keith Winkler and White Wolf Games. THE HEAT OF WAR - BattleTech short fiction. DOOMED CITY - A city-based adventure set in the dark fantasy campaign world of Unae. The Ossard thread reaches its climax. As the chaotic forces at work in the Heletian city-state tear each other apart and the elves of Wair Rae invade to take control, the players are sent into the city to retrieve a holy artifact of the Church of Baimiopia. HEROIC WOMEN - A look at two women of history - Boudiccea and Joan of Arc and how they can be used as role models. Another in our successful series focusing on the female gender in role-playing. WHAT TO PACK IN YOUR BACKPACK - How to article advising newbies what to have their PC buy to begin adventuring with. CASTELL HARLECH - Historical inspiration for role-players in this magnificent Welsh castle. APOCALYPSE HERE - The World of Darkness comes to the Land of the Never Never. Kick-starting a storyteller campaign. SHADOWRUN AUSTRALIA - Adventure hooks to get your 'runners Downunder. AUSTRALIAN REALMS ISSUE NUMBER 21 PUBLISHED FOR Jan/Feb 1995 (current) DARK ELDAR - Army lists and background for Dark Eldar in Warhammer 40,000. AusRealms beats GW to the punch yet again! THE LONELY HALLS OF HRA KURBAN - Old-fashioned "dungeon-bash" adventure which also doubles as a "how to". Our staff writers (the Unae Project team) explain their adventure desig techniques whilst detailing an underground roadway. The players are pursued by an orc warband and seek shelter in the Lonely Halls of Hra Kurban where life gets even tougher for them. THE ART OF COMBAT - Combat is the meat and drink of a lot of role-players, but too often it is reduced to boring game mechanics. Alan Ogden talks about how to manage and run RPG combat effectively whilst maintaining the pace and tone of the ADVENTURE. MAGIC IN UNAE - Important source article for the Realms campaign world explaining how we see magic working in Unae. THE DORMETIAN CABAL - The cabal is many things, but above all it is a growing power in Dormetia, and the plans of the Cabal must be understood if you wish to survive as a mage in this "magic-poor" world. FAITHS OF DORMETIA - Whence priests, shamans and holy warriors draw their power in the Unae campaign world. SHUFFLING THE DECK - Variant rules for enjoying Wizards of the Coast phenomenal Magic:The Gathering card game. Yup, the fever has hit Oz! THE TWOCLUB: A nightclub with a difference. Adventure hooks for Cyberpunk and Shadowrun. The editorial staff at Australian Realms always appreciate feedback, so if you have some comments to make about this Index please either post them or forward them to us at one of the following addresses: Fax: +619 275 2828 Email: [n--kl--n] at [] Snailmail: PO Box 220, Morley, Western Australia, 6943. Enjoy your gaming. Nick Leaning Editor, Australian Realms