From: [w w games] at [] (WWGames) Newsgroups: Subject: WHITE WOLF ANNOUNCES LAY OFFS (WWGames) Date: 4 Jan 1996 02:56:47 -0500 I had hoped to have the luxury to wait until tomorrow before posting, but I think I need to write all this tonight. White Wolf laid off about 15 employees today, from all sections of the company. The situation is rough, but let me settle a few things. White Wolf is not going under. White Wolf is not being bought out by Wizards of the Coast or any other company. (I've had this question sent to me a lot today - just a weird rumor.) We made some mistakes in 1995, and now we're paying the price for them. We over estimated sales in some areas, tried to grow too fast and over-hired in others. We had a crash of our accounting system and some problems with racks to hold our product which cost the company a lot of money, and a lot of opportunity. My own job was cut, as was Jennifer Hartshorn's (Vampire Developer) and Tim Byrd's (Rage Internet Rep.). The choice was horribly difficult for the management to make, I know. Steve Wieck, White Wolf's President, called us all to a meeting this morning and went into detail about company financials to explain the reason for the cuts. Losing my job does suck, no doubt about it, but understanding why it was done, and *agreeing* with that choice made it a lot easier. Our jobs weren't cut just to "trim the fat" or to make other areas of the company look more profitable on paper - they were cut to preserve the stability of the company. I still think White Wolf is a great company, and I hope that I'll be able to find another job within the company. I have very marketable job skills and can find another, much better paying job in corporate Atlanta, I have no doubt. I want to stay at White Wolf because I believe in the company, though. White Wolf grew very fast and when you get too big for your breeches, you're bound to split a seam - they're always a little smaller when you sew them up. 8) WW will be around for awhile, though. I know a lot of you are angry and will want to respond to this action. If you want to do something about this, please have sympathy for those of us who lost our jobs, but remember the people who still work at the company. Support them and support White Wolf. It's not just the employees, but the fans - you guys who buy the books - who made the company. You're the ones who will save it now. It's not easy to be positive about this, but that's the way to get through it. If you want to make a statement, send a message to White Wolf and its management, please make it a *positive* statement that you care about the products and the people who make them. Believe me, we can generate enough anger and despair on our own! Now it's us who are turning to *you* for support! Thanks very much for reading my blathering. It is tough to hold it together, but I'm doing okay so far. We'll see how that holds through tomorrow. I'll be in my office through Friday, and I have no clue what happens to me or my email access after that. I don't believe anyone will be picking up my duties as Internet Rep. for the Game Studio. Tim Byrd, the Rage Internet Rep. ([R--e--m] at []) and Todd Mayville, Rage Dept., are also leaving. I'm not sure who, if anyone, will assume their duties. Thanks, everyone for your support. It means a lot right about now. Trace o'Connor Former Editing & Development Coordinator White Wolf Game Studio