From: [k--d--e] at [] (Carl M. Kadie) Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc,alt.drugs,alt.atheism,,soc.women,alt.homosexual Subject: [CHE] Highlights from Chronicle of Higher Ed. Date: 6 Oct 1993 01:42:42 -0400 [Excerpts from the Chronicle abstract from their gopher "gopher 70" I found it with the CAF whatsnews server, "gopher 5070" Be sure to only follow up to the newsgroups of interest. - Carl] ================================== A guide to the October 6, 1993, issue of THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION (Volume 40, Issue 7) [...] o HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS CELEBRATED a minor relaxation of Pennsylvania State U. penalities for drug use. The campus will no longer classify marijuana as a "dangerous drug." A6 [...] o THE U. OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS MOVED THREE CROSSES inside its Ferguson Memorial Chapel to a spot where they can be covered. The changes came after a student complained that the chapel was not accessible to non-Christians: A7 [...] o STEPPING UP ITS EFFORTS to bring together technologists and teachers on campuses, the American Association for Higher Education has hired Steven W. Gilbert, former vice-president of EDUCOM, to be its director of technology projects: A21 [...] SEPARATE BUT EQUAL? The Virginia Military Institute has asked a federal judge to let it remain all-male by helping a nearby women's institution, Mary Baldwin College, set up a comparable "leadership" program: Page A28 [...] o STATE COLLEGES HAVE A LIMITED, LEGAL DUTY TO PROTECT their students from crime, the Kansas Supreme Court has ruled: A30 [...] o THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION SUED ALABAMA in federal district court last week, challenging the legality of a state law that prohibits public colleges from providing money or space to gay-student groups: A30 [...] -- Carl Kadie -- I do not represent EFF; this is just me. =[k--d--e] at [], [k--d--e] at [] =