From: Jim Rosenfield <[j n r] at []> Newsgroups: talk.politics.drugs Date: 19 Jul 93 09:59 PDT Subject: Story of Hoover Inst Res Introduction to the Hoover Resolution by Clifford A. Schaffer July 15, 1993 On December 28, 1992 I wrote to Judge James P. Gray of Orange County, California to ask him to help me draft a letter which prominent people could sign, and ask others to sign, to show that they were united in demanding major reform of our national drug policy. Judge Gray, Dr. Clarke Smith, and I, wrote the bulk of the wording of what was to become known as the Hoover Resolution. By happy coincidence, Kathy Smith, the wife of Dr. Clarke Smith, arranged a meeting with Dr. Milton Friedman and Joseph McNamara to discuss the resolution. News of the meeting spread farther and more quickly than even we had intended and, before we knew it, we had a list of attendees for the meeting which included some of the world's most prominent citizens and internationally recognized experts on drug abuse, some of whom have been in the field for more than fifty years. On February 26, 1992 we met at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, finalized the wording, and signed the resolution which calls for an objective Federal Commission to review the evidence on drug policy and to form a new drug policy which does not do so much harm. A list of these signers is enclosed. The purpose of the resolution is to 1) draft a statement which all fair-minded people would agree with, and thus build a consensus for reform and 2) call for concrete action for reform. Reaction to the resolution has been beyond our wildest dreams. The mayors and chiefs of police of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose held an unprecedented joint press conference to publicly sign the resolution. Major medical organizations, religious organizations, and literally dozens of judges, law enforcement officials, and others have publicly announced their support of the Hoover Resolution and the call for a Federal Commission to review and rewrite drug policy. We are also beginning to receive major support for the resolution from around the world. There will be more news about this later. The resolution has received major news coverage across the nation, including an excellent article by Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein in the NY Times, July 8, 1993, and a call for the Federal Commission by three Federal judges on Nightline on (or about) July 10, 1993. It has also received a combined total of several complete pages of coverage in the LA Times, the San Francisco Examiner, and the SF Chronicle, the Oakland Tribune, the San Jose News-Mercury, the Baltimore Sun, Newsweek (June 14, 1993), and many, many others. It has received more favorable news coverage for drug policy reform than any other single event of the last twenty-five years. Some of the original signers of the resolution support "legalization" or "decriminalization". However, we do not ask anyone to support or endorse any particular approach to the drug problem. We simply ask everyone to admit that the current drug policy has not worked and that it is time to review the evidence in an open and honest commission and to form a new drug policy which does not do so much harm -- whatever that policy may be. Let's lay the facts on the table, and let the chips fall where they may. I have enclosed a copy of the resolution, along with a list of signers, and some of the more important facts relative to drug policy. We (the signers of the Hoover Resolution), ask that you sign the Resolution and send a copy to President Bill Clinton, The White House, Washington, DC. We also ask that you ask others to sign the resolution and send it in to Bill Clinton. If the Resolution is signed or endorsed by any groups or organizations we ask that you send those endorsements to: Jim Rosenfield, c/o 7400 Bandini Blvd, Commerce CA 90040 Please remember that we are not asking you to endorse legalization, or decriminalization, or any other approach to drugs. We are simply asking you to admit that the time has come to re- examine the facts and fairly investigate other possible approaches. Some people have asked whether we are accepting contributions or if we have a formal organization. We do not solicit or distribute funds because it would create ethical problems for the judges. Everything that has happened or been done with respect to the resolution has been funded entirely out of the personal funds of the people involved (and it has often been considerable.) We do not have a formal organization because that would require funding which, as I said, might create ethical problems for the judges. This is entirely a grass-roots effort with no leader, no staff, but an awful lot of committed supporters. This makes it all the more amazing what this resolution has done is such a short time. There are some people who are engaged in fund-raising activities who also agree with and are promoting the Hoover Resolution. On some occasions, you may find the Hoover Resolution at places where they sell clothing, drug war stamps, or whatever. Please understand that these sales activities are entirely the business of those individuals and they do not raise funds for any of the original signers or promoters of the Hoover Resolution. The Hoover Resolution is free to everyone who wants it and the original signers do not want it connected with any attempt to collect money in any form. RESOLUTION Whereas, the overall situation regarding the use of drugs in our society and the crime and misery that accompanies it has continued to deteriorate for several decades; and Whereas, our society has continued to attempt, at enormous financial cost, to resolve drug abuse problems through the criminal justice system, with the accompanying increases of prisons and numbers of inmates; and Whereas, the huge untaxed revenues generated by the illicit drug trade are undermining legitimate governments world-wide; and Whereas, the present system has spawned a cycle of hostility by the incarceration of disproportionate numbers of African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups; and Whereas, the number of people who have contracted AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases from contaminated hypodermic needles is epidemic under our present system; and Whereas, in our society's zeal to pursue our criminal approach, legitimate medical uses for the relief of pain and suffering of patients have been suppressed. Therefore be it resolved that our society must recognize drug use and abuse as the medical and social problems that they are and that they must be treated with medical and social solutions; and Further be it resolved that an objective commission be immediately empowered by the President and by Congress to recommend revision of the drug laws of these United States in order to reduce the harm our current policies are causing. Signature:_______________________________________ Date:______________ Name:___________________________________________ Title:______________ Organization:_________________________________________________________ Please send to: Jim Rosenfield, c/o 7400 Bandini Blvd., Commerce CA 90040 and send a copy to to: President Bill Clinton, White House, Washington, DC