From: [m--eg--n] at [](Marnie Regen ) Newsgroups: talk.politics.drugs,alt.drugs.culture,alt.drugs.hard Subject: Florida bans sale of ephedrine Date: 26 Apr 1996 13:51:39 GMT Thu, 25 Apr 1996 17:20:39 PDT TALLAHASSEE, Fla, (Reuter) - Florida stores were ordered Thursday to stop selling many herbal supplements containing ephedrine, a non-regulated stimulant sold in health food shops, after the death of a young man on spring break last month, state officials said. The drug, marketed under such product names as ``Herbal Ecstacy'' and ``Ultimate Xphoria'' has been linked to the death of Peter Schlendof, 20, of New York. He died of an ephedrine overdose while vacationing at the popular spring break resort on the Florida panhandle, a medical examiner said. ``This drug has been suspected in the deaths of about 15 people across the country,'' said Florida Department of Agriculture spokesman Terrence McElroy. ``But as far as we know this is the first incident where a coroner has listed the cause of death as being connected to ephedrine.'' Derived from Ephera plants grown in Asia, ephedrine is marketed as an energy-enhancing natural supplement that increases sexual sensations, heightens awareness and produces feelings of euphoria. Medically, it is used as a bronchial dilator for asthmatics. Unlike the federal Food and Drug Administration, the state agriculture department does not have the authority to impose a blanket ban on the sale of ephedrine-based products. But officials said the department has begun sending inspectors to individual stores to issue stop-sale orders on the grounds that the products can be hazardous to human health.