From: [r--h] at [] Newsgroups: alt.drugs,alt.drugs.pot,alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.drugs.hard Subject: Drug Price report reminder Date: Sun, 16 Apr 95 16:34:45 PST Drug Price Project reminder The goal of the Price Project is to collect data on drug prices all over the world, and to make these available to everyone interested. If you'd like to contribute data, please send a list, with for every available substance: - Location (city, state, country) - Description (quality) - Price/quantity - Approximate date (when offered) Note that knowledge of these data is not incriminating in any way. All mail received will be anonymized. You may wish to encrypt mail before letting it leave your machine; see my .sig if you have PGP. You can also send a message through an anonymous remailer; for example: - Put an "X-Anon-To: [r--h] at []" headerline in mail to <[anonymus clear] at []> (note misspelling!). You can request information about this remailer with an empty message to <[anonymus info] at []>. - Put the same headerline in mail to <[a--n] at []>, or mail to if you can't add headerslines. Information can be requested with an empty message to <[h--p] at []>. - The Cypherpunk anonymous mailers; for instructions please read the file ['s.remailer.gz]. These remailers strip messages after a line starting with '--' to prevent signatures from coming through- so please add a space before the PGP begin and end-line! The latest report can be received by: - News: It is posted every month on alt.drugs, alt.drugs.psychedelics, alt.drugs.pot and alt.drugs.hard; - FTP: and; - WWW: - Mailing list (not for back issues): read on... *** List info *** The report is also send every month in a mailing list, at the same time as it is posted to the newsgroups. To subscribe, mail <[r--po--t] at []> (not [r--h] at [...]!), with on the subject line: "Subscribe". To unsubscribe, use Subject "Unsubscribe" (Original, no?). These commands can be abbreviated to "S" and "U". (All commands without the quote characters). Normally commands will concern both the US and non-US report. To [un]subscribe only one of these lists, add a switch "/N" (non-US) or "/U" (US). The report will be sent to the email address you sent the request from (or the Reply-To line if it exists), except when you specify an other address on the subject line. Example subject line: "S" will subscribe you to both the US- and non-US report; "S /U [REDACTED] at []" will subscribe you to the US list only, using the specified email address. The body of the text will be ignored. Please keep it as small as possible to limit bandwidth. For privacy reasons, the email addresses of the recipients will not appear in the message text. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQCNAi5cgGMAAAEEAKVuPswS4sfhe/dTAbBprkKE6biA0VJzsyZ2cFpeeMlQ94ax PJBhch2UkUhrf2m+4dPOdXIRDL+EUb8/FXBo6JlnMjn4GS3Fv6ckoQ8lLKBBIdTy N4wTuP0BmIJsO05p58WNkCZqTI6Mlfd/yvDoZh6zRKCqDC0qNFeVdVU6r3E5AAUR tClSaWNoYXJkIHYuZC4gSG9yc3QgPHJpY2hAd2VlZHMueHM0YWxsLm5sPrQqUmlj aGFyZCB2LmQuIEhvcnN0IDxyaWNoQHdlZWRzLmhhY2t0aWMubmw+ =ITs/ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----