From: [w--sc--m] at [] (WolfScream) Newsgroups: alt.drugs.pot Subject: STEM TEA, THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY Date: 28 Oct 1995 16:31:27 -0400 STEM TEA, THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY Just Like Grandma Used To Make Dearest loved one, Chop up the stems as finely as possible to allow for maximum solution of the active ingredients in the stem. You don't have to make it powder, but it seems pretty obvious that the finer the stems, the more efficiently the active ingredients will go into solution. Put the chopped stems into a tea ball or other type of strainer. You can also add other ingredients, such as mint or chamomile, to the water to make your "mind-tripper morning broth" (yes, feel the funk, you hip-hop gangsta) more potable. You can put the stems (and other things) directly into the water without a tea ball and then strain them out by pouring the tea through a filter or some sort of screen when you're ready to drink it. Ration the water you will be using, the number of people partaking in your special "hippy love potion" (yes, feel the vibes, you groovy cat), and the amount of stems needed. Since the potency of the stems will vary, your judgment as to the correct dosage will be better than anyone else's. Bring the water to boiling, then steep the stems in the water for 10-15 minutes. You can even leave the heat on low to keep the temperature of the water as high as possible. Keep a lid on the pot so as not to let any of the water evaporate. And keep the heat low if you have it on, so as not to cause your tea to boil. When you think your "headbanger stone soup" (yes, feel the steel, you grungy stage diver) is potent enough, DRINK IT ALREADY! Now stop procrastinating, we don't have all day. It seems logical. Love, Big Brother And remember: "A drug is neither moral nor immoral-it's a chemical compound. The compound itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole." -- Frank Zappa John Q. Public, Jr.