Newsgroups: alt.drugs,talk.politics.drugs
From: [g--g--y] at [rintintin.Colorado.EDU] (Scott Grigsby)
Subject: Why do you think they call it dope?
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1993 19:38:17 GMT

[copied and posted without permission from Time Magazine, October 18, 1993.]

                      INFORMED SOURCES

Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?

WASHINGTON - After investing $42 million to integrate a long-
range air-tracking radar system into its C-130 aircraft to help
detect drug smugglers, the U.S. Coast Guard concluded that the 
plane's $2.5 million annual maintenance and operational costs weren't
worth it.  So it decided to offer the plane to the drug-interdiction program
at the Pentagon, the main agency charged with air and maritime drug
detection.  But because the Pentagon decided that "we already have
better equipment," the plane was transferred to the Air Force to
carry cargo.

  Scott Grigsby                        |  Look upon my garden gate:
   [g--g--y] at []            |  a snail, that's what it is.
    University of Colorado at Boulder  |                  -Donovan