From: [s--mp--n] at [] (Sean Simpson)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.drugs
Date: 29 Sep 94 18:13:33 GMT

In article <36dm2g$[82 c] at []> [d--ks--e] at [] (Arian Wolverton) writes:
>In article <[1994 Sep 28 211359 24771] at []>,  <[k--pi--b] at []> wrote:
>>Does someone have a list of all the countries where MJ is legal????
>Most of Europe has legalized/decriminalized marijuana in one way or
>another. Personal, industrial, etc...
>For instance, in Hungary it is legal for industry but in Holland it is
>decriminalized (tolerated) when it comes to personal use...
>				Arian

   Here is some more info I got from an old post.....

                             Drug Laws In Europe
Country:     | Personal Use:  | Possession/Intent To Sell: | Traffic:
Germany      | No penalty     | Jail up to 4 years         | Jail 1 to 15
             |                |                            | years
Belgium      | Penalty only   | Assimilated to traffic     | Jail 3 months
             | for collective |                            | to 5 years
             | use            |                            |
Denmark      | No penalty     | Assimilated to traffic     | Jail up to 10
             |                |                            | years
Spain        | No penalty     | No penalty                 | Soft drugs: Jail
             |                |                            | up to 4 years
             |                |                            | Hard drugs: Jail
             |                |                            | up to 12 years
France       | Jail 2 months  | Jail 2 to 10 years         | Jail 10 to 20
             | to 1 year      |                            | years
             | Fine 500 FF to |                            |
             | 15,000 FF      |                            |
Italy        | No penalty     | Fine, cancelling of        | Jail 4 to 20
             |                | driver's license or        | years
             |                | passport                   |
Netherlands  | No penalty     | Jail 3 months to 1 year    | Soft drugs: Jail
             |                |                            | up to 4 years
             |                |                            | Hard drugs: Jail
             |                |                            | up to 12 years
U.K.         | Fine up to     | Jail up to 7 years         | Jail up to 14
(Penalty     |  300           | according to the substance | years according
applied only | Jail 14 years  |                            | to the substance
for opiates) |                |                            |

Sean Simpson
[s--mp--n] at []