From: [d--ks--e] at [] (Arian Wolverton)
Newsgroups: alt.drugs,talk.politics.drugs,soc.culture.singapore,soc.culture.netherlands
Subject: Something for all you prohibitionists to think about
Date: 23 Oct 1994 09:37:56 -0400

This is for all the people who criticize legalizing drugs to help reduce
crime and for anyone who actually supports drug prohibition - a taste of
what you're really supporting:

The Boston Herald - Saturday, October 22, 1994

Dealers Go To War Over Turf - Cops Beef Up Patrols In Roxbury Area

By David Weber

Boston Police beefed up their presence yesterday in a Roxbury area
officers say has become a battleground in a turf war between entrenched
drug dealers and new pushers who were displaced by a massive narcotics
sweep last month. The drug interlopers moved into the area around West
Cottage Street after federal and city officers stormed the Mission Hill
housing project Sept. 13 and arrested more than 100 people, police said.
Many of those arrested have posted bail. In the last nine days, at least
four men have been hit in three separate shootings around West Cottage
Street. Prior to the Mission Hill raid, the last shooting in the
triangular area bounded by Columbia Road, Blue Hill Avenue and Dudley
Street occured May 28, according to Deputy Superintendent Bobbie Johnson.
That area includes West Cottage Street. The most recent shooting resulted
in the wounding of a 18-year-old Randolph resident Thursday. Alex Vasquez,
stepson of a Boston Police officer, survived the shots to his chest and
stomach and was released from Boston City Hospital, BCH officials said.
There have been a number of other instances when gunshots missed their
targets. Yesterday police found two empty shell casings on West Cottage
Street after witnesses said someone in one car fired at another car around
1 p.m. The shots reportedly were fired from a deer rifle. Albert Passaretti, 
who has owned Cottage Cleaners at the corner of Dudley and West Cottage
streets for the last 30 years, said residents and storeowners are growing
concerned. "We're getting a little bit leery right now," he said. "There
have been more shootings recently than there have ever been. I don't know
some of these faces showing up on the corner. A lot of the merchants on
the block are getting a little bit scared." Johnson, commander of the Area
B2 police district, which is predominantly Roxbury, said the new dealers
have brought with them a new product: heroin. "There's always been drug
dealing in that area, but it was crack and cocaine," Johnson said. "Heroin
was pretty much only in Mission Hill. Now we're finding heroin in the
Uphams Corner area. "I do see an increase in activity up there since the
Mission Hill sweep." Johnson said the drug activity continues despite the
fact that narcotics detectives average three or four arrests in the area
every day they work. Johnson said an additional undercover drug unit was
assigned to the area yesterday along with a complement of officers from
the anti-crime and anti-gang violence units.

-end of story-

Did you read that? "Johnson said the drug activity continues despite the
fact that narcotics detectives average three or four arrests in the area
every day they work."

Now, are you going to tell me that drug prohibition works? Are you going
to tell me it doesn't breed crime? Well, Columbia Road is about a 2-minute
walk from where I live right now and if I went to sleep to gunshots
tonight, it wouldn't be a first. Maybe all you prohibitionists should move
down here and then tell me if you still think the War on Drugs is so


Arian Wolverton | [d--ks--e] at [] | "Hemp For Victory!" - U.S.D.A