From: [d--ks--e] at [] (Arian Wolverton) Newsgroups: alt.hemp,alt.drugs,alt.politics.clinton,alt.activism,talk.politics.drugs Subject: Who Is Who - Update Date: 30 Sep 1994 19:06:46 -0400 ============================================================================ Here is the current result of my "Who's Who" project. I am attempting to, with your help, compile a master list of state representatives, senators, congresspeople, mayors, judges, police officers, and other elected/public officials, who are against the WOsD. At the end, I am also keeping track of who is pro-WOsD so we will all know who is against us. Note: I seem to have lost my original list of volunteers for this project so I am still in need of one volunteer from every state. If you still wish to help and you already volunteered, or you just want to volunteer, please send me email. Here are the states so far that have a volunteer(s) for them: Florida, Kansas, Indiana, California. Four down, forty-eight to go! Also, if you still wish to help even though your state may be accounted for, email anyway! The more people the better! ============================================================================== War On Drug Opponents: Democratic State Rep. Ed Fallon, Iowa House District 70, Polk County, Des Moines, Iowa. Democratic State Senator Ralph Rosenberg, Iowa State District 31, Story County, Des Moines, Iowa. U.S. Representative Dan Hamburg, California. Attorney and President of the American Bar Association, George Bushnell. (Is in favor of the decriminalization of ALL drugs) ============================================================================= People Who Called For The Legalization Of Drugs: Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders (Suggested legalization of drugs to help reduce crime) Kurt Loder, MTV (Suggested we treat drugs like medical issue they are) Mayor Kurt Schmoke of Baltimore, Maryland (Highly supportive of marijuana legalization and has taken a public stand on it) ============================================================================ People who are pro-medical marijuana: Margery Eagan, Boston Herald (Suggested we legalize for medical purposes and spoke out on WOD injustices such as the arrest of wheelchair bound people who were just trying to find some medical relief from marijuana) Representative Tom Miller, Cherokee, Iowa. State Representative Barney Frank, 4th Congressional District, Massachusetts. ============================================================================== Barney Frank also had offered an amendment to cut $100 million from the counternarcotic and drug interdiction budget in the Intelligence Authorization Act of 1995 (H.R. 4299). Rep. Frank's amendment was rejected by a lopsided 18-406. All 18 Congresspeople were democrats. Here are the 18 Congresspeople who voted for the amendment: John Conyers (MI) Peter DeFazio (OR) Don Edwards (CA) Andrew Jacobs (IN) Paul Kanjorski (PA) Jim McDermott (WA) Austin Murphy (PA) Jerrold Nadler (NY) Eleanor H. Norton (DC) David Obey (WI) John Olver (MA) Timothy Penny (MN) Pat Schroeder (CO) Mike Synar (OK) Nydia Velasquez (NY) Peter Visclosky (IN) Sidney Yates (IL) Barney Frank (MA) He has also sent a letter to Secretary of Health Dr. Philip Lee and seven other Congresseople did the same. Again, they were all democrats. They were: Nancy Pelosi (CA) Dan Hamburg (CA) Ron Dellums (CA) Jolene Unsoeld (WA) Jerrold Nadler (NY) Sam Farr (CA) Eliot Engel (NY) ============================================================================ Representative Don Edwards (D-CA) came up with a bill (HR3100) that would, if passed, establish a national commission to re-examine drug policy. Here are the Congresspeople that supported it: Tony Beilenson (CA) Howard Berman (CA) Bob Filner (CA) Thomas Foglietta (PA) Barney Frank (MA) William Hughes (NJ) William Jefferson (LA) Patsy Mink (HI) Jolene Unsoeld (WA) Jerrold Nadler (NY) Bernie Sanders (VT) Pete Stark (CA) Ron Dellums (CA) Nancy Pelosi (CA) Maurice Hinchey (NY) Robert Scott (VA) Dan Hamburg (CA) Norm Mineta (CA) Nydia Velasquez (NY) Harry Johnston (FL) Eliot Engel (NY) ============================================================================= Representative Melvin Watt (NC) came up with an amendment to the crime bill that would delete the dealth penalty for non-violent drug kingpins. Unfortunately it failed, the final vote being 108-316 on April 14th. Gerald Solomon (NY), Mr. "drug legalization is evil" himself, came up with an amendment that would include serious drug offenses as violent crimes for purposes of defining three-time violent offenders under "Three Strikes." It passed 303-126 on April 19th. With these two latest additions to my "Who's Who" project, you can see that we still have a lot of work to do if we are to turn the tide and I still need plenty of volunteers for this project so send email if you want to help out. ============================================================================== People Who Showed Interest In Taking Another Look At The WOD (Study Legalization): William Moulder, Chief Of Police, Des Moines, Iowa. U.S. District Judge Harold Vietor, Southern District Of Iowa. ============================================================================= Outspoken Critics Of The WOD: John Tapscott, Exec. Director Of The National Council On Alcoholism And Other Drug Dependencies, Des Moines, Iowa. The 1994 State Platform Of The Iowa Democratic Party Calls For The Study Of Drug Legalization. The 1994 State Platform Of The Washington Democratic Party, Passed On June 10th, Opposes Prohibition. ============================================================================== People who oppose Mandatory Minimums: Superior Court Judge James Gray, Orange County, California (called Mandatory Minimums a "hateful" policy BUT added that "our congresspeople are showing they're tough on crime") U.S. Representative Craig Washington, Texas ============================================================================== People who oppose forfeiture: U.S. Representative Craig Washington, Texas U.S. Representative John Conyers, Michigan ============================================================================== People who support retroactivity of the safety valve provision: U.S. Representative Henry Hyde, Illinois. U.S. Representative Bill McCollum, Florida. ============================================================================= People who oppose marijuana laws but still uphold them: Judge Charles Rogers, California. Mr. Rogers called marijuana laws "dumb" but still sentenced Sam Skipper (HIV positive) to jail for violating his probation. Sam Skipper accepted a plea bargain and served no jail time but as a condition of his release, warrantless searches of his home would be allowed at any time. Still in need of marijuana for medical reasons, he continued to grow it. Naturally he was arrested again and that is when Judge Rogers sentenced him to jail. ============================================================================ People Who Are Pro-WOD: Charles Adler, Adler On-Line (tells the usual lies) Dr. Janet Lapey, Citizens For Drug Prevention (tells the usual lies) State Rep. Susan Molinari, New York (supports Mandatory Minimums) Donalda James, National Association On Drug Abuse Problems (tells the usual lies) U.S. Representative Gerald Solomon, New York. (attacked NORML and calls drug legalization "evil") Eric Voth, M.D., Chairman Of The International Drug Strategy Institute. (Wrote a bunk report that Gerald Solomon quoted from and inserted into the Congressional Record) Governor John Engler, Michigan. Mr. Engler supports stricter penalties and fines for people convicted of drug offenses, including marijuana. Robert Peterson, Director of the Drug Control Policy in Michigan (tells the usual lies) Senator Phil Gramm, Texas. (supports more funding to jail non-violent drug offenders, supports the removal of the safety-valve provision, and is calling for new and stricter mandatory minimums) ============================================================================== We can't forget our biggest enemies: President Bill Clinton and vice-president Al Gore. Bill is someone that is so concerned about the United States that he cannot even bother to answer the questions asked by concerned citizens. He'd much rather have some hired goon stuff a pre-printed form letter in an envelope and send it off. Nice, neat, and quick. No problems, no hassles. Not for good ol' Bill. But our country continues to suffer. If it's not his problem, then whose problem is it? Ours. Another note on Bill Clinton: He may be supportive on the WOsD but even Bill has said "I think there is something wrong with the sentencing," referring to mandatory minimums. Granted, he isn't doing anything about it but I wanted to put it in for what it's worth. Late breaking news! Is the enemy REALLY the enemy? September 27th, 1994: I just received the most recent issue of High Times in the mail and I was quite surprised to find someone in there by the name of Butch Stone who has been, evidently, the friend of (now) President Bill Clinton, for over the past twenty years. I guess, during the governorship of our fearless leader, he pledged to do a few things and, according to Mr. Stone, one of them was to legalize marijuana. Here is a little bit of the article: Bill Clinton's Secret Promise, by Steve Bloom Back in 1987, then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton already had big plans. One of those plans, according to Butch Stone, former manager for Bill's musician half-brother, Roger, was to legalize marijuana. Calling himself "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll of Arkansas," Stone managed Black Oak Arkansas in the 70's. "I've been a friend of the President's for over twenty years," Stone explains. "I can truthfully tell you I don't believe Bill Clinton has ever used marijuana. If he was going to smoke pot, I'm the one he would have been smoking it with." However, Stone says Clinton confided in him in 1987 that he felt "marijuana being treated as a hard drug was not right. We discussed that issue many times and one of the things he said to me was, 'If I ever do get to the White House, I'm going to do something about that.' That's exactly what he said." Stone kept this information private until President Clinton rebuked Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders last December for daring to recommend that the government study legalizing drugs. -end of excerpt- Well, well, well. The truth comes out. Our fearless leader is no better than any other politician who promises the world but, as soon as they are elected, forgets those promises. Perhaps we can change that and hold Mr. Clinton to his word? What do you say, folks!? if we persist and keep persisting, then and only then will the truth come out. Of course, don't bother writing him a letter of your grievances - he has plenty of form-letter idiots at his disposal. I urge all of you to send letters to the media, however, stating what Bill Clinton promised to do but has failed in doing so since becoming our President. ============================================================================== Thanks to the following for their contributions to this project: Carl Olsen, Iowa NORML California NORML ============================================================================= Arian