Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 07:33:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Carol Moore <[c--oo--e] at []> To: Libernet <[l--er--t] at []> Subject: WACO HEARINGS UPDATE (fwd) Message-ID: <[Pine SUN 3 91 FP 950725073259 17886 C 100000] at []> Carol Moore [c--oo--e] at [] COMMITTEE FOR WACO JUSTICE 202/986-1847 202/797-9877 JULY 25, 1995 WACO HEARINGS UPDATE Please distribute to many lists via internet... RON NOBLE CAUGHT IN COVERUP * At this point Ron Noble, who oversaw the Treasury Department report, has been forced to admit that the report failed to tell Congress or the public that David Koresh invited agents to inspect weapons, that supervisory personnel did discuss this fact, that Koresh was frequently off the premises. * Noble also told Congress a whopper which he later admitted to me was a "mistake": i.e., that the Treasury Review team investigated firing from helicopters and found no evidence. However, at trial it was revealed that only the National Guard conducted such a review. Firing was not mentioned in the report-- except by one consultant who said they should have been! * Despite talking to several staffers who promised they'd relay the message about Noble's fib, he was not asked about it. (I did not get a chance to talk to any representatives, though I've descended on 7 or 8 whenever possible. I did get one question asked from the floor after bugging a staffer and congressman. So our novice citizen lobbyist is having some positive effect.) COMMITTEE REFUSES TO CALL DAVIDIANS OR BATF AGENTS TO TESTIFY ABOUT FIRING FROM HELICOPTERS ON FEBRUARY 28, 1993 * BATF agent Davy Aguilera, who was in one of the helicopters that Davidians say sprayed Mount Carmel with bullets, admitted that he was armed and did not know he should not have been, an official testified. * Military advisors admitted that during training sessions BATF agents seriously discussed shooting up the perimeter of Mount Carmel from helicopters. * Agents Davy Aguilera and Phil Chojnacki killing four people, have been asked under oath if there was firing from the helicopters. Davy Aguilera flat out denied it. (Aguilera was probably lying.) Chojnacki answered, "Not to my knowledge." (When I approached undercover BATF agent Robert Rodriquez to take his picture and ask him how he enjoyed his studies with David Koresh, the paranoid Aguilera called to Rodriquez to stay away from me and several agents then surrounded to make sure he didn't get too close to any of us "anti-government" critics.) * However, one committee staffer has told me several times that agents have confessed to doing so in "self-defense," but that staffers or Zeliff/McCullom believe they will all lie if asked so it is not worth while doing so. Meanwhile, though last week one representatives staffer did discuss with us having two Davidian women who witnessed the bullets coming in from the sky come and testify, he has not gotten back to the women who returned home. CALL ZELIFF AND MCCULLOM AND TELL THEM TO CALL THE DAVIDIAN WOMEN AS WITNESSES AND TO CALL ALL THOSE AGENTS AND GRILL THEM ON FIRING FROM HELICOPTERS! Representative Bill McCullom's Crime Subcommittee -- 202-225-3926 Representative Bill Zeliff's National Security Subcommittee -- 202-225-2577 BATF AGENTS LIED ABOUT "AMBUSH" * On July 24th, to a man, BATF agents who attacked Mount Carmel claimed Davidians had ambushed them. * Evidence that Davidians did not ambush BATF agents is that: even though Davidians were tipped there would be a "shootout," not a service of warrant, they were cautious in case the rumor was false; David Koresh warned the undercover agent he knew BATF and the National Guard were coming; Koresh came to the front door unarmed; Waco Tribune-Herald photos taken within the first 30 seconds show agents kneeling in front of the front door, which they would not be doing if they were "ambushed"; Davidians immediately called "9-1-1" for help. * There is little evidence of excessive Davidian gunfire either in KWTX-TV videos or in the remains of vehicles towed from the scene--nor was there evidence of machinegun fire. An FBI weapons expert admitted the FBI found no fired .50 caliber bullets. Agents at trial could not be certain they were hit by Davidian grenades, as BATF officials allege. CULT AWARENESS NETWORK TAINTING THE HEARINGS * Admitted "cult buster" Marc Breault, the "deprogrammed" David Block and Cult Awareness Network-tied Rick Ross provided questionable information to BATF investigators Davy Aguilera and William Buford that Davidians were aggressive and would not accept a peaceful service of warrant. (Joyce Sparks only said they would defend themselves if shot at by BATF agents.) * There are persistent rumors that David Jewell had his daughter Kiri "deprogrammed" by individuals affiliated with the Cult Awareness Network and that the network paid David Jewell a great deal of money to appear at the Congressional hearings. C.A.N. lobbyist David Bardine denied these rumors, which I discussed with him. * Kiri Jewell refused to press charges against David Koresh on 2/26/93 as BATF requested, supposedly because she was too upset. Yet on 3/10/93 her father put her on the "Donahue" show and inferred she had been molested--even as he was busy trying to sell her story for profit. He did sell her story to NBC for it's "Ambush in Waco" television movie. * False accusations of child abuse and bringing media attention to other false or exaggerated accusations are the trademark of the Cult Awareness Network. (We are now investigating child abuse laws of Kiri Jewell's home state of Michigan to see if they apply to this financial exploitation of a child's alleged rape.) * Representative Gene Taylor cries for two witnesses to be called: Jeannine Bunds, who charged that Koresh had a "hit list" and Doreen Saipaia, who allegedly was "imprisoned" by Koresh. (Ramsey Clark, 212-475-3232, is currently handling multi-million dollar lawsuits against the government for members of the Bunds and the Saipaia families.) The Treasury report (Appendix D, p.4) reveals the FBI opened and closed an investigation into Saipaia's case in 1992. The truth is Saipaia had a mental breakdown, and was kept in her room until her sister Rebecca took her away for treatment. Rebecca died in the fire 4/19/93. DEMONIZATION OF DAVIDIANS SHOW DEMOCRATS HAVEN'T LEARNED LESSONS OF HOLOCAUST * Representative Charles Schumer and other Democrats have been demonizing Branch Davidian religious beliefs and making false and exaggerated accusations against its members to excuse the BATF raid that killed six Davidians and the FBI gas and tank attack that killed 76. (I personally confronted Schumer on this * Why aren't more Davidians allowed to counter the continual lies, distortions and exaggerations of the Cult Awareness Network and of BATF, FBI, Justice and Treasury Department employees? Why are corrupt prosecutors, frustrated social workers, and Cult Awareness Network-manipulated teenagers and congressional representatives explaining to America the Davidians' religious views? * Millions of Americans know that Mount Carmel was America's first Auschwitz--"First they gassed them, then they burned them." (CS gas and Nazi Zyklon-B gas are very similar.) Why can't Schumer and the Democrats admit that Nazi-style genocide has come home to America? * This demonization only frightens and radicalizes many non-mainstream individuals or groups. It strengthens their conviction that in any encounter or conflict with law enforcement they can be demonized and lied about to excuse their elimination. TAYLOR ADMITS CITIZENS HAVE RIGHT TO SELF-DEFENSE AGAINST LAW ENFORCEMENT * The little snapping dog of a representative from Mississippi kept asking panel members if there were ANY circumstances under which citizens could fire on law enforcement. The dutiful government witnesses kept saying, "NO!" (I had a private conversation with Taylor in which I reminded him common law, the laws of several states and the Firearms Owners Protection Act all recognize they may against excessive force by law enforcement.) * The day after Davidian attorney Tim Evans who was a panel member stated that citizens do have such a right, Taylor finally admitted it in his questioning--then the little snake changed his question to--was this shooting warranted in this situation. All the law enforcement panelists said, "NO!) DEGUERIN, ZIMMERMAN, TABOR AND ARNOLD MAY TURN THINGS AROUND * So far there have been only two pro-Davidian witnesses, Davidian David Thibodeau and Tim Evans. * Today attorneys Dick DeGuerin and Jack Zimmerman who were inside Mount Carmel and theologians Phillip Arnold and James Tabor who helped convince Koresh to write his book and exit will finally tell the Davidians' side of the story. Though they will be viciously attacked by predatory democrats, as we might imagine. Written by Carol Moore, author, THE DAVIDIAN MASSACRE who is covering the hearings. (So I don't get a lot of e-mails, book to be published with updates from the hearings in late August, 1995. Autographed copies available on publication from Carol Moore for $11.00 4th class, $13.00 first class mail. Send checks to Carol Moore, Box 65518 Washington D.C. 20035