Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 22:49:36 -0600 (CST) From: "William W. Hughes" <[w--g--s] at []> Subject: Branch Davidian Trial Update - Tuesday, 15 Feb 94 Branch Davidian Trial Update - Tuesday, 15 Feb 94 [summary] Page 7A Headline - TAPE TRANSCRIPTS FROM AGENTS' BUG INDICATE FIRE PLANS Prosecutors took most of Monday to explain to jurors technical details of the tapes made via electronic surveillance of the Branch Davidian compound during the siege. An expert witness explained how the tapes were enhanced. Jurors will hear the tapes Tuesday. [transcribed from the article] At 6:12 a.m. on April 19, a bug recorded this conversation, according to prosecutors: "Unidentified male (UM): You got to get the fuel ready." "UM: I already poured it. It's already poured." At 7:23 a.m., a bug captured this exchange: "UM: Is there a way to spread fuel in there?" "UM: I don't know. I know that one (unintelligible, or UI)." "UM: (UI)" "UM: So we only light 'em as they come in (UI) right? Not if they (UI)." "UM: Well, that's the fuel. We should get more hay in here." [end transcription] Prosecutors objected, and were sustained by Judge Smith, when de- fense attorneys asked whether any conversations were recorded the night before about setting fires. This information [if it exists] was not entered into evidence. Marjorie Thomas, a former Branch Davidian who was critically in- jured in the fire, testified by videotape deposition earlier Mon- day. The tape was recorded last November. Thomas was granted immu- nity in exchange for her testimony. She said that she looked through her window on the morning of the original raid and saw three helicopters approaching the compound. She said she saw one person hanging from the side of one of the choppers. She said that a bullet came through the window and "shattered" the blinds. Immediately, she and other women in the room hit the floor, where they remained for the rest of the raid. At no time during the raid were any of the women armed. Thomas also testified to being assigned guard duty at the chapel with Oliver Gyarfas and defendants Brad Branch, Clive Doyle and Kevin Whitecliff. She said she overheard conversations among the men where they were discussing the raid, and commenting on who shot who. She claimed that Whitecliff, Branch and Gyarfas all stated they had shot someone. She repeatedly denied that she or anyone else in the compound conspired to kill agents. When asked what the Davidians planned if agents attempted to enter the compound during the siege, she replied that they would shoot back if fired on, to protect themselves. When prosecutor Jahn asked what the Davidians would have done if agents had simply walked up to the door and tried to enter, she replied "We wouldn't do anything." On the final day of the siege, she said she was given a gas mask and watched as tear gas canisters were fired into the room she was in. She described the "terror and confusion" when thick smoke and flames swept through the compound. She also testified to being unable to help Sheila Martin Jr. Martin died in the fire. ========================= ADMINISTRIVIA ========================= KNOWN DISTRIBUTIONS USENET: talk.politics.guns,, alt.conspiracy, alt.politics.usa.misc & alt.politics.libertarian - author USENET: info.firearms.politics/mailing list Firearms Politics ([firearms politics] at []) - author Other networks - BIX: tojerry/inquest - Paul L. Schauble ([p l s] at []) FIDONET: DEBATE - Terry Goodman ([terry goodman] at [] / Terry Goodman 1:102/837) FIDONET: CONTROVERSY - Terry Goodman FIDONET: LEGAL (non-backbone) - Lester Garrett (1:125/101) FIDONET: SMOKER (non-backbone) - Bill Bauer (1:147/32) Prodigy: Politics-Other, Subject; A.T.F. Waco - Jim Bell SmartNet: POLIPHIL - Lester Garrett (FIDO 1:125/101) The Patrick Henry League - a gun rights BBS network: - Paul L. Schauble KNOWN ARCHIVES The Powder Keg BBS, 707-427-1310, 14.4, 24H7D, directory WACO (SurvNet/PRNet 176:100/24, sysop Peter Nesbitt) The Soapbox BBS. 919-387-1152, 14.4, 24H7D, file area BATF (FIDO 1:151/142, sysop Stacy Powers [[p--we--s] at []]) Full access on first call, supports FREQ, FREQ FILES to get a list of all available files Anonymous ftp in directory /pub/Beelzebub/Politics/The_Tax_Cops/Waco/Trial service provided by Jerry Stratton ([j--r--y] at []) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INDEX These Updates have been posted in two forms: summaries of Express- News articles and direct transcripts of Express-News articles. This is a short index to all Updates posted to date, including the current issue. Summaries - 09 Jan 94, 10 Jan 94, 11 Jan 94, 12 Jan 94, 13 Jan 94, 14 Jan 94, 15 Jan 94, 17 Jan 94, 19 Jan 94, 20 Jan 94, 25 Jan 94, 26 Jan 94, 27 Jan 94, 28 Jan 94, 31 Jan 94, 06 Feb 94, 08 Feb 94, 09 Feb 94, 10 Feb 94, 11 Feb 94, 12 Feb 94, 13 Feb 94, 15 Feb 94 Transcripts - 21 Jan 94, 22 Jan 94, 23 Jan 94, 29 Jan 94, 01 Feb 94, 02 Feb 94, 03 Feb 94, 04 Feb 94, 05 Feb 94 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This Update of the Branch Davidian trial is based on or transcribed from articles published in the San Antonio Express-News. The origi- nal articles, and any sections quoted herein are copyrighted by the Express-News. The remainder of the summary is copyright 1994 by William W. Hughes. Copying of these summaries, either by hardcopy or electronic means, is authorized and encouraged, as long as this notice remains attached and intact. "I do not work for or represent the San Antonio Express-News" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [w--g--s] at [] (William Hughes) | In memory of 85 un-charged, UTSA doesn't agree with me. They're wrong. | un-convicted victims of the U.S. St. Dismas' Infirmary for the Incurably | government in Waco, Texas - Informed [_Synners_, Pat Cadigan] | including over 20 children.