Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.misc,talk.religion.misc
From: [r w d 4 f] at [poe.acc.Virginia.EDU] (Rob Dobson)
Subject: Re: A Message for you Mr. President: How do you know what happened?
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 22:55:26 GMT

In article <[b s kendigC 5 rCBG Azp] at []> [b s kendig] at [] (Brian Kendig) writes:
>They used a tank to knock a hole in the wall, and they released
>non-toxic, non-flammable tear gas into the building.

How do you know? Were you there?

While obviously Koresh was a nut case, the (typical) inability of the
government/media to get its story straight is quite disturbing. On
tuesday night, NBC news reported that the FBI did not know the place
was burning down until they saw black smoke billowing from the
building. The next day, FBI agents were insisting that they saw Davidians
setting the fire. The FBI was also adamantly denying that it was possible
their battery of the compound's wallks could have accidentally set the
blaze, while also saying they hadnt been able to do much investigating
of the site because it was still too hot. So how did they KNOW they
didnt accidentally set the fire.

Sounds like the FBI just burned the place to the ground to destroy
evidence to me.

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