Newsgroups: alt.politics.usa.misc,alt.society.civil-liberty,alt.politics.usa.constitution,talk.politics.misc,talk.religion.misc, From: [j k p] at [cs.HUT.FI] (Jyrki Kuoppala) Subject: Re: [t.p.misc et al] Religious cult in Waco Texas Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1993 22:15:02 GMT A repost from talk.politics.guns,soc.culture.usa,soc.rights.human: Date: Tuesday, 2 Mar 1993 10:42:36 EST From: <[34 AEJ 7 D] at [CMUVM.BITNET]> Followups-to: talk.politics.guns Subject: BATF assualt on Texas ranch continues ATF Shootout: Genocide in Texas? CNN reports this morning that 400 ATF agents are poised to attack the Waco-area (Texas, USA) ranch of David Koresh(sp?) and his religious group. News persons have, CNN reports, been moved back another mile or two "for safety reasons" according to ATF. Conveniently, this also gives the ATF a freer hand in conducting their raid against a group consisting of 2/3 women and children, without the irritating inconvenience of witnesses who might shed too much light on ATF activities. At last report, armored vehicles and the FBI Hostage Rescue Team (long range snipers) were also on the scene. CNN quotes ATF persons as saying that "a total of 16 children have been released" - as though they had ever been "prisoners". This smacks of demonizing the ranch dwellers to "justify" their destruction. Does anyone seriously expect David Koresh, or any of his followers, to come out of this alive? One wonders if we are seeing Clinton's National Police Force, whose existence has so often been denied, coming out into the open. Koresh has maintained from the outset that the ATF fired first and without warning, says CNN, which further reports ATF excuses for the situation varying wildly from "Koresh fired first", to "somebody tipped them (Koresh;s group) off about the raid", to "their (Koresh's) guns were bigger than our guns". That last really smacks of the old, time-worn and long-discredited "guns=penises" litany. Koresh, CNN reports, has been on a local radio station getting his "religious message" out. One wonders if that was his motive, or if he knew an ATF-backed genocide was imminent and made a play for national news coverage in order to try to save at least some of his followers from extermination. Meanwhile, more and more heavily-armed, revenge-seeking ATF troops and armored vehicles pour into the area under cover of darkness, reports CNN, while news media access to the area becomes more and more difficult. Is this in preparation for ATF's "Final Solution"? Meanwhile, no valid excuse for the raid has, according to CNN, been put forward by ATF spokespersons, who are now quoted as saying the ATF "practiced the raid for weeks before going in". Why? The only statement made by the ATF, says CNN, is that there were "rumors" in the nearby town that members of the religious group "might" have some "assault STYLE weapons". [emphasis mine]. Assault style? Like perhaps a Ruger Mini-14 in a Politically- Incorrect stock? For that 6 people are dead, 14 wounded, and an entire religious community about to be exterminsted by ATF and FBI snipers? Does this, as CNN reports seem to intimate, mean most if not all of the ranch dwellers - certainly Koresh himself - will be shot "resisting arrest", or "trying to escape", or perhaps later found to have all "committed suicide" by shooting themselves in the head a few times? President Clinton, meanwhile, seems to be trying to keep his/Hillary's skirts clean by pointedly ignoring the actions of his storm troops in Texas. Perhaps this is only the beginning of his plans for America. W. K. Gorman