From: [c--mi--o] at [] (John Q. Public) Date: 6 Jul 1995 18:03:08 GMT Subject: More Tales of the BATF >From _The Gun Owner_, Fall 1992 Another BATF SWAT Attack on Women And Children April 1, 1992 was a memorable April Fool's Day for Del Knudson of Col- ville, Washington. While Knudson was at work as a carpenter, BATF agents raided his home. Malisa Knudson was bathing her 21-month-old daughter Kalee when she heard the sound of traffic coming up their remote mile-long road. As she came to the front door she saw several vehicles accompanying a Ryder moving van and an ambulance. About 30 agents piled out of the van and swarmed over her property. She was forced to come outside in spite of her requests to first get her baby out of the bath tub. The BATF was not to be tricked by this mother and her baby, so Malisa was handcuffed and the baby left alone in the bath. A family friend who lived nearby was visiting and he, too, was handcuffed to a chair. In a model of police work, the BATF secured the Knudson home in 28 seconds, despite the risks the agents obviously faced from Malisa and her three daughters (the other two are aged seven and five). For three hours the Knudson home was searched and Malisa was interrogated about the family's religious and political views. The government acted on the basis of an affidavit sworn out by a deranged relative of a family friend. He alleged that the Knudsons wanted to overthrow the U.S. government, that they were white supremacists and owned machine guns. Imagine the government's dismay when it found out their inform- ant was certifiably insane and his charges were totally false. The only guns in the house were lawfully owned semi-automatic rifles and other firearms. The BATF finally had to admit that the guns were okay and that the Knudsons had done nothing wrong. The guns were finally re- turned to Knudson. Gun owners should point out to their congressmen that they never see 30 BATF agents swarming the hangouts of the street gangs who terror- ize center cities across the country. Perhaps there might be a bigger contribution to law and order if the BATF targeted real thugs instead of "dangerous" women and children.