From: Rod N <[R--N] at []> Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc Subject: BILLARY'S COVER-UP or HERE IS YOUR PROOF Date: 12 May 1995 18:07:48 GMT While trying to be objective in the Fed's actions in Ruby Ridge and Waco I came across this. From Wall Street Journal 5/12/95 Page A12 Editorial Section Title: Black Waco Paragraphs 8&9 *Interestingly, on Wednesday the New York Times reported that the top FBI agent on the ground at Ruby Ridge has written to the Justice Department's aptly named Office of Professional Responsibility that the agency's explanation for what happened in that shootout was a cover-up. He said the official review is innacurate, incomplete and has flaws that "reveal a purpose to create scapegoats..." Again, this isn't some backwoods nut on short-wave radio, but the FBI commander at Ruby Ridge. The FBI in Washington dennounced his letter as "irresponsible and destructive." As this page has noted in a recent editorial about these matters, it should be evident that we have an accountability problem here. Instead, inky ridicule is being spilled over anyone who raises such questions, while in-depth surveys pour forth on the politics of the mentally defective.* My two cents: If this doesn't concern you I'm sure you won't mind having a talk with the thought police. I wonder if this is what slick willie was refering to when he said he would bring higher standards to the Office of the Prez.