Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 13:45:37 -0400 (EDT) From: Ian Goddard <[i--dd--d] at []> To: [L--er--t] at [] Subject: RACIST MILITIA: ATF (please re-post) ATF SUMMER CAMP A HOTBED OF RACIAL HATE The Washington Times (7/11/95) reports that despite a pending lawsuit against the ATF for racism, a summer camp for ATF agents called the "Good O' Boys Roundup" was still awash with racist sentiment. All who attended were welcomed at the entrance with many racist signs, including one that read: "Nigger Check Point" The ATF camp maintains a whites only policy. All black ATF agents who attempted to attend were turned away. White agents inside were reportedly "real mad" about the attempts of black agents to attend. That the signs were hung at the entrance indicates that all who attended had no problem with the ATF's promotion of hard-core racism at the retreat. There were many T-shirts promoting racial hatred and murder on sale at the ATF summer camp, such as one with a target superimposed over the face of Martin Luther King Jr. It would seem that the ATF approves of the killing of Dr. King. Also available at the ATF hate camp were "Nigger Hunting Licenses." If promoting the murder of black leaders is not bad enough, ATF agents even promote random killings of blacks. In a vain attempt to distance the ATF from the promotion of racial hate and murder at the ATF summer camp, ATF spokesman Earl Woodham claimed the event has never been sanctioned by the ATF. However, for years the local ATF office has been the place to send in registration fees and to call for info about the ATF summer hate camp. The agents at this office declined to say if they ever attended one of the "round ups" over the years. One ATF official said "I am not surprised about the signs or other activities [at the camp]." A former law enforcement officer who has attended the camp this year and in the past said, "The roundup has been a place for law enforcement personnel to go and let their hair down." So it would seem that hatred and a lust for murdering oppressed people reflects the true nature of these "law enforcement" personnel. "Jack-booted thugs" is soft-balling it. The pending lawsuit launched by 15 plaintiffs charges that KKK information and "Nigger Hunting Licenses" have been displayed in many ATF offices. The suit also claims widespread racial slurs and harassment by ATF personnel. All information presented here is derived from The Washington Times (7/11/95) front page article "Racist ways die hard at lawmen's retreat." PLEASE RE-POST FAR AND WIDE -- Ian Goddard <[i--dd--d] at []> ------------------------------