Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty,alt.censorship,,alt.drugs,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.politics.libertarian,,alt.politics.usa.constitution,alt.politics.usa.misc,alt.privacy,alt.society.civil-liberty,alt.society.civil-liberties,harvard.general,,,ne.general,ne.seminars,ne.politics,ne.motss,,,alt.feminism,talk.politics.drugs Subject: Harvard Intercollegiate Civil Liberties Conference From: [silvers 3] at [] (Jolyon Silversmith) Date: 28 Oct 1993 23:56:49 GMT lk.politics.drugs:1334 Harvard Intercollegiate Civil Liberties Conference Saturday, November 6, 1993 The Civil Liberties Union of Harvard, affiliated with the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, exists to help protect the rights of individuals on campus as well as educate the Harvard and surrounding community on current civil liberties topics. To this end, the Harvard Intercollegiate Civil Liberties Conference intends to join the two tasks of educating undergraduate college students about civil liberties issues through workshops and providing them with tools to take action in these national debates. Time Schedule: Friday, November 5, 1993 7:00-10:00pm: Registration/Check-In for participants staying overnight 10:00pm-1:00am: Get-Together Saturday, November 6, 1993 8:00-9:00am: Registration/Check-In, Breakfast Reception 9:00-9:15am: Opening Address by a member of the Civil Liberties Union of Harvard 9:15-10:00am: Opening Keynote Address 10:30-11:30am: Workshop I 11:30-1:00pm: Lunch in Harvard Square [not provided by CLUH] 1:00-2:00pm: Workshop II 2:30-3:30pm: Workshop III 3:30-4:15pm: Civil Liberties Issues Fair [Tentative] 4:30-6:00pm: Endnote panel tentatively titled "Rights in Conflict: Women in Civil Liberties Liberties" held at the Starr Auditorium at the Institute of Politics, at Harvard. Workshop Topics and Speakers [Tentative]: Death Penalty Free Speech/Hate Speech, led by Natasha Lisman of the law firm of Sugarman, Rogers, Bushak and Cohen Sexual Harassment, led by Nancy Ryan, President of CLU of Massachusetts Board of Directors and Chair of CLUM's Women's Rights Project Electronic Privacy/E-Mail Rights, led by Ralph Clifford, Attorney-At-Law Campus Publications and Censorship, led by Marjorie Heins of the ACLU's Arts Censorship Project Civil Liberties and Drug Re-Legalization, led by Jon Holmes of CLU of Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Rights The Organizational Aspects of College Civil Liberties Unions, led by the Civil Liberties Union of Harvard, with possible accompaniment by John Roberts, Executive Director of CLUM Most of these workshops will be offered each of the scheduled workshop times. The workshop speakers will emphasize the role of students in their presentations, and what campus organizations can do to get involved on the campus level. Transportation/Expenses: Luckily, Boston is a hub for travel and tourism, so there are several ways to get transportation here. Bus and train tickets are relatively inexpensive, and Boston Logan International Airport serves most airlines. More information and directions will be sent after your registration slip (below) is received. There is a minimal fee of $5 for this conference for non-Harvard students. The Civil Liberties Union of Harvard is not making money by this fee; Instead, this money will be used for speakers' supplies, and food for the participants' party Friday night and breakfast for all on Saturday morning, November 6. Make checks out to: CLUH Conference. If you encounter severe hardship because of this fee, please call Lisa at (617) 493-1055. Please note that you are responsible for purchasing your own lunch on Saturday in Harvard Square--allot $5-10. Hope to see you at the conference! Conference Contacts: Rob Yalen Lisa Muggridge CLUH Director Conference Chair 4 University Hall, Harvard Yard 519 Kirkland Mail Center Cambridge, MA 02138 Cambridge, MA 02138-5912 (617) 493-3109 (617) 493-1055 email: <[r--a--n] at []> <[l--gg--d] at []> ------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM: Please complete this form and send it and your $5 per person registration fee to: CLUH Conference, 4 University Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138. NAME(S): ___________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION (if any): _______________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _____________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________ Do you need housing for the night of Friday, Nov. 5, 1993? Y N If yes, how many? _____ Men _______ Women Do you need campus parking? (There may be a small fee.) Y N Can you and/or your organization help us advertise this event? Y N Do you presently belong to a civil liberties group or the ACLU? Y N If yes, which ones? __________________________ ------------------------------ IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CREATE PRINTOUTS OF THIS INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FORM FROM YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT, EMAIL, WRITE OR PHONE US ASAP AND WE WILL SEND YOU A COPY VIA SNAIL MAIL (i.e. the U. S. Postal Service.) PLEASE FORWARD THIS LETTER TO ANY FRIENDS YOU MAY HAVE, POST IT ON ANY SUITABLE BULLITEN BOARDS OR COMPUTER GROUPS YOU MAY BE AWARE OF, OR DISTRIBUTE HARD COPIES AROUND CAMPUS. WE CAN SEND YOU XEROXED POSTERS TO PUT UP AROUND CAMPUS. PLEASE EMAIL, CALL OR WRITE WITH ANY QUESTIONS. PLEASE RETURN REGISTRATION FORMS AND A CHECK ($5 PER PERSON) ASAP. IF YOU CAN'T COME, BUT WANT TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WHAT CLUH HAS BEEN DOING OR ABOUT CIVIL LIBERTIES IN GENERAL, WE'D BE HAPPY TO EMAIL YOU INFO. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU ATTEND! -- Jolyon ("Jol") Silversmith_____________________________________________________ Mather House 188 Former Director: Civil Liberties Union of Harvard Cambridge, MA 02138 Editor: The Mather Messenger (House Newsletter) [silvers 3] at [] Submissions Editor: Lighthouse Magazine (617) 493-4660 Mather House Computer Lab Assistant