To: [aaron r p] at [] Subject: proposition 171 Date: Wed, 01 Sep 93 22:42:05 +45722824 From: aphrael <[a--r--l] at []> This amendment proposed by Assembly Constitutional Amendment 41 (Statutes of 1992, Resolution Chapter 136) expressly amends the Constitution by amending sections thereof; therefore, existing provisions proposed to be deleted are marked by curly brackets, and new provisions proposed to be added are marked by asterisks. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION (e) OF SECTION 2 OF ARTICLE XIII A (e) *(1)* Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Legislature shall provide that the {base/year} *base year* value of property which is substantially damaged or destroyed by a disaster, as declared by the Governor, may be transferred to comparable property, within the same county, that is acquired or newly constructed as a replacement for the substantially damaged or destroyed property. *(2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), this* {This} subdivision shall apply to any comparable replacement property acquired or newly constructed on or after July 1, 1985, and to the determination of {base/year} *base year* values for the 1985-86 fiscal year and fiscal years thereafter. *(3) In addition to the transfer of base year value of property within the same county that is permitted by paragraph (1), the Legislature may authorize each county board of supervisors to adopt, after consultation with affected local agencies within the county, an ordinance allowing the transfer of the base year value of property that is located within another county in the State and is substantially damaged or destroyed by a disaster, as declared by the Governor, to comparable replacement property of equal or lesser value that is located within the adopting county and is acquired or newly constructed within three years of the substantial damage or destruction of the original property as a replacement for that property. The scope and amount of the benefit provided to a property owner by the transger of base year value of property pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed the scope and amount of the benefit provided to a property owner by the transfer of a base year value of property pursuant to subdivision (a). For purposes of this paragraph, "affected local agency" means any city, special district, school district, or community college district that recieves an annual allocation of ad valorem property tax revenues. This paragraph shall apply to any comparable replacement property that is acquired or newly constructed as a replacement for property substantially damaged or destroyed by a disaster, so declated by the Governor, occurring on or after October 20, 1991, and to the determination of base values for the 1991-92 fiscal year and fiscal years thereafter. ==== Source: Page 41 of the California Ballot Pamphlet for the November 2, 1993, Special Statewide Election. --- "Soffie has been waking up at night and crying 'Mommy, Mommy!." Some night soon, she'll wake up and cry "Mommy!" and Mommy won't be there. Ever. [a--r--l] at [] ---