From: Glenn Acres Is The Place To Be <[lf 7 z] at []> Date: Sun, 5 May 96 2:10:39 CDT Subject: Re: Real Men Don't Use Smileys (Was: Re: Fuggin' Animals) - -Poster: Glenn Acres Is The Place To Be <[lf 7 z] at []> > -Poster: [r w boyd] at [] (Robert William Boyd) > >-Poster: [arthur v k] at [] (| a | c | w |) > My point was simply that Fingerman wrote a joke that any reader of > reasonable intelligence would recognize. Fingerman's joke was also an > attack on Furrydom, and I suppose if he had included a happy face, that > sense of attacking would have been mitigated. But I suspect he had no > desire for his attack to be mitigated. It was a joke, and it was an attack. > These are not incompatible. Seems to me if you can write a paragraph like that and still not understand why these conventions have evolved as they have, you're still a little bit naive about what "netiquette" is all about. It's not about mitigating an obvious insult, it's about heading off unnecessary misunderstanding, and therefore possibly getting rid of "noise" follow-ups from people who just "didn't get it," at least it was originally meant. Bottom line for netiquette is high signal, low noise, via civilized discussion and kiboshing miscommunication where possible. But this little war hasn't had anything to do with miscommunication. Hmmm. OK, I'm gonna get verbose here, that's my style when something I care about is threatened, and I hope you bear with me because I care about the quality of the mailing list a lot. A whole lot, and not just because it's the only comix forum I have time for anymore, neither. No one take this personal or I will shoot you down like the dog you are. (Had it been deployed, a smiley here would have meant that in reality, I own no guns, am a rabid pacifist, fight passionately for the rights of dogs everywhere, and would by no means ever shoot you down. Even I though I do hate you, I'd probably only poison you at most, you infidel pig.) Anyroad, it wouldn't have helped Bob's original post out an iota, hostility begets hostility, emoticon or no emoticon. Watching this thread, you and Bob are every bit as thin-skinned as Jim, IMO. I've been talking to Jim for like 8 years now, he is definitely not known for flying off the handle, even with provocation. (ergo, I'm not calling anyone thin-skinned here, OK? Belligerent buttheads, well sure, but thin-skinned, no way!) Telling Jim what furrydom is, that's like suggesting Lazlo might check out Horny Biker Sluts or mail-order, or Dr. Makr some euro stuff, or telling me what a hieroglyph is. Homey don't play that. On the other hand, I also know Jim well enough to know that he gets very frustrated with the rampant stereotyping of both gay comix and furry comix and fans, as he's been dealing with for a lot of years. So yeah, he's a mite touchy. >B^) And I don't see any difference between calling Groth comics' greatest asshole and saying furry fans are mentally ill, tongue in cheek or not, except for one glaring detail. In the case of furry fans, there are plenty right here on this very list (so there's no behind-the-back sniping aspect, but you are most definitely dissing your fellow comix-listers, as opposed to comix). I don't remember who brought up the distinction between laughing at and laughing with someone, but that's the distinction that matters, and the addition of a smiley in this case would not have created that distinction ex nihilo. The follow-up wasn't nearly so ad hominem, but surely we can do better about staying away from silly personal insults than the post that started this mess. I hope so. I read basically the same furries several others on the list do (i.e. Cerebus, Omaha, Hepcats, Bone, Shanda -- the usual suspects), I don't care what you call them, criticize them all you want. That's cool. I don't understand or agree with all the dissing Hepcats gets, for instance, but I won't be calling you mentally ill in the near future. At least not for that. ;-) (and again the prophet spoke, this means I won't be calling you mentally ill at all, not that I don't want you to take offense. By all means *please* take offense, it's your God-given *right* to take offense, and if even *one* of us loses this right, we're all FUBAR!!!! (proph.: > "FUBAR; Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition, alt. fubar, foobar", OldHackerese, Am.slang, modern synonym "roadkill"). So go right ahead, I'll wait right here. tap. tap. Done? OK.) One further concrete example is your dislike of smilies. There's no ad hominem in it, no one takes offense, everybody's cool. Graceful old-timers will smile knowingly, smirk, and think "he'll get it, we like his posts, who cares." And why say anything, because it's not like it's a rule, it's just a contrivance of personal utility. It'd be like telling you which pocket to keep your keys in. But go into something like news.groups or comp.anything and tell 'em they're a bunch of fuckin' losers for using smilies and couldn't find their ass if they had hemorrhoids, and they'll tear you a new one. (asshole that is, pun intended.) We'll have fun watching. >B^) Once upon a time, long ago in a far away usenet, yea in the dark ages of digital communications, these things were fairly well explained in a few posts on the newusers newsgroup and everyone read them, everyone was on the same wavelenghth. They broke the "rules" all the time, but they knew what they were and things got out of hand a lot less often. On many systems, mine included, you couldn't post until you had read these things, or at least pretended to. That's no longer possible if it's even desirable, and the loss of that common knowledge has created no end of pointless noise. But I regress. > In any case, you fail to convince me of the value of using those little > happy faces. And I doubt we're going to, given your reasoning. And no one cares, it's just a matter of style anyway. Your attitude is your attitude, no matter how it gets punctuated. It's like .sigs, unless they're huge, they only ever get brought up by newbies, nobody else even notices. (PSA... PSA... The following is a Vertigo "snob" smiley, denoting sunglasses, punk hair, and a goatee. It being interpreted means: "I am an elitist internet.old-timer asshole and I don't give a fuck if you don't like it, I hope you don't." To wit, >B^)> However, and it's the however that says "bad motherfucker" so you can't miss it, if you don't have a problem with an in-your-face ad hominem attack like that, +/- emoticons, I'd assume they were disingenuous if you (or anyone else) did use them in a case like this, anyway. These things you only get from participating in an online community long enough to know the posting personalities of the other members, has nothing to do with smileys. It's all about context. Context is God, it's a central tenet of Cynical Hedonism, so it must be True. The congregation will please notice no one is *actually* called disingenuous here, right? I'm disingenuous, but I'm a licensed and trained professional who always wears the proper equipment. No one else should dis ingenous people, because hey, they were here first and besides it's just very naughty. So don't do it. > as pointless and lazy. And worse, it seems cowardly because it says to the > reader, "Oh, the thing I just wrote is a joke. You don't have to take it > seriously." This, to me, means that you're just not very used to interpreting them yet. Cowardly is just... well it's not relevant. A smiley is not really used to change the tone, so much as it's used to prevent miscommunication. What you said in quotes is generally true, it just doesn't have anything to do with the current context. Not to say that folx don't try to get away with that sometimes, but when it does happen it's usually transparent enough that it rarely does anything but exasperate the problem. Kind of like Bob saying his insult was just a joke, it doesn't matter, it's not a legitimate defense and it doesn't change a thing. As an appeaser, it makes a good first strike. Is it thin-skinned to expect people to leave the ad hominem jokes on the playground? Bob's new, I love his comics and he seems like a good guy. I imagine he didn't set out to piss people off. Even if he did, I'd still give him the benefit of the doubt, he's obviously got a lot to offer in the way of entertaining discussion. What's a lot more disturbing is the way you guys jumped on Jim for defending himself. If you tacked a smiley onto a pollack joke, it would still be a pollack joke, pollacks would still be really pissed. Let's say you've made a somewhat subtle pun which relied on a mispelling or something, or said the opposite of what you really meant. (Yeah Cud really sucks, I don't why *anybody* would buy that crap ;-) That's what a smiley is for, not to head off criticism for an offensive joke. When Bob followed up, he spent a lot more time criticizing the phenomenon, did a better job of steering away from ad hominem. If he had started there, I doubt anyone would've gotten pissed off, although it still would've been obvious he had a bug up his butt for the genre, just by the general tone and tenor of the thing. However, people do that all the time, it's no big deal, and it's not the same as saying "you people are deviants (wink, wink)." Chaput, for instance, could've gone through a few of Groth's more well-known rantatorials or points of editorial policy he didn't like or something, and still let a little of the bile show through, and it would have been much more palatable. For myself, I find the personal attacks *really* annoying, no matter whether it's Groth, Sim, Liefeld, furries, Perelman, whatever. ("I'm from Joisey", Mark ;-) Because it always means a lot of pointless boring followups I don't wanna put up with. So that's it, since surely some of you are out there are wondering why the Hell I'm droning on and on about this. I know this equine corpsicle is little more than a quivering lump by now. But, I ain't ranting about the one little flame war here. It's about the breakdown of netiquette, and the wholesale attack of rampant growth on internet culture, and the loss of "mores and ethics" which used to implicitly govern behavior on Usenet, and by extension the mailing lists, via unenforced communal consent. I'm not mourning the loss of Eden, these things exist solely because the consensus is that they're utilitarian. As traffic increases, it's more and more difficult to plow through noise, people get touchy and miscommunication is a lot more likely. Last example. Not too long ago I included a joke sans smilie in a usenet post that went something like "....(me), who had a life, didn't like it, and is currently seeking legal separation." And knowing me, I probably stole this wholesale from some late night comic or something, but I immediately got a bunch of condolence notes on my separation. :-/ (half-smiley, sad grin, or whatever... might be funny in another context, or something). These notes came from old-timers I'd known for years. Obviously, the mistake was mine, not theirs, and I should have included a smiley. And my wife has been putting up with me 13 years next month, and no, she's not a furry fan, so don't even go there. Well I guess she likes Gon and Bone, but I still ain't goin' there. >B^) > Having said all this, let me add that the list would be much poorer without > your posts, Arthur -- whether you use happy faces or not. I'd say the same thing about everyone in this very unnecessary and unproductive flame war. I'd mean it, too, but no one would believe me so I'm not going to. And that's the truth. pttthhhhhp. (the .sig left me too, >>sniff<<. must be a trend. besides no one read this far except the digest people who HAD NO CHOICE! HA! REVENGE IS MINE! MINE MINE MINE! NOW WE TAKE BERLIN!)