From: [gt 6511 a] at [prism.gatech.EDU] (Wolf)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,soc.culture.british
Subject: Re: Home Made Firearms (Was: Hungerford Facts (was Re: Part 1 of 3: The Case Against Gun Control))
Date: 24 Oct 93 05:59:16 GMT

I deleted a bunch of stuff arguing that home manufacture of firearms would not 
be viable to keep the criminals armed.  I disagree, and do so from the
perspective of someone who has test fired a suppressor made in a home machine
shop that made it's ways to the hands of a cop I used to know.  Worked quite
nicely.  A friend of mine who took metal shop in high school told me that they
could produce comparable pieces of hardware, given the specs.  I've actually
looked at the designs for the Sten guns, which some of our esteemed posters
from other places obviously have not, and the damn things are SIMPLE to make.
They were designed not only to be mass produced in the UK, but also so the
Allies could drop the PLANS to the Resistance and they could manufacture them
on their own.  Another easily produced weapon (here I betray my military
training) is the Uzi.  Yet another is the AK-47.  Or the Ppsh-41(?).  None of
these firearms is made to be particularly accurate, preferring to rely on 
volume of fire and close ranges to compensate.  They were, however, designed
to be easily produced in large quantities from easily obtainable materials.
If you want to really talk about home firearms manufacture, you don't WANT
to know what the guys in the funny green hats at Ft. Bragg, NC keep coming 
up with...  
  Btw, I heard a few years ago that the BATF was looking for an illegal
firearms factory someplace in Florida... Anybody heard anything about it?
My source was pretty reliable, so I'm sure there was a search...

                  (who doesn't understand how they're going to shut down 
                   every machine shop, auto shop, factory, school shop,
                   and privately owned lathe, etc... to prevent the
                   manufacture of firearms... and especially how they
                   would stay in power long enough to get it done before
                   being impeached, replaced, or lynched)

James S. Cochrane        *  When in danger, or in doubt, run in * This space 
[gt 6511 a] at [] *  circles, scream and shout.          * for rent