Date: Mon, 15 May 95 05:57 MST
Subject: President Bush's resignation from NRA

This was on info.firearms.politics.  Someone dug it up from the paul revere
network, it was first posted in 1989.

This file, GETOUTGB.ZIP, is getting more attention now,
than it did when it was uploaded to the original Paul
Revere Network BBS back in 1989 !!:


By Julie Tenison  Guest Writer for "The Correspondent"

   When George Herbert Walker Bush campaigned for the
presidency, he called himself a conservative and used his
membership in the National Rifle Association to gain the
confidence, and the votes, of gun owners throughout America.
   He convinced over 50 million gun-owners that under his
administration the right to keep and bear arms would be
   They fell for the lie.
   Three days after the celebration of our 213th anniversary
of independence Mr.Bush outlawed the importation of foreign
made semi-automatic assault rifles.
   This action represents a complete reversal, a 180 degree
turn, from his campaign promise to all Americans that he
would not support any ban on guns, period.
   This about face has Alaska members and supporters of the
N.R.A. up in arms.  At the First Freedom for Firearms Forum
held Sunday July 9th in Anchorage, an overwhelming majority
of those who attended were outraged over Bush's betrayal and
called for his expulsion from the powerful political lobby.
   He betrayed not only the three million N.R.A. members, but
also his sworn oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution___which
specifically states, "the right of the people to keep and
bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
   Of those attending the forum, only three persons dissented
from the popular opinion. Surprisingly, this tiny minority
included key members of the hierarchy of the N.R.A.: Wayne
Anthony Ross, second vice president of the N.R.A. and Rupe
Andrews, Alaska field representative.
  Outraged individuals have begun to publicly oppose the
actions of Bush as well as the miniscule effort of the N.R.A.
   One petition calling for the removal of Mr. Bush organized
by the NO COMPROMISE MAJORITY, the brainchild of Mark
Chryson, has already accumulated over 400 signatures in
Alaska and has been sent to over 25 other states,(and
growing) and to the District of Columbia.
   This petition, A demand for the Removal of George Herbert
Walker Bush from membership in the National Rifle
Association, reads in part: "Whereas the NRA requires a
definite and concrete commitment to upholding the Second
Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S (in addendum to just
paying dues) to become a member of that august body, and
 "Whereas it is not now nor ever been the intention of the
vast majority of its members to allow any individual to use
the NRA as a stepping stone for political or personal gain
upon the back of and at the expense of the membership, and
 "Whereas certain individuals have in fact joined the
organization for the express purposes of using the NRA for
political power and has advertised their association in the
NRA to gain votes from both the organizations three million
members and the millions of its supporters, and
 Whereas it has now become blatantly evident that George
Herbert Walker Bush has in fact used the NRA in his bid to
obtain the presidency and has allied himself with those who
seek to abolish our right to keep and bear arms-which is in
direct opposition to his pledge to uphold and defend the
Constitution of the United States.
 "Therefore, be it clearly understood that we the undersigned
members and supporters of the National Rifle Association
demand his immediate removal from NRA membership forthwith."
  One NRA member pointed out only convicted felons can be
kicked out and Bush is certainly not in that category.
  Convicted or not, President Bush continues to give American
tax-dollars to our sworn enemies, communist countries whose
rulers are committed to the total destruction of America.
   According to the Constitution, his actions are considered
treason, and treason is most certainly a felonious crime, as
well as sufficient cause for removal from the Presidency.
   Why should he not be removed from the NRA an organization
whose existence is protected by the same Constitution?
   This ban has come as a direct result of media hysteria
over the death of five children on the playground of a
Stockton California elementary school.
   However, since this murderer has previously been arrested
on multiple occasions for various serious offenses, has been
released into society each time, has been declared mentally
ill by the State of California, and was allowed to purchase a
handgun in that state just prior to his violent act(after a
15 day waiting period). One is lead to believe something
rotten is going on.
   In light of the rapidly growing trend toward both internal
and external disarmament by the President, an alternative
explanation, is quickly gaining credibility.
   Certain elitist, power hungry groups, in their never
ceasing attempts to bring about one world government on the
ashes of American sovereignty, have long believed their evil
task can be easily accomplished only after the American
people lose their inalienable right to keep and bear arms.
   Two powerful organizations that publicly boast of their
intentions to disarm America and bring about a global
government are the Trilateral Commission and the Council on
Foreign Relations. Both groups share another thing; George
Herbert Walker Bush's name has graced their membership rolls.
   David Rockefeller, a committed globalist and close
personal friend of Bush, is the primary force behind both of
these conspiratorial dens of iniquity.
   There is much that all Americans who truly care for their
cherished freedoms should know about this traitor, our
   the rank and file members of the NRA are starting to learn
first hand the tyranny this evildoers has in mind and will
accomplish if not stopped dead in his tracks. In light of the
changing faces of President Bush, NRA members are mad as hell
and aren't going to take it anymore.

Reprinted from the October 1989 issue "THE CORRESPONDENT"

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