Date: Sat, 26 Oct 1996 02:57:59 -0400 (EDT) From: [D--g--a] at [] To: Multiple recipients of list <[n--b--n] at []> Subject: Who are our friends? >From 'The New Gun Week' of 20 Sept.: The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence recently held a rally in Chicago. Kalen Monaghan of ICHV boasted that "Last year's walk raised over $31,000 and garnered excellent Media coverage. Walk '95 crowned a remarkable year for ICHV. We awarded President Clinton with the Abraham Lincoln Courage Award, defeated a bill in Springfield that would have allowed the carrying of concealed firearms and stopped another bill that would have killed all local gun control laws in Illinois." Joe Stewart, senior vice president of the Kellogg Company declared "Kellog's Corporate Citizenship Fund is pleased to support the 1996 ICHV Walk Against Gun Violence." Ronald J. Gidwitz, chief executive officer of Helene Curtis said, "We continue to support efforts such as the ICHV Walk Against Handgun Violence, believing that together we can work toward building a better, safer community." Me: Remember this the next time you buy food or beauty products! ("Courage" award, indeed!! Tell it to the vets, Slick!)