Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 10:13:36 -0400
From: Billie J. Grey <[b g rey] at []>
Newgroups: dc.politics
Subject: Re: The voice of new generation on assault weapons 

"When and where has registration been used for confiscation?"

Germany, early in this century.

During the legislative review of the proposed (now enacted) ugly pistol 
ban, some legislators were very offended when gun control was called 
"Nazi laws."  I am sorry that they were offended, but the timeline went 
like this:

1928 Law on Firearms and Ammunition (enacted by an elected government)
     firearms acquisition permit required for purchase, bequest or gift
     ammunition acquisition permit required for purchase of ammunition
     annual hunting permit required
     every firearm that changed hands had to have serial number & 
            maker's or dealer's name stamped into metal.
(Please note that the combination of a broad definition of "firearms 
acquisition" and the necessity of an ammunition acquisition permit will 
result in the identification of all firearms owners fairly quickly.)

March 5, 1933  Nazis win election by 44%, form a coalition with 
Nationalists to gain a 16 seat majority in parliment.

March 23, 1933 Parliment votes emergency powers to Hitler.

March 18, 1938 The Nazi Weapons Law enacted
       no Jew may be involved in any business involving firearms
   But Section 12 is the real kicker:
       A firearms acquisition permit is not needed by:
         1.  Official of the central government, the states, the German
             Central Bank, and the German Super-highways Company;
         2.  Communiities whom the highest government authority has
             permitted acquisition without an acquisition permit;
         3.  Departments of the National Socialist German Workers' Party
             and their offices as specified by the Fuhrer's deputy;
         4.  Air Defense Departments and the National Socialist Aviator's
             Corps, as specified by the Minister for Air Travel;
         5.  Departments of the Technical Emergency Services as designated
             by the Minister of the Interior;
         6.  the business owners designated in [sections] 3,7 who can
             produce an official certificate;
         7.  Holders of firearms carry permits and annual hunting permits.

Section 15 also a barb hidden in simple language:
      Firearms acquisition permits or firearms carry permits are only to 
be granted to persons of undoubted reliability, and only if a 
demonstration of need is set forth.

November 10, 1938 - The Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht).

November 11, 1938 - A regulation under the Nazi Weapons Law barred Jews 
from owning any weapons.
Section 1 states fairly clearly what the regulation required:
         1.  Jews are prohibited from acquiring, possessing, and carrying 
             firearms and ammunition, as well as truncheons or stabbing 
             weapons.  Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at 
             once to turn them over to the local police authority.

         5.  For the implmentation of this regulation, the Minister of the
             Interior waives the necessary legal and administrative 

Last year, an old man with intense eyes and passion in his voice pointed to 
the number tattooed on his forearm and said to me, "Don't ever give up your 
gun.  If I hadn't given up my gun, they would never have done this to me."  
The tattoo on his arm is only the outward and visible sign of many things 
done to him and to others.  

If you managed to read this far, please think about the consequences of 
relying on the state for your personal safety.  I have additional 
international examples of gun registration followed by gun confiscation.  
If others are interested, I'll post more.  If you are really interested 
you may wish to purchase:
_"Gun_Control:_Gateway_to_Tyranny_  Jay Simkin & Aaron Zelman 1993
_Lethal_Laws_ Jay Simkin, Aaron Zelman & Alan M. Rice 1994        24.95

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
2872 S. Wentworth Ave.
Milwaukee. Wi  53207

"Gun Control disarms victims."