Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 19:55:58 -0400 From: [d--y] at [] To: Multiple recipients of list <[n--b--n] at []> Subject: Gungames Magazine X-Comment: Anti-Gun-Ban list I went to my local newsstand to pick up the Sept/Oct 1996 _American Handgunner_, as was suggested a few days ago on this list. I agree that this is a must read issue for all of us. And yes, the photo on page 47 will make you want to hurl! I agree, sear this picture into your mind!!! These folks have got to go!!! Also on the rack was _Gungames_, a magazine I had never heard of before. What caught my attention was the cover and who was on it. It is a picture of one "Trinidad Slim", who is much better known to the world as Kareem Abdul Jabbar. After I retrieved my jaw from the floor, I scoped out the magazine. There's not a thing in it about personal defense or the Second Amendment. Still, I thnk it is a publication of serious consequence and importance. I think if you read the Publisher's comments on pages 4 and 5, you will agree. NOBAN has often talked about recruiting allies. To get lots of them, we must overcome the negative stigma the media, et al, have been able to ascribe to guns. Yet I think all of us have probably taken someone shooting for their first time, and have noticed how much they enjoy the sporting aspects of fireams use. I think that _Gungames_ can help pique more folks' curiosities about firearms and their sporting uses. Then, once they are hooked, they (hopefully) will seek to expand their knowledge, and we can then further their education about the serious fight for our freedom we are so desparately fighting. I personally support a "NATO" doctrine regarding firearms ownership and use. This has two aspect to it. First, an attack on ANY group of gun owners/users, or on any type or category of firearm, for whatever reason(s), is an attack on ALL gun owners/users and ALL firearms types. We must close ranks and repel any and all attacks. Secondly, if you can afford the gun, can afford to "feed" it, and use it lawfully and safely, you should be allowed to own it and shoot it without hassles from Federal, State and Local government critters. I don't care if it's a flintlock rifle, an Ithaca Trap gun, a Browning M2, a Civil War cannon, or an Abrams Tank! Finally, I am not a shill for, nor am I being compensated by this publication. Act on this advice as you see fit. They also have a Web page. The URL is . Everyone, have a great weekend! Dave Coy Adrian, MI [d--y] at []