From: [s--y--t] at [] (Bite Me ATF) Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns Subject: Prisoner Makes Bomb (ap news wire) Date: 3 Nov 1995 13:56 EST i read today in an AP report that a prisoner in statesville prison made a crude bomb and mailed it to a US Distric Judge. The bomb was discovered at the x ray scanner at the judges office. The bomb had already made it through one xray scanner, but got caught by the second. The bomb was inside of a hollowed out book, and was made from batteries and other stuff. The prison officials stated that they could not keep the materials away from the population becuase prisoners have rights too. like i have said before, the manufacture of weapons and bombs are 18th century technology, you cant keep the bad guys from getting them or making them. If prisoners in maximum securtiy lock ups can make bombs and guns, how exactly would one propose preventing that from happening in society at large? thomas ******************************************************** They took out my tonsils when I was little; But, I still have my paranoids. Unknown (to me) -------------------------------------------------------- If we can not trust a freeman with his right to keep and bear arms, then how can we trust him with the right to vote. Surely the right of a freeman to vote has a much greater effect on our collective lives than does any individual's firearm. If one argues that the effect of any one freeman's vote is minimal, then why allow it in the first place? To be armed is to secure one's right to representation. Thomas Mincher ==========================================================