From: [b--a] at [] (Bob Allison)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.ascii
Subject: LINE - Samples from SAAA 2.0 (Part 2 - 20 K)
Date: 9 Jun 1994 23:20:34 -0500

   Here are some more goodies from SAAA 2.0 (Scarecrow's ASCII Art 
Archive 2.0).
   If you see any good pics, send them to: [b--a] at []

From: [h--en--h] at [] (Danny D.N. Havenith)
[Someone posted a Winnie the Pooh in response to a request.  It was kind of
big, so I did a quickie reduction and reposted it.  I asked if someone wanted
to smooth it out a bit.  To which...]

"I have tried to smoothen up the 'quickie reduction' version of the Winnie the
Pooh picture. My girlfriend finished the work I started. You'll find the
result below."

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 "8bP"8.P        "ba.           .P 8P
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          '98P       8ba _aP"
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|_|   *_____*_____*_| *_|  *____/*_____*__|__*_|\_\*

Originally posted by: Brad Littlejohn
        'Reduced' by: The Scarecrow
       'Smoothed' by: Margriet Verlinden & Danny Havenith
    'Pooh-Bear' from: Steve Sullivan