From: [dor 1] at [] (thad a doria) Newsgroups: Subject: PREVIEWS-O-RAMA IV. NBM-WHITE WOLF+MISC. FOR 1996 SEPT [SPOILERS] Date: Sun, 14 Jul 96 18:53:05 GMT *********************************************************** P R E V I E W S - O - R A M A. IV. NBM-White Wolf+misc. *********************************************************** Shipping Sept. 1996 //////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPOILERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Everything contained herein is IMO. Duh, 'cuz I wrote it. CLIP AND SAVE! -------------------- NBM: ==== Eye of the Beholder TPB (Kuper). Reprints Peter Kuper's strip from The New York Times. TOP COW: ======== The first non-Image Top Cow series is creator-owned: Brandon Peterson's Arcanum #1 (Peterson). "Blending mythology, classical literature, philosophy and pulse pounding adventure," Arcanum expands upon the Faerie realm seen in Peterson/Ennis's Medieval Spawn/Witchblade mini. In October Top Cow relaunches CyberForce, Ripclaw, Weapon Zero, and 21. Ennis/Silvestri's The Darkness will be out in the winter. VIZ: ==== Just about all of Viz's backlist for the year is resolicited through Diamond! Pick up a Previews and pester your retailer! I recommend 2001 Nights, Osamu Tezuka's Adolph, Manga Vizion, Sanctuary, and Ranma 1/2. WHITE WOLF/BOREALIS: ==================== Note: this was solicited under "Games" as all WW products are, whether they're games or not. The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish GN (Gaiman & McKean). A story for "the young and young at heart" about the perils of striking a bargain. Gaiman. McKean. 80 pages. HC. $21.99 META: games, toys, books, etc. ======================= Card Games: DC OverPower. RPGs: Cthulhu LARP, Traveller Revised, Usagi Yojimbo RPG. ************************************************************ -end of line "Well, ya know Mean Gene, the first thing you gotta do is to tell these fans to SHUT UP if they wanna hear what I haveta say!!" --Hulk Hogan, July 1996 -- -Thad Doria "Wsssssshhhhhhhttt. Goldust."