Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 11:11:22 CDT From: Bill Hayes <[IANR 012] at [UNLVM.UNL.EDU]> Subject: MISC: STARQUEST news release! Len has apparently found his backers. Get those word processors churning! Bill... ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- StrazCom International 1321 W. Birchwood, Suite 206 , Chicago, Illinois 60626 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Len Strazewski Phone: (312) 764-4514 FAX: (312) 764-4514 HERO CYCLE (TM) TO SERVE AS TEST VEHICLE FOR STARQUEST (TM) COMICS PROJECT Oakland, CA, April 22 -- Hero Cycle (TM), the epic saga of a young woman who comes of age in a strange new world, was chosen today as a test vehicle for launch of the StarQuest (TM) comics project, said StrazCom International president Len Strazewski, noted comics author and business consultant. StarQuest (TM) is a new imprint intended to create a "farm system" for comics talent, serving as a forum for the introduction of quality young creators to comics readers. The project is also designed so that the publishers of the imprint are virtually assured a profit. At least five comics publishers are currently vying for rights to publish the imprint, which is scheduled for initial publication in summer, 1995. Strazewski said the most frequent question he has received from the comics community so far is: "How can I come on board?" "Since the StarQuest (TM) project was launched in Detroit a few weeks ago, numerous individuals have approached me with questions concerning how initial participants will be chosen," Strazewski explained at an interview held here. "Many of these individuals have offered to send me work based upon concepts they have created. "Such work, however, usually does not reflect the full extent of a writer's or artist's creative abilities," Strazewski said. "I believe that a better test of potential talent is to let StarQuest (TM) hopefuls compete on a level playing field, one that is based upon a proven professional comics concept." Strazewski said he chose Hero Cycle (TM) as a vehicle for such testing based upon his belief that the title character exhibits sufficient creative range to truly test potential participants. "Hero Cycle (TM) is a project which addresses the age-old question of how young people come of age, both in mind and spirit," Strazewski said. "The title character is a young woman who fails to establish a place for herself in the current world. When she inadvertently enters an alien universe, however, she is faced with tests of adversity that eventually force her to realize her true potential." Strazewski said that successful StarQuest (TM) contestants will be individuals who can portray the emotional development of the Hero Cycle (TM) characters in addition to the physical action inherent in the story. "StarQuest (TM) comics are about more than mere fighting," he said. "Of course, the characters will have their share of physical conflict. But the real test of the success of StarQuest (TM) will be whether the titles can provide readers with interesting stories told and drawn in an interesting manner. We are looking for individuals -- both male and female -- who can provide this level of interest." Strazewski said that the StarQuest (TM) project remains on track, with joint venture participants to be announced within the next few weeks. Submissions by potential StarQuest writers and artists are not being accepted at present pending finalization of terms for the talent competition. Currently, it appears that this competition will be held in conjunction with a major comics-related publication. Len Strazewski is a creator of Malibu Comics' highly regarded "Prime" and "Prototype" characters, and has authored scripts for numerous comics publishers. In his spare time, he also serves as a consultant to various corporations on technology and management issues. He has written a recently published proposal for health care reform and is an expert on computer on-line services. Further information on StarQuest can be obtained by calling Len Strazewski directly, at (312) 764-4514, or by contacting Dave Galanti at (818) 707-8553.