Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 13:33:10 CST From: [gambl j n] at [WKUVX1.WKU.EDU] Subject: The Blue Ketchup Bible Part 2 Welcome to the second installment of the BK Bible. I'm going to continue with an explanation of the scripting style that we will be using. I'm going to use the first couple of pages of two of comics I've written (The second was mostly written by Tony Noel). Moon Page 1 Panel 1 ELS (Establishing long shot) {I try to give directions to the artist on how far I want the "camera" to be from the action. Next, give a discription of the area and any actions being shown.} A silhoutette of a large city's skyline. Caption "This is the City. A city no different that any other." {A caption is one of the word ballons that a writer interjects. This is different from a word ballon in the way that they don't have a pointer showing who's speaking. In this case, it is the narrator speaking. Panel 2 MS (Medium shot) {I will list all the different shots as soon as I find my list} A bum sleeping on a busy street corner with a rich lady walking in front of him. Caption "It has its rags and riches." Panel 3 LS A restaurant with golden arches. McBurgers "Do you want fries with that?" {This is not the restaurant speaking, it just means the speaking arrow is pointing at McDonalds.} Caption "It also has its share of McBurgers." Panel 4 LS Two guys mugging an old man. Caption "It has its crime." Panel 5 CU Up-Shot. The corner of a cape and boots. Caption "But it also has a hero." Page 2 Panel 1 MCU Down-shot A shadow falling over the two muggers. Vigilante "Cease and Desist!" Panel 2 MS Up-shot Vigilante on top of a building. Caption "This isn't him." Panel 3 MCU Two muggers looking at one another. Mugger1 "Who is this guy?" Panel 4 CU Vigilante yelling. Vigilante "I am the Nightowl." Page 3 Panel 1 MCU The two guys look at each other. They are not impressed. Panel 2 MS Two guys rush Owl as he jumps in front of them Both muggers "Let's waste him!" Panel 3 CU Owl's eyes getting big. Owl "Hey, aren't you supposed to be afraid of me?" Panel 4 MS Owl running from the two robbers. Owl "Surrender! Please Surrender!" Untamed Youth Issue 1 Page 1 Panel 1 Psiren has apparently just finished a concert performance. She is leaving the stage with a screaming corwd behind. Caption "January 20, Montreal, Quebec" Panel 2 Freefall is in his lavish costume. He has just returned from his "duties". He is landing on the terrace of his house. Caption "January 20, Buffalo, New York Panel 3 Psiren is now in her dressing room backstage. The room is strewn with costumes, cosmetics, etc. With a sigh she is taking off the spiked collar that is part of her regular stage apparel. Panel 4 Freefall is now in the living area of the house. The room is quite messy as this is a college student's home. He is removing the headgear (goggles or whatever) from his costume. Panel 5 Psiren is in the same setting as in panel 3. She is now taking off more of her costume. Panel 6 Freefall is in the same setting as panel 4. He is taking off more of his costume. AND WE WILL BEGIN For the rest of the month, I will send everyone information and answers to questions as I get them. The guidelines for the artists will be going out probably next Monday. I'm sorry for the delays that I've had so far. I won't be able to get beak to my computer until Monday but I'd love to hear some of your brainstorming. This doesn't have to be in any set form, I just want to hear your ideas for characters, plots, and marketing ideas. More stuff coming. CYA JOE BKC